Frequently asked questions

- a dynamic research community in the UK
- a dynamic research Charity
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
What is the Kidney Research UK Alumni?
The Kidney Research UK Alumni brings together research and clinical professionals including
as its core members, current and past research fellows, PhD students and those holding an
intercalated Degree award, to achieve greater collaboration, share knowledge and best
As well as increasing kidney research capacity in the UK this initiative aims to encourage
increasing involvement and support for the Charity, helping us to fund more research and
support more fellowships.
Why do we need an Alumni?
There is a clear need for well-trained research scientists and clinicians to lead the way in kidney
research in the UK, if we are to build on the advances and scientific breakthroughs that have
been made by researchers to date.
This network will foster greater collaboration, provide tailor made support and continue to
encourage invaluable engagement and support for Kidney Research UK.
How do I become a member?
Core Alumni membership is automatically awarded to Kidney Research UK’s current and past
research Fellows, PhD students and those holding an intercalated Degree award.
There is an ‘Associate Membership’ for the wider renal community and this is available on
application to anyone with a renal research interest, including both clinical and non-clinical,
key stakeholders and opinion leaders.
We hope to develop a third ‘Honorary Member’ category for those working closely with us to
help develop the Alumni programme.
Will it cost me anything to join?
Core membership is free of charge but there is a small annual fee of £25.00 for Associate
members to help with administration costs. This includes attendance at one workshop per year
with additional workshops charged at £25.00.
What are benefits of joining?
The Alumni is specifically designed to provide a range of support to clinical and scientific
researchers to enhance career development through developing the generic research skills
which are often overlooked and under-utilised. This initiative will allow members at all levels
to gain from learning new skills and the experience of others, leading to the achievement of
more research funding and increasing levels of activity.
At our CPD accredited Alumni workshops we invite leaders in kidney research to share their
experiences and findings from their work, as well as offering practical ‘grantsmanship’
sessions that cover a range of topics including grant application techniques, statistics,
analysis and clinical trial development.
Members will also be encouraged to continue to work with Kidney Research UK and develop
their communication skills and increase their involvement with the charity, thereby helping us
to support more research.
What are the benefits to the charity?
Alumni members will be encouraged through the scheme to work with the charity in various
ways during their award and if possible, through the rest of their career.
We need to work together to help the charity to sustain growth and fund more research.
We need the support of our researchers acting as advocates, informing the public about their
research and what has and can be been achieved, as well as helping the charity to grow its
income, by becoming involved in our fund-raising events, or giving in other ways such as
setting up a regular gift, and encouraging others to do the same.
How did you decide what sort of support is required?
We have built on the successes of our Fellows Day programme which has been run since 2001
and we now want to extend this support to more people throughout the year.
In early 2011, we established a steering group made up of both clinical and basic researchers
to help inform the development process and this input has been key in allowing us to move
forward with this exciting development. We have also liaised with Dr Kevin Burns from
Canada who has been instrumental in developing their country’s Kidney Research Scientist
Core Education and National Training (KRESCENT) programme over the past 7-8 years.
What about asking your current research grant holders?
We have also conducted an electronic questionnaire survey amongst circa 100 past and current
research fellows and PhD students. The exercise generated general information about their
roles within renal research and career aspirations, as well as detail on personal career paths;
what perhaps has been lacking, what their learning style might be, their feelings on
networking (face to face and web based etc) and an indication of what support, education and
training they required in the future.
What is currently offered to members?
To complement our annual Fellows Day event, the goal is to establish a range of practical
skills development workshops around the UK that offer a unique opportunity to share
research experiences and gain new skills.
In addition to providing an excellent networking opportunity, each workshop will have three
areas of focus –
a) A ‘grantsmanship’ interactive workshop in the morning with topics identified through
recent surveys amongst past and present Fellows and PhD students to ascertain key areas
where further support would be beneficial.
b) A keynote presentation on a renal ‘hot topic’ delivered by a well established and
influential speaker in the field.
c) A presentation from a past, successful ‘Fellow’, sharing details of their career pathway and
current research programme.
Workshop venues will be selected that are convenient for travel and to keep time away
from the bench or the patient to a minimum and will include London as well as more
northern venues.
An Alumni webpage has been set up on the main charity website which will be populated
with information as the initiative evolves. We also want to engage with our Alumni
members through a range of other activities and concepts including formal and informal
web based social networking are planned.
We have also set up the Kidney Research UK Alumni Facegroup Group. This is where
members of the Alumni programme can interact, post links, share details of their research
and discuss our workshops. It is a ‘Closed Group’ so Kidney Research UK will control
What about into the future?
We have already invested in establishing this project and our goal is to secure additional
support from our pharmaceutical partners as well as from trusts and other companies.
We are extremely grateful to Takeda UK Ltd who have already provided an unrestricted
educational grant to help support the workshop programme.
Membership benefits in the future may also include a discrete Fellowship award available only
to Alumni members, and bursaries to attend international professional meetings, and it goes
without saying that the programme will evolve in response to the needs of the membership.
How do I find out more?
For further information including how to apply for Associate Membership,