Lake Stevens High School Culinary Basics

Bothell High School Food and Nutrition
Balancing our Nutrition and Cooking Choices
An introduction to cooking and nutrition
Instructor: Ms. Schiebel Phone: 425-408-7081 Email:
Room: 724 Lab: 722 Office: 680
Office Hours: Resource Time or by appointment
Course Assessment
Course Description
This is a dynamic course designed to facilitate a students
learning in the basics of cooking and nutrition. This course
will instruct students in safety and sanitation, knife skills,
nutrition, food preparation, cooking techniques, recipe
reading, and measuring and computing skills. This class will
provide students the opportunity to work in groups, practice
time management, goal setting, cooperative learning and
critical thinking.
Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Understand and practice food safety and sanitation
Understand, apply and analyze food nutrition in
relation to a bodies wellness
Practice time management, goal setting, teamwork
and organization
Demonstrate and apply proper measuring skills,
recipe reading skills, kitchen basics, knife skills and
cooking techniques.
Define and understand standard cooking terms
Demonstrate the ability to acquire, prepare, and
present foods in an acceptable manner.
Develop research skills by exploring food related
products, equipment & techniques
Assignments and Make-up Policy
Work turned in one day late is given half credit,
anything later than a week is a zero.
3 lab make-ups are allowed for EXCUSED
absences only and must be made up within a week
of the absence. NO LAB MAKE-UPS FOR
 Option 1: use the Full credit form
 Option 2: Use the partial credit form
A student under suspension is required to complete
the same recipes/projects executed in class while on
suspension due upon the day of their return to class.
Attendance and Tardy Policy
You must be present in class AND on time to participate.
 3 or more tardies = lunch detention.
 Being tardy on a lab or demo day will result in the
loss of 5 lab points each occurrence
Grades will be based on the following areas:
 Assignments: In class and homework assignments
with online grade checks required. 20% of grade
 Projects/Presentations: Projects to present to the
class to demonstrate their knowledge and
understanding of food and nutrition. 15% of grade
 Tests/Quizzes: students will have the opportunity
to share their understanding of foods in summative
tests and quizzes. 5% of grade
 Lab work: WEEKLY labs that require
participation, organization, planning, time
management, cleanliness and proper product result.
30% of grade
 Extended Learning: Complete and present 3
outside learning experience projects related to food
and nutrition. 20% of grade
 *Leadership Points: Earn 300 leadership points to
show student involvement in the community and
their school. 10% of your grade *state requirment
Classroom Expectations
Students will follow the school policies as
explained in the Student Handbook.
 Students are required to come to class prepared
with proper notebook, writing utensil AND attitude.
 Taking photos or recordings using cellphones,
iPods, and/or other technology devices is
PROHIBITED in the lab and/or classroom.
 Be respectful, professional and cooperative.
 No gum. Only closed containers of beverages
 Take pride in AND value work done by ALL
 Be responsible for yourself and your actions!
This class is meant to be fun, engaging, informative and fast
paced. The success of this class relies on your participation
and effort so please: CONTRIBUTE POSITIVLY, HAVE
Class Contents
Content may change due to time constraints
Safety & Sanitation
 Demonstrate proper food handling
 Demonstrate proper knife use and equipment use
 Understand and demonstrate proper time and
temperature controls
 Practice safety
 Participate in and complete safety & sanitation labs
Nutrition, Recipes, & Measuring
 Understand and use proper nutrition terms
 Demonstrate understanding of the 6 essential
 Define and identify elements of a recipe
 Describe, use and explain different recipe formats
 Demonstrate and use accurate measurements of
varying products
Eggs & Breakfast Items
 Prepare three types of breakfast eggs
 Prepare various kinds of breakfast meats
 Understand and demonstrate the use of eggs in
various forms
Dairy & Cheese
 Describe differences in milk products and how they
are used
 Make and understand types of cheese
 Demonstrate proper uses of dairy within different
 Define, prepare and use quick breads
 Prepare pie crusts, yeast dough & other baked
 Prepare various types of cookies
Pastas, Grains, & Starches
 Understand and explain the differences of varying
grains and starches
 Prepare various starches
 Identify and select different protein products
according to USDA standards
 Prepare various proteins
 Use varying cooking techniques
 Apply proper sanitation and handling with proteins
Leftovers, Meal Plans & Snacks
 Design, plan and prepare a recipe that incorporates
leftovers of product
 Prepare quick & tasty snack items
Nutrition Projects
 Read, analyze, prepare and present current nutrition
Super Food Presentation
 Research and present super foods
 Prepare a dish using super foods
Lab Clean-Up & Inventory
Essential Learning
All students will have the opportunity to learn and use
essential learning tools to reinforce academic learning
 Use word recognition and word meaning skills to
read and comprehend text
 Build vocabulary through reading
 Read fluently adjusting reading for purpose and
 Comprehend important ideas and details
 Read to perform a task
 Write for different purposes
 Write in a variety of forms
 Write for career applications
 Seek and offer feedback
Understand & apply concepts and procedures from
number sense
o Number and numeration
o Computation
o Estimation
Understand and apply concepts and procedures
from measurement
o Attributes and dimensions
o Approximations and precision
o Systems and tools
Construct solutions
Draw conclusions
 Knife skills
 Fundamentals of cooking
 Sanitation and safety
 Kitchen production management
 Fundamentals of pastry and baking
 Fundamentals of service & table setting
 The student will apply leadership skills in realworld, family, community and business and
industry applications
 The student will analyze, refine, and apply decision
making skills
 The student will conduct self in a professional
manner in practical career applications,
organizational forums and decision making bodies
 The student will demonstrate knowledge of conflict
resolution and management
 The student will demonstrate skills that assist in
understanding and accepting responsibility to
family, community and business industry
 Students will demonstrate self-advocacy skills by
achieving planned individual goals
 Resources – use of materials and facilities
 Information -- acquires, evaluates, organizes,
maintains, interprets and communicates information
 Technology – selects and applies technology to task
 Systems – understands, monitors, and corrects
systems and performance
Thinking Skills
 Critical Thinking
o Observe
o Sequence
o Classify
o Compare/Contrast
o Predict
o Main Idea
o Summary
o Point of View
o Analysis
o Finding Evidence
o Evaluation
o Conclusion
 Applied Thinking
o Decision making
o Goal setting
 Creative Thinking
o Fluency
o Elaboration
o Flexibility
 Enhancing Behaviors
o Inquisitiveness
o Persistence
o Precision