Thursday, May 19, 2011
11:30-1:00 PM
JSH 116
Members Present
Carla Meritt, P.L.S., Committee Chair
Ken Paul, P.L.S.
Chris Sherby, P.L.S.
Matt Faulkner, P.L.S.
John Thomas, P.L.S.
Jon Yamashita, P.L.S.
Larry Goble, PLS, PE
Frank Mifsud, P.L.S.
Janet Wilkins, P.L.S.
Mackay & Sposito, Inc.
Clark County Public Works
MacKay & Sposito, Inc.
MacKay & Sposito, Inc.
Mackay & Sposito, Inc.
Western Federal Highway Administration
Bonneville Power Administration
Bureau of Land Management
Members Absent
Weston Dorszynski, P.L.S.
Doug Boheman, P.E., P.L.S., Vice Chair
City of Vancouver Survey Dept.
Clark County Public Works
Tim Kent
Dedra Daehn
Clark College
Instructor, Field Survey
Associate Dean, Instructional Operations
Ms. Carla Meritt, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order at 11:40 with
There were no changes to the agenda.
Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
After reviewing the minutes, a motion was made to approve the minutes as written. The
motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Tim Kent asked if a new Dean has been named for STEM and Dedra replied that Peter
Williams has been named and he is coming from Spokane.
Program Outcomes Guide:
Brenda Walstead, Program Outcomes Assessment Committee member, explained the
process Clark College is going through to get the outcomes assessments completed. She
explained that for each outcome that needs to be assessed to prove that upon graduation
the students can do what the program states it will teach the students. For assessment
tasks, students need to do capstone projects, special projects or other projects to show
they achieved the necessary skills. Brenda suggested that the committee get together and
discuss how to assess each one of the six topics listed in the program outcomes for Land
Survey Program. Ideal due date for this is June 30, if possible to get some of the items
done. Tim and Brenda will get together and see what projects the students could work on
that would be similar to a capstone project.
Advisory Committee Business:
Dedra Daehn explained her primary role for the advisory committees.
She also said we have a new advisory web and when it was set up, it was a secured site,
for access by advisory members only. There now appears to be a little glitch on the
advisory website so the decision was made to remove the log in to enter the advisory
website to download minutes and agendas for the meetings. The only item that will be
secured by log-in will be the member rosters.
On the Home Page, there is a reference to the O*Net website that is available for
members and faculty to see. The site has employment information as well as other
pertinent information regarding career and technical programs.
Also, if any of the committee members have items or announcements they would like for
other members to see, we would be happy to post those on the advisory website for them.
Tim had a chart showing the age groups of employees in the Land Survey industry. He
said this will prove to the college that the industry is heavy with older workers who will
be retiring soon and few employees among the younger group coming into the industry.
Recruitment Strategy and Plan:
Tim said there are a few people coming in and wanting to be a surveyor but he still needs
help in recruiting students to the program. Tim was looking for other ideas for recruiting
students. The committee discussed different ideas on recruiting new students to Land
Tim said he received $500 from LSAW and he asked the committee to think about how
that money should be spent.
Ms. Meritt asked what happened to the surveying recruiting flyers.
Ms. Janet Wilkins suggested it might be worthwhile to have the students post items on
the Clark College Facebook page. Ms. Wilkins said she would volunteer to set up the
Clark College Land Survey Facebook page. One member suggested the money from
LSAW be used at a career fair and get a separate land survey recruiting area at the fair.
Curriculum Update:
Tim said to do a name change of a course would mean a new syllabus would have to be
written and approved by the advisory committee. SURV104 would be changed to
SURV175, Computational and Platting. A motion was made to approve changing 104
Math for Surveyors to 175 Computational and Platting. The motion was seconded and
unanimously approved.
The committee discussed the name change for the program. A motion was made to
change the program name to Land Survey and Geomatics. Mr. Goble had concerns that
Land Surveying fits fine now but in the future, if a construction twist is added to the
program, then there should be a distinction between Land Surveying and Construction
Surveying. With the current curriculum, Mr. Goble said Land Survey is appropriate. The
motion to approve Land Surveying and Geomatics was seconded and unanimously
Chris Sherby suggested 264 Survey Software Applications be moved to winter quarter.
Tim will present this to Professor Barsotti to show her how the classes will be switched
Faculty Update:
Tim reported that everything is good except instructor for route surveying in the spring is
still needed. He asked the committee members to look for an instructor who can teach
route surveying.
Mr. Frank Mifsud said he would be interested in teaching. John Thomas is well and
willing to stay on.
Work Plan:
There will be a free seminar in September. Tim said he is getting students and future
employers together and volunteers from the program here to man the booth and serving
coffee and showing visitors around.
Next Meeting:
October 20, 2011 from 11:30 to 1:00 PM
Meeting adjourned at 1:05.