USEFUL APPS FROM STAFF (Thank you Louise, Cathy D, Fiona, Kerry W, Rob B)
TED Talks - talks on different topics
ABC i view - ABC segments on different topics
Zite - allows you to build your own magazine full of articles on topics of your choice from
the internet, updates daily..... you can put in your current topic of study and articles are
right there at your finger tips.
Pearl trees - creates 'trees' with websites relevant to areas of interest, can access ather
teachers 'trees' for use too
Prezi viewer - allows you to view an edit prezi presentations you have made on your
computer through your ipad/ ipod/ iphone
Dropbox - HIGHLY RECOMMEND - allows you to access the dropbox you create on a
computer and easy transfer of information / pictures/ powerpoints/ photos / documents
from computer to ipad
Quick Voice- for recording students speaking tasks, could use to create a listening
exercise for your students
Pages- for use with word documents and creating documents
Keynote- for use with powerpoint (this one does keep the animations)
Numbers - like excel worksheet
Autism Apps- this allows you to find apps that may help with students with special needs
Type on - allows you to type on PDF's
Spelling free- can be used for languages / any subject for spelling or word lists - allows you
to make a list of words and record a clue... your clue could be the meaning of a word, a
foreign word, or this app could just be used to get kids to practice vocab and spelling
surrounding a particular topic
Cronulla High School App - so cool! Timetables/ Virtual Tours/ School news
Draw Something - careful it is addictive!
Blitz- it is addictive too!
Latitude- for the stalkers in us, allows you to invite friends to know where you are all the
time.... could be ok on overseas trips with the kids if you have internet :) Not good if you do
not want to be found!
ART - thank you Louise!
Photoshop express
Paint gallery
Sketchbook express- for drawing on ipad/ i phone
Art Puzzles
Art HD
PE - thank you Fiona!
bleep test
yoyo test
fit test
Bluetooth keyboard (also acts as a
cover) for Ipad $23.95 on ebay
VGA – IPAD adaptor cable for use
with classroom projector approx.
$30 Apple store / JBHiFi
SD camera card adaptor for easy use
in transferring pics from SD card to
IPAd without needing itunes
Domain – for house prices and research on market prices etc
TCT Lite for elements study
ElementSB – for study and quizzes on elements
Quick voice - recording students speaking exams
HH Indonesian OR HH (your language) - FANTASTIC site for listening/ vocab/ reading and
speaking activities- does cost after lesson 1 so if you buy pay for the whole set in one go it
is 75% cheaper that way! Think this is also called Hello World
Spelling free- students can create word lists, record the clue (in foreign language) and test
themselves on vocab meanings
Quizlet - website for vocab games.... can be used with Flashcardlet App on ipad which lets
you take Quizlet lists and practice on ipad without going to Quizlet website
HH Japanese -FANTASTIC site for listening/ vocab/ reading and speaking activities- does
cost after lesson 1 so if you buy pay for the whole set in one go it is 75% cheaper that way!
Think this is also called Hello World
Japan- Radio – has lots of Japanese radio stations you can listen to in class
Kana- character practise
Basic Grammar – for basic grammar structures
HJ Lite- a basic intro to Japanese study
J Sensei – good app for particle and vocab practice
Manga apps- there are lots where you can show anime/ manga to your students or have
them read at home
EJ Dictionary- a useful little dictionary
Japanese Art
Gengo Lite
HH Indonesian - FANTASTIC site for listening/ vocab/ reading and speaking activitiesdoes cost after lesson 1 so if you buy pay for the whole set in one go it is 75% cheaper
that way! Think this is also called Hello World
Indonesian- flashcards of words
iKamus- an Indonesian to English dictionary
PhraseBook Indonesian- vocab practice
Kompas.com – for news and sport articles