Modeling of Measurement-Based Admission Control Algorithm Using OPNET A. Asars1, M. Kulikovs2, E. Petersons3 1 TET Department, ETF Faculty, RTU Riga, Lomonosova str. 1, LV-1019, E-Mail: 2 TET Department, ETF Faculty, RTU Riga, Lomonosova str. 1, LV-1019, E-Mail: 3 TET Department, ETF Faculty, RTU Riga, Lomonosova str. 1, LV-1019, E-Mail: The present paper aim was to analyze effectiveness of admission control algorithm in the environment with self-similar traffic. For this purpose we introduced the model of measurement based admission control (MBAC) algorithm of network node. Decision making process in the MBAC algorithm is based on the analysis of input flow and anticipate the impact of new connection on the whole system performance. The results of entropy analysis approach are used to link measurements to the forecasting model of network node performance. Our simulation results show that by using classical methods methods to avoid buffer overflow are not suitable for self-similar traffic. Keywords: QoS, measurement-based admission control, performance evaluation. I. INTRODUCTION Real network systems have limited capacity, limited bandwidth and quality. Total performance of a system can be increased by means of Quality of Service (QoS) mechanism. QoS can provide different priorities to different users or groups of users, as well as for different kinds of data flow, e.g. VoIP or WWW. In order provide such service the mechanism should have two main functionalities. The ability of the mechanism to estimate the level of QoS that a new user session will need. And the ability to confirm that there is enough bandwidth available to service the session. It means that there will be a competition among sessions and flows for network bandwidth. The mechanism that manages the decision whether a new connection should be admitted to network or not is called “admission control”. The easiest admission control method is to serve flows basing on arrival time. An alternative is parameters-based admission control where decision is being made taking into account the parameters of the traffic. A well known parameter-based admission control is measurement-based admission control (MBAC) which makes decision based on parameters obtained from existing traffic measuring. Every MBAC consists of two components: a measurement procedure and an admission decision algorithm. The measurement procedure should be designed taking into account two principles. Firstly, the procedure should measure traffic as often as possible to have enough data to make the right decision. Secondly, the measurements should not overload the system with themselves. Different algorithms were presented in previous works. The aim of the present work is first, to express MBAC admission controls method in terms of OPNET simulation tool. And the second aim is the evaluation of the efficiency of MBAC algorithms in two scenarios, e.g. data flow with Poisson and self-similar characteristics. The paper presents the evaluation of the admission decision algorithm, based on buffer overflow probability for GI/M/1 model. The evaluation is done based on the OPNET simulation results. The chapter of theoretical background describes the OPNET model that is studied in the paper. It consists of four sections: description of the model, description of the traffic generator in terms of OPNET model, description of parameters. The last section in the chapter presents the description of MBAC model used in the paper. Moreover, the section presents the MBAC model in terms of the OPNET. Further, the results gained during the simulation for Poisson and self-similar data flow are presented. We use simulation on several network scenarios, with and without admission control. The discussion and analysis of the results, conclusion and our vision of further possibilities for studies of a current problem are presented in the final part the paper. II. Theoretical Background A. Description of The Model. In the present paper we evaluate algorithm effectiveness for an admission control for different types of data flow using OPNET software tool. Admission control, presented in this paper, is applied for two types of data flow, Poisson and self-similar. The Poisson data flow is modeled based on the assumption that the size of packets and interarrival time are distributed by exponential distribution low. The self-similar data flow is modeled based on assumption that packet size and interarrival time are distributed by Pareto distribution law. Data flow model that is used in the paper is the following. In the paper we have four data flow generators. Each data flow consists of, so called, sessions. The session is the batch of packets with predefined average arrival intensity (λ). Different sessions of the one data flow generator can have different λ. In our model of the measurement-based admission control the parameter λ is used to make decision grant or devote a new session connection. The algorithm is described in the following part. B. Traffic Generator. The data flow generator consists of tree units. It gives us flexibility to simulate different types of data. These nodes in some sense are similar to simplified OSI model and correspond to different layers. At the Fig.1 a simplified network model, in terms of OPNET, is presented. admission control (AC) mechanism is represented there. This model presents a well known model, called M/M/1. The model consists of four data generators, network buffer and a data channel. Network queue (the queue unit) and network (processor unit) are depicted on Fig.1. a) b) L(x)=pdf c) λ= pdf Fig. 2. Data flow creation method in OPNET. a) file creation; b) data packets creation; 3) data packet with delays Fig. 1. The network model without admission control The first unit of the data flow generator is a processor unit that is responsible for a session creation. The unit generates a big data array, for instance, the file. That is why the name of the unit was chosen as “file_generator”. At the Fig.1 it is the first unit in the row. The file size, in terms of this paper, is one of the parameters that define the duration of the session. The size of the file can be generated using different distribution laws. In our model for file generation we used exponential distribution law with 10240 mean values. After the file is generated, it flows through packet creator unit. In terms of OPNET this unit is presented with processor. The unit divides the file for packets. Packet size distributed based on the distribution law and is promoted to process node from the higher layer – network node. In the model two different distribution lows for size of the packets we promoted. We used exponential and Pareto distributions. The last unit in the data flow generator is packet queue. This unit, in terms of OPNET is presented as a queue and adds the delay between the packets. The delay between the packets is defined in the same way as the size of the packet, i.e. is promoted from higher level. The delay between two packets in OPNET is implemented as service time that the first packet spent in the queue to be treated. The Fig. 2 presents an instance of the output of the data flow generator. It presents the file, generated by file_generator unit. The Fig. 2 b. presents the job of the packet creator unit. At the bottom of the Fig. 2 the delays between the packets that add a packet queue unit are shown. To compare efficiency of the algorithm, two models of the network were used. Returning to the Fig.1, it is seen, that the simplified model of the network without There are two big differences in our model between packet queue and network queue units. The packet queue is implemented as an infinite size queue, while network queue is designed as a queue with limited packets capacity. Such a difference can be logically explained. Packet queue represents the client side of transaction, where information before transaction can be stored in any kind of storages. The network_queue represents network equipment, where there is only one kind of storage place. Usually, the client side has much more storage capacity than network equipment. That is why infinite and finite models of the queue were chosen. The second difference between queues is the following. The service rate parameter for the network_queue unit is the constant value, while service rate of packet_queue unit is defined by distribution law which depends on the kind of simulated traffic (either Poisson or self-similar traffic). In this part of the present paper the model structure was described in terms and notation of OPNET simulation software. It was shown, how M/M/1 model cam be simulated using OPNET. In the following parts we describe the parameters for the model. C. Description of Parameters As it was mentioned above the model should be flexible and scalable. The model should be designed so that it could be used within bigger models, collaborate with other models and with different kinds of scenarios. The model was designed according to the rule mentioned above. Units of the model are supposed to get parameters from the higher level of abstraction. This principle is implemented in the model using a build-in functionality, which is called promote parameters. The example of the model could be as the following. The model should simulate two different kinds of traffic: Poisson and self-similar. It means that two different distribution laws need to be used. There are two possibilities. The first one is a direct definition of the distribution law for each unit within model domain. It means that the distribution law of the packet_generator unit, described in the previous part of the chapter, should be defined in the node domain. And what is worse, that parameters of the packet_queue should be changed in the process domain. Does this approach provide us with comfortable work? Does it satisfy the rules mentioned in the first paragraph? There could be some scenarios where there is no other possibility than direct definition of the parameters for the units. In all other cases the second approach should be used. The second approach to define parameters for the units is the promotion of parameters from the higher level of the model abstraction to the lower one. It means that as much as possible parameters should be defined in the network domain of the model. Units, defined in the model before the simulation, get the necessary parameters from the higher level of the abstraction. For the model described above it means that the packet_generator processor would divide the file according to the distribution law. i.e. it will receive from the network domain. In the same way the packet_queue would get definition of the distribution for making delays between packets and would transfer the definition to process domain of the packet_queue unit. Such a promotion of the parameters provides the model with greater flexibility and gives an opportunity to use this model for the other bigger, more difficult models and scenarios. An example of parameters promotion is presented on Fig 3. At the Fig. 3.a. promoted parameters for the Poisson data flow simulation are shown. For simulation of the Poisson data flow the size of the transferred packets are defined by exponential distribution with the mean value of 512 bit. At the figure such a definition is represented by the attribute “packet_creator.Packet Size” and the value “exponential (512)”. Another necessary requirement for Poisson data flow simulation is that the delays between two packets should be distributed according to exponential distribution law. The Fig 3.a. presents the promotion of exponential distribution for the delays with the mean value if the delay equals 6600. An attribute “packet_queue.Service Rate” and the value “exponential (6600)” promote delays parameters to the packet_queue unit. flow, simulated and presented in the paper, with selfsimilar characteristic has the following parameters. Packet size is distributed according to Pareto distribution size. The delay between two packets was defined according to Pareto distribution law. As we mentioned above, for self-similar traffic simulation the Pareto distribution law is used. The Pareto distribution has two parameters for the definition. They are α – the shape parameter and κ - the parameter referred to a scale. The Pareto distribution is used in application to the self-similar traffic model description because one of the properties of the Pareto distribution is one of the most common heavy-tailed distributions. And the self-similar traffic has heavy-tailed characteristic and can be modeled with a heavy-tailed distribution. Informally, self-similar traffic means that the shape of the traffic is invariant with respect to the time scale. Fig. 3b. Parameters promotion for self-similar data flow simulation. The model, described in the paper, for the self-similar traffic description uses the following parameters. These parameters are represented on Fig. 3, b. and are the following. For the creation of the packet Pareto distribution with κ–512 and α–128 is used. And for the delay providing between packets Pareto distribution with κ–512 and α–128 is used. C. MBAC Algorithm Fig. 3a. Parameters promotion for Poisson data flow simulation. The Fig. 3, b. represents promotion of the parameters for self-similar data flow simulation. The data As we discussed before, the main idea of the model presented in the paper is evaluation of the buffer overflow for Poisson and self-similar traffic. The evaluation consists of two scenarios. In the first scenario the traditional network model is used for the simulation. While the second scenario supposes to have admission control mechanism for decreasing buffer overflows probability. This part presents the algorithm of the admission control mechanisms. It is important to emphasize that the admission control mechanism described in the paper is measurement-based admission control. The paper presents the simpliest measurement admission control algorithm. It was used as a first step to find out how do self-similar characteristics of the traffic impact on the buffer overflow. Taking into account that the simplest measurementbased admission control is going to be implemented, the algorithm of the traffic measurement was not used. Measurements of the traffic intensity are simply recorded every five time units and in terms of admission decision correspond to the real current traffic intensity ( current ). The theoretical session intensity ( new _ sesion ) is defined during packet creation procedure and is used by admission control mechanism for making a decision. If the acceptance of the new session influences the total traffic in the way such a threshold of the decision border is lower than the defined one, the new connection will be accepted. Otherwise it will be rejected. An algorithm of making the decision, used in the paper, is the following. The total intensity of traffic - interarrival intensity; - service intensity; – utilization; k – probability, that there are exactly „k” where jobs in the system. In the term of the admission control mechanism, if the probability, that there are exactly K jobs, where K equal to the size of buffer, is higher than 0.7 a new connection establishment will be rejected. For the simulation and effectiveness evaluation of this method the following model is introduced. In the Fig. 4. the OPNET model of the network with AC is shown. As you can see, there is addition node comparing to usual network model presented in Fig.1. This node is called AC. Exactly this node realizes the admission control mechanism. equals the sum of the real intensity of the traffic current and a traffic intensity of the new session new _ sesion : current new _ sesion In the paper a threshold of the new connection acceptance is based on buffer overflow probability. It means that admission control mechanism will accept a new connection if the buffer overflows probability with intensity of the traffic equals to will be lower that defined level. In the paper the level of acceptance based buffer overflows probability is 0.7. It means that a new connection will be established only if the probability of buffer overflow is smaller that 0.7, otherwise the connection will not be established. The well known algorithm for buffer overflow probability calculation is defined by M/M/1/K model. In the model, described in the paper, admission decision is taken based on this buffer overflow probability calculation method. In M/M/1/K model first M means that interarrival time distributed according to exponential distribution law. The second M means that service time correspond to exponential distribution also. 1 in the model description means that we have a single server. K in the mentioned notation means that the system can handle only K jobs. This corresponds to the limited buffer with length of K cells. It is clear seen that the Fig.1 represents exactly M/M/1/K model. The limitation of the buffer means, that if there are already „k” jobs in the queue, the next job will be rejected and the buffer overflow counter increases. In the [8] the steady-state probabilities that in the system are exactly K jobs are obtained and can be written as follow: k k 0 1 or k k 1 k , Fig. 4. The model of a network infrastructure with admission control mechanism. In the Fig. 4. there are represented two communication links between dataflow generator and admission control unit. The communication link from packet generator to AC node can send two types of the packets. Before the establishment of a new connection packet generator sends defined intensity of the flow as an acknowledgment packet. Receiving the packet to establish a new connection, AC node calculates current probability of the overflow. If the probability is less or equal to defined so, the connection will be established and AC node sends a packet to packet generator with acceptance of the session. Otherwise, the connection will be rejected, and AC node sends rejection packets and initiator of the session should wait another moment to try to establish the communication session. To create an admission control node it was necessary to define a new object – process. For definition of the process in OPNET process node is used. Any process in OPNET is defined by Final State Machine (FSM). OPNET has two defined kind of state. They are forced and unforced states. An unforced state is one that returns control of the simulation to the Simulation Kernel after executing its entering executives. A forced state is one that does not return control, but instead immediately executes the exit executives and transitions to another state. The Fig. 5 presents the AC node defined in OPNET with FSM notations. Green states correspond to forced states, while red one corresponds to unforced states. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3492 3276 3060 2844 2628 2412 2196 1980 1764 1548 1332 900 1116 684 468 36 252 0 Fig. 6b line) the buffer overflow in Poisson data flow in logarithmic scale; discreet line) buffer overflow in self-similar data flow logarithmic scale. B. Buffer Overflow with Admission Control Fig. 5. AC node definition by FSM notation In the following chapter results analyze of the described admission control mechanism are presented. IV. RESULTS Statistics about rejected packet was collected using OPNET software for the Poisson and self-similar traffic. Based on the results some analysis of admission control efficiency is given. The first part presents the data for the model without admission control, while the second part presents buffer overflow statistics with admission control mechanism. A. Buffer Overflow without Admission Control In Fig. 6 charts of the buffer overflow with Poisson and Self-Similar data flow are presented. Fig. 6.a presents the buffer overflow chart using a normal scale, while Fig. 6, b presents the same data using logarithmic scale. The continuous line shows buffer overflow in Poisson data flow and the dashed line shows buffer overflow in selfsimilar data flow. As you can see, buffer overflow in selfsimilar traffic if much higher than in case of Poisson traffic. 600000 500000 The Fig. 7 presents buffer overflow statistics. For the vivid in the chart statistic for both scenarios (with and without admission control) are presented. Fig. 7, a presents charts in normal scale, while Fig. 7, b presents in logarithmic scale. In the figure, the continuous lines present buffer overflow for scenario with admission control. The dashed lines correspond to buffer overflow for scenario without admission control. Using the graph it is clearly seen, that the admission control mechanisms, which was presented in the paper, gives good result and decreases the number of rejected packet. The numbers of rejected packets without and with admission control differ approximately for 20%. C. Analysis An advantage of the simplest admission control mechanism is around 20%. It means that the efficiency of the admission control algorithm based on traditional model for the buffer overflow probability shows good result for both Poisson and self-similar traffic. On the other side, it is still not enough to reduce buffer overflow to accepted level. V. CONCLUSIONS 400000 300000 200000 100000 3492 3276 3060 2844 2628 2412 2196 1980 1764 1548 1332 900 1116 684 468 36 252 0 Fig. 6a line) the buffer overflow in Poisson data flow; discreet line) buffer overflow in self-similar data flow. The Fig. 6 specifies that self-similar traffic with heavytailed characteristics of the traffic has great impact on network parameters, e.g. buffer overflow. The paper presents an example of the data flow simulation based on OPNET software tool. Two types of data flow were simulated. They are Poisson and self-similar data flows. The buffer overflow dependence on the traffic characteristic is presented in the paper. It is shown that heavy-tailed characteristics of the self-similar traffic have crucial influence of the network parameters, e.g. buffer overflow. Traditional network models are using assumption that traffic has to be Poisson-like traffic. The current paper presents uselessness of the traditional model for the meantime traffic description. Simulation of the measurement-based admission control mechanism, based on buffer overflow probability calculation algorithm presented in the paper. For the simulation of the admission control OPNET software was used. Uselessness of the traditional models, constant growing variety and difficulty of the network protocols push to use simulation software for network researches and development. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3492 3276 3060 2844 2628 2412 2196 1980 1764 1548 1332 900 1116 684 468 36 252 0 Fig. 7. Continuous line corresponds to scenario with AC. Dashed lines correspond to scenario without AC. The two lines on the bottom correspond to Poisson data flow. The two lines on the top correspond to self-similar data flow. VI. FUTHER WORK The current paper presents the evaluation of the simplest admission control mechanism. Extension of the admission control algorithms is the future work. There are two directions that should be improved. The traffic measurement algorithm should be traffic dependent. It means, that the algorithm should be able to analyze the characteristics of the traffic and to provide optimal measurements of the traffic based on these parameters. The same algorithm should provide information about the optimal quantity of information that is necessary to collect for traffic analyze and prediction. The second direction is the development of the effective decision making algorithm for the admission control. REFERENCES [1] Nong Ye., Toni Farley and Dipti Aswath, APPLICATION OF MAXIMUM ENTROPY TECHNIQUE FOR PERFORMING NETWORK NODES IN SELF-SIMILAR TRAFFIC ENVIRONMENT [2]Asars A., Petersons E. A “Maximum Entropy Analysis of Self-Similar Data Flow”, Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University in series 7: "Telecommunications and Electronics", vol. 3, 2003. [3]Asars A., Petersons E. A Maximum Entropy Analysis of Single Server queuing system with self-similar input traffic// Scientific Proceedings of Riga Technical University in series: "Telecommunications and Electronics". - 2002. vol. 2. [4]Asars A., Petersons E. 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