10 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Meeting Date 2 July 2009 Title of Report Update on Scrutiny Review of Sport and Leisure as part of Schools Re-Organisation in Waveney Report Reference REP287 Report of Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee Councillor Shanahan Report Author and Tel No Donna Offord - (01502) 523212 Is the report Open or Exempt? Open Key Decision? No MATTER FOR DECISION To receive an update in relation to the meeting held with Councillor Collecott and representatives from the Schools Organisation Review (SOR) Team on the provision of sports and leisure activities as part of the Schools Re-organisation in Waveney. EXTERNAL CONSULTATIONS HELD Informal meeting held with the Suffolk County Council Schools Organisation Review Team for Waveney. A representative from the Lowestoft & Beccles Schools Sports Partnership was also in attendance. Suffolk Sport and Active Waveney Sports Partnership were represented by those in attendance. OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED None – The informal meeting was held as a result of the decision made the Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 19 March 2009. STRATEGIC DIRECTION Health & Wellbeing – Improve the health and well being of Waveney’s communities Performance – Improve use of resources and performance Regeneration – Encourage economic vitality and develop cultural activity across the Waveney District and Sub-region. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Financial, Value for Money, Asset and Risk Management None Legal, Human Rights, Equality and Diversity None Workforce Planning Support for the Overview & Scrutiny function is provided within existing resources. Community Cohesion, Community Safety and Access None Environmental None Project Management None ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Background Information At the meeting of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee held on 19 March 2009, Councillor Collecott put forward a proposal for a scrutiny review on sports and leisure activities as part of the Schools Re-organisation in Waveney. It was proposed that the review would specifically focus on how sports and leisure activities would fit into the curriculum following Schools Re-organisation. A copy of the original scoping form considered by the Committee is attached as Appendix A. The Committee took into account the following factors before making a decision as to whether to take a scrutiny review forward: 1. The responsibility for ‘education’ fell under the remit of Suffolk County Council. 2. The Suffolk County Council (SCC) Children & Young Peoples’ Scrutiny Committee initially set up a Schools Organisation Review Working Party to look at the processes in place for undertaking the Schools Re-organisation Reviews. The SCC Scrutiny Committee also received regular progress reports on consultations held and implementation. 3. Waveney District Councillors have been attending Schools Re-organisation consultation events independently where relevant to their Wards. 4. The issue of ‘health and wellbeing’ is identified as a priority for the Strategic Direction of Waveney District Council and concerns regarding obesity in children and young people is of a national concern. The Overview & Committee Committee resolved that the best way of taking this issue forward was for the Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and Councillor Collecott to meet with the Schools Organisation Review Team Leader for this area and report back to the Committee. It was also agreed that a representative from Suffolk Sport should be invited to attend the meeting. Informal Meeting The Informal meeting took place on Tuesday 9 June 2009 and was attended by Councillor Collecott, (also a representative of Suffolk Sport), a representative from the Lowestoft & Beccles Schools Sports Partnership (also a member of the Active Waveney Sports Partnership), the Suffolk County Council Schools Organisation Review Team Leader for Waveney, the Suffolk County Council Adviser for Physical Education & Sport and the Waveney District Council Service Manager for Sports & Leisure Development. The underlying concern was whether the provision of facilities within schools (indoor and outdoor) but particularly with regard to primary schools were adequate to meet the curriculum PE, sports and leisure needs once the Schools Re-organisation has taken place and displaced cohorts of pupils had been assimilated into their new schools. It was considered that the greatest impact would be on Key Stage 2, Years 5 & 6. There were also concerns regarding the space available within schools halls, particularly those with multi-usage (location for school meals, music classes, assemblies, school events and plays etc and for use as a facility during lunch and other periods during inclement weather). The following issues were discussed at the meeting: 1. Details were given of the schools that would be affected as part of the Schools Re-organisation in Waveney as follows: Fen Park Primary School – Pupils to be transferred to Kirkley Middle School Elm Tree Primary School – Pupils to be transferred to Elm Tree Middle School Roman Hill Primary School – Pupils to be transferred to Roman Hill Middle School Carlton Colville Primary School – Pupils to be transferred to Gisleham Middle School North Field, the Poplars and St Margarets Schools in Lowestoft would in time be re-built completely. 2. Confirmation was given that post Re-organisation, schools would still have to develop a PE curriculum and it would be up to each individual school / Headteacher to determine what indoor / outdoor facilities were needed to support the curriculum and to determine the best use of available space. 3. A schedule was circulated at the meeting by the representative from the Lowestoft & Beccles Schools Sports Partnership detailing the projected shortfall of available indoor facilities for primary schools in the area, taking into account approximate times the facilities / halls would be out of commission due to alternative uses other than PE and sports activities. The Schools Organisation Review Team commented that the accuracy of the figures contained within the schedule had not been confirmed with the County Council. 4. There are no set specifications for the provision of indoor space for sports delivery, although there were Government guidelines / standards for minimum recommended hall space. Concern was expressed by the Lowestoft & Beccles Schools Sports Partnership representative that many of the primary schools in Lowestoft and Beccles may, post School Organisation Review, have hall space below these minimum Government recommendations. 5. Greater provision would be made for community use of school buildings / facilities where possible as part of the Schools Re-organisation. 6. It was reported that concerns regarding capacity of school facilities / halls had been raised by Headteachers at the Active Waveney Sports Partnership in December 2008 and representations had been made at that time on behalf of the Partnership to the Director for Children & Young People Services. 7. The Schools Organisation Review Team and County Sports Development Officers were providing advice / support to Headteachers where specific issues had been identified. 8. Confirmation was given that all schools were statutory required to have access to outdoor space/ playing fields, the majority of which would have access on their own sites. 9. It was reported that 90% of the school children within Suffolk received 2 hours of physical education (PE) as part of the National Curriculum. This compared to a national target of 85%. Therefore the delivery of 2 hours PE in Suffolk schools exceeded the target by 5%. Currently in Lowestoft and Beccles Primary Schools this figure was 100% but some Headteachers had intimated that they will not have the facility capacity to offer 2 hours per week post Schools Re-organisation. 10. The Government had set targets for addressing the perceived missing link of facilitating the continuation of sports activities from schools to local clubs as a means of increasing the number of young people participating in sport. 11. Greater emphasis will in the future be placed on a competitive framework for sport, both within the school and also covering intra and inter-school competitions. 12. The Government requirement was to deliver PE and sport within schools but this did not necessarily have to be delivered through traditional methods / facilities. Headteachers would be required to be more creative in the delivery of PE and sports activities. 13. From 2011 the re-organisation of primary schools will be completed in Lowestoft. Re-organisation of schools in Beccles and Bungay was expected to be completed by 2012. In addition, proposed changes to the National Curriculum that are currently being consulted on would result in PE falling under a sub-heading of ‘children’s understanding of physical development, health and wellbeing’. This would not necessarily require a specified minimum number of actual physical education lessons per week but reference was made to the Government target of 2 hours of high quality physical education per week on the curriculum and could include opportunities, for example of orienteering / rockclimbing or similar. 14. There were additional drivers for change as to how physical activity is delivered in schools including the ‘Learning Outside the Classroom’ manifesto, whereby children will have more opportunities to learn outside the classroom within their own local environment eg beaches, nature reserves etc. 15 From 2009, schools would be required to evidence the provision of 2 hours PE a week for each child under the Ofsted inspection framework. Any shortfalls in provision may well be highlighted. Any issues regarding standards would be addressed through follow up actions indicated by the Ofsted report. Schools would need to ensure these actions were clearly defined in the school development plan. 16. Confirmation was given that the Schools Sport Partnership would continue to offer out of hours activities for children. 17. Liaison between the Schools Re-organisation Team and Waveney District Council Leisure Services in relation to greater community use of facilities in Halesworth was welcomed. Summary Recognition was given to the new Government initiatives for ‘personalised independent learning’ within schools and also to the availability of capital and central Government funding for schools. However, those representatives present were also mindful of the concerns expressed by the Active Waveney Sports Partnership, which were shared by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, regarding the provision of adequate sports and leisure facilities post Schools Re-organisation. As regular reports on Schools Re-organisation were still received by the SCC Children & Young People’s Scrutiny Committee, it was proposed that a further informal meeting be held with the Schools Organisation Review Team Leader for Waveney and the Suffolk County Council Adviser for Physical Education & Sport in March 2010. This meeting to be attended by the Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Collecott and one other Member of the Committee, the representative from Active Waveney Sports Partnership and a Waveney District Council Service Manager for Sports & Leisure Development. REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION To enable the Committee to be kept updated with regard to the provision of sports and leisure activities following Schools Re-organisation. RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Schools Organisation Review Team Leader for Waveney and the Suffolk County Council Adviser for Physical Education & Sport be invited to attend a further informal meeting in March 2010 in order to give an update on the provision of PE, sports and leisure post Schools Re-organisation. 2. That the Chairman of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Collecott, the representative from the Schools Sports Partnership (who was also a representative on the Active Waveney Sports Partnership) and the Waveney District Council Service Manager for Sports & Leisure Development attend the informal meeting. 3 That one other Member of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee be nominated to attend the informal meeting in March 2010. APPENDICES Appendix A Original Scoping Form submitted by Councillor Collecott BACKGROUND PAPERS - None