Activity Episode 9 31 March 2015 st Reef Funding Key Learning Students will learn about the importance of the Great Barrier Reef to animals, plants and people and explore different views on how it can be protected. The Australian Curriculum Science / Science Understanding / Biological sciences Living things have life cycles (ACSSU072) Year 4 Geography / Geographical Knowledge and Understanding The importance of environments to animals and people, and different views on how they can be protected (ACHGK022) Year 4 Living things, including plants and animals, depend on each other and the environment to survive (ACSSU073) Year 4 Science / Science as a Human Endeavour / Use and influence of science Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment (ACSSU043) Year 5 The growth and survival of living things are affected by the physical conditions of their environment (ACSSU094) Year 6 Interactions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs; human activity can affect these interactions (ACSSU112) Year 7 Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions (ACSHE062) Year 4 Scientific knowledge is used to inform personal and community decisions (ACSHE220) Years 5 & 6 Science understanding influences the development of practices in areas of human activity such as industry, agriculture and marine and terrestrial resource management (ACSHE136) Year 7 Discussion Questions 1. Discuss the Reef Funding story with another student and record the main points of the discussion. 2. How are some kids at a Queensland school helping the Great Barrier Reef? 3. About how many small reefs and islands make up the Great Barrier Reef? 4. Name one of the threats to the reef. 5. Describe the damage that’s occurring to the Great Barrier Reef. 6. The reef is a World Heritage site. What does that mean? 7. The United Nation’s World Heritage Committee is deciding whether it needs to put the Great Barrier Reef on the ____ ___________ list. 8. What is the government saying it will do to help protect the reef? 9. Why do the kids say it’s important to help the reef? 10. What do you understand more clearly since watching the Reef Funding story? ©ABC 2015 Activities Negotiate with students how many activities they complete from each section. Remember and understand Students will practice their note-taking while watching the BtN Reef Funding story. After watching the story, ask students to reflect and organise the information into three categories. What information about the Great Barrier Reef was...? Positive Negative or Interesting Students may want to watch the story again or download a copy of the Reef Funding transcript to assist them with this activity. Brainstorm a list of words that relate to the BtN Reef Funding story. Use these words to make your own sentences about the issue. Here are some to get you started. tropical global warming bad water quality over-fishing damage problem Queensland coral sea plants and animals species world heritage climate change Ask students to finish one or more of the following incomplete sentences: A reef is... Reefs produce food and shelter for... Reef plants... Reef animals... The Great Barrier Reef is special because... The Great Barrier Reef is in danger because... We can protect the Great Barrier Reef by... ©ABC 2015 Apply and analyse Six Thinking Hats As a class, use Edward De Bono’s Six Hat Thinking to explore the Great Barrier Reef. Make your own coloured hat cut-outs and place on the floor. Students will take it in turns answering questions in relation to what they already know about the issue, what they have learned from the Reef Funding story and what they want to learn further about the topic. Ask students the following questions: How did the BtN Reef Funding story make you feel? How do you feel about the Great Barrier Reef? What do you know about the Great Barrier Reef? What have you learnt from the story? What are some of the positives that you learnt from this story? What are some of the negatives that you learnt from this story? What can we do to help save the Great Barrier Reef? What are some solutions to the issues? What questions were raised during this activity? What do you want to learn further about this topic? Evaluate and create Creature Feature Explain to students that they will imagine they are scientists exploring the sea life found in the Great Barrier Reef. Download Creature Feature Template As a class identify different plants and animals that can be found in the Great Barrier Reef. For example a dolphin, dugong, seabirds, sea turtle, sea snake, fish, molluscs, coral, seagrass or seaweed. Individually, students will choose an animal or plant from the list to research further. Students will create a Creature Feature on their chosen plant or animal. Students will use a range of sources to find their information, including the internet, ©ABC 2015 newspapers and books. Students will use the Creature Feature template to organise and present their information. o Scientific and common name o Picture/s o Describe its habitat. Why does it live here? o What does it eat? o Description, for example colour and size. o What are the threats to its survival? o Other interesting facts Create a class fact file book which contains each student’s research. Students will reflect on the activity, by responding to the following comments: o Parts of the activity I enjoyed o Parts of the activity I found challenging o Parts of the activity I found interesting Who am I? Students will make their own Who Am I? game to learn more about the animals that live in the Great Barrier Reef. Download Who Am I? Template Students will research and write 8 clues to correspond with each animal in the Who Am I? template, with the first clue being the hardest and the final clue being the easiest. Students must include clues about the animal’s appearance, diet, habitat and threats. Students will test their game on a partner. To make this game more of a challenge students can select a range of animals that live in the Great Barrier Reef. Related Research Links ABC News – Great Barrier Reef: Government releases Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan Behind the News – World Heritage Behind the News – Reef Warning ©ABC 2015 Behind the News – Reef Threat – The Great Barrier Reef Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority – Facts about the Great Barrier Reef Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority – Threats to the reef ABC Splash – Great Barrier Reef ©ABC 2015