Agents affecting Reefs Growth

 “Reef Builders”
 Organisms that secrete the calcium
carbonate skeletons that form the reef
▪ Examples:
 Calcareous Corals
 Coralline Algae
Organisms that produce sediment or live in
the cracks & crevices of the reef
 Examples:
 Encrusting coralline algae
 Fragments of coral
 Foraminifera
 one-celled animals that make shells – for ex: paper shells
 Mollusks
 Echinoderms
Organisms that use the structure of the reef to
live and hide in; don’t affect the structure, but
may eat inhabitants of be eaten by them
 Examples:
Many Fish
Red, green, brown algae
Many mollusks
Organisms that destroy by chewing, eroding,
blanketing, or producing acid
 Examples:
Boring sponges
Coral-eating fish (ex: parrotfish)
Sea Urchins & Sea Stars
Boring Mollusks
Rapid-growing algae
 Examples:
Calm Water
Adequate sunlight
Optimum salinity
Clear water
Solid substrate
Adequate nutrients
Actions & Organisms that kill coral and wear
away the reef
 Examples:
Pounding waves
Moving sand
Smothering sediments (silt)
Freshwater rain
Very low tides
Rising seafloor
Sinking seafloor
Rising or falling water temperature
Runoff from land
Excessive nutrients in water