3 Confirmation of the Minutes of Steering

Global Library Project
Global Library Steering Committee
25th September 2009
9 a.m. to 2 p.m
room "Düsseldorf".
1 Welcome from the Chair and thank you to Dedicon for organising the
3 Confirmation of the Minutes of Steering Committee meeting, August 2009
Minutes were confirmed
4 Additions to the Agenda
No additions
5 Activities since last SC Meeting: JR participated in a videoconference with the
WBU on the WIPO treaty.
5.1.1 MM to convey to the DAISY board the new timeline
This was one done at the DAISY Board meeting immediately following this
Meeting. The new delivery date for the Phase 1 Strategy report is end of
February 2010.
5.1.2 MM to follow up with Bookshare
MM and MW met with Betsy Beaumon from Benetech (Bookshare). Benetech is
very much interested and sees that the GL project is in line with its mission and
technological approach. What it does not have is the federated search
Bookshare will facilitate a discussion with the DA working group to assist them in
developing the functional specification.
ACTION: MW (or Tony Iezzi) to contact Bookshare to organise a teleconference
for facilitation of the D&A working group’s development of functional
requirements. Once the specification is completed the partnership working group
can determine the vendor relationship(s) with most potential to support the GL
5.1.3 JR will request that the D&A working group combine the key elements of
both their interim reports into one document. The steering committee
requested that the group develop the functional requirements discussed in
their report in consultation with the Collection Sharing group, by the date
specified in their report, end of November. By “functional requirements”
the SC suggested a “walk through” from the perspective of the library user.
This has been reported to the working groups. Margaret Williams is
unable to continue as the D&A Working Group lead at this time due to an
extenuating resource situation at CNIB. Tony Iezzi to take up the chair of
the DA working group, and will work with Collections group to develop the
functional specification.
There was discussion about whether the SC would continue into the
development phase of the project or if it should be disbanded in favour of
the proposed governance board. The consensus was that at least during
the initial period of development when this is still very much a project, the
SC should continue to provide stewardship over the project on behalf of
the project executive sponsors -- the DAISY Consortium and IFLA/LPD -and to provide continuity for the proposed new ‘fulltime’ project manager
envisaged for the development phase.
5.1.4 MM to follow up with Microsoft
MM and JR had a conversation with Microsoft to determine potential for its
involvement. Conversation will continue, as appropriate, once the functional
requirements are in hand.
5.1.5 JR to follow up with George and Chris Friend re Google
This was done. George is not dealing with Google in this context.
ACTION: MM to follow up with Trish and George whilst in Germany
5.1.6 HB to follow up on Europeana
Helen advised of Rightscom’s willingness to broker a conversation. Helen has
been given a contact with whom to follow up. This will be done shortly.
5.1.7 Kuen-Hae to contact Korean Digital Library and Japan Digital Library
This was done. Both are interested in being participants in the GL, but are
unable to provide assistance with technological solutions.
5.1.8 Meeting with OCLC to continue discuss of their potential involvement (KK,JR,FH)
A meeting was held with OCLC at IFLA in Milan. OCLC is still interested and
keen to provide a catalogue of accessible format materials. OCLC agreed to
identify current LPD members that are also members of WorldCat. OCLC will
offer all members of WorldCat free upload of their library titles. OCLC is willing to
provide us with a cost for those who are not members to join. This information
will be fed to the working groups.
Rightscom Survey findings
5.2.1Discussion was held regarding which organizations that participated in the survey
would be suitable to participate in the first GL implementation.
ACTION: ALL -- This needs to be determined and included in the Strategy
5.2.2 Feedback from Rightscom regarding the readiness of libraries to participate in
the first implementation -- which ones, what do we expect of them, do we solicit
their interest in principle until we're able to provide them with costs?
Criteria suggested:
 Must have daisy books
 Must have clients
 Must have copyright legislation that has exception clauses for print
disabilities in place.
 Must be willing to sign contractual terms that clearly stipulate that the people
to whom they give access are eligible and that the books they make
available are eligible for lending across borders.
 Must make their catalogue available
 Must be able to deliver online digital content.
ACTION: FH to take this list back to the business model working group to
ensure these points are incorporated into requirements for libraries to participate.
(The working group was also tasked earlier with identifying the cost elements for
participation, even though the actual costs are not known at this stage.) The
working group should also draw up a draft contract template between the GL
consortium and a participating library.
ACTION: JR to cross check the list of 18 libraries that are in Worldcat with those
that participated in the survey and develop a list of libraries that could be part of
the first wave of implementation. Also determine if there are any key libraries
that are digital but are not in Worldcat and/or did not responded to the survey.
5.2.3 Options around extending the Rightscom survey to Latin America, China and
Japan. Contact these libraries and ask if they are interested in the Global
Library. If they are, then we can survey them.
ACTION: JR to develop letter of inquiry and arrange to have translated into the
appropriate languages
Working Groups – Updates, issues, challenges
Discovery & Access – The delivery date for the functional requirements, end of
November, is critical to the Steering Committee’s ability to delivery the Strategy
report on time. Tony Iezzi to chair the working group going forward.
Collections -- On track to finalize its report
Business Development -- When does this group expect to finalize its work?
ACTION: FH to follow up.
Partnership Development – Essentially, on hold pending Discovery & Access
functional requirements.
Final Report -New date for the Strategy Report given to the DAISY Board is the end of February,
2010. Due to IFLA/LPD, 28th January. This requires that a Draft be prepared by
January 11th 2010. If the draft is acceptable at that time, it should be sent to both
DAISY and LPD members for comment prior to finalizing.
Table of Contents
Mandate (of the Steering Committee)
Vision (of a global library)
Methodology (WGs, survey)
Working Groups’ Deliberations (key points/recommendations from each WG
Survey Findings
- The Global Library (when it’s fully developed what we envision it will deliver to
participating organizations and their customers – input from the D&A functional specs)
- First Implementation of the Global Library
Potential participants (who are they and what criteria were used to select them)
Terms and conditions for participation
Functionality that will be developed/included in the first implementation
- Prerequisites for First Implementation:
Hiring Project Manager
Development of deployment project plan (scope1, governance, partners,
technologies, KPIs and milestones, readiness of first participants,
communications plan, test plan, rollout plan…)
Funding Requirement (know what they are)
Agreement of participants
ACTION: MM and JR to develop draft
ACTION: SC to set up the key performance indicators and milestones
The WIPO "TI" pilot integration –
MM advised that there is a funding proposal to WIPO being developed to support a
‘Trusted Intermediary’ (TI) pilot project, which would involve the cross-border
exchange of in-copyright materials. Because of the synergy between the TI project
and the GL; specifically, the GL wants to offer access to in-copyright materials and
the TI pilot needs a “trusted” environment in which to pilot, there is the potential for
these two projects to merge under one PM.
Fulltime project manager –
Strategy around funding a project manager was discussed. Who will PM to
complete the Strategy phase? Were members of LPD Standing Committee asked
for funding?
The requirements – what will this first implementation deliver and how
IMPORTANT COMMENT: Since the (Leipzig) Steering Committee meeting, RNIB
has generously volunteered to fund and has sourced a project manager (Ian
Bland) for the interim to allow us to complete this phase of the project. A meeting
will be held shortly with JR, MM and Ian to bring him up to speed and, in particular,
get Ian working with the working groups as quickly as possible on the development
of the functional requirements.
10 Communications
The survey report said the GL project is not well known or understood, what do we
need to do to get the word out? Also, we talked about getting a communiqué to
our national libraries to garner their support, financial or otherwise, for the GL
ACTION: ALL -- send the names and contact information for your national
publishers association to JR; also send the name and contact information for
significant consumer groups.
JR to draft communiqué for national libraries, particularly of countries currently
involved in the GL project, as noted above.
11 Next Meeting
Teleconference meeting – early December once we have received the
Date: December 3rd 2009. AK (Norway) will organise the conference. 2 pm
European time
12 Other business
No other business