1 Prof. Viktor I. Starostin, DSc (Geol. Miner.) is Head of the Department of GeoIogy and Geochemistry of Mineral Resources, Geological Faculty, Moscow State University. Не is Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences(RAEN), full member of the International Academy of Sciences for Higher Schools, аnd Honored Scientific Worker of the Russian Federation. V. I. Starostin delivers lectures оп Geology of Mineral Deposits, Metallogeny, and Structural-Реtroрhysical AnaJysis. Не has supervised dissertations of 28 PhD and DSc holders. Не has elaborated а pioneer structural-petrophysical approach in Economic Geology. Не has pubIished mоге thaп 346 scientific works, including 9 monographs. Не is а mеmЬег of the working group of UNESCO for РгесаmЬrian metallogeny, mеmЬег of editorial boards of scientific journals "Vestnik MGU, Ser. Geology," "Rudу i Metally," аnd "Otechestvennaya Geologiya." V.I. Starostin is chairman of the Academician Smirnov Foundation and editor -in-chief of Smirnov Yeaгbook (scientific-literary anthology). Tectonometallogenic Model of the Earth's Crust V.I. Starostin Department of Geology, Geochemistry and Economics of Mineral Resources, Faculty of Geology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Leninskie gory 1, Moscow, 119991 Russia E-mail address: star@geol.msu.ru Abstract The Earth's crust includes three types of zones with contrast energy levels of tectonic and metallogenic processes: (1) Type 1 - low-level energy (oceanic structures). Low magmatic differentiation of mantle material; low endogenous metallogenic productivity; young (Mz-Kz) age; depleted mantle devoid of anomalous concentrations of ore elements; lacks deposits of Sn, Mo, W, Hg, Sb, U, Pb, diamond, as well as chalcophile and lithophile elements. (2) Type 2 middle-level energy (global megablocks with negative gravity anomalies). Wide development of Precambrian tectonomagmatic processes; enrichment of the mantle with ore elements; formation of siderophile deposits, pegmatites (with muscovite and Ве), and Cu-Ni ores (with PGE); abundance of Cu-Pb-Zn deposits. (3) Type 3 - high-level energy (global megablocks with positive gravity anomalies). Large-scale differentiation of magmatic formations; wide distribution of all types of crustal structures: Archean cratons, epicratonic depressions, Proterozoic mobile belts, zones of protoactivation, Caledonides, Hercynides, Mesozoides, Alpides, and Cenozoides; maximal manifestation of the Phanerozoic tectonomagmatic activation; formation of all known geological-commercial types of deposits. Types 2 and 3 are 2 characteristic of the continental crust. Global megablocks and first-order megablocks are identified within the continental crust. The Earth’s crust comprises zones of three types with different energy levels of tectonic and metallogenic processes (Starostin et al., 2010): (1) low level (oceanic structures); (2) middle level (global megablocks with negative gravimetric anomalies; and (3) high level (global megablocks with positive gravimetric anomalies). Type 1 zone is represented by the World Ocean. They are characterized by low magmatic differentiation of mantle material; low endogenous metallogenic productivity; young (Mesozoic-Cenozoic) age; depleted mantle (devoid of anomalous metal concentrations); and absence of tin, molybdenum, tungsten, mercury, antimony, uranium, lead and diamond deposits. Type 2 zone is characterized by the wide development of Precambrian tectonomagmatism, the concentration of metals in mantle and the formation of deposits of siderophile elements and uranium, pegmatites (with muscovite and beryllium), copper-nickel ores (with PGE), as well as copper, lead and zinc deposits. Type 3 zone demonstrates a large-scale differentiation of magmatic formations. It is characterized by the wide distribution of all varieties of crustal structures (Archean cratons; epicratonic depressions; Proterozoic mobile belts; protoactivation regions; Caledonian, Hercynian, Mesozoic, Alpian and Cenozoic structures) and maximum Phanerozoic tectonomagmatic activation. The continental crust includes global and first-order megablocks. The present-day structure of the crust is related to long-term evolution of the Earth and its shells. Different-scale geological structures observed now are composed of a heterogeneous agglomerate of mineral complexes with appreciably different global geotectonic ensembles in various parts of the Earth. Discrimination of the scale of these differences is essential from both theoretical and practical points of view, because it will provide a prognostic appraisal of the mineragenic potential of specified parts of our planet (Los, 2011; Martynov, 2010; Matveev and Solovov, 2011). It is very important now to provide metallogeny with precise quantitative methods. Regional geochemistry and geophysics are most prepared in this respect. V. Los justly formulated the group of problems in this path – formalization, mathematization, computerization, and so on. His recommendations, however, are limited to regional geochemistry. Metallogeny primarily needs a global-scale system study and development of evolution models for both the entire planet and its separate parts (Historical Minerageny, 2005, 2007, 2008). There are many different-scale metallogenic schemes of the Earth's crust. The most complete schemes are presented in (Rundquist et al., 2006). 3 The territory of Kazakhstan, where prominent geologists of the Soviet Union carried out investigation in the second half of the 20th century, is a unique site in this respect. The results obtained were implemented successfully in this region and basic principles of the ore formation analysis were refined. Modern schemes of metallogenic regionalization proposed by these geologists (Bekzhanov et al., 1975; Mazurov, 2005; Metallogenic provinces..., 1983; Satpaev, 1968; Serykh, 2009; Shcherba et al., 1984; and others) have not yet lost the significance and prognostic potential. However, despite replacement of the geosynclinal paradigm by the plate tectonic version, large metallogenic belts and provinces identified earlier have retained their significance, structure and ore specialization. Since regional special works were not carried out in Kazakhstan and other regions of the Former Soviet Union in the recent 10-15 years, replacement of paradigms was only expressed in a formal substitution of terminology in the previous geological cartographic materials. Basic Principles of the Systematics of Global Metallogenic Structures in the Earth’s Crust Taking these materials into consideration, we propose a theoretical model of the formation of global metallogenic megaprovinces in the Earth’s crust. Characteristics established in the whole volume of the Earth’s crust are needed as criteria to identify such superensembles. At present, we can suggest the following criteria: (1) Differentage tectonomagmatic complexes; (2) global epochs of folding, magmatism, sedimentation and minerageny (formation analysis of large regions); (3) geophysical parameters, such as globalscale gravimetric anomalies. According to M.E. Artemiev, averaged free-air gravity anomalies, which record the zones with elevated tectonic activity and gravitational heterogeneity, are sufficiently informative (Kozerenko, 1981). At present, most researchers believe that the following postulates of evolutionary metallogeny are sufficiently proved beyond doubt: (1) the Earth was homogeneous in the early lunar period (until 3.8 Ga); (2) evolution of the Earth was marked by a differentiation of matter, resulting in drastic differences in the Precambrian and Phanerozoic scenarios of metallogeny, magmatism and sedimentation; (3) continental plates that appeared in the Early Precambrian were continuously subjected to the impact of planetary processes and rotation. Lithospheric plates merged periodically (approximately after every 800 Ma) into a single supercontinent. Another specific feature is related to lineaments that dominated during different periods of the Earth’s evolution: latitudinal lineaments in the Early Precambrian and meridional ones in the Phanerozoic. A significant contribution to the structure of megablocks was made by 4 supercontinent ensembles that appeared periodically: Monogea, Megagea, Rodinia (Mesogea) and Pangea (Sorokhtin, 2007). Evolution of mineragenic processes was appreciably influenced by planetary processes (Urazaev, 1996; Pinsky, 2001): (1) global cyclicity of riftogenesis and fold-thrust deformations related to acceleration and retardation of the Earth’s axial rotation (Urazaev, 1996); (2) moderate pulsational expansion of the Earth (Milanovsky, 1991) is attributed to variations in the rotation axis inclination and solar activity, lunar-solar tides and inversions of the magnetic field (Pinsky, 2001). Yu.V. Barkin (2011) developed a geodynamic model of the gravitational excitation of planetary shells by external celestial bodies. He investigated the system of four gravitating bodies: the Earth’s core and mantle, Moon and Sun. According to this model, compression and expansion are cyclic processes that can take place in the Earth in one and the same geological epochs but with different intensities and in specified zones. These processes are asymmetric (contrast) relative to hemispheres. Displacements and oscillations are caused by cyclic gravitational impacts of the Moon, Sun, planets and other external celestial bodies, gravity of Galaxy included. The onset of Phanerozoic was marked by great changes in the geological and metallogenic processes. Until the Phanerozoic, the major ore components were mainly derived from the mantle and endogenic ore formation was the dominating process. Subsequently, the sources were exhausted (concentrations of ore components in the mantle became lower than the background values in the continental crust). The mantle-crustal and crustal sources began to dominate gradually, whereas the mantle processes (magmatism and fluid flows) mainly served as energy for the metallogenic processes. At present, it is believed that the Earth’s crust includes lithospheric plates that are composed of fragments formed during different periods of its evolution. We identify the fragments as global metallogenic megablocks. In the pioneer work (Kozerenko, 1981), the continental crust was divided into two categories of blocks: (i) global megablocks (superensembles) and (ii) first-order megablocks. The global megablocks unite huge sectors of the crust based on the formation analysis of continental and oceanic masses and data on the averaged free-air gravity anomaly. The firstorder megablocks represent a regular combination of various structures, such as platforms, mobile belts and tectonomagmatic activation zones characterized by different styles and scales of the manifestation of metallogenic processes. Based on the formation analysis and averaged geological-geophysical characteristics, the continental mass of the Earth’s crust is divided into five global megablocks: Eurafrican, Siberian-Indostan-Madagascar-West Australian, Asian-Australian, American, American- 5 Greenland. They are, in turn, subdivided into first-order megablocks with different structuralformational compositions and metallogenic specializations (Figs.1, 2). Fig. 1. Sketch map of major structural-metallogenic subdivisions of continents. Ancient platforms: 1 - stable (a - shields and massifs, b - plates); 2 - mobile (а - shields and massifs, b - plates); 3 - low-mobile (a - shields and massifs, b - plates); 4-8 - foldbelts and systems: 4 - Baikalides, 5 - Paleozoides (Salairides, Caledonides, Hercynides), 6 - Mesozoides, 7 - Alpides, 8 - Cenozoic tectogenesis zones; 9-11 - activation zones: 9 - Paleozoic stage, 10 Mesozoic stage (a - uplift zones, b - subsidence zones), 11 - Cenozoic stage (a - uplift zones, b subsidence zones); 12 - activation zones with residual degenerative (Mesozoic and Alpine) geosynclines; 13 - Cenozoic activation zones of the Himalayan type; 14 - faults (a - inferred, b proven); 15 - boundary between global megablocks (a - inferred, b - proven); 16 - boundaries between major structures in the Earth’s crust (a - inferred, b - proven); 17 - boundaries between different-sign geophysical fields in global megablocks; 18 - free-air gravity anomaly zones (a positive, b - negative). Roman numerals designate global megablocks: I - Eurafrican, II Siberian-Indostan-Madagascar-West Australian, III - Asian-Australian, IV - American, V American-Greenland. 6 Fig. 2. Schematic locations of global megablocks and first-order megablocks in the Earth. Modified after V.N. Kozerenko (1981). Global (Roman numerals) and first-order (Arabic numerals) megablocks: I - Eurafrican: 1 - European, 2 - North African, 3 - Central African, 4. South African; II - Siberian-IndostanMadagascar-West Australian: 1 - Siberian-Central Asian, 2 - Indostan, 3 - Madagascar-East African, 4 - West Australian; III - Asian-Australian: 1 - Northern East Asian, 2 - Central East Asian, 3 - Southern East Asian, 4 - Australian, 5 - Island-arc areas of the western Pacific; IV American: 1 - American-Mexican, 2 - Northern Antilles (Cuba, Haiti and others), 3 - Guiana, 4 South American; V - American-Greenland: 1 - Canadian-Greenland, 2 - NW Canada, 3 - Eastern South American. Supplementing and developing ideas of V.I. Kozerenko, let us describe the block structures noted above. Comprehensive analysis of global megablocks revealed that they differ in terms of evolution. From the viewpoint of metallogeny, the most important geochronological boundaries are as follows: Lower Proterozoic, Late Riphean and Middle Paleozoic. They mark an intensification of crust differentiation (thickening of the crust, its differentiation into the lower basic and upper felsic portions, and thickening of the upper granitoid portion) аnd pulses of expansion accompanied by vigorous trap effusions. The megablocks differed in the scale of evolutionary events. For example, the SiberianIndostan-Madagascar-West Australian megablock was marked by the most complete manifestation of Precambrian and Middle Paleozoic processes; the Asian-Australian megablock, by the manifestation of all events that took place since the formation of the Earth’s crust, 7 although processes of the Phanerozoic megaperiod played a crucial role in the metallogeny of the megablock. According to fundamental studies by S.I. Andreev and I.S. Gramberg, a new stage in the Earth's evolution began after the Middle Jurassic (170 Ma) –appearance of the global talassogenic (marine) system (basic volcanoplutonic impulse) and formation of an oceanic type of the Earth's crust. This process evolved in three megastages: (1) Mesozoic (50 Ma, Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous); (2) Cretaceous (40 Ma, Aptian-Campanian) and (3) Cenozoic (80 Ma, Pg-Q) (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Scheme of magmatic complexes in the World Ocean. According to S.I. Andreev and I.S. Gramberg (1998). (1-19) Magmatic complexes of: (1) the initial pre-spreading ocean formation stage, J (basalt); (2, 3) differently oriented spreading stage («old» oceanic plates, J2K1a): (2) tholeiite-basalt (dominant), (3) andesite-basalt (locally developed); (4, 5) the spreading style alteration stage (K1a-K2km): (4) tholeiite-basalt (attenuating), (5) basalt-ferrobasalt (dominant); (6, 7) the linear spreading stage («young» oceanic plates, К2km-Pg3): (6) basaltferrobasalt (attenuating), (7) ferrobasalt-basalt (dominant); (8-10) the linear spreading stage with the simultaneous formation of mid-oceanic rise (Talassides, Pg3-Q): (8) ferrobasalt-basalt (inherited), (9) ferrobasalt (dominant), (10) picroferrobasalt; (11-13) intraoceanic rises («oceanic lands», K1a-K2km): (11) komatiite-tholeiite, (12) moderately alkaline basalt-trachyte, (13) tephrite-phonolite; (14, 15) superimposed volcanic belts (K2km-Q): (14) moderately alkaline basalt-trachyte, (15) tephrite-phonolite; (16-18) intrusive komatiites: (16) gabbro diabase, (17) troctolite, (18) cumulative (olivine) gabbro; (19) protrusions (gabbro-peridotite); (20-22) other 8 designations: (20) faults; (21) boundaries of magmatic complexes: (а) corresponding to the replacement of ocean development stages, (б) confined to separate stages; (22) MAR axial rift. Systematics of Global Megablocks and Mobile Belts Taking into consideration the modern level of study of the Earth's crust, its tectonometallogenic model can be presented in the following way (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. Global megablocks and mobile belts of the Earth's crust. 1-9 - Continental metallogenic structures. 1-6 - Global megablocks. 1-3 - Fragments of Gondwana: 1 - South American, 2 - African, 3 - Indostan-Madagascar-West Australian; 4-6 - Fragments of Laurasia: 4 - American-Greenland, 5 - European, 6 -Siberian. 7-9 - Global mobile metallogenic belts: 7 Mediterranean-Central Asian (Tethys), 8 - Andean-Cordilleran, 9 - Asian-Australian. 10-12 Marine tectonic structures. According to S.I. Andreev and I.S. Gramberg (1998): 10 - Ancient oceanic plates (J2-K1), 11 - Ancient-to-young plate transition zone (K1-K2), 12 - young oceanic plates, flanks of Talassoids and riftogenic structures (K2-Plc). Other legends as in Fig. 3. Global megablocks are subdivided into first-order megablocks–regular combinations of platforms, mobile belts and tectonomagmatic activation zones of different types, scales and ore genesis periods. First-order megablocks comprise regional metallogenic provinces and belts, which appeared during the periods of a regular tectonomagmatic setting with a certain type of magmatism, sedimentation and ore formation. Consequently, each global megablock and firstorder megablock acquired a specific modern composition, structure and mineragenic potential (Figs. 1-).1. The South American global megablock includes the southwestern North America (Cu, Pb, Zn), Guiana and Brazil shields (Fe, Mn, REE, diamond and pegmatites). The megablock 9 is characterized by an intricate gravity anomaly field. It comprises carbonatites, diamonds, Sn, complex pegmatite deposits, ferruginous quartzites and gondites. 2. The African global megablock includes the following first-order megablocks: North African megablock (Ta-Nb and base metal deposits); Central African megablock (Sn, Cr, Pt, Au and U deposits); South African megablock (Pt, Au, U and diamond deposits). The positive freeair anomaly is typical of this global megablock. It is characterized by large Cr and Au deposits (southern Africa). Volcanic-hosted deposits (base metals, Au-Ag), tin ores, diamonds in kimberlite pipes and carbonatites are common. Pb, Zn, Ti, Fe and others are less common. 3. The Indostan-Madagascar-West Australian global megablock comprises the following first-order megablocks: Siberian-Central Asian megablock (Siberian Platform, West Siberian lowland, Kazakhstan, middle and northern Tien Shan) with Ni, Cu and Pb-Zn deposits; Indostan megablock (Cu, Pb-Zn); East African-Madagascar megablock (Ni, U, diamonds), West Australian megablock (Ni, Au, REE). The global megablock is characterized by negative free-air anomalies. It typically includes pegmatite (with mica, Be and Li), Cu-Ni, Pb-Zn, Fe, Mn, Ti, PGE, Ag and Au deposits. 4. The American-Greenland global megablock includes the following structures: Canadian-Greenland Shield (U, Cu, Pb-Zn, Au deposits) and its folded framing; mid-continent plates with the MV deposits (Pb-Zn); the Appalachia and Innuit folded systems (U, Fe); East Greenland province (Li, Be). The gravity field is complicated. The Canadian Shield was characterized by negative gravity anomalies until the Upper Proterozoic. Then the rock complexes were developed under conditions of positive gravity anomalies. The megablock is marked by wide development of Au deposits; Li-Be pegmatites; sulfide Cu-Ni deposits with PGE; as well as W, Co, Ag, Mo, Ti (+ V) and U deposits. It also includes large reserves of Cu, Pb, Zn and Fe. 5. The European global megablock comprises the Baltic Shield with the following metallogenic provinces: East European, Svalbard, Kara and Pechora-Barents Sea. The megablock includes siderophile element deposits, rare metal and ceramic pegmatites, diamondiferous kimberlites and ferruginous quartzites. It is characterized by negative gravity anomalies. 10 Fig. 5. Sketch map of the North Asian Craton and its framing. According to L.M. Parfenov (2000). 1-4 - Elements of craton: 1 - Siberian Platform, 2 - fold-thrust belts (VR - Verkhoyansk, BP - Baikal-Patom, ST - South Taimyr, EA - East Angara), 3 - Riphean aulacogens, 4 Devonian aulacogens; 5-10 - orogenic belts of different ages: 5 - Circum-Siberian (CS) Late Riphean (750-650 Ma), 6 - Yenisei-Transbaikal (YT) Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician (500-460 Ma), 7 - Altai (AL) Silurian (435-415 Ma), 8 - South Mongolian-Khingana (SMK) Late Paleozoic (320-300 Ma), 9 - Mongolian-Okhotsk (МО) Late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic (290-140 Ma), 10 - Verkhoyansk-Kolyma (VK) (145-100 Ma), South Anyui (SA), Badzhal (BD), HonsuSikhote Alin (HS) (140-95 Ma); 12 - Kolyma-Omolon (KO) superterrane formed at the terminal Middle Jurassic; 13 -fragments of cratons: Okhotsk (ОK), Omolon (ОМ); 14 - fragments of Late Riphean orogenic belts: Argun (AR) and Tuva-Mongolian (ТМ) superterranes; 15 - fragments of Early Paleozoic orogenic belts: Bureya-Jiamusi (BJ) and Kara (КR) superterranes; 16 - thrusts; 17 - strike-slip faults; 18 - faults. 6. The Siberian global megablock is distinguished by the wide development of five major groups of deposits: Au, Cu-Ni-PGE, iron ores and diamonds (Fig. 5). Their formation is closely associated with the Precambrian history (primarily, Archean greenstone belts), mafic-ultramafic magmatism and active geodynamics in the Late Cambrian-Early Phanerozoic. In the Aldan 11 Shield, the latitudinal gabbro-anorthosite zone with titanomagnetite deposits is confined to conjugation of the pre-Proterozoic consolidated structure of the shield with Karelides of the Jugjur-Stanovik region. 7. The Mediterranean-Central Asian (Tethys) and Urals-Mongolia-Okhotsk belt is a planetary zone with the highest ore concentration in the Earth. It appeared in the Middle Paleozoic and actively evolved until the N-Q time in two megastages: Pz2-Mz3 and N-Q. The first stage was marked by the formation of the planetary Urals-Mongolia-Okhotsk belt and manifestation of the Late Caledonian, Hercynian and Early Cimmerian folding. These processes were responsible for the formation of most ore provinces in West Europe, Urals and northern Kazakhstan that accommodate approximately 140 unique ore deposits and fields. 8. The Andean-Cordilleran global megablock includes the Cordillera and Andes (Au, Sn, Cu, Cu-Mo deposits), Alaska, tectonomagmatic reactivation zones, Basin and Range zone as well as island arcs of the Greater and Lesser Antilles. This region accommodates up to 70% of world reserves of Mo; hydrothermal volcanic-hosted deposits with complex ores (Au-Ag, Ag, Sn-Ag, base metals); 60% of porphyry copper ores; various formation types of Pb-Zn deposits; large Hg, Sb, W, U, Pt and Au deposits; as well as unique fluorite and Be deposits. 9. The Asian-Australian mobile metallogenic belt includes the following structures: Mesozoic structures of Asia; Hercynian structures of Central Asia and Mesozoic tectonomagmatic activation zones; Chukotka-Catasian volcanic belt; and Mesozoic orogenic zone (Koryakia-Anadyr system, island-arcs in the western Pacific and other structures). Its western boundary is represented by the Asian continental platforms. The global megablock also includes the East Australian region (SE Australian Platform, Tasmania and New Zealand). On the whole, the global megablock is characterized by positive free-air anomalies. This region is characterized by the marginal-marine type of the Earth's crust with a wide development of marginal-marine basins. They distinctly show deep structural elements that extend down to the lithospheric boundaries, which coincide with the ancient or modern seismofocal zones and outline autonomous lithospheric microplates. They reflect the internal deep structure that differs basically from both oceanic and continental varieties. For example, the Sea of Okhotsk Plate is an autonomous tectonic unit (precisely like the adjacent Sea of Japan and Bering Sea plates, according to the same seismotomographic data). The marginal-marine type includes separate blocks of the continental crust (the Precambrian consolidation block included) and represents the site of mantle plumes that make up local riftogenic structures (depressions and troughs). 12 The Asian-Australian metallogenic belt comprises large reserves of Sn, Hg-Sb; W, Mo, Au, Au-Ag, Pb-Zn, Cu and Ti; Precambrian iron ore deposits; and carbonatites (in eastern Asia). Uranium, diamond, base metal and gold deposits are typical of Australia. 10. Ancient oceanic plates (J2 - K1). According to S.I. Andreev and I.S. Gramberg (1997), this stage marks the beginning of the talassogenic system formation. It includes a large-scale basification of the lithified upper mantle and the subsequent input of the mafic material along disordered faults that made up the ancient oceanic plates. These processes were synchronous with the continental Cimmerian activity. 11. The ancient-to-young plate transition zone (K1-K2) is characterized by wide development of intraoceanic volcanic belts corresponding in age to the respective MesoCenozoic continental belts. 12. Young oceanic plates, flanks of Talassic structures, riftogenic zones (K2-Plc). The terminal megastage of the oceanic crust formation, which coincided with the Alpine stage of continents, was marked by the formation of young oceanic plates and the planetary system of mid-oceanic ridges, resulting in the formation of the unique metallogenic zonality in the World Ocean. The late stage produced provinces with ferromanganese nodules, Co-bearing ferromanganese crusts and nodules, as well as hydrothermal sulfide occurrences in the midoceanic ridges. General Features of Global Megablocks Global megablocks are characterized by a specific association of typical metals, structure of the Earth’s crust and set of geological formations. Blocks with positive gravimetric anomalies Blocks with positive gravimetric anomalies comprise very large Cr, Hg, Sn and Ta-Nb pegmatite deposits, large volcanic-hosted deposits (mainly massive sulfide). They incorporate up to 80% of the world resources of gold (South Africa, Canadian Shield and Russian Far East). Large uranium deposits are also found. Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, Ti, V W show a transit character independent of the megablock type. Megablocks with negative free-air anomalies enclose mainly siderophile, rare earth and uranium deposits; pegmatites (with muscovite and Ве) and Cu-Ni ores (with PGE). Cu, Pb, Zn, W, Mo and S deposits are widespread. Thus, the continental part of the Earth’s crust includes two types of large global megablocks. Type 1 (Eurafrican, American, Asian-Australian) is characterized by large-scale differentiation of magmatic formations and positive gravimetric anomalies. They are characterized by wide development of the whole ensemble of geotectonic structures in the Earth’s crust: Archean cratons, epicratonic depressions, Proterozoic mobile belts, protoactivation zones, Caledonides, Hercynides, Mesozoides, Alpides and Cenozoides. The Phanerozoic 13 tectonomagmatic activation is widespread. The geological section is saturated with granitoid complexes. Type 2 (Siberian, European, Indostan-Madagascar-West Australian global megablocks) is marked by active manifestation of early Precambrian tectonic processes, weak manifestation of Phanerozoic processes and averaged negative gravity anomalies. Baikalides and Caledonides are abundant, whereas Hercynides are subordinate. The platform structures incorporate crystalline massifs. Granite gneisses, granulites, charnockites and granitoids are widespread. The intermediate type is represented by the American-Greenland megablock. The early (Archean, Early Proterozoic) history of the megablock followed the first scenario, whereas the history since the Late Proterozoic followed the second scenario. Based on analysis of a great body of empirical material, large areas of the World Ocean are marked by low magmatic differentiation of mantle material and, consequently, low endogenous metallogenic productivity. Sn, Mo, W, Hg, Sb, diamond and many other types of deposits are absent. The next (regional) scale of investigation of the Earth’s crust is aimed at subdivision of first-order megablocks into metallogenic provinces, belts and ore districts. Regional metallogeny studies regularities in the spatiotemporal distribution of mineral deposits in connection with peculiarities of the development and structure of large territories. The main aim is to study geodynamic settings of ore formation and accomplish metallogenic regionalization in order to discriminate crustal sectors of certain period and tectonic evolution with typical associations of mineral deposits. The regional metallogenic analysis includes the following three tasks: (1) metallogenic regionalization based on hierarchic structural-metallogenic taxa; (2) compilation of metallogenic maps and schemes; and (3) special metallogeny. Regional metallogenic provinces, belts and ore districts were formed during a homogeneous tectonomagmatic regime. They are characterized by certain type of magmatism, sedimentation and ore formation. Specified metallogenic structures defined in this process are investigated by the whole complex of modern prognostic-prospecting (geochemical, petrological, formational and others) methods to assess their raw mineral potential. Since such investigations have a very high theoretical and practical importance, issues of the metallogenic regionalization should be handled very carefully. Regional taxa should be identified only after the global metallogenic analysis with the identification of global (planetary) megablocks and first-order megablocks therein. Identification of large and superlarge deposits is a very important problem. It is comprehensively investigated by special metallogeny. The point at issue is large mineral deposits of separate types that are formed in (1) planetary-scale specific geological-metallogenic settings 14 or (2) unique combinations of such settings in first-order blocks. The first category includes provinces with porphyry Cu-Mo and Sn-W-Mo, stratiform Pb-Zn, uranium-base metal, massive sulfide and types of deposits. The second category includes polygenous and polychronous complex (base metal) deposits with giant reserves. When studying such metallogenic provinces, specific attention should be paid to global geodynamic settings that promote the concentration of mineral matter: Precambrian cratons, epicratonic depressions, Proterozoic mobile belts, as well as zones tectonomagmatic activation, protoactivation, spreading, subduction, collision and others. Further study of a crustal specified area should be corrected with the consideration of its evolutionary maturity and mineral potential. Depending on the age and complex of geologicalgeochemical, petrological and sedimentary processes that took place in a specified structuralformational and geodynamic environment, we should significantly modify the known methods and prospecting technologies. Efficiency of the prognostic-prospecting method in modern conditions is demonstrated by recommendations of the Canadian scientist F. Agterberg (2011) who studied the copper potential of the Precambrian regional metallogenic province Abitibi in the Canadian-Greenland megablock. Based on areal geochemical survey (grid 10 • 10 km), he compiled two series of anomaly maps in 1968 and 2008. Prospecting and exploitation were carried out here during this period. According to this researcher, the prognostic and proven reserves of Cu in 1968 and 2008 were estimated at 3.12 and 9.50 Mt, respectively. We believe that the growth in reserves and excellent results of prospecting in this famous region were promoted by an accidental coincidence of regional factors: (1) a uniform (with respect to geological structure and metallogenic characteristics) territory of the Early Precambrian was studied; (2) the main ore potential was related to volcanosedimentary massive sulfide copper formation; and (3) the authors could empirically choose calculation parameters and coefficients that were most appropriate for the hydrodynamic ore-forming systems functioning in the Early Precambrian in the given block of the Earth’s crust. Agterberg developed a specific prospecting method (complex Pareto and lognormal geochemical models), which is highly efficient only for such geological-geochemical situations. Its application to other geological-metallogenic conditions (particularly, Miocene massive sulfide copper provinces in Japan) or prospecting for diverse deposits in China and other regions (Singer, 2011) yielded more modest results. 15 Conclusions In the Earth's crust, we can conditionally identify zones with contrast energy levels of tectonic and metallogenic processes: low level (oceanic crust); medium and high levels (continental crust). The latter group can be divided into two categories of planetary structure ensembles (global and first-order megablocks): (1) megablocks with the formation history terminating in the Precambrian (medium-energy level); (2) megablocks with a continuous evolution during the whole geological history of the Earth (high-energy level). The high-energy megablocks are characterized by large-scale differentiation of magmatic formations and wide development of geotectonic structures: Archean cratons, epicratonic depressions, Proterozoic mobile belts, protoactivation zones, Caledonides, Hercynides, Mesozoides, Alpides and Cenozoides. Processes of the Phanerozoic tectonomagmatic activation were most complete here. The geological section is saturated with granitoid complexes. The crust is divided into the lower and upper parts. On the whole, these structures are characterized by positive gravity anomalies. Precambrian tectonic, magmatic, sedimentary and metallogenic processes were widespread in the medium-energy megablocks. The mantle was enriched with ore elements. This period is marked by the first fundamental phase of ore element concentration and formation of the main volume of major metallogenic formations that served later as the source of ore material: mainly siderophile and uranium deposits, pegmatites (with muscovite and Ве), and Cu-Ni ores (with PGE). Cu, Pb, Zn deposits are widespread. Phanerozic metallogenic processes are weakly manifested. Negative gravity anomalies are typical. The low-energy level is recorded in large areas with the Mesozoic-Cenozoic oceanic crust. This region is characterized by low magmatic differentiation and, consequently, low endogenic metallogenic productivity. The depleted mantle could not serve as source for most ore deposits. This level includes only endogenic deposits associated with the submarine undifferentiated tholeiitic basaltoid formation (mainly massive sulfide ores). Sn, Mo, W, Hg, Sb, U, Pb, diamond and many other deposits are absent here. Ore components were concentrated in the Earth’s crust in three geological settings: (a) hydrothermal rift systems of oceans and continents; (b) plate subduction zones beneath active continental margins; (c) fluid systems in tectonomagmatic activation and protoactivation zones. The geological history includes two maximums of ore formation: Early Proterozoic and Phanerozoic. The Early Proterozoic period is marked by the formation of a single core of the Earth and the formation of unique provinces with ores of siderophile elements. They were accumulated in global megablocks with negative gravity anomalies. The ph Phanerozoic period was marked by a new evolution level of the Earth and its crust: initiation of the cyclic 16 functioning of the mechanism lithospheric plate tectonics. The main role in ore formation belonged to fluid systems in tectonomagmatic activation zones and mobile belts. 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