Willis Classical Rhetoric Reading List

Classical Rhetoric Reading List
Aristotle: On Rhetoric
Plato: Gorgias, Phaedrus
Horace: Ars Poetrica
Longinus: On the Sublime
Cicero: On the Good Life, On the Ideal Orator
Quintillian: On the Teaching of Speaking and Writing
Demetrius: On Style
St. Augustine: Confessions
Theophrastus: On Characters
Lu Chi: Wen Fu (The Art of Letters)
Han Fei Tzu: The Difficulties of Persuasion
Isocrates: Antidosis, Against the Sophists
Gorgias: Encomium of Helen, On Being
Parmenides: On Nature
Dissoi Logoi
Protagoras: fragments
Kennedy, George: A New History of Classical Rhetoric
Jarratt, Susan: Rereading the Sophists
Guthrie, W.K.C.: The Sophists
Pernot, Laurent: Rhetoric in Antiquity
Rhetorica Ad Herennium
Dominik, William: Roman Eloquence: Rhetoric in Society and Literature
Henri Irenee Marrou: A History of Education in Antiquity
Jacqueline de Romilly: The Great Sophists in Periclean Athens
Maude W. Gleason: Making Men