Please complete and return this form to: Recorder’s name and address: Jez Blackburn, BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU or in accordance with the conditions of your licence. Much of the information will be directed towards the conservation and protection of Schedule 1 species and their habitats through the creation of SSSI. Please complete this form as fully as possible (see notes) All information supplied will be in strict confidence. Please bear in mind that an inadequate return may prejudice the issue of further permits. Schedule 1 Permit Report Year:2015 (THIS IS NOT A RENEWAL FORM) Nest Recorders code CONFIDENTIAL PLEASE USE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH SPECIES/COUNTY COMBINATION Note, all sites can be reported via nest records even if they are not occupied, or just have non breeding birds present. Only complete this form if you do not submit nest records. A NIL return is a site not visited. TOTAL POPULATION If you are in a position to judge, please write in the larger box your best estimates of the numbers of pairs of this species breeding in the County/Region this year. If you are unsure of the numbers, give the likely range (e.g. 6-8). Write the following codes for the reliability of your estimate in the small box: a based on good survey; b limited survey/experience; c guess. Permit No: Species: County/local authority area: Estimated number of pairs in county: a/b/c PLEASE ALSO REFER TO NOTES ON COMPLETING THIS FORM DETAILS OF INDIVIDUAL SITES Site Name & Grid Ref (6 figs). Max. no. adults seen Clutch size Young fledged No. of visits Visit dates dates Number of pairs Possible Probable Confirmed Other notes Total Observers’ names HOW TO REPORT ON YOUR SCHEDULE 1 PERMIT Completing the Schedule 1 Permit Report form Only use this form if you are unable to submit a record via the BTO Nest Records system or to your Raptor Study Group. Use a separate form for each species, County/local authority area and year. Lines are provided for up to 4 individual sites; please use further forms if you have more sites to report. If you can conveniently do so, please break large sites down into smaller units. Use the boxes as follows: 1. Name and Address – please enter this in full on EACH page remembering that when these forms are sent to the Rare Breeding Birds Panel they will be stored in species files not by observer. 2. Species - use the full English name of the species. 3. Total Population – If you are in a position to judge, please write in the larger box your best estimates of the numbers of pairs of this species breeding in the County/Region this year. If you are unsure of the numbers, give the likely range (e.g. 6-8). Write the following codes for the reliability of your estimate in the small box: a based on good survey; b limited survey/experience; c guess. 4. County/local authority area – please use current administrative divisions. 5. Site Name & Grid Ref – This is required for all records. Please use six figure grid references (eg TF123456) and give the closest name from the current 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 O.S. map. For conservation purposes, it is important to know locations as precisely as possible. 6. Maximum number of adults seen - please record the maximum number of adults seen using M for male and F for female (e.g. 2F, 1M). If a previously known site was visited and no adults seen enter zero. 7. Clutch size/Young fledged – please enter number of eggs in the clutch and young thought to have fledged from this site. If you are unsure, please give the likely range (e.g. 6-9). NB: if you have either of these bits of information you would be able to enter a Nest Record and do not need to complete this form for this site. 8. Number of visits/visit dates - record the number and dates of visits to the site. 9. Number of pairs - please enter the number of pairs in each of the European Atlas categories (Possible/Probable/Confirmed), plus the total. If you are unsure, give the likely range (eg 6-9). Note that, for some species, it is appropriate to count units other than pairs (eg Bittern and Cetti’s Warbler, calling males; Marsh Harrier, females and nests); please indicate in the notes the units used. The categories are defined as: Possible breeding: Bird (or birds) observed in suitable nesting habitat, or singing male (or breeding calls) in breeding season, but where there is no indication of a pair being on site for more than a week or a male holding a territory. Probable breeding: Pair observed in suitable nesting habitat in breeding season or permanent territory presumed (through) registration of song or other territorial behaviour on at least 2 occasions a week or more apart); or observation of courtship, visiting probable nest site, agitated behaviour of adults, nest-building or brood patch on adult. Confirmed breeding: Adults injury-feigning (distraction displaying), or at apparently occupied nest, or carrying faecal sac or food for young; or current year’s used nest, fresh eggshells, recently fledged or downy young, or nest with eggs or young. 10. Please provide additional information, if necessary continue on a separate sheet. Useful information would include: circumstances of failure, ring numbers of pulli, etc. any information that might be valuable for conservation purposes particularly if this is a first record or something has changed. In particular, whether they are public or private, whether they are protected as SSSI’s or similar, whether conservation measures are needed, whether the site is keepered, whether the landowner knows of the birds. any other observations that you feel might be useful (such as ‘first record for country’, ‘site 3 last occupied 1946’, habitat details). 11. If the observer is not the person who has completed the form, please enter the observer’s name here.