Mountain Building: Folding & Faulting

1.1.4-1.1.7: Mountain Building: Folding & Faulting
1. Why are most mountain ranges located on the margins of the continents?_______________________
2. Define Folding:_____________________________________________________________________
3. What is the difference between anticlines and synclines?____________________________________
4. Draw a diagram to illustrate the concepts of anticline and syncline.
Folding Mountains: A Review
Q. What type of tectonic force is required to create folded mountains?
Q. What name is given to the peaks created in folded mountains?
Q. What term is given to the valleys created in folded mountains?
Q. Are many of the world’s mountains formed by folding?
Q. How long does it take for folded mountains to form?
Q. At which type of tectonic zone would you find folded mountains? (ridge, transform or subduction)
1.1.4-1.1.7: Mountain Building: Folding & Faulting
1. What are fault lines? ________________________________________________________________
2. Explain how normal faults cause mountains to form. _______________________________________
3. Explain how Fault Block Mountains form. _______________________________________________
4. Explain Reverse Fault Mountains. ______________________________________________________
5. Describe Overthrust Fault. ____________________________________________________________
Faulting: A Review
Q. What name is given to large cracks in the earth's crust?
Q. What name is given to faults formed by tensional forces?
Q. What name is given to faults formed by compressional forces?
Q. How do overthrust faults differ from regular reverse faults?