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Faulting, Folding, and Mountain Building Quiz

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________ Period: _______
Quiz: Faulting, Folding and Mountain Building
____________________ 1. Stress that pushes rock together is called ______.
____________________ 2. TRUE or FALSE: The two parts of a fault are the hanging wall and the toe wall.
____________________ 3. TRUE or FALSE: A normal fault is caused by compression.
____________________ 4. A strike-slip fault is caused by _____ (stress).
____________________ 5. A(n) _____ is an upward fold in a rock layer
____________________ 6. The three main types of mountains are ____, folded, and fault-block mountains.
____________________ 7. TRUE or FALSE: A break in the earth’s surface that has movement is called a fault.
____________________ 8. TRUE or FALSE: Earthquakes are common along reverse and strike-slip faults.
____________________ 9. A break in the earth’s crust that has no movement is called a(n) ______.
____________________ 10. TRUE or FALSE: The most common type of mountains on Earth are folded