File mountain building guided notes

Mountain Building
Volcanic Mountains
Examples of volcanic mountians:
___________________ in ___________________
___________________in Washington, Oregon, and northern California
___________________in Alaska
•___________________ is a general term that refers to all
______________________________________and/or ___________________of
a rock body
Deformation can create ___________________
Folded mountains occur when ___________________from
___________________ (→←) and ___________________ the existing surface
•Mountain Building at Convergent Boundaries
•___________________plate collision
• Created ___________________and the
Rocks bent into a series ___________________
Most folds result from ___________________that shorten and thicken the crust
Types of folds
Anticline – ______________________________________
Syncline – ______________________________________
Faults are ___________________along which ___________________ has taken
Faults are created by the ______________________________________
With folds, the ___________________. With faults the ___________________
The rock moves ___________________or ___________________from their
original position
Types of Faults
1. Dip - slip fault
___________________along the ___________________ (dip) of fault
Parts of a dip-slip fault
• ___________________– the rock above the fault surface
• ___________________– the rock below the fault surface
Normal Fault
Hanging wall moves ____________________________
Caused when _____________________________
Reverse Fault
Hanging wall moves ____________________________
Caused when _____________________________
Fault Block Mountains
2. Strike - slip faults
Movement is ___________________ and ___________________ to the
A strike-slip fault
Combination Mountains
Appalachian Mountains
Created ___________________years ago during the time of ___________________
Composed of ___________________with some ___________________ and slivers of
ancient ___________________
Because they are very old, they __________________ any more and are quite
Although the Appalachian Mountains are a ___________________, they have
___________________for the different areas. They extend through many different
states which have given them separate names
Rocky Mountains
Formed about ___________________years ago during an unusually active period of
Since then, ___________________ have sculpted the mountain range into dramatic
___________________ and ___________________.
The geology is very complex. They are mostly composed of
___________________and ___________________with some