
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Books and Reports (Presented in chronological order)
Urban Biodiversity: Exploring
Natural Habitat and its Value in
Cities. 2002. 149 pp. by Valentin Schaefer,
A description of natural habitat in the city and
the environmental benefits of small scale
Hillary Rudd and Jamie Vala
Clear Water Initiative for the
Coquitlam River Watershed. 2001. 78
pp. by Hillary Rudd.
Mural Madness: A Guide for Creating
a Nature Mural. 2001. 27 pp. by Erika
Port Moody Environmental Almanac.
2001. 60 pp. Edited by Naomi Tabata.
An assessment of water quality in creeks of the
Coquitlam River Watershed and an analysis of
what can be done to reduce turbidity from
nonpoint sources.
Explains how to design and paint nature murals
with the participation of school children, parents,
teachers and staff.
An overview of the natural environment in Port
Moody and resources available to citizens
interested in environmental stewardship.
A biophysical assessment of a 25 acre air park
A Biophysical Inventory and Wildlife
and recommendations for managing the site for
Habitat Management Plan for the
Delta Heritage Air Park:. 2001. 96 pp. by wildlife.
Nicole Lee.
Vital Signs of Progress: A Symposium
on Monitoring the Results of Habitat
Restoration. Proceedings. 2001. 73 pp
Tabata, N. Ed.
Planting for Paradise. 2001. 72 pp. by
Valentin Schaefer, Jamie Vala and Hillary
Examining the advantages and disadvantages of
various approaches to measuring the
effectiveness of habitat restoration projects.
The ecological and financial benefits of greening
urban environments.
Creating a Backyard Habitat. 2001. 45 A guide to creating wildlife habitat in backyards.
pp. by Karlee Zelmer.
Native Plant Habitat Enhancement: A
Guide for Community Plantings in the
Greater Vancouver Regional District.
2000. 32 pp. by Jennifer Eakins, Katherine
A how-to guide for conducting community
plants to create wildlife habitat in the city.
Mikes and Sheryl Webster
A Study of Hedgerow Quantity and
Composition on Farmland in Delta, BC.
2000. 67 pp. by Jamie Vala
A biophysical inventory of hedgerows in Delta
measuring linear distances of trees and shrubs
and hedgerow composition.
Greening the Gravel. Symposium
Proceedings. 2000. 75 pp. Edited by
A forum for ideas on environmental Engineering,
habitat restoration and reclamation in the
aggregate mining industry.
Amanda Carr.
The Basics of Mapping with GPS.
A guide to using Trimble Pasthfinder Office 2.0
software and Trimble GeoExplorer II GPS
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
2000. 32 pp. by Rachel Botting and Geoff
receiver in conducting biophysical inventories.
Coquitlam River Watershed
Almanac. 1999. 77 pp. by Lisa Zosiak
An overview of natural areas within the cities of
Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam and a reference to
stewardship groups and environmental
Working Toward Conservation: A
Symposium for the Coquitlam River
Watershed. Proceedings. 1999. 34 pp.
A symposium on the natural environment and
stewardship min the Coquitlam River
Edited by Jennifer Eakins.
Creating Bird Habitat in Small
Places. 1999. 25 pp. by Amanda Carr.
Songbirds in the City: A
Celebration. 1999. 132 pp. by Valentin
Schaefer and Leanne Paris.
Native Plant Propagation Program.
Lower Mainland, British Columbia,
Curriculum Guide. 1999. 105 pp. by
A guide for balcony, roof top, window box and
wall plantings using native plants to attract birds.
A look at songbird habitat and environmental
stewardship in the city, along with poetry and
A description of the Lower Mainland bioregion
and urban biodiversity. Also discusses the use of
native vegetation in habitat restoration
Valentin Schaefer
Native Plant Propagation Program
Techniques Manual. 1999. 84 pp. by
Maya Levy, Valentin Schaefer and Kelly
City of Surprises: Discovering
Urban Wildlife Habitats. 1998. 122 pp
Written as a Teacher's manual for a class
program to raise native vegetation from seeds
and cuttings for habitat resyoartion
Descriptions of 37 urban habitats with food webs
and questions for thought
by Renata Cacik and Valentin Schaefer.
WEL-USE Feasibility Study. 1998. 75
pp. by Ian Parfitt
Feasibility study report on web-based
environmental land use databases in GIS format.
Includes an inventory of existing databases
Green Links Burnaby Design
Charette. 1998. 36 pp. by Lee-Ann
A description of a design charette to green 16 th
Avenue in Burnaby between Byrne Creek Ravine
and Robert Burnaby Park.
Locker, Kathleen Grainger and Denise
Prince Charles Elementary School’s
Nature Mural. 1998. 34 pp. by Janet
Green Links. 1998. Educators Guide.
76 pp. by Tracy Hetherington, Candice
Rutter and Sarah Farina
Green Links. 1998. Vol. 4. Burnaby
Demonstration Project. 176 pp. by
A description of the plants and animals in the
nature mural. Includes 14 nature games and
some eco-quotes.
Curriculum to teach urban biodiversity, the use
of native vegetation in restoration, and the value
of ecological connectivity
Valentin Schaefer and Marty Sulek.
A description of the Burnaby, BC, Green Links
Project, including a design charette exploring the
use of a street and yards to establish a corridor
Green Links. 1998. Vol. 5. Surrey-
A description of the Green Link through Surrey
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
Delta Demonstration Project. 159 pp.
and Delta, BC.
by Valentin Schaefer and Marty Sulek.
Green Links. 1997. Vol. 1 Coquitlam
Demonstration Project. 143 pp by
Valentin Schaefer and Marty Sulek.
Green Links. 1997. Vol. 2
Implementation, Enhancement and
Community Action. 320 pp. by Valentin
An overall description of the Green Links Project
and the first demonstration link in Coquitlam,
A collection of brochures, booklets and other
materials used in conducting the Green Links
Schaefer and Marty Sulek.
Green Links. 1997. Vol 3. Additional
Data and Documentation for the
Coquitlam Project. 124 pp. by Valentin
Additional enhancement plans, a comparison of
diversity indices and mapping considerations in
connectivity analysis
Schaefer and Marty Sulek.
Green Links Symposium
Proceedings. 1996. 106 pp. by Kathleen
Mapping Urban Forests: A
Community Comparison. 1996. 63 pp.
by Renata Cacik
Environmental Information
Systems: Learning How to do
Environmental Research Online.
1994. 170 pp. by Valentin Schaefer and
The proceedings of a symposium to examine
green spaces and connectivity in the Greater
Vancouver Regional District.
A study of street and yard trees present in
Surrey, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Burnaby
and Vancouver BC based on original research
A how-to guide on how to do online
environmental research
Tidewater Research and Communications
Perspectives on the Environment:
Creating a Sustainable Society.
1994. Vol. 1. 239 pp. Edited by Valentin
Perspectives on the Environment:
Creating a Sustainable Society.
1994. Vol. 2. 224 pp. Edited by Valentin
Bird Survey of Noon's Creek, Port
Moody. 1993. 93 pp. by Sidney
Using the Lower Mainland, BC, as an
example, examining social perceptions,
consensus building, solid waste, liquid waste and
toxic chemicals.
Using the Lower Mainland, BC, as an
example, examining air quality,
environmental law, economics, marketing and
environmental citizenship
Original research on birds found in Noon's
Creek, Port Moody, BC
Growth Management and Urban
Ecology. 1993. Vol. 1.
Queensborough - A Case Study. 171
pp. by Valentin Schaefer, Mona Aston,
Renata Cacik, Joseph West and Patrick
A description of the natural environment and
development issues surrounding this floodplain
community on Lulu Island in the Lower
Mainland, BC
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
Growth Management and Urban
Ecology. 1993. Vol. 2. Urban Habitat
Classification. 194 pp. by Valentin
An attempt to highlight urban biodiversity by
defining and describing 34 urban habitats
Schaefer, Mona Aston, Renata Cacik, Joseph
West and Patrick Whalen
Urban Ravines. Vol. 1. Byrne Creek A Case Study. 1992. 198 pp
A description of the natural, social and geological
environment of this ravine in Burnaby, BC
by Valentin Schaefer, Mona Aston, Nicolle
Bergstresser, Janet Gray and Peter Malacarne
Urban Ravines. Vol. 2. B.C. Lower
Mainland Urban Ravines Inventory.
1992. 248 pp. by Valentin Schaefer, Mona
An inventory of 140 ravines including general
dimensions and a topographic map for each
Aston, Nicolle Bergstresser, Janet Gray and
Peter Malacarne
Biodiversity in Greater Victoria.
1992. 126 pp. Edited by Valentin Schaefer.
A description of urban biodiversity and its value
in Greater Victoria, BC. Includes a biodiversity
map based on five categories of urban
An overall review of urban living and its
Sustaining Victoria - Exploring
Urban Lifestyle Options. 1991. 272 pp. environmental impacts with local examples of
Edited by Valentin Schaefer.
more sustainable options
Environmental Issues in Greater
Victoria. 1991. 190 pp. Edited by Valentin
A documentation of issues such as air and water
quality and liquid and solid waste management
Interpreting Nature: A Primer for
Understanding Natural History,
Vol. 1989. 267 pp. by Valentin Schaefer
A review of plants explaining general anatomy,
taxonomy and ecology
and Jude Grass
Interpreting Nature: A Primer for
Understanding Natural History,
Vol. 2. 1989. 291 pp. by Valentin Schaefer
A review of animal groups explaining general
anatomy, taxonomy and ecology
and Jude Grass
Protecting the Environment: What
One Person Can Do. 1989. 107
pp. by Heidi Anderson, Cathy Schofield,
Valentin Schaefer and Adrienne Peacock
A History of the Federation of BC
Naturalists. 1988. 106 pp. by Barabara
An overview of environmental problems and
individual lifestyle choices and alternatives to
address them
A description of the history of the origins and
activities of the Federation of BC Naturalists
from 1965-1988.
A Nature Guide to Urban Parks.
1987. 217 pp. by Adrienne Peacock,
Brief descriptions with maps of 16 parks in
Burnaby, Coquitlam, Belacarra and New
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
Valentin Schaefer, Grant Beaton, BrigittaAnn Kaps and Robert Major
Westminster, BC with 4 nature activities for
children described for each
An inventory of subtidal and intertidal plant and
Belcarra Regional Park: Subtidal
and Intertidal Inventory. 1986. 215 pp. animal marine life in this area of Burrard Inlet,
by Caroline Hardon, Herb Herunter, Selma
Low, Mike Magee, Gwyn Shipman and Heidi
Biophysical Inventory of Burnaby
Lake Regional Park. 1985. 165 pp. by
An inventory of terrestrial and emergent
vegetation with maps based on original research
of this lake in Burnaby, BC
Glen Porter, Abby Schwarz, Heidi Suterland
and Vera Vukelich
The Natural History of New
Westminster. 1985. 83 pp. by Dana
Anderson, Joel Hagen, Tracy Rapanos and
Rhonda Zimmermann
The Natural Environment of Deer
Lake. 1984. 180 pp. by Beth Scott
Inventory of 19 sites, not designated as parks,
with maps and descriptions intended to enable
people to explore nature close to home
A comprehensive description of Deer Lake in
Burnaby, BC reviewing both aquatic and
terrestrial plant and animal life with original
Books and reports are paperback in-house photocopies and cerlox (coil) bound. unibind
(plastic cover) or stapled. City of Surprises, Urban Biodiversity and Songbirds in the City is
paperback commercially printed with perfect bind.
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
Greening the Gravel for Fish and
Wildlife (38 minutes)
Habitat restoration techniques used in the
aggregate mining industry.
Greening the Gravel (27 minutes)
A look at the fate of gravel pits after they are
closed. Many are turned into parks, schools and
shopping centres.
Green Links. 1996. (20 minutes)
A description of a project to enhance urban
biodiversity by strengthening natural
connections been urban green spaces
Urban Ravines: A Hidden
Community Asset. 1992. (17 minutes)
A description of the natural, social and geological
characteristics of urban ravines
Ideas for the Naturalist. 1989. (30
Presentation techniques for nature education, a
puppet show on marine life and a performance
piece of a freshwater food web
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
The Working with Nature series:
Lichens in the City
Zooming in on Fungi
Environmental Benefits of Small Scale Plantings
Native Plants and your Garden
Gardening with Balconies
Birds in your Backyard
Building your own Bird House
Bats of the Lower Mainland
Building your own Bat House
Green Links series:
Green Links: Envisioning a City - Home to both People and Nature
Burnaby Green Links
Coquitlam Green Links
Surrey/Delta Green Links
How to Compost in the City
Creating a Wildlife Habitat at Home series:
Backyard Wildlife
Backyard Birds
Beneficial Insects for Your Garden
Community Safety Issues
The City of Surprises: Yaletown Nature Walk
You Can Help Save Deer Lake
Burnaby Lake: Yours to Enjoy and Protect
Discover Belcarra's Marine Life
Discover New Westminster Natural History
Trail Map of Byrne Creek Ravine
Douglas College, New Westminster, Tree Walk
Moody Park, New Westminster, Tree Walk
 Web-based Environmental Land use GIS for the Lower Mainland, BC: Existing
Data Spreadsheets
 Creating Bird Habitat in Small Places: A Guide for Balcony, Roof Top,
Window Box and Wall Plantings Using Native Plants to Attract Birds
 Native Plant Habitat Restoration: A Guide for Community Plantings
 Tips on Creating Backyard Wildlife Habitat
 Ecological Walking Guide to Surrey/Delta, BC, Utility Corridor
 Safety Audit Guide for Green Spaces
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
The Green Link (quarterly since 1997)
 Vols. 1-3
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Order Form
Shipping ($2/book, report or video)
Books and reports less than 100 pages:
Books and reports more than 100 pages:
Brochures, booklets, newsletters
(single copies):
$ 5.00
Please make cheque payable to Douglas College and mail order to:
Douglas College
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
P.O. Box 2503
New Westminster, BC
V3L 5B2
For further information call Val Schaefer at (604) 527-5224
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology Publications - Order Form
Native Plant Propagation Program. Lower Mainland, BC, Curriculum Guide.
Native Plant Propagation Program Techniques Manual.
City of Surprises: Discovering Urban Wildlife Habitats.
WEL-USE Feasibility Study.
Green Links. Vol. 4. Burnaby Demonstration Project.
Green Links. Vol. 5. Surrey-Delta Demonstration Project.
Green Links. Educators Guide.
Green Links. Vol. 1 Coquitlam Demonstration Project.
Green Links. Vol. 2 Implementation, Enhancement and Community Action.
Green Links. Additional Data and Documentation for the Coquitlam Project.
Mapping Urban Forests: A Community Comparison.
Perspectives on the Environment: Creating a Sustainable Society. Vol. 1.
Perspectives on the Environment: Creating a Sustainable Society. Vol. 2.
Environmental Information Systems: Environmental Research Online.
Growth Management and Urban Ecology. Vol. 1. Queensborough - A Case Study.
Growth Management and Urban Ecology. Vol. 2. Urban Habitat Classification.
Bird Survey of Noon's Creek, Port Moody.
Biodiversity in Greater Victoria.
Urban Ravines. Vol. 1. Byrne Creek - A Case Study.
Urban Ravines. Vol. 2. B.C. Lower Mainland Urban Ravines Inventory.
Sustaining Victoria - Exploring Urban Lifestyle Options.
Environmental Issues in Greater Victoria.
Interpreting Nature: A Primer for Understanding Natural History. Vol. 1.
Interpreting Nature: A Primer for Understanding Natural History, Vol. 2.
Protecting the Environment: What One Person Can Do.
A Nature Guide to Urban Parks.
Belcarra Regional Park: Subtidal and Intertidal Inventory.
Biophysical Inventory of Burnaby Lake Regional Park.
The Natural Environment of Deer Lake.
Green Links -Video
Urban Ravines - Video
Ideas for the Naturalist - Video
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
The Working with Nature series:
Native Plants and your Garden
Gardening with Balconies
Building your own Bird House
Bats of the Lower Mainland
Building your own Bat House
Green Links series:
Green Links: Envisioning a City
Burnaby Green Links
Coquitlam Green Links
Surrey/Delta Green Links
How to Compost in the City
Creating a Wildlife Habitat at Home series:
Backyard Birds
Beneficial Insects for Your Garden
Community Safety Issues
The City of Surprises: Yaletown Nature Walk
You Can Help Save Deer Lake
Burnaby Lake: Yours to Enjoy and Protect
Discover Belcarra's Marine Life
Discover New Westminster Natural History
Trail Map of Byrne Creek Ravine
Douglas College Tree Walk
Web-based Environmental Land use GIS for the Lower Mainland, BC: Existing
Data Spreadsheets
Conducting a Community Planting
Tips on Creating Backyard Wildlife Habitat
Ecological Walking Guide to Surrey/Delta, BC, Utility Corridor
Safety Audit Guide for Green Spaces
The Green Link (quarterly since 1997)
Vol. 1 (specify issue)
Vol. 2 (specify issue)
Vol. 3 (specify issue)
Prices: Books and reports less than 100 pages $ 5, more than 100 pages $10, Videos $20
Brochures, booklets, newsletters (single copies) free
Please make cheque payable to Douglas College and mail order to:
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
Douglas College
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
P.O. Box 2503
New Westminster, BC
V3L 5B2
For further information call Val Schaefer at (604) 527-5224
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List
Centre for Environmental Studies and Urban Ecology
Publications List