The work of Longmont Studio Tour (LST) is accomplished by its artists who volunteer their time under the direction of the Program Coordinator, Krystyna Farquhar
, 303-678-7869)
LST provides opportunities throughout the year for its artists to network with each other and the community, exhibit and sell their work, promote the classes and workshops they teach and promote the annual open studios tour the last weekend in September. LST artists are active in community outreach year round, including facilitating children’s art activities at Salud Family Health Center and at ArtWalk, and providing demonstrations in schools and at the Senior Center as well as other venues.
A sign-up sheet with specific jobs will be available at the Muse Gallery located at 356
Main Street , Longmont Co. 80501. If you are unable to make it into the Muse Gallery to sign up, please call the Program Coordinator, and she will sign you up for the job(s) of your choice. Artist Volunteers are required to do a minimum of 12 hours. If you do not choose a specific job, the Program Coordinator will select one for you.
Requires Six to Eight members
Commitment: Attend monthly meetings (PT meets from 5:45 to 7:00 p.m. the third
Tuesday of each month except September, November and December.) Each Planning
Team member works with the Project Manager to guide artist volunteers on a specific committee. All LST artists are welcome to attend PT meetings even if they are not on the committee. However, voting privileges are reserved for those members that have no more than two absences during the planning year.
Requires Three to Eight members
Helps develop and carry out fundraising ideas and activities, identifies potential business sponsors and individual donors and other funding sources such as grant opportunities.
Communicates with sponsors and donors as needed, including writing thank you notes and inviting them to Preview Exhibition opening, etc.
Requires Four to Six members
Works with other committees to maximize the advertising/marketing impact of all LST activities throughout the year. Oversees use of the graphic “look” and image created by the current year’s graphic designer to maintain consistency and maximize recognition.
The final design of any advertisement must be approved by the planning team and program coordinator. Makes recommendations to Planning Team regarding use of advertising budget and finds free advertising opportunities. Marketing committee will also be tasked with coordinating and dispersing (labeling, mailing, and delivering) promotional materials such as posters and brochures and may be called upon to give presentations.
Requires Six to Eight members
Volunteers will help staff various events throughout the year such as Art Walks and Festival on Main to promote LST and assist with demonstrations and projects at said events.
The LST will have activities for children at Art Walk, a project which requires four volunteers per event. The dates for Art Walk this year are May 18 th
, July 20 th
and September
21 st
Diane Woods chairs this committee. Requires as many members as possible.
The more volunteers we have drumming up interest and support for the Tour, the better it will be. Diane will work with artists to schedule workshops and demonstrations, along with exploring other outreach opportunities. LST artists are expected to distribute
Studio Tour promotional material when they teach workshops and demonstrate art-making.
(And, of course, you may provide information about your own art, classes you teach, etc.)
Workshops: Hands-on art-making events for children and/or adults. Artists decide what the workshop activity will be and prepare it, including assembling/purchasing necessary materials. Artists may elect to receive one $75 stipend for teaching a workshop
OR receive 4 hours of volunteer credit (but not both). An artist may teach a second workshop for volunteer credit only. LST will reimburse the artist up to $100 for materials used in teaching a workshop. The Workshop Coordinator will work with venues to schedule and facilitate the success of workshops in addition to finding artists willing to develop and teach workshops. Below are listed possible venues for workshops in 2012
Public Schools (2)
Longmont Museum and Cultural Center (1 or 2)
Longmont Recreation Center (1 or 2)
YMCA (1 or 2)
Muse Gallery (1)
Longmont Senior Center (1)
Demonstrations: ‘Art-making with an audience.’ Artists take materials needed to create art for observers at various Longmont-area venues. LST artists receive 2 hours of volunteer credit for one demonstration. An artist may receive LST credit for up to 3 demonstrations. A
Demonstration Coordinator is needed to work with each of the following venues to schedule and facilitate the success of demonstrations in addition to solicit artists to demonstrate.
Longmont Recreation Center (1 to 3)
Longmont Senior Center (3 to 5)
Wells Fargo (1)
YMCA (1 to 3)
Public Schools (3 to 5)
Requires Five to Seven members
Attend one 1-hour meeting in January, March, May, July and October.
A coordinator is needed to solicit art for 3 exhibits (to change the last week of January and
May and the first week of October), schedule delivery, pick up and hanging of the art, manage consignment forms, art tags and hanging supplies. Volunteers will also be needed to facilitate one or two more projects at the Salud Clinic to be determined.
The Preview Exhibit is LST’s “taster” exhibit, showcasing one piece of each artist’s best work to the public. The exhibit takes place at the Muse Gallery, opening with a reception on Friday, September 7th. Several jobs are available under this committee.
Art Drop Off : Requires One Coordinator and Four Volunteers to receive work.
A coordinator is needed to schedules volunteers to be trained by LCA staff.
Volunteers will work 3-hour shifts Thursday August 31 st
and Friday September 1st.
Installation: Requires Three to Six volunteers
Volunteers will be required to assist the program coordinator in the installation of the preview show.
Food: Requires Three volunteers
Volunteers will be needed to solicit food donations for the opening reception. Food and beverage solicitations to be completed by May 18. Donor names and/or logos to
Project Manager by May 18.
Reception Greeters: Requires Eight volunteers
Greet and count attendees at the door of reception. Provide name badges to artists, sponsors and other VIP’s, 2 volunteers at a time, in 45 minute shifts, from 5:45 to
9:00 p.m.
Reception Clean Up: Requires Four Volunteers
Volunteers are needed to make fast work of cleaning up after 9:00 p.m. One volunteer to take dishes home to wash, then return to donor restaurants on Sept 8.
Exhibition Staffing: Staff the gallery during the Preview Exhibition, shifts available during the week and on Saturdays.
: Requires Two volunteers
Volunteers needed to collect all publicity, printed ads, event photography and records from current Tour year. Work with Tour photographers to schedule and get documentation of
LST events throughout the year. Assemble portfolio of the year’s events in October, following the open studios Tour.