Trauma Symposium 2013 Please return this portion of the brochure with a check made payable to SVMCA to reserve your seat. Registration fee includes all program materials, continental breakfast and lunch. Registration deadline:2/6/13 Name: _____________________________ Address: ___________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _____________ Phone Number: (____)_________________ Agency: _____________________________ Email Address: _______________________ $25 EMS & Nursing CEUs/CMEs $40 Physicians CMEs Register online at: Please mail checks to: Saginaw Valley Medical Control Authority Trauma Symposium 1000 Houghton Avenue Saginaw, MI 48602 989-583-7940 This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of Michigan State Medical Society Committee on CME Accreditation through the joint sponsorship of CMU College of Medicine, and Covenant HealthCare. CMU College of Medicine is accredited by the Michigan State Medical Society on CME Accreditation to provide continuing medical education for physicians. CMU College of Medicine designates this educational activity for a maximum of 6 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits TM. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Saginaw Valley Medical Control Authority 1000 Houghton Saginaw, MI 48602 2013 Regional Trauma Symposium Date: February 14, 2013 Time: 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. Bavarian Inn Lodge 1 Covered Bridge Lane Frankenmuth, MI 48734 Purpose 8:00a Registration/Continental Breakfast 8:30a Rib Fracture Management and Treatment Modalities Dr. Shapiro Sponsored by: Genesys Trauma Services 9:20a Hyperosmolar Resuscitation in the Multitrauma Patient with TBI Dr. Arturo Maldonado Sponsored by: St. Mary’s Regional Trauma Center 10:10a Break 10:30a Changes(and therefore controversies)in Prehospital Trauma Care Dr. Noel Wagner Sponsored by: Saginaw Valley Medical Control Authority The Regional Trauma Symposium offers healthcare workers an overview of trauma care. Attendees will gain knowledge about their own specialties, as well as an increased knowledge and appreciation for the work of others on the trauma team. Awareness as a Means of Survival Brian Fountain Sponsored by: Covenant Regional Trauma Center Michael L. McCann, D.O., FACOS, FACS Hurley Trauma Center Through lecture, discussion, case scenarios and audiovisual presentation, participants will: Noel David Wagner, MD, NREMT-P Saginaw Valley Medical Control Authority 12.10p 1:10p 2:00p Lunch Pediatric Considerations in Trauma Dr. Peter Erhlich Sponsored by: Covenant Regional Trauma Center An approach to Balanced Resuscitation in the Victim of Penetrating Trauma Dr. Veverka Sponsored by: Mid-Michigan Medical Center 2:50p Break 3:00p Hypotensive Resuscitation in Penetrating Trauma Dr. Michael McCann Sponsored by: Hurley Trauma Center 4:00p Q & A- Evaluations Peter F. Ehrlich, M.D., MSc University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital Objectives 11:20a Arturo R. Maldonado MD PhD St. Mary’s of Michigan Regional Trauma Center Identify the essential components of traumatic brain injury (TBI) dynamic assessments and management of cerebral perfusion pressure Develop an understanding of the role of pediatric occupant factors and injury in motor vehicle crashes Describe how pediatric Trauma Quality Improvement Project helps performance improvement Examine the historical and conventional rationale that developed which let to current prehospital practices in regard to pain control, spinal immobilization, ALS trauma care, fluid resuscitation, intubation and tourniquet use. Develop an understanding of the rationale behind contemporary approaches to care of the trauma patient in the pre-hospital setting Review anatomy and physiology of the thoracic cavity and how the rib cage can protect from co-morbid injuries to underlying structures Explore new treatment modalities for rib fractures specific to injury sites and energy when considering blunt verses penetrating trauma Examine evidence that hypotensive resuscitation for hemorrhagic shock Identify the three choices for survival when confronted by a violent gunman Explain how hypotensive resuscitation in Penetrating Trauma can impact outcomes CME/CEU available for Physicians, Nurses and EMS Brian Shapiro, MD, FACS Genesys Trauma Services Brian Fountain Crime Prevention and Training Specialist Detroit, Michigan Thomas J. Veverka, MD Mid-Michigan Medical Center Presented by: