ProDESKTOP - Modelling

November 2000
Quick Start - ProDESKTOP
Tim Brotherhood
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November 2000
Written These materials are © 2000
by Staffordshire County Council.
Tim Brotherhood
Conditions of use Copying and use of these materials is
authorised only in the schools of
teachers who attend official training
with one of the above organisations.
All other use is prohibited unless
written permission is obtained from the
copyright holder.
Acknowledgements CBI
Warwick Manufacturing Group
Feedback In order to ensure these materials are
of the highest quality, users are asked
to report errors to the author.
Suggestions for improvements and other
activities would also be very welcome.
Tim Brotherhood
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Conditions of use ............................................................................................. 2
Acknowledgements .......................................................................................... 2
Feedback ............................................................................................................ 2
Contents ................................................................................................................. 3
ProDESKTOP - Modelling ....................................................................................... 5
Building block ........................................................................................................ 5
Draw a rectangle .............................................................................................. 5
Add a constraint .............................................................................................. 6
Changing view. ................................................................................................... 6
Adding a constraint - method two ............................................................... 7
Changing the value of a constraint. ............................................................. 7
Extrude .............................................................................................................. 8
Creating a new workplane and sketch ............................................................. 9
Creating a new sketch and workplane. ........................................................ 9
Constrain the size of the circle ................................................................. 10
Extrude the button. ....................................................................................... 11
Changing the viewpoint. ................................................................................. 11
Hollowing the block ....................................................................................... 12
ProDESKTOP - Texture Mapping ....................................................................... 14
Starting the Album ........................................................................................... 14
Selecting a model for the image .................................................................... 14
Applying a material to the model ................................................................... 15
Changing the colour ....................................................................................... 16
Material on a face ......................................................................................... 17
Changing the image settings. .......................................................................... 17
Starting a drawing .............................................................................................20
Orthographic views ...........................................................................................20
Adding a plan ...................................................................................................20
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Adding a front and end elevation. ..............................................................22
Aligning the views ..........................................................................................22
Add modelling view - Pictorial.....................................................................22
Changing the properties of a view .................................................................23
Dimensioning .......................................................................................................23
Linear dimension.............................................................................................24
Diameter ..........................................................................................................24
Radius ...............................................................................................................25
Drawing tools ......................................................................................................25
Text ......................................................................................................................25
Callout ...............................................................................................................25
Text ..................................................................................................................26
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ProDESKTOP - Modelling
Building block
This exercise will introduce you to the three main functions of
ProDESKTOP. In the process you will create a simple building block for a
child's construction kit. This will form the basis of a texture-mapped
image and an orthographic engineering drawing.
If the Tip of the Day window appears, click on Cancel.
Click on
Maximise the design window.
, start a New File.
The modelling window is showing a workplane with arrows at the origin
Draw a rectangle
, the Rectangle tool.
Draw a rectangle on the workplane by clicking and dragging with the
Don't worry about the size of the rectangle for the moment.
ProDESKTOP is creating hidden constraints as you draw. The rectangle
has perpendiculars in each corner and parallels on opposite sides.
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You can make these visible.
Click on
, the Select Constraints tool.
The size of the rectangle doesn't matter because you will now add
dimension constraints to control the length & width.
Add a constraint
, the Add constraint tool.
Click near the centre of the lower left line and drag away to position the
length constraint.
Changing view.
The View pull-down menu contains a number of options.
Try some of these:
Half Scale
Zoom in
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Adding a constraint - method two
For the width constraint you will use an alternative method.
Make sure
, the Add constraint tool is still selected.
If any of the lines in the rectangle are highlighted in red, click on a blank
part of the design window to deselect them.
Hint: If you click on a blank area of the screen when nothing is selected
the Add constraint tool will de-select.
Click on the lower left-hand line. It will highlight in red.
Click and drag from the upper right-hand line to drag a constraint.
Changing the value of a constraint.
Click on
, the Select Constraint tool
Double click on the text of one of the constraints.
A Properties dialogue window will open.
Alter the value of Length to 31 mm.
Click on
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Repeat this with the other dimension constraint.
Now you are ready to use the Extrude feature to create a solid object.
Click on
, the Extrude tool.
The Extrude dialogue window will open.
You could type in an extrusion distance however, an alternative method is
to drag the extrude 'handle' to define the extrusion distance
Click on the yellow extrude handle and drag upwards until the extrusion
distance settles on 50 mm. You may need to pause as you drag to allow
the computer to catch up. It is doing some heavy calculations!
Hint: If the dialogue window is hiding the yellow extrude handle move it
by dragging the title bar.
Release the mouse button.
Click on
You now have a cuboid.
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Creating a new workplane and sketch
In order to create a circular button on top you need to sketch a circle on
the top face of the block. To do this you will create a new workplane
and sketch.
Creating a new sketch and workplane.
Click on
, the Select Faces tool.
Click just inside the top face of the block to highlight it. The surface
will turn red when selected.
Open the Workplanes pull-down menu.
Click on New sketch.
The New Sketch dialogue window will open.
Change the sketch name to Circular bump
Change the Workplane name to Top of cuboid.
Hint: It is good practice to use appropriate names for workplanes,
sketches and features to make subsequent editing easier.
Click on
A new active workplane is located on the tope face of the cuboid with
the origin located centrally.
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, the Circle tool.
Click and drag from the centre of the top face of the block to create a
Constrain the size of the circle
Click on
, the Sketch dimension tool.
Drag from the edge of the circle to create the constraint.
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Click on
, the Select Constraint tool.
Double click on the diameter constraint.
Alter the value to 24.
Click on
Extrude the button.
Whenever you click on the extrude button it will operate on the
currently active sketch.
Click on
, the Extrude tool.
Drag the extrude handle a distance of 4 mm.
Click on
Your model now looks like a building block.
Changing the viewpoint.
You have already experimented with some of the view tools.
Use the manipulate tool (or keyboard arrow keys) to change the
viewpoint to this looking underneath the block.
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The model needs to be hollow to allow blocks to stack.
Hollowing the block
The tool used for this is called Shell. Before choosing the shell tool you
must have a face selected.
Click on
, the Select Faces tool.
Move the mouse just inside the bottom face of the block.
The perimeter of the base will pre-highlight in cyan.
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When the cyan outline is visible click.
The outline turns red to show it has been selected.
Click on
, the Shell tool.
Change the offset value to 3 mm.
Click on
Save your work.
Your building block is complete.
Before moving on to the next
section experiment pressing the
F9-F12 keys.
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ProDESKTOP - Texture Mapping
Starting the Album
Click on
, the New file button.
Select Album and click
The ProDESKTOP Album Window opens over the top of the modelling
window. Your brick model is still open in the background.
Selecting a model for the image
Open the Image pull-down menu.
Click on New Image…
Your block model should be the only item in the list.
Click on your block and then click on
A perspective view of you block will appear in the album window,
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Applying a material to the model
The browser panel on the left of the screen is currently showing images.
Open the list at the top
of the browser and
click on materials.
Categories of materials
are listed
Click on the + sign next
to non-metal.
The full list of nonmetal finishes appears.
Using the mouse drag the sack next to the material plastic, injected
onto your model.
Nothing appears to happen.
Click on
, the Update Document button on the toolbar.
Your block will look only slightly different. To get the real effect you
should change the colour of the plastic.
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Changing the colour
Click on the block to highlight it
Right click on one of the lines in your model.
Click on Set Material Properties.
Click on Set Colour.
Choose a colour and then click on
Click on
Click on
to close the Material Properties window.
, the Update Document button on the toolbar.
ProDESKTOP allows you to have different materials on the surfaces of
your model.
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Material on a face
Click on the Select Faces tool.
Drag and drop the sack of mirror material over the outer curved surface
of the button.
Update the album image with the
Notice how the mirror is reflecting the tope surface of the cuboid.
Try out some of the other materials on different faces.
Your model will look even more realistic with a background and changes
to the lighting.
Changing the image settings.
Open the Image pull-down menu.
Select Image Properties….
Click on the Effects tab.
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Select Clouds from the Background list.
Click on the Studio tab
Select Room Lighting from the Lighting list.
Click on
Update your model with the
Experiment with some of the other settings in Image Properties.
Tim Brotherhood
, button.
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Before finally saving your design change the quality of your album image
to Presentation. This setting can be found in the Image Properties pulldown menu.
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Starting a drawing
Click on
, the New file button.
Select Drawing and click
The Drawing Sheet Properties window opens.
In the Specify format list select ISO - A4
Click on
A ProDESKTOP Drawing Window opens over the top of the modelling
window. Your brick model and your album image are still open in the
Orthographic views
Adding a plan
Open the Drawing pull-down menu.
Select Add modelling view
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In the list of Designs in session your block will be the only item listed.
In the workplane list, base will be selected. This refers to the
workplane the view will be taken from. The base workplane will give you a
plan view.
Click on
A plan view will appear in the drawing window with a red dotted highlight
around it. This shows it is currently selected.
Drag the view into the top left quarter of the screen.
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Hint: The mouse should point to the red, highlighted outline while
Adding a front and end elevation.
Insert two further views using the frontal and lateral workplanes.
Drag them into their approximate positions for an orthographic drawing.
Aligning the views
Click to select the front view (beneath the plan)
Right click on the front view and select Align other views.
All three views will move to be perfectly aligned.
Add modelling view - Pictorial
You can add a pictorial view to your drawing in the same way.
Open the Drawing pull-down menu.
Select Add modelling view
In the list of Designs in session your block will be the only item listed.
This time select the From Window tab
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Click on
Drag the pictorial view into a suitable area of the drawing.
Changing the properties of a view
When a view is created it shows hidden detail and curved surfaces.
Often you will not want these visible.
Click on a view to select it.
Right click on the selected view to open a floating menu.
Select properties.
Remove ticks from the Show hidden Lines and Show smooth edges
Click on
Repeat this on all other views.
Hint: You may have noticed that when working in the design window,
constraints appear similar to dimensions. Design constraints are not
dimensions and will not appear on printouts. Design constraints are
purely there to control the size of a model.
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Now you are working in the drawing window, dimensions can be created
and they can be made to conform to international standards. They will
also print out.
Linear dimension
, the Linear Dimension tool.
Click one of the vertical edges of the block.
Click and drag from the opposite parallel edge to position the dimension
Hint: Notice how the first line selected remains highlighted. This makes
chain dimensioning much quicker.
Create linear dimensions on other parts of the drawing.
Hint: unexpected results when creating dimensions are usually caused by
a line being highlighted before you start the dimension. Click on a blank
part of the screen if you need to de-select an object.
Radius and diameter dimensions are even easier to create.
, the Diametric Dimension tool
Click and drag from the top of the circular button on the end elevation
to position the diameter text.
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, the Radial Dimension tool
Click and drag from the circle in the plan view to position the text.
Notice how dimensions automatically conform to the drawing standard
chosen when creating the drawing.
Drawing tools
Drawing tools are available to help create borders, title blocks and
Use the drawing tools to create a border and title block like this.
The Text note tool will let you create a callout or plain text.
, the Text note tool
Click and drag from somewhere on the pictorial view.
A Note: will be created with a leader line.
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Double click on the red text to open the text Properties dialogue.
Type in the words you want to display
Click on
The text remains highlighted to make it easier to move it into the final
Text without a leader line is created in the same way but holding down
the shift key while dragging the initial position.
Create some title text using this method.
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There are many other functions in the drawing window of ProDESKTOP.
If you want to know more about them have a look in the Help menu and
Tutorials for ProDESKTOP.
C:\My Documents\Tim@Work\CADCAM\ProDesktop\ProDESKTOP INSET - CD\01 Quick Start\Quick Start - ProD.doc
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