AO3 (i) communicate clearly and imaginatively, using and adapting forms for different readers and Purposes AO3 (ii) organise ideas into sentences, paragraphs and whole texts using a variety of linguistic and structural features 18 A* A B C D E F G U 17-18 15-16 13-14 11-12 9-10 7-8 5-6 3-4 1-2 Writing is controlled and consistent. Writing flows well and is well structured. Writing is well structured. Writing shows evidence of structure. Ideas are ordered simply, but generally appropriately Communica tes some meaning. Highly effective and delightful vocabulary choices are made. Sentences and paragraphs are fluently linked. Uses some organisationa l devices appropriately with occasional deliberate selection of words Connectiv es and rhetorical devices etc. are integrated into whole seamlessly and persuasive ly Writer writes to gain emphasis (e.g. one sentence paragraph) and demonstrate alternative points of view (e.g. anecdote, reference) Sentences are used to add effect. Starting to use paragraphs to enhance meaning. Paragraphs flow and are linked. Increasing sophistication in vocabulary choice. There is a clear selection of vocabulary for effect. Writer structures paragraphs in a variety of different ways. Connective s are used to enhance the argument; may mark both cause and effect e.g. as a result of this . consequent ly Paragraphs are linked with connectives so it flows. There is clear, if mechanical, paragraphing There is a more deliberate use of vocabulary for effect There is a more deliberate attempt to organise sentences into paragraphs. Some attempt to use vocabulary for effect Points are organised and paragraphs are used to make arguments clear. Connectives are used, but in a somewhat obvious and mechanical way. Some attempt to shape points May demonstrate occasional attempt to paragraph though likely to be random There is some attempt to link ideas using casual connectives e.g. because, so Some simple sequencing of ideas One or more points made S T R U C T U R E L I N K I N G Writer may use some inventive structural and/or linguistic devices Writer shows confident control of range of rhetorical devices. The form, content and style are confidently matched to purpose and audience; distinctive and consistently effective The range of vocabulary successfully reflects more sophisticated level of argument and attempt to influence reader The form, content and style are consistently matched to purpose and audience The writer displays a confident use of rhetorical devices such as anecdote in context and rhetorical questions The writer displays appropriate use of wider range of rhetorical devices and though still mechanical and superimposed The form, content and style are generally matched to purpose and audience There is a clear identification with purpose and audience; begins to keep reader’s interest. The writer displays a more frequent use of linguistic/ presentationa l devices e.g. repetition for effect conscious attempt to suit the needs of purpose and audience and begins to engage reader’s interest. The writer shows an occasional attempt to use linguistic/ presentationa l devices e.g. repetition, capitals, bold. The writer begins to use rhetorical devices, for example, rhetorical questions with occasional evidence of language being used emotively Writer addresses a wide audience directly and/or starts consciously to use a more formal tone, though still evidence of A number of arguments put forward Some words in appropriate order R H E T O R I C A L P R E S E N T A T I O N A L Clear communicati on of ideas with more sense of purpose and audience Shows awareness of wide audience at different points either An indication of awareness of need for formality with occasional sense of purpose and audience P U R P O S E A U D I E N C E informal/chatt y language AO3 (iii) use a range of 8-9 The writer demonstrates intellectual thoroughness and the ability to include a range of complex details from varied sources The writer argues successfully and convincingly; well informed, drawing on a range of sources Writer may use satire, irony etc. but always fittingly and in context There is a growing sensitivity of purpose and ability to adapt tone to influence reader 6-7 Writing is detailed and well developed; starting to use and support original arguments, though not always convincingl y carried through The writer begins to predict potential audience response The writer’s argument is starting to become more detailed with a clear awareness of different viewpoints Shows some sense of varying emphasis for effect with conscious use of a chosen tone e.g. confrontational 4-5 The writer presents argument with a variety of reasons. Evidence which may be drawn from personal experience and stimulus material may be used to support argument The tone is almost wholly formal with some attempt to control tone e.g. to be judgemental, angry etc. by use of second person or by occasional use of a more formal tone May express personal feelings strongly but with little or no use of supportive detail T O N E . 2-3 E V I D E N C E 1 sentence structures effectively with accurate punctuation and spelling 9 Writer uses full range of appropriate sentence structures Writer uses sentence forms for effect Writer uses a range of securely different sentence structures There is a clear and controlled, manipulation of sentence structures for effect; may use a wide range of appropriate connectives. Connective used to link sentences and paragraphs. Writer may use rhetorical devices, first person, imperatives, modal verbs, repetition, short sentences, rhetorical questions and/or exclamations for effect Writer is generally secure in spelling There is some deliberate variation of word order though not always grammatically secure Writer may use complex sentences with appropriate connectives e.g. because, on the other hand There is some accurate spelling of more complex words Writer is generally secure spelling of irregular, complex words Commonly used words are spelt correctly Some monosyllabic words are spelt correctly It is generally secure in punctuation which helps make purpose and meaning clear The writer starts to use a range of punctuation There is general accuracy in use of capital letters and full stops There is evidence of conscious punctuation May use word order to create effects. Writer achieves a high level of technical accuracy in spelling The writer achieves a high level of technical accuracy in punctuation Written in sentences Writer may use mainly simple and compound sentences, with occasional complex sentences; Writer may use connectives The writer is generally accurate basic spelling There are occasional accurate full stops. Written in some sentences There is some accuracy in spelling of simple words Some monosyllabi c words are spelt correctly There is random punctuation S E N T E N C E C O N N E C T I V E S S P E L L I N G A range of punctuation is used in a sophisticated manner; colons and semicolons used correctly when appropriate It is generally accurate in sentence punctuation, use of commas, question marks etc. P U N C T U A T I O N