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Workshop topic:
Writing a high-quality research paper: Strategy and tips for Indian authors
A researcher must know how to write a well-written paper to effectively communicate
his/her research to the scientific community. However, several authors, particularly English
as-a-second-language (ESL) authors, find it challenging to articulate their research in the
format prescribed for a scientific paper. The aim of this workshop is to orient Indian authors
to the structure of a biomedical manuscript and emphasize the elements that are frequently
overlooked during the process of manuscript writing.
The workshop, which will be conducted in English, will describe in detail the standard
structure of a biomedical manuscript. Throughout the session, the trainer will provide
pointers that authors need to consider when presenting data and drafting manuscripts to
make their draft publication-worthy. The methods that will be presented in the workshop
are ones that Editage knows to be effective based on feedback from ESL authors and the
ones recommended by our trainers who are trained experts in manuscript writing. Further,
Editage has written several papers and resources on manuscript writing, and these will be
applied during the session.
At the end of the session, participants will have a stronger understanding of manuscript
structure and will be equipped with easy-to-apply strategies to help them through the
manuscript-writing process.
Editage faculty:
Yateendra Joshi has been editing technical documents for over 25 years,
a career change he made after working for a decade as a scientist with
the Indian council of Agricultural Research (1978–88). He was with TERI
(The Energy and Resources Institute) in New Delhi for 15 years, moved
to Pune to work with WISE (World Institute of Sustainable Energy in
2005, and has been on his own since 2007, dividing his time between
working for WISE and Editage, freelance copy-editing, and teaching.
He has copy-edited more than 250 manuscripts in the past few years for
an international agency. He is an accredited editor with Diplomate status certified by the
Board of Editors in Life Sciences. Diplomate status is awarded only to those who
demonstrate exceptional editorial proficiency (currently, only 30 editors worldwide have the
diplomate status, and Yateendra is the only one in India).
Yateendra has participated in several international conferences of EASE, the European
Association of Science Editors: Oxford, Helsinki, Tours (France), and Tallinn (Estonia). He is
a Member of the Editing Office, Atomium Culture, Brussels and is a Member of the Editorial
Board, Information Design Journal.
He was an invited Editorial Fellow at the World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, and
has worked for a year as Senior Editor at ICRISAT, Hyderabad.
Currently, he is the Associate Fellow at the Communication Research Institute, Canberra;
and he has been, at one time or another, a member of the
• Society for Technical Communication, USA
• Council of Science Editors, USA, and
• International Institute of Information Design, Austria.
His book, titled Communicating in Style, was favorably reviewed in a dozen international
periodicals. He contributes regularly to Editage Insights.
He has taught one-semester courses on communication skills at TERI University, NCL
(National Chemical Laboratory), and IISER (Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research); currently, he conducts a block course at TERI University twice a year. In addition
to this, he has conducted shorter programs and lectures at many institutions including
• National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad
• Institute of Rural Management, Anand
• University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
• Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
• National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
• National Institute of Malaria Research, New Delhi
• Livelihood School, Kolkata
• School of Rural Management, Bhubaneswar
He was also a member of the committee of experts constituted by IGNOU, the Indira Gandhi
National Open University, New Delhi, to advise IGNOU on the diploma course in publishing.