“APPROVED” Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof.GuminskyY.J. _________________ 2015 year Schedule of Lectures in Toxicological Chemistry and Clinical Toxicology For the 5-th Year Foreign Students of Pharmaceutical Faculty Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Speciality “Clinical Pharmacy” 2015-2016, Semester IX № Date 1. 9.ІХ 2015 2. 23.ІХ 2015 3. 7.Х 2015 4. 21.Х 2015 5. 04.ХI 2015 6. 18.ХІ 2015 7. 2.ХIІ 2015 Topic MODULE 2 Fundamentals of clinical Toxicology. Ecological toxicology. Diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive tasks of clinical toxicology. Instruments and methods of solving the basic problems of clinical toxicology. Toxicometry. Subject of toxicological chemistry. Chemical toxicological analysis and forensic toxicological studies. Review of the study objects, preliminary examination and formation of the plan of forensic examination.. The concept of the poison. Xenobiotics. Classification of poisons. The way of administration of poisons into a body and transport mechanisms. Distribution of the poisons in a body. Characteristics of the poisons action. Factors that affect the toxicity of chemical compounds. Metabolism of xenobiotics. The first and the second phases of metabolism. Lethal synthesis. Excretion of poisons from a body. General characteristics of the poisoning (intoxication). Factors that determine the development of acute poisoning. Toxicogenic and somatogenetic phases of the poisoning. General principles of diagnosis of the acute and chronic poisoning. Clinical laboratory diagnosis of the poisoning (specific symptoms). Methods of detoxification. Antidotes and antagonists Group of toxic substances isolated from the biological material by steam distillation. Methods of isolation of volatile poisons from the objects of study. Analysis of the volatile poisons in the distillate and biological fluids using chemical methods and the method of gas-liquid chromatography. Qualitative and quantitative analysis. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning. Medicinal substances. Classification of drugs. Chemical-toxicological analysis of medicinal poisons. The analysis of the “acidic” chloroform extracts and basic chloroform extracts. Chemical, physical-chemical and immunochemical methods of analysis. Poisoning, antidote and symptomatic therapy. Group of poisonous substances which are isolated from the biological material by organic solvents. General characteristics and classification of pesticides. Toxicological characteristics and methods of analysis. Group of poisonous substances which are isolated from biological material by mineralization (metals). General and toxicological characteristics of the metals. Methods of isolation of metals. Methods of analysis of minaralizate. Toxicological characteristic and analysis techniques of poisons requiring special methods of isolation (fluorides, bromine, iodine). Toxicological characteristic of 16.ХІІ 8. carbon monoxide, its detection and determination. Methods of detection of car2015 boxyhemoglobin. Spectrophotometric measurement of carboxyhemoglobin. Methods of natural and artificial detoxification. The Head of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department PhD Assistant Professor YuschenkoT.I. Hours 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 “APPROVED” Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof.GuminskyY.J. _________________ 2015 year Schedule of Practical Classes in Toxicological Chemistry and Clinical Toxicology For the 5-th Year Foreign Students of Pharmaceutical Faculty Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, Speciality “Clinical Pharmacy” 2015-2016, Semester IX № Date Topic MODULE 2 Fundamentals of clinical toxicology. Ecological toxicology. Diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive tasks of clinical toxicology. Instruments and methods of solving the basic 31.VIII problems of clinical toxicology. Toxicometry. Subject of Toxicological Chemistry and 1 2015 tasks of its parts: the biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology. Chemical – toxicological analysis and forensic - toxicological studies. Characteristic of the objects of the study.. The concept of the poison. Characteristic and examples of xenobiotics. Classification of the poisons. The way of administration of poisons into a body and transport mechanisms. Distribution of the poisons in a body. Characteristics of the poisons action. Fac2 tors affect the toxicity of chemical compounds. Metabolism (biotransformation) of xenobiotics. The first and the second phases of metabolism. Lethal synthesis. Excretion of 7.ІХ poisons from a body. General characteristics of the poisoning (intoxication). Classification of the poisoning. 2015 Characteristics of the factors that determine the development of the acute poisoning. Characteristics of the toxicogenic and somatogenetic phases of the poisoning. General 3 principles of diagnosis of the acute and chronic poisoning. Clinical - laboratory diagnosis of the poisoning (specific symptoms). Methods of detoxification. Antidotes and antagonists. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Basic laws of behavior of toxic substances in the body. Metabolism (biotransformation) xenobiotics. The first and second phases of metabolism. Lethal and le14.ІХ 2015 thal synthesis inclusion. Review objects of study, preliminary tests and a plan of forensic toxicology study Toxicological characterization and analysis of toxic substances that are isolated from biological material infusion water (mineral acids, alkalis and salts there21.ІХ of). Allocation of biological material and the identification and quantification of 2015 nitrates and nitrites. Detoxification and antidote therapy. Current Module 1 «Bases of clinical toxicology». Toxicological characterization and analysis of toxic substances that are isolat28.ІХ ed from biological material infusion water (mineral acids, alkalis and salts there2015 of). Allocation of biological material and the identification and quantification of nitrates and nitrites. Detoxification and antidote therapy. Research aldehydes and ketones. Reactions detection. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning, biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology. Detoxification and 5.Х antidote therapy. 2015 Research aliphatic monatomic and diatomic alcohols. Reactions detection, biochemical toxicology, analytical toxicology, detoxification and antidote therapy. 12.Х 2015 19.Х 2015 Qualitative analysis of volatile substances in the distillate by gas-liquid chromatography. Quantitative analysis of volatile substances in the distillate by gas-liquid chromatography. Current Module 2. «Group of poisonous substances isolated from biological material by distillation with steam.» Hours 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 13 14 26.Х 2015 2.ХІ 2015 15 16 17 9.ХІ 2015 16.ХІ 2015 18 19 25.ХІ 2015 20 30.ХІ 2015 21 22 23 24 9.ХІІ 2015 14.ХІІ 2015 Methods allocation of natural medicinal substances (alkaloids) and synthetic origin of biological material. Research derivatives pyrazolone, barbituric and salicylic acid. Screening, group and specific reactions. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning, biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology. Detoxification and antidote therapy. Research chloroform extracts physico-chemical methods and content for the barbituric derivatives and salicylic acid, pyrazolone, xanthine and indole. Research tropanu derivatives. Screening, group and specific reactions. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning, biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology. Detoxification and antidote therapy. Research quinoline and isoquinoline derivatives. Screening, group and specific reactions. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning, biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology. Detoxification and antidote therapy. Research phenothiazine derivatives. Screening, group and specific reactions. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning, toksykometriya, biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology. Detoxification and antidote therapy. Research derivatives of 1,4-benzodiazepine. Screening, group and specific reactions. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning, toksykometriya, biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology. Detoxification and antidote therapy. Research derivatives p-aminobenzoic acid. Screening, group and specific reactions. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning, toksykometriya, biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology. Detoxification and antidote therapy. Research butyrofenonu derivatives. Screening, group and specific reactions. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning, toksykometriya, biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology Detoxification and antidote therapy. Research butyrofenonu derivatives. Screening, group and specific reactions. Clinic and diagnosis of poisoning, toksykometriya, biochemical toxicology and analytical toxicology Detoxification and antidote therapy. Current module 3 «Medica poisons». Final test in topics: «Bases of clinical toxicology. Group of poisonous substances isolated from biological material by distillation with steam. Medica poisons». The Head of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department PhD Assistant Professor YuschenkoT.I. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4