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Sheila Frankfurt
2115 Penn ave S
Minneapolis, MN
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Department of Psychology
Counseling Psychology Program, APA-Accredited
Spring 2015, Expected Completion.
May 2014, Dissertation Defense Expected
October 2013, Dissertation Proposal Approved
October 2012, Preliminary Oral and Written Examinations Passed
Dissertation: An Empirical Investigation of the Moral Injury Construct in Combat Veterans.
Committee: Drs. Brian Engdahl, Patricia Frazier, Michelle Mason, and Moin Syed
M.A.: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Department of Psychology.
Spring 2013
Thesis: Identifying individual differences in patterns of change over time: A primer.
Committee: Drs. Patricia Frazier, Moin Syed, and Andrew Zieffler
B.A. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Department of Psychology
May 2008, Cum laude
Thesis: Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Prevalence, Definitions, and Controversy: A
Adviser: Dr. Patricia Frazier
2013 Graduate Research Fellowship, Department of Psychology and College of Liberal Arts
Steven Snyder Travel Award, University of Minnesota (annually 2009-present)
Harrison and Kathryn Gough/College of Liberal Arts Travel Fellowship
2012 David Wark Clinical Hypnosis Fellowship, University of Minnesota
Graduate and Professional Student Union Travel Grant, University of Minnesota
Dr. David Campbell Fellowship Award, University of Minnesota
2010 Korn Fellowship Award, University of Minnesota
Graduate Research Partnership Project Grant, University of Minnesota
2009 Honorable mention in student poster competition, the International Society of Traumatic
Stress Studies Conference
2008 Mortensen Travel Award, University of Minnesota
Women’s Clinic in Primary Care –Veterans Affairs Medical Center June 2013-present
Advanced Practicum Trainee
Supervisor: Dr. Linda VanEgeren, Ph.D.
Provide short-term individual and group psychotherapy, working collaboratively within
interdisciplinary medical team. Provide evaluation and treatment using integrative
interpersonal-behavioral approaches and within Dialectical Behavior Therapy model.
Issues include military sexual trauma, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, posttraumatic
stress disorder, personality disorders, and adjustment. Consulted with providing medical
and psychological health care workers to coordinate care.
Fischler and Associates
June 2013-present
Advanced Practicum Trainee
Supervisor: Dr. Phil Sarff, Ph.D.
Conduct diagnostic interviews and administer cognitive and neuropsychological
assessments (e.g., WAIS-IV, WMS-IV, WRAT-IV, MMPI-2) for Social Security
Administration disability determination and Vocational Rehabilitation Services
evaluations. Write integrative reports and provide recommendations regarding diagnoses
and, for Vocational Rehabilitation Services, academic and vocational needs and
Medicine Clinic—Hennepin County Medical Center
May 2012-May 2013
Advanced Practicum Trainee
Supervisor: Dr. Mary Bradmiller, Ph.D.
Provided long-term individual psychotherapy, working collaboratively within
interdisciplinary medical team. Conducted diagnostic assessments including mental status
exams, psychopathology, personality, chemical dependency screening, and adjustment to
disability. Issues included depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, sexual
trauma, sexual-violence offending, adjustment. Additional training and provision of
clinical hypnosis to appropriate patients.
Career Counseling and Assessment Clinic—University of Minnesota May 2012-August 2013
Graduate Supervisor
Supervisor: Dr. Amy Conlon, Ph.D.
Provided individual and group clinical supervision to 6-8 career counselors, trained
counselors in career clinic practices, reviewed case notes and integrated reports, plan and
execute additional ongoing training for counselors, supervised an undergraduate intern,
screened potential clients.
Knapp Rehabilitation Center—Hennepin County Medical Center
Sept. 2011-May 2012
Advanced Practicum Trainee
Supervisor: Dr. Kathleen Feil, Ph.D.
Provided short-term individual psychotherapy, worked collaboratively with an
interdisciplinary medical team and educated families. Conducted assessments, including
brief mental status exams, psychopathology, personality, chemical dependency screening,
and adjustment to disability. Issues in psychotherapy include depression, adjustment,
grief and loss, behavior management, and the effects of premorbid personality on
Career Counseling and Assessment Clinic—University of Minnesota Sept. 2011- May 2012
Advanced Practicum Trainee
Supervisor: Dr. Amy Conlon, Ph.D., L.P.
Provided short-term career assessment and counseling. Provided interpretation of
California Psychological Inventory, Strong Interest Inventory, Minnesota Abilities Test
Battery, and Minnesota Importance Questionnaire. Wrote integrative reports culling
together assessment and counseling data.
Counseling and Consulting Services—University of Minnesota
Sept. 2010-May 2011
Practicum Student
Supervisor: Dr. Sarra Beckham-Chasnoff, Ph.D.
Provided individual, short-term, academic, career and personal counseling with college
students, including relevant assessment (e.g., administering and interpreting the Strong
Interest Inventory); participated in on-campus mental health outreach activities.
Rape and Sexual Abuse Center—Neighborhood Involvement Program May 2008-Oct.2008
Intern/Volunteer Counselor
Provided crisis and supportive telephone counseling and face-to-face services (walk-in)
to clients, administered counseling intake interviews to new clients, conducted clinical
assessment of client needs, provided knowledge of community resources for referrals,
assisted with community outreach projects, documented client contacts and statistics,
attended weekly group supervision meetings.
Brain Sciences Center—Veterans Administration Medical Center
Sept. 2012-present
Research Assistant Supervisors: Drs. Brian Engdahl, Ph.D. and Apostolos Georgopolous, M.D.
Develop research projects, conduct literature reviews, run statistical analyses, and
collaborate on several projects, including: a longitudinal study of post-combat outcome
trajectories, and a study of moral injury. Attend weekly journal and research
University of Minnesota & Hennepin County Medical Center
May 2009- May 2011
Supervisors: Drs., Patricia Frazier, Ph.D. and Heidi Resnick, Ph.D.
Conduct structured interviews over the phone for a grant funded by the National Institute
on Drug Abuse with sexual assault victims seen at the Hennepin County Medical
Center’s Sexual Assault Resource Services, aided in the development of the interviews
and training of the nurses to recruit participants.
Stressful Life Events Laboratory—University of Minnesota
September 2007 – present
Research Assistant
Supervisor: Patricia Frazier, Ph.D.
Devised research questions, ran statistical analyses, conducted literature reviews, wrote
and collaborated on several papers for publication and conference presentations for
several studies.
Anders, S., Frazier, P., & Frankfurt, S. (2011). Variations in Criterion A and PTSD rates in a
community sample of women. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 176-184.
Under review:
Frankfurt, S., Frazier, P., Syed, M., Jung, K. (2013). Methods for identifying heterogeneity in
patterns of change: Does everyone change similarly? Manuscript submitted for
publication—in process of revision and resubmission.
Marshall, E., Frazier, P., Kuijpers, R., & Frankfurt, S. (2013). Trajectories of life change
posttrauma. Manuscript submitted for publication.
In Preparation:
Frankfurt, S., Anders, S., Frazier, P., & Shallcross, S. (2013). Latent classes of PTSD symptoms
following direct and indirect potentially traumatic events in undergraduates. Manuscript
in preparation—plans to be submitted for publication January 2014.
Anders, S., Frankfurt, S., James, L., Engdahl, B., & Winskowski, A. (2013). Two time point
latent profile analysis in a sample of OIF/OEF veterans. Manuscript prepared and will be
submitted in January 2014.
Frankfurt, S., & Frazier, P. (2013). Predictors of individual differences of PTSD symptom
patterns: a latent profile analysis. Poster presented at the 29th annual meeting of the
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Philadelphia, PA.
Marshall, E., Kuijer, R., Frazier, P., & Frankfurt, S. (2013). Different trajectories of self-reported
life change following exposure to two earthquakes in New Zealand. In A. Zalta (chair),
Positive Change Following Trauma: Controversies and New Directions. Symposium
conducted at the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies,
Philadelphia, PA.
Frankfurt, S., Anders, S.L., & Frazier, P.A. (2012). Individual differences in PTSD symptom
patterns: A latent profile analysis. Poster presented at annual meeting of the International
Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, CA.
Feil, K., Price, J., Boll, J., Frankfurt, S., Thompson, J. (2012). “Adaptive Equipment:”
Integrating cell phones and computers into rehabilitation. Poster presented at Minnesota
Stroke Conference, St. Paul, MN.
Frankfurt, S.F., Frazier, P.A., Howard, K. (2012). Identifying posttrauma outcome trajectories
prospectively using latent class growth analysis. Poster presented at the annual World
Society of Victimology Symposium, Den Hagen, Netherlands.
Frankfurt, S.F., Frazier, P.A., Syed, M. (2011). Identifying longitudinal symptom trajectories
following sexual assault using latent class growth analysis (LCGA). Poster presented at
the annual meeting of International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.
Frankfurt, S.F., Frazier, P.A., Syed, M. (2011). Identifying longitudinal symptom trajectories
following sexual assault using latent class growth analysis (LCGA). Poster presented at
the annual meeting of the European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Vienna, Austria.
Frankfurt, S., Frazier, P., Tennen, H., Tomich, P., Park., C., & Tashiro, T. (2011). Posttrauma
distress and growth among University students. Poster presented at Big Ten College
Counseling Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Anders, S.L., Frankfurt, S., & Frazier, P.A. (2010). Confirmatory factor analyses of three
models of PTSD symptoms in a community sample of women. Poster presented at the
annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Montreal, CA.
Frankfurt, S., & Frazier, P. (2009). Predicting subsequent distress from measures of perceived
and actual growth posttrauma. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International
Society of Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA. Received honorable mention in student
poster competition.
Anders, S., Frankfurt, S., & Frazier, P. (2009). PTSD following Criterion A and non-Criterion
A events. In P. Frazier (Chair), New directions in trauma research. Symposium conducted
at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
Frazier, P.A., Anders, S., Gavian, M., Perera, N.S., Frankfurt, S. and the Prospective Trauma
Study Team. (2008). Change in spirituality and religiosity following traumatic events.
Symposium presented at International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.
Frazier, P.A, Gavian, M., Anders, S., Perera, N., Frankfurt, S. (2007). Trauma prevalence in a
prospective study of traumatic life events. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, MD.
Frankfurt, S., & Frazier, P. (2008). Assessing the validity of the PTSD diagnostic criteria.
Poster presented at the Minnesota Undergraduate Psychology Conference.
Assessment in Counseling Psychology
Spring 2013
University of Minnesota
Section Leader
Planned curriculum and lead section with co-teacher about foundations of psychological
assessments, including administration, interpretation, and report writing. Supervised
graduate-level counseling students’ clinical work in individual and group settings.
Interviewing and Intervention
Fall 2012
University of Minnesota
Section Leader
Planned curriculum and lead section with co-teacher about basic counseling skills,
interviewing skills, and foundational intervention skills. Supervised graduate-level
counseling students’ clinical work in individual and group settings.
Introduction to Counseling Psychology
Fall 2011, Spring 2012
University of Minnesota
Planned curriculum and taught course about the history, theories, and research of counseling
psychology; provided feedback and graded assignments and essays; held individual
meetings with students; created and maintained course website. Supervised a teaching
assistant, delegated work.
Introduction to Research Methods
Summer 2011
University of Minnesota
Planned curriculum and taught course about developing and applying research skills; provided
feedback and graded assignments and essays; held office hours and individual meetings
with students.
Major Project in Psychology
Fall 2010, Spring 2011
University of Minnesota
Section Leader
Lead discussion section for senior psychology students in order to develop and complete their
final project before graduating; constructed and researched lesson plans; held office hours
and individual project meetings, provide feedback and grade assignments.
Introduction to Research Methods
Spring 2010
University of Minnesota
Section Leader
Lead discussion section in order to develop and apply research skills; provided feedback and
graded assignments and essays; held office hours and individual meetings with students;
attended weekly planning meetings; proctored exams
Introduction to Counseling Psychology
Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2013
University of Minnesota
Teaching Assistant
Attended weekly lecture; graded assignments and essays; helped construct lesson plans; lead
review sessions with student.
Learning and Cognition in Animals
Fall 2009
University of Minnesota
Section Leader
Attended weekly lecture; designed and wrote exams, proctored exams; held weekly office hours;
created and maintained course website.
Statistical Consultant for Latent Variable Modeling Analyses
Competence with Mplus and SPSS statistical software programs, Microsoft Office programs
(Word, Powerpoint, Excel)
Student Reviewer, Journal of Loss & Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress &
Chair, Social Committee, Counseling Area, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota,
Peer Mentor, Counseling Area, Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
Student Volunteer, annual meeting of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies,
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training, Minneapolis Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center,
Motivational Interviewing Training, Minneapolis Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center, 2013.
International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies Conference, Philadelphia, PA 2013; Los
Angeles, 2012; Baltimore, MD 2011; Montreal, Quebec 2010; Atlanta, GA November
2009; Chicago, IL. November 2008; Baltimore, MD. November 2007.
Minnesota Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. Speaker: Jonathan Shedler, Ph.D., The
Efficacy of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy: The Talking Cure in the Era of Managed
Care and Evidence-Based Practice. Minneapolis, MN. October 13, 2012.
Annual Training Workshop: Introductory Level. Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis.. May
31, 2012 – June 2, 2012.
World Society of Victimology Symposium, The Hague, The Netherlands. June, 2012.
European Society of Traumatic Stress Conference, Vienna, Austria. June, 2011.
New York Psychoanalytic Society Annual Conference. Is War Inevitable? An
Interdisciplinary Conference, New York City, NY. February, 2012.
Center for Excellence in Children's Mental Health 2009-10 Lessons from the Field: Historical
Trauma, Microaggressions, and Identity: A Framework for Culturally-Based
Practice, Minneapolis, MN. December 4, 2009.
Minnesota Psychological Association President’s Conference: Ethics and Multicultural
Competency: Issues for Practitioners, St. Paul, MN. November 13, 2009.
International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL. March 2008.
40-hour state-approved Sexual Assault Advocate Training, April 2008.
Kathleen Feil, Ph.D., L.P. Senior clinical psychologist with Knapp Rehabilitation Center,
Hennepin County Medical Center.
Dr. Feil was my clinical supervisor in inpatient rehabilitation psychotherapy at Knapp
Rehabilitation Center for one year.
Patricia Frazier, Ph.D. McKnight professor of psychology, counseling and social psychology
areas. (612) 625-6863
Dr. Frazier is my graduate adviser and was my undergraduate adviser. We have worked together
for approximately eight years.
Mary Bradmiller, Ph.D., L.P. Psychologist with Sister Kenny Rehabilitation Center, United
Dr. Bradmiller was my clinical supervisor when she was senior staff psychologist at Medicine
Clinic, Hennepin County Medical Center. She supervised me in outpatient psychotherapy
and clinical hypnosis for one year.