October 28 - Seattle Preparatory School

News & Notes
Friday, October 29
Good afternoon Seattle Prep/MRC parents and guardians,
Enjoy the last News & Notes for October.
Have a Happy Halloween!
Jen Russell
Director of Communications & Marketing
From the Academic Office
Grades Online: Grades will be available online after 4pm Monday, November 1st until
November 10th. Go to www.seaprep.org and click on the “LOGIN” button in the upperright part of the screen or go directly to http://netclass.seaprep.org. If you need your
user ID or password, contact Robin Sandstrom at rsandstrom@seaprep.org or 206-5772137.
Note: if you are finding that it takes a long time for the grades to load, we recommend
trying the netclass.seaprep.org link.
Class Rotation Changes Monday: Help your student get to class on time Monday
morning! Remind him/her that the class rotation changes on Monday. The class your
student had just before lunch will be his/her first class of the day beginning Monday,
November 1st.
Senior Cap and Gown Orders: If your senior didn’t turn in his/her cap and gown order
when National Achiever Services was on campus last week, it is not too late. Order online
at www.nationalachiever.com or mail your order to National Achiever Services at the
address on the order form. Prices go up and supply goes down in December, so order
soon. If you have questions contact National Achiever Services at 1-800-800-4083.
Junior Seattle U. Visits: Visits to Seattle University continue into December for juniors
interested in commencing or even wanting to check out Seattle University for college after
senior year. If you need to schedule, reschedule, or cancel a visit please contact Cathy
Holliday at 206-296-5405 or hollidac@seattleu.edu. If you are canceling or
rescheduling with less than 24 hours notice, please also contact the Prep Attendance
Office at 206-577-2145 or attendance@seaprep.org.
Please be courteous and notify Seattle U and Prep as appropriate if your junior cannot
make his or her assigned visit date. Remember that college visits are a two way street:
the college is checking out your student at the same time your student is checking out the
college. Making sure to let the college know of a change in plans will help ensure a good
first impression.
Seattle Prep Drama presents A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Come see one of William Shakespeare’s best-loved, comic masterpieces of mistaken
identity, lost love, magical spells and a bombastic donkey. A Midsummer Night’s Dream
performs November 4-7 in the Fr. Thomas Healy Chapel & Theatre with evening shows
Thursday-Saturday and a matinee on Sunday. The cast consists of 25 talented Seattle
Prep students bringing the Bard’s imagination to life. Tickets sales are going strong so we
encourage everyone to order your tickets in advance. Tickets are available both online
and at school. Online ticket sales are through brown paper tickets. Ordering your tickets
online allows you to use a credit card and have your tickets mailed directly to you. Click
here to order tickets.
Tickets will also be sold at Seattle Prep during lunch in the commons on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
President’s Blog
How do we strive for the Magis without feeding the ego? Mr. Hickey takes on that
question in this week’s President’s blog.
A Special Book Club
We will be reading The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything by Fr. James Martin S.J. and
will be guided in our discussions by Fr. Paul Fitterer, S.J. and Matt Barmore. This is a great
opportunity to learn more about the Jesuit approach to life and spirituality in a really
accessible format. The gatherings are sure to be lots of fun!
Dates: November 1
Chapters 1-4
January 13
Chapters 5-8
March 21
Chapters 9-11
May 9
Finish the book
When: 7 -8:30pm
Where: Faculty/Staff Lounge in Peyton Hall (3rd floor)
Parent Board Meeting: Join Us!
Due to next week’s Open House on November 2, the next meeting of the Parent Board
will be Tuesday November 9 at 7pm in Ignatius A101. Our Guest Speakers will be Mike
Kelly and Jenell Kheriaty from the Office of Student Life. They will be talking about school
climate, discipline and bullying. Parents are encouraged to attend.
Wine Gala: November 19th at 6:30pm, PACCAR Commons
Make your reservations today by going to www.seaprep.org/winegala. Last year's event
was SOLD OUT so don't miss out on this great event.
A preview of the exciting wines that await you:
DeLille Cellars
Fort Walla Walla Cellars
Novelty Hill Winery
O Wines
O•S Winery
Otis Kenyon Wine
Reininger Winery
Tefft Cellars
Va Piano Vineyards
Weekly Wine Toast: "Did you know that among the world's fruit crops, wine grapes rank
number one in the amount of acres planted. There are 20 million acres planted of grapes
SPECIAL NOTE ON ONLINE RESERVATIONS: If you did not receive a confirmation email,
we do NOT have you registered for this event (likely that your server timed out). Please
try to submit the form again or email robrien@seaprep.org .
Space Available in November 4th & 10th Parent Gatherings!
These spirituality gatherings will take place in the Mullally (Library) Conference Room in
Peyton Hall; light refreshments will be served.
When we gather we will have introductions and then move on to our theme:
“What makes a Jesuit high school Jesuit?”
In particular, we will discuss St. Ignatius, Jesuit spirituality and Jesuit education with special
emphasis on the five characteristics of the Grad at Grad. Much of our conversation will
focus on how this all plays out for your son or daughter at Prep.
Please click here to sign up for your preferred date.
From the Counseling Office
Next week’s college visit schedule:
University of Michigan
University of Washington, Bothell
Stonehill College
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles
The Evergreen State College
Lawrence University
- - 11/1/10 10:15 AM
- - 11/1/10 12:30 PM
- - 11/2/10 11:40 AM
- - 11/2/10 1:15 PM
- - 11/3/10 9:30 AM
- - 11/4/10 1:15 PM
Open House, November 2nd: COOKIE BAKERS NEEDED!
On Tuesday, November 2nd from 5:30 to 8 pm, Seattle Prep will host the Annual Open
house for prospective students and parents. This important event is always well attended
and is a great time for people to learn about our school! During the Open House we
showcase Prep and provide refreshments for over 1000 people.
Cookies are needed! Donations of 4-6 dozen cookies (or more) of any variety are greatly
appreciated. Cookies can be delivered to the Losh Conference Room (behind the
Principal's Office on the first floor of St. Ignatius Hall) on Monday, November 1st or
Tuesday, November 2nd.
If you can help by baking cookies, or need further information, please e-mail Katie
Teplicky at katieteplicky@comcast.net. THANK YOU in advance for your generosity!
Parents in Prayer
Please join us in prayer for the needs and petitions of our Seattle Prep community. All are
welcome! We will meet on the following upcoming dates:
Friday, December 3
We gather in Peyton Chapel at 7:45am. Traditionally, this is a short, prayerful
opportunity to gather and start the day!
We hope you'll join us!
"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17
Anne Knight, Mary Lee, and Ann Shanahan
Attention Freshman Parents
November 18 - Faculty Gratia Lunch.
Would you like to get involved in a true Prep tradition? Consider volunteering to help
with the November Gratia luncheon. What's Gratia you ask? It's a gift from the Prep
parent community to the school community in the form of a buffet of dishes contributed by
parents. It's a great way to meet our Prep staff and other freshman parents. If you'd
like to help contribute your families favorite dish or would like to help host/serve at the
luncheon on Thursday, November 18th at noon- contact Freshman Parent Rep Linda Van
Hare at vanhare@comcast.net or by phone 425-746-8096.
December 1--Freshman Parent Tea
You are invited to share some holiday cheer and visit with other freshman parents. You
can also pick up your holiday poinsettias, and do some holiday shopping at the Panther
Place sale. We hope to see you!
Wednesday, December 1st from 1:00 to 3:00, Faculty/Staff Lounge
Last Week to Order Poinsettias!
Purchase some gorgeous poinsettias, wreaths and garlands for your home and for friends
and family. They make beautiful gifts and are a great option for corporate holiday
décor. You may download the order form by clicking here. ALL proceeds benefit this
year’s graduation party. Remember to get those orders in NOW! The final deadline is
Tuesday, November 2nd.
Senior Parents: in order to provide a great party for our kids, we need the poinsettia
sale to be successful! We are asking EACH FAMILY to sell at least 12 poinsettias, wreaths
or garlands. Your participation means a lower cost for all and an ability to extend
scholarship money to all who need it. Thanks for your support!
We also have beautiful custom blankets available for purchase and, again, those sales
directly support the senior class!
Subscribe to the Panther
Prep parents—Are you interested in finding out about Prep news and events from the
student perspective? Subscribe to The Seattle Prep Panther for the low cost of $15. You’ll
receive our monthly paper, full of news about on campus plays, sports, and student
activities, as well as feature articles about student interests and tastes. To take
advantage of this offer, just send us your mailing address and a check for $15 (made out
to Seattle Prep) to
The Seattle Prep Panther
2400 11th Avenue East
Seattle, WA 98102
Winter Sports
Winter sports begin on Monday, November 15. Tryout information for Boys and Girls
Basketball, as well as Coed Swimming, are posted on the teams’ websites.
Winter Sports Eligibility Forms
If you are planning to turnout for a winter sport, be sure to stop by Mrs. Cooper’s office to
pick up your eligibility forms. Forms can also be downloaded from the Prep Athletics site.
All eligibility forms are due by November 3rd to Mrs. Cooper in PACCAR Commons.
John Goodwin Club
You are cordially invited to join the John Goodwin Club, Prep’s Athletic booster
organization. The club has many functions: it buys all of the teams’ uniforms, pays for
state tournament travel, funds coaches’ continuing education and makes major capital
purchases for the Athletic department. Membership benefits include free admission for
your entire family to all home Football and Basketball games and the opportunity to
socialize with other club members.
You can join by utilizing the Goodwin Club application link on the Athletic Department
Please consider joining our booster club and contributing to the continuing excellence of
Prep athletics.
Cross Country
Seattle Prep's Boys and Girls teams participated in the Metro XC Championships this past
Thursday. Both the Boys and Girls teams will advance to the District Championships this
Thursday, October 28th which will be held at the Lower Woodland course (Greenlake)
beginning at 2:30. Seattle Prep Girls finished 3rd at the Metro Championships. Joey
Bosserman was 2nd overall with a time of 20:13 which was a course PR. Carly Clawson
20:45, was 10th and Dana Langseth 21:11, was 14th both achieving PR’s for the course.
Rounding out the Varsity 7 was Katie Shanahan 21:48, 21st, Grace Lewis 21:51, 23rd,
Nicole Tidwell 22:09, 30th, and Clare Scheer 22:11, 33rd. There were only 10 points
separating 1st place Lakeside (60pts), 2nd place Holy Names(65pts) and 3rd place Seattle
Prep (70pts). The Girls Team qualified for Districts where the Top 5 teams and Top 20
individuals will qualify for state.
Prep had five Boys run under 17 minutes over the 3.1 mile course in the Varsity race
(Piper, Corr, Howard, McDonald, Strand). Out of 80 runners in the race, Steve Robinson,
a senior from Blanchet won the race in 16:21.75 followed by Brian Masterson from
Lakeside (2nd) and Keenan Piper, Seattle Prep (3rd) at four seconds off the winning
pace. Senior Sean McDonald was hampered by a hamstring injury but managed a
respectable 8th place finish. Matt Crawford ran an inspired race and finished 17th.
Matt's father Greg Crawford was honored in a memorial service on Saturday after a long
battle with cancer. Many of the XC Boys and coaches attended to pay their respects to a
great man who loved his family and the sport of XC.
Seattle Prep JV Boys dominated the 278 runner JV Race which was won by Prep
Freshman Joe Hardy (17:12.59) with Prep placing five boys under 18 minutes (Hardy,
Breen, Hogan, Walker and Sanders). Prep finished in the top three places with Blanchet
trailing Prep for the next three places.
A touching service for Greg Crawford was held this past Saturday at Assumption. Matt
and his sister Kate read scripture and Matt's uncle and two of Greg's friends/business
colleagues provided memories of a terrific man. The Prep Boys XC team was well
represented at the service to pay respects to the father of one of our teams’ influential
senior leaders. The church was full, and we were all moved in hearing about what a good
father and brilliant scientist (PhD in nuclear theory) Greg was. For those that attended,
thank you as it meant a lot to Matt, Kate and Barb. His memory is captured here.
Girls Soccer
The State 3A Rankings released on October 25 had Seattle Prep at No. 6, dropping from
No. 4 in the Week 7 rankings. Prep remained ahead of Holy Names, which stayed steady
at No. 7. Going into the first week of the league play-offs, Prep and Holy Names
remained the only two Metro teams in the State 3A Top Ten.
Beginning their final week of the Metro regular season, the Lady Panthers found
themselves battling Blanchet and Holy Names for first place in the Mountain Division and
the right to move on to the Metro League tournament.
First up for Prep was Blanchet. The long standing rivals played a spirited match on
October 19. In the 16th minute, Prep scored in a scramble in front of the Blanchet goal
that followed a well played through ball from Sophomore Midfielder Devon Green.
Forward Gio Plater was credited with the score off of an assist from Devon.
Playing tough defense against the Braves, the Prep side held the score to 1-0 well into the
second half. Mary Ann Santucci scored an important insurance goal unassisted in the 68th
minute, and Prep cruised to a 2-0 win. Aided by defenders Danielle Audino, Cozette
Padon, Kalynn Huebner, and Emma Stacey, keeper Abby Rockwell notched another
shutout. The win was a total team effort played on Senior Day, with the team honoring its
five seniors: Co-Captains Alexus Shefts and Emma Stacey, Madison Nelson, Nina
Anderson, and Shanley DeFrancia.
The win against Blanchet assured the Lady Panthers of at least a share of second place in
the division and guaranteed a Metro tourney berth. On October 21, Prep and Holy
Names faced off in the final regular season game for both teams. With Holy Names
ahead in the division standings by four points, first place was out of reach for Prep. The
game was all about momentum going into the Metro playoffs.
Holy Names scored early in the first half on a defensive lapse. A Holy Names player
found herself unmarked on the far post of the Prep goal, easily heading in a cross from
the right touch line in the 28th minute. Down 1- nil but unbroken in spirit, the Lady Panthers
roared back and soon leveled the score. On what has to be one of the highlight goals of
the season, Senior Midfielder Madison Nelson first timed a pass from Devon Green.
Struck square on from 25 yards out, Madison hit a rising laser strike that found the upper
V and the inside of the Holy Names net. In the 39th minute, it is score tied 1 all. Devon
tallied her second assist for the week.
Prep commanded the run of play during the second half. Keeping pressure in the
attacking third, the Lady Panthers were unable to find the back of the Holy Names goal.
The game ended in a 1-1 draw, the same result as the teams’ first meeting on September
Metro Tournament play begins the week of October 25. Prep tied Eastside Catholic for
second place in the Mountain Division, with Holy Names taking the top spot and Blanchet a
close fourth place. By coin flip, Prep was awarded the No. 2 seed in the Mountain
Division., earning the Lady Panthers a first round bye. Prep’s first game is a quarterfinal
match on Thursday, October 28 at Ingraham High School. Game time is 5:00 p.m. Prep
will face the winner of Blanchet and Chief Sealth, who play a first round match-up on
Tuesday, October 26.
Scarves up, it is play-off time!!!! Come out and cheer on your Lady Panthers!!!
Prep lost to O’Dea 42-7 at West Seattle Stadium in the final regular season game. The
Panthers take on Rainier Beach on Friday, October 29 at 5:00 at Memorial Stadium for
3rd/4th place in Metro. The team then plays in the 1st round of the state tournament on
Friday, November 5 or Saturday, November 6.
The Panthers open Metro League Tournament play at home on Thursday, October 28 at
7:30. The tournament then moves to West Seattle on Saturday, October 30.
Athletic Schedule
Monday, November, 01
6:00PM Boys Junior Varsity Football Away Mercer Island High School
Facility: Mercer Island HS
Tuesday, November, 02
5:00PM Girls Varsity Soccer Away Metro League Tournament
Facility: Memorial Stadium
Wednesday, November, 03
3:00PM Boys Freshman Football Away Roosevelt High School
Dismissal Time: 1:30PM
Facility: Roosevelt
Thursday, November, 04
TBA Girls Varsity Volleyball Away District Tournament at Sammamish or West
7:00PM Girls Varsity Soccer Away Metro League Tournament
Facility: Memorial Stadium
Friday, November, 05
TBA Boys Varsity Football Away Potential State Tournament Game
Facility: TBA
TBA Girls Varsity Swimming Away District Swimming Prelims
Facility: Mary Wayte Pool
TBA Girls Varsity Swimming Away District Diving Meet
Facility: Mary Wayte Pool
Saturday, November, 06
TBA Boys Varsity Cross Country Away State Championship Race
Facility: Sun Willows Golf Course
TBA Girls Varsity Cross Country Away State Championship Race
Facility: Sun Willows Golf Course
TBA Boys Varsity Football Away Potential state Tournament Game
Facility: TBA
TBA Girls Varsity Swimming Away District Swimming Finals
Facility: Mary Wayte Pool
TBA Girls Varsity Volleyball Away District Tournament
Facility: West Seattle
Daily News & Communications
For the most updated information, please check the Prep website (www.seaprep.org) each
day and click on “The Latest News.”
To view an archive of News & Notes, go to www.seaprep.org, click on “Calling Current
Parents” and then “Communications.”
Next Week at a Glance
Monday, November 1: B Day, New Class Rotation (4, Lit, 6, Lunch, 2, Window)
Tuesday, November 2: A Day, New Class Rotation (New class rotation 3, 5, Lunch, 7, 1),
Open House
Wednesday, November 3: B Day, Late Start (9:30am)
Thursday, November 4: A Day, Parent Gathering (7:45am), Fall Play (7pm)
Friday, November 5: B Lit, Fall Play (7pm)