Unapproved Minutes IEEE P1685 Working Group Meeting May 31, 2006 ARM,Ltd. Cambridge, UK 1) Introductions & Affiliations: Victor Berman chaired the meeting and called to order at 8:07am. He asked everyone to introduce themselves. Key: DR= Designated Representative DRA= Designated Representative Alternate O=Observer S=Staff IEEESA Member Representative Name Anthony Berent Chris Lennard Sheldon Woodhouse Representative Designation DR DRA Bluespec Rishyur Nikhil DR Yes Yes X X X X X Cadence Denali Freescale LSI Logic Yes Yes ? Yes Yes Mentor Graphics Acting Chair DR DR DR DRA DRA DR Yes X Victor Berman Alex Zamfirescu Kathy Werner Gary Lippert Gary Delp Robert Bethge John Wilson Yes Yes X X X Philips Bill Chown Greg Ehmann Ralph von Vignau Mauritzio Vitale Kamil Synek Serge Hustin Mark Noll John Swanson DRA DR DRA DRA DR DR DR DRA Yes Yes No ? Yes Yes Yes Yes Present X X X Entity Name ARM X Sonics ST Synopsys X The SPIRIT Consortium Lynn Horobin Voting Member Yes Acting Secy. 2) Agenda & Minutes: The agenda for the meeting was approved. The minutes from the May 11 meeting were reviewed. The following updates/corrections to minutes were noted: Greg Erhman said Philips is a Corp SA member. Gary Lippert is DR for LSI Logic. The minutes were approved as amended. 3) Call for Patents: Victor read the patent-disclosure policy. 4) Review of proposed Policies & Procedures. Victor called for comments, objections, etc relative to the operating guidelines for the WG. Alex Zamfirescu addressed use of papers for publicity and the need for WG approval of such papers. Victor thought this issue was addressed in the section about communications, but clarified language could be added later if Alex wanted to propose it. Part 7 dealing with membership and voting rights needs to be clarified that members must be an IEEE-SA member and must pay the designated fees. Victor suggested a due date be established with two months grace period to pay dues. Motion: Approved Policies & Procedures as proposed with the clarification that the dues will be revisited in six months. Proposed: Gary Lippert, Seconded: Anthony Berent. Motion approved. Summary of changes involving the dues structure that was agreed to: - The proposed dues structure is adopted for the first year of 1685 operation That is: Greater than $1b revenue = $10k Gerater than $1m revenue = $5k Lesss than $1m revenue = $1k - Any new members joining the WG will owe the full year’s dues - After six months the WG will examine its budget and projections for future expenditures and make recommendations for next year’s dues - A budget tracking/reporting system will be put in place (Victor/Lynn) Costs that need to managed include initially: - IEEE service contract - technical editing And subsequently: - maintenance of standard - providing standard and schema access “free” for users 5) Review of Proposed PAR The revisions to the PAR were reviewed and some minor typos were corrected. The purpose was discussed and edited. Motion: Approve Section 5.4 Purpose of Proposed Standard as amended. Proposed: Anthony Berent Seconded: John Wilson Motion approved Motion: Approve the PAR as amended at this meeting. Proposed: Anthony Berent Seconded: Mark Noll Motion approved Revised approved Scope: 5.2 Scope of Proposed Standard: This standard describes an XML Schema for metadata documenting Intellectual Property (IP) used in the development, implementation and verification of electronic systems and an Application Programming Interface (API) to provide tool access to the meta-data. This schema provides a standard method to document IP that is compatible with automated integration techniques. The API provides a standard method for linking tools into a System Development framework, enabling a more flexible, optimized development environment. Tools compliant with this standard will be able to interpret, configure, integrate and manipulate IP blocks that comply with the proposed IP meta-data description. The proposed standard is based on version 1.4 IP-XACT of The SPIRIT Consortium. The standard is independent of any specific design processes. It does not cover those behavioral characteristics of the IP that are not relevant to integration. Revised approved Purpose: The purpose of the proposed standard is to enable the creation and exchange of IP in a highly automated design environment. Victor will make the corrections and updates as written today and submit them. 6) New business – None at this time 7) Next meeting: Will be held at DAC in San Francisco 8) Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:23am by unanimous consent.