Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Partnerships and Sponsorships At Heritage Acres we are very pleased and proud to participate with major one-loft races, shows and events in North America. We do this to offer selected hosts and participants the opportunity to feed the very best nutrition possible. Optimising the performance of birds is your goal and it is our business. Contact us for more information. Table of Contents: Racing Pigeon Nutrition Pigeon Breeding Nutrition Game Bird Nutrition Show Bird Nutrition Natures Nutrition Supplements Specialty Grits Heritage Acres Bird & Pet Nutrition Inc. P.O. Box 223 Arkona, ON N0M 1B0 Canada Contact us for product information, distributorship opportunities or nutrition consulting . 1-800-775-8637 1 Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Sample Customized Feeding Program For Long Distance Day Mix Protein Fat Fibre Carbs. Saturday pm ‘Ace’ Pellet High High Med Low Sunday Depurative Med Med High Low Monday Depurative Med Med High Low Tuesday am Depurative Med Med High Low Tuesday pm Blend Race Mix & Depurative Pro – Racer High High Med Low High High Med Med Wednesday Boss Thursday Pro-Racer Boss Mix High High Med Med Friday Pro-Racer Boss Mix High High Med Med Note: Other Heritage race mixes may be used depending on race conditions. Young Bird Racing & Short Distance: Higher Carbo Mixes such as Nitro, Southern Young Bird Mix, Pro Max # 1 or Performance Ultra are the product of choice. Carbo burns off in approx. 200 miles or wing time then fat is converted to the energy source. Your loft management will dictate your feed choice. Depurative Stage: Depending on the level of training during this stage you may elect to use the Heritage-“Super D” for heavy training. The Heritage “Diet Depurative” is recommended for normal training and rebuild. The change from the Depurative Feeding to Race Mix may change slightly depending on full de-purification timing of the bird. 2 Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Ingredients: Hard Red Wheat Trapper Peas Red Milo White Milo Long Brown Rice Lintels Oat Groats Maple Peas Red Millet White Millet Sweet Canola Hemp Heritage Euro – Special Race Blend Southern Young Bird No Corn Mix Protein 15 Protein Fat 3.2 Fat 4.75 Fibre 4 Fibre 5.9 Carbohydrates 40 Carbohydrates 32 The perfect formula for young bird development and Hot Weather Racing Designed to be used following Heritage “Ace:” and “Boost” Feed from weaning to young bird racing Ingredients: Red Milo White Milo Safflower Lintels Oat Groats Red Millet White Millet Sweet Canola Flax Seed Canary Grass 15 Balanced Old Bird Race Mix Solid Blend of Ingredients Designed for Normal Racing HERITAGE “TURBO” LOADING MIX HERITAGE E-Z Treat Candy (formerly Moult Mix) Protein 16 Protein 15 Fat 10.3 Fat 28 Fibre 6.7 Fibre 18 Carbohydrates 26 Carbohydrates Designed specifically for racing Stock and Young and Old birds High Protein & fat - feather development N\A Energy for long distance loading 300 miles topdress add 20% to regular feed “Boss” Ideal for a treat to bring birds to the loft. 500 miles-extended wing time add for two days 20 % Two days in the basket increase % feed all they will eat prior to basketing. NOTE:All seeds are personally selected to ensure high quality mixes Analysis: based on Dept of Agric. Standards and include natural moisture. 3 Ingredients: Red Corn Cdn. Red Wheat Trapper Peas Maple Peas Austrian Peas Red Milo White Milo Safflower Brown Rice Oat Groat White Millet Red Millet Flax Buckwheat Canary Seed Hemp Faba (Tic) Peas Ingredients: Safflower Hemp Sweet Canola Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Performance Ultra Ingredents Small red corn Yellow dent Corn Cdn red wheat Trapper peas Maple peas Green peas Austrian peas Red milo White milo Safflower Lintels Faba (Tic)Beans Oat Groat Black oil sunflower Protein 14.25 Small red corn Yellow dent corn Cdn red wheat Trapper peas Maple peas Lintels Red milo White milo Safflower Faba (Tic) beans Oat groat 13.7 4.2 Fat 7.6 Fibre 2.7 Fibre 7.5 Carbohydrates 44 Carbohydrates 45 Maximized Carbo Release Excellent Omega 3 / 6 Ratio High Hemp Content Custom European Formula for mid distance racing. Heritage PRO MAX # 1 Premium Racer Ingredients Protein Fat Balanced diet including natural source trace minerals and vitamins Nitro Ingredients Hemp Indian Red Corn Safflower Hard Red Wheat Hulless Oats Red Milo White Milo White Millet Lintels Paddy Rice Sweet Canola Ace Super Supplement Fortification Heritage Base Racer 2 Mix Protein 15 Protein 13.4 Fat 3.6 Fat 2.7 3.15 Fibre 5 Fibre Carbohydrates 38 Carbohydrates Super formula for young bird racing Supplies balanced nutrition Natural source of vitamins, minerals. Balanced natural amino acid. The original European racing mix. 48 Balanced formula Designed for addition of ingredients for customized racing program Excellent training mix for conditioned birds NOTE: All seeds are personally selected to ensure high quality mixes Seeds are triple cleaned to ensure they are dust-free Store in a cool dry place, off floor to maintain superior quality Analysis based on Dept. of Agriculture Standard Grain Analysis - Levels include natural moisture content of individual grains 4 Ingredients Small red corn Cdn red wheat Trapper peas Maple peas Red milo White milo Lintels. Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Heritage E-W-3 BLEND Ingredients Small red corn Cdn red wheat Barley blend Trapper peas Green peas Red milo White milo White millet Note: May contain a blend of pigeon Grains. Prisioners Pride Southern No Corn Blend Crude Protein 12 Crude Protein 13.2 Crude Fat 3 Crude Fat 3.2 Crude Fibre 3.3 Crude Fibre 4.7 Carbohydrates 47 Carbohydrates 37 Low cost Base mix for non-racing birds Off season feeding (warm weather mix) Can be fed with other Heritage mixes Lower Fat, for warmer conditions. Heritage Maintenance Mix Ingredients Small red corn Barley blend Cdn red wheat Safflower Trapper peas Maple peas Red milo White milo Lintels Oat groats Crude Protein Ingredients: Hard Red Wheat Trapper Peas Red Milo White Milo Barley Safflower Lintels Maple Peas Green Peas White Millet Conditioning Mix For off season Breeders Designed for confined birds Balanced diet to Maintain stock. Heritage Lite Mix (Depurative) 12 Crude Protein 12.2 Crude Fat 4.2 Crude Fat 5.4 Crude Fibre 4.0 Crude Fibre 7.25 Carbohydrates 36.1 Carbohydrates 10.8 Balanced diet for maintaining good health Critical part of racer’s diet Breeding stock diet following breeding season Provides desired nutrition for maintaining good health, including cold weather. Designed as a blood cleaner on race return. Feed following 1 feeding of Heritage “Ace” Supplement See Suggested Feeding Program 5 Ingredients Barley blend Cdn red wheat Safflower brown rice Red milo White milo Flax Red millet White millet Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Roller Tippler Ingredients: Trapper Peas Wheat Popcorn White Millet Red Milo Buckwheat Paddy Rice Maple Peas Lintels Fancy Bird Popcorn Mix Protein 12 Protein 14.4 Fat 1.8 Fat 2.9 Fibre 3.8 Fibre 4.7 Carbohydrates 26 Carbohydrates 26 Ingredients: Popcorn Hard Red Wheat Trapper Peas Red Milo White Milo Safflower Lintels Maple Peas Conditioning Mix, Short Beak or Buoyant up your race team Designed for confined birds Balance diet to enhance show stock or race bird Show Bird Supreme ‘No Corn’ Show Bird Breeder Ingredients: Cdn red wheat Red Milo White Milo Patty Rice Oat Groats Safflower Lintels Maple Peas Austrian Peas Protein 16 Protein 15.2 Fat 3.1 Fat 4.2 Fibre 4 Fibre 4.2 Carbohydrates 36 Carbohydrates 40 Designed for muscle development and conditioning. Contains broad range of protein types Balanced diet for body build up and feather development Ideal for Showing and Racing Essential for breeder health and young bird development Grains selected to be appropriate for short beaks and smaller birds. All seeds are personally selected to ensure high quality mixes Seeds are triple cleaned to ensure they are dust-free Store in a cool dry place, off floor to maintain superior quality Analysis based on Dept. of Agriculture Standard 6 Ingredients: Popcorn Hard Red Wheat Trapper Peas Red Milo White Milo Safflower Lintels Maple Peas Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Boss Cock Game Bird Indian Red Corn Hard Red Wheat Trapper Peas Red Milo Cdn. Malt Blend Barley Safflower Patty Rice Lintels Faba Beans Maple Peas White Millet Buckwheat Hemp Super Pit Load Game Bird Loading Mix Protein 13.5 Protein 21 Fat 5 Fat 15.6 Fibre 7 Fibre 9.9 Carbohydrates 55 Carbhydrates 18 Excellent conditioning and training mix Maximized carbo energy release Balanced Omega 3:6 ratio and loaded with essential amino acids Designed for feeding bird while in the Keep High fat energy source for explosive aggression Balanced mineral and energy sources improving endurance. Ace Pellet Super Supplement Game Bird Health Base # 7 Fortified Pellet Indian Red Flint Corn Red Milo Wheat Trapper Peas Barley Safflower Patty Rice Lintels Faba Beans Flax Canola Ace Pellets Buckwheat Canary Seed Hemp Seed Protein 13 Protein 18% Fat 3.2 Fat 4.5% Fibre 8.1 Fibre 3.5% Carbhydrates 40 Carbhydrates 25% Ideal maintenance mix for game birds Provides essential nutritional requirements See Ace Super Supplement for Feeding Recommendations Use with Game Birds to maintain healthy immune and digestive systems 7 Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Super ‘D’ Depurative Heritage Acres in conjunction with the Top American Breeders has developed this Specialized mix for maximized pigeon performance. Excellent for heavy training Designed for light and dark system young bird flying. Enhanced Moult Clears the system of toxins Provides energy for heavy training. Perfect feeding partner for Heritage Pro-Racer “Boss” Ingredients: Canadian Barley Blend Canadian Hard Red Wheat Safflower Paddy Rice Red Milo White Milo Nutritional Analysis: Canary Grass Seed Flax Seed Crude Protein: 13% Sweet Canola Hemp Seed Crude Fat: 9.6% White Millet Crude Fibre: 7.6 % Carbohydrates: 20% This blend is developed for a loft management style that provides consistent heavy training during the depurative stage. Birds must be worked and trained to use the energy in this mix. 8 Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Heritage Pro-Racer Boss Heritage Acres in conjunction with selected breeders has developed, tested and enhanced the unique European Racing Pigeon Blend. 20 Grain Blend makes winners. Proven Success with ‘Champions in both old and young birds Feed with Heritage Lite Depurative, or Super “D” Ingredients: Provides birds with all the natural nutrients needed. This is a unique blend providing all essential amino acids, Indian Red Corn Balanced racing nutrition and natural vitamins and minerals. Popcorn Canadian Hard Red Wheat Wheat Shorts Canadian Barley Blend Green Peas Trapper Peas Maple Peas Austrian Peas Red Milo White Milo Safflower Lintels Paddy Rice Oat Groat White Millet Flax Sweet Canola Buckwheat Small Corn Nutritional Analysis: Crude Protein: 16% Crude Fat: 5% Crude Fibre: 5 % Carbohydrates: 26% This blend has been developed for a loft management style that provides consistent heavy training. 9 Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ The 2006 Update “Heritage Custom Feeding for Champions” Del Smet, Fond Du Lac, WI: The Valley Flying Club, Champion Bird, Concourse Young Bird Average Speed Champion, Concourse Champion Loft, FIRST ACE PIGEON, MiddleDistance Team Score 1st. Del is a seasoned pigeon flyer and is very difficult to beat. Del has consistently been at the Top of the Sheet and has consistently fed Heritage Acres Nutrition. Robert McCarty, Houston, TX: What a tremendous competitor!!! 2002 Winner of Seven (7) Concourse (association) race with over 1000 birds in each race!!! 10 of top 12 point birds in Concourse, 2002 Champion Bird, Champion Bird 2002 HCF Futurity, 2002 GSWC Champion Bird, Winner and 3rd in the Houston Invitational Race. Bob races and breeds his birds using only Heritage products and he has the results to prove it! Double T Lofts: WOW! Great Results: 6th Young Bird Ace Loft - Racing Pigeon Digest - Division 5 (Races averaging 151 - 300 Birds) ; Combine Champion Loft 1st Combine Champion Bird - AU-03-DTL-3929 - Son of "Adam" & "White Gold Great Work. www.doubletlofts.com Loft Supplies from Heritage Acres Get them with your Feed Order 10 Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ NEW IMPROVED “ACE” Super Supplement Pellet Ingredients: Corn Note: Ace will firm droppings of weanlings and young birds. Wheat Pea or bean protein Wheat shorts This product has been specifically developed for Racing Pigeons as a supplement to be fed with Dried vegetable fat Calcium other Heritage Blends to maximize health, growth and performance. Phosphorus Spirulina Sodium Balanced Blend of all essentials: Amino Acids - Vitamins - Minerals Iodine Iron A unique blend of approximately 45 essential Copper vitamins, minerals, amino acids. Manganese Crude Protein: 18% Fortified with Calcium, Phosphorus, and Zinc Amino acids Crude Fat: 4.5% Vitamin C, Brewers Yeast Vitamin B Dicalcium phophate complex. Crude Fibre: 3.5% Calcium carbonate Now with Lactobacillus acidophilus, Carbohydrate: 25% Sodium chloride Spirulina. Calcium iodate Ferrous carbonate To obtain maximum energy transfer the supplements are carried with the food components and Copper sulphate transferred to the blood. This provides a carrier and maximizes the utilization of essential micro Mangonous oxide Zinc oxide supplements. Sodium selenite Designed for breeding stock and young bird development. Selenite Vitamin, mineral and amino acids balanced and fortified. Vitamin A Calcium fortified for proper egg development Vitamin B complex (brewers yeast) Young Bird: enhanced bone development Vitamin C acetic Race Return Rejuvinator for old and young birds. Product is prepared with low heat to minimize any negative impact on usable energy. acid Vitamin D3 Lactobacillus: Natural gut bacteria to stimulated growth in young birds or Vitamin E as a stimulant after use of anti-biotics. Menadione Spirulina: Best Natural Immunity Builder. Choline chloride Contains all essential amino acids and improves fertility. Calxium Pantothenate Roboflavin Timing Feeding Instruction Folic Acid Race Return, first Feeding Feed with 50 % of Heritage Depurative Niacin During Race Season 20 – 30 % with Preferred Heritage Blend Thiamine Two Weeks Prior to Mating Feed 20 % Ace with 80 % Boost Mononitrate During Mating and Egg Development Feed 30 % Ace with 70 % Boost Pyrodoxine Nesting Period Feed 20 % Ace with 80 % Boost hydrochloride During Nursing Feed 50 % Ace with 50 % Boost Vitamin B 12 After Weaning Feed 30 % Ace with 70 % Boost Biotin Selenium Acetic Acid Lactobacillus Acidophilus 11 With Lactobacillus Acidophilus, added Vitamin C, and Spirulina! Food Value: Usage: Feeding Instructions: Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Heritage Acres “Boost” Breeding Weaning and Conditioning This product has been specifically developed for racing pigeons with the objective of maximizing growth and development from the egg through weaning. Formulated to provide the ultimate in: Natural Essential Amino Acid Balance Maximizing the natural L-Lysine and Crystine Food Value: Objective: Crude Protein: 16 16.5% Crude Fat: 3.5 -4% Crude Fibre: 4-4.5% Carbohydrate: 34% Formulated to provide the natural amino acid balance with Maximum L-Lysine, Methionine, Crystine, and maintain overall amino acid balance. Maximize natural trace mineral and vitamins. Ingredients: Popcorn Canadian Hard Red Wheat Green Peas Red Milo White Milo Safflower Lintels Paddy Rice Red Millet White Millet Sweet Canola Trapper Peas Maple Peas Usage: Designed specifically for maximizing protein transfer to develop solid bone structure and feathers. Feed with Heritage Acres ‘Ace’. Young birds will have enhanced bone development and muscle development with limited fat development. Feeding: Timing Two Weeks Prior to Mating During Mating and Egg Development Nesting Period During Nursing After Weaning Feeding Instruction Feed 20 % Ace with 80 % Boost Feed 30 % Ace with 70 % Boost Feed 20 % Ace with 80 % Boost Feed 50 % Ace with 50 % Boost Feed 30 % Ace with 70 % Boost Training to Racing: To introduce your birds to a full range of seeds (larger seeds) phase in your race mix, i.e. Pro Max #1 or Boss. Three to four weeks prior to racing, phase in the depurative and phase out the Boost until you are on the race program of your choice. Note: Ace will firm the droppings of the birds. 12 Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Pure Anise Oil Stimulates Fat Vita B. (Brewers Yeast) Appetite Pure Protein 14.4 Fat 2.9 Flavour Liquorice Fibre 4.7 Odour Pleasant Carbohydrates 9.1 Appetite Enhancement oil. Natural Source of Vitamin “B” Complex Usage: Four Cups of Grains: add 1 Tablespoon of oil. Mix 1 Tablespoon of Vita “B” Mix and feed. A real Boost of Vita “B” Designed to be used with other Heritage Products Use with Vita B or Heritage Super Supplements HERITAGE Garlic Wheat Germ Vitamin Blend Heritage Acres “Super Supplement” Concentrate Vitamins Blend Vitamins – Full Range of water and fat soluble encapsulated vitamins. Fat Pure Minerals - Spirulina Flavour Garlic Amino Acids Full range. Designed specifically for racing stock and young birds Natural oil and Blood Cleaner, Perfect for breeding preparation. Performance enhancement and endurance builder. The ideal blend with Vita “B” or Super Supplement. Spirulina Racing Performance enhancement See Ingredient list “Ace” Balanced Blend of vitamins mineral Spirulina Proven Results for health, race return and rebuild. 90 grams Green Powder Spirulina is a microscopic vegetable of blue green microalgae which dramatically strengthens the avian immune system Improves health, vigor, fertility and conditioning. 13 Contains 62% amino acid and is the worlds richest source of vitamin B12 and antioxident beta carotene. Rich in GLA fatty acid, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ White Lightening (few peas) Tested and Proven Features and Beneftis: Fat Generates Double the Energy of Carbohydrate or Protein o Fat is the Driving Energy Source o Use with Red Barron if possible o Feed on Light to Heavy Curve with “Lite” or “Super D” Provides Mature birds with Maximum Energy Drive Excellent Protein Profile for rebuilding and hard racing of young and old. Nutritional Analysis: Protein: Fat: Fibre: Carbohydrate: 14.8% 8.5% 7% 22% Ingredients: Red Flint Dent Corn Trapper Peas White Milo Safflower Canadian Hard Red Wheat Austrian Peas Red Millet Oat Groat White Millet Flax Canola Canary Seed Hemp Lintels Great for heavy training and racing in difficult conditions (wind). T.N.T. 10 Ultimate Racer (no peas) Tested and Proven High Fat, Low Protein, Fortified for ease of Energy Absorption Ultimate Racing Pigeon Energy Blend Features and Benefits: Fat Generates Double the Energy of Carbohydrate or Protein o Fat is the Driving Energy Source o Red Barron: The Perfect Energy Driver o p.H. Adjusted to Maximize Hydrogen Absorption o Feed with Heritage Lite Depurative or Super ‘D’ Depurative Provides Mature birds with Maximum Energy Drive Balanced Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats for optimal performance. T.N.T. 10 Ultimate Racer provides a controlled release of maximum energy. Nutritional Analysis: Protein: 13% Fibre: 7% Carbohydrate: 24% Fat: 10% Ingredients: Red Flint Dent Corn Popcorn Canadian Hard Red Wheat Canadian Hemp Canadian Barley Blend Safflower White Milo Patty Rice Flax Sweet Canola ‘Red Baron’ This Blend is developed for a loft management style that provides consistent heavy training. The Ultimate Blend. 14 Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ “Red Baron” Energy Max Nutracutical Performance Enhancement Pellet: Uniquely blended Ingredients: Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals, Plus Performance Enhancement Ingredients. Designed to Maximize Performance through: Accelerated digestion Improved energy storage Controlled energy Release. This product contains ingredients required to Relax Birds during Key Stress Periods, eg.: Handling, Basketing, Transportation. This prevents energy from being wasted. A greater amount of energy remains for the race. Top Dress Feed with 5% to 10% of Total Feed ration for the race team; Depending on Work and Stress ie heavy training or extreme weather. Normal Feeding: 2 days per week Tues and Thur. This mix is exceptional for feeding on race return, with a Heritage Depurative and clean fresh water. Note: Do not feed Red Baron Energy Max on day of Basketing! No added Vitamins or Minerals required. In Extreme Heat, Where water intake is substantial; Increase Days fed, lower quantity. This will maintain levels of water soluble vitamins that are required for performance and optimal health. 15 Ingredients Carbo: Carrier Spirilina Vit.A.Vit.B12 Vit. D3-Vit.E Vit. K-- Vit C Thiamine Niacin Pyridox. Folic Acid Biotin Choline Calcium Phosphorus Arginine Methionine Meth-Crstine Lysine Leucine Phenylalanine Chloride Magnesium Potassium Sodium Sulphur Cobalt Copper Iodine Iron Manganese Selenium Zinc Yeast Culture Cherries Ethoxiquin Fiber Fat Heritage Acres Bird and Pet Nutrition Inc. “Specialists in Quality Nutrition “ Enhanced Breeder Blend ‘Grit Plus’ A unique blend of Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and Trace Minerals Blended with a combination of Essential Carriers required to maximize growth and development and to provide the high calcium utilization for bone, feather and muscle. This unique blend is designed to further enhance and improve the Heritage Breeding and Weaning Program utilizing the Heritage ‘Ace’ – ‘Boost’ Program. Key Features: Usage: A unique blend of all essential vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, essential amino acids, in a blend of high calcium, heat treated silica, and washed granite. Spirulina for natural immune system development. This blend will provide an overall nutritional balance to enhance growth, strength, good health and development. Formulated to enhance growth and development combined with open feeding, available full time. Use during performance, racing, resting or off – season. This product provides the Grit action required for Digestion. Keep bowl and product clean. Ingredients: Heat Treated Silica,Washed Granite, Charcoal, Calcite, Calcium, Spirulina, Vitamin A, B12, D3, E, K, C, Thiamine, Niacin, Pyridoxine,FolicAcid,Biotin,Choline,Phosphorus,Arginine,Methionine,MetheCrystine,Llysine,Leucine,Phenylalanine,Chloride,Magn esium,Potassium,Sodium,Sulphur,Cobalt,Copper,Iodine,Iron,Manganese,Selenium, Zinc, Yeast Culture, Cherries, Ethoxiquine, Fat Nutritional Content: Calcium: Min. 33% Salt: Min. 1% - Max. 3% Charcoal: Min. 1.5% - Max 2% All essential Vitamins and Minerals.Trace Minerals, Amino Acids Colour: Grey to Greenish (Spirulina) Wings Performance Grit Developed, Formulated and Blended by Heritage Research for all performance, racing and show birds. Key Features: Usage: . Formulated to enhance energy utilization, performance and show. Free feed, available full time. This product provides the Grit action required for Digestion. Keep bowl and product clean. A unique blend of Minerals, Silica, Granite and Calcium fortified with Vitamins A, D and E which facilitate mineral utilization and energy absorbtion Available in Grey or Red. Ingredients: Washed heat treated silica, Granite, Charcoal, Calcite, Potassium Sulphate, Magnesium Sulphate, Zinc Oxide, Calcium Carbonate, Manganese oxide, Iron Carbonate, Copper Oxide, Calcium Iodine, Sodium Selenite, Sulphur, Calcium Sulphate, Vitamins A, D & E 16 Nutritional Content: Calcium: Min. 21 –24% Salt: Min. 1% - Max. 3% Charcoal: Min. 1% - Max 2% Vitamins and Minerals.