Microbial Identification Order Form Client Invoice Department Your Purchase Order number #: Name of sender: Administrator: Institute / Company: Invoice department: Department: Invoice address: Shipment address: Zip/City: Zip/City: Country: Country: e-mail address: e-mail address: Phone number: Phone number: VAT #: Fax number: Other contact person: e-mail address: Quotation #: Year contract #: ORDER (please use the sample sheet) THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE, PLEASE INDICATE YOUR CHOICE ON THE SAMPLESHEET: Identification of unknown bacteria: PB-304(F): MicroSEQ® 500bp. The validated MicroSEQ kits and the validated MicroSEQ bacterial databases will be used for the identification. Identification of unknown fungi: PB-306(F): MicroSEQ® D2-LSU. The validated MicroSEQ kits and the validated MicroSEQ fungal databases will be used for the identification. Pure culturing (optional): PB-315: The impure sample/plate will be re-cultured to get pure single colonies. Depending on the wishes of the client all the contaminants, only the unique contaminants or the major contributor will be re-cultured RESULTS After the results are released by QA the report will be send by email and by regular mail. I accept the general terms and conditions of ProBase Pharma* Name : ______________________ Signature : ______________________ Date :__ / __/ ____ To be filled out by ProBase Pharma: Project Code : __________________ Date of registration : _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ *Our General Terms and Conditions apply to all projects ProBase Pharma carries out and can be downloaded from our website (www.probasepharma.com). Version: 3 PBF004-001 Page 1 of 3 - Microbial Identification Order Form SAMPLES We can only process live Class I, non-pathogenic micro-organism that are provided to us according to Dutch regulations. In brief, this means that bacteria or fungi should be delivered on petri-dishes or on slants that are sealed with parafilm. Sealed dishes/ slants should be wrapped in absorbing tissue, and enclosed in an unbreakable and watertight cover. Please make sure that you clearly indicate the sample names on the petridishes. If you suspect the micro-organisms to be pathogenic please contact us beforehand so we can discuss alternative means of transportation. TERMS OF DELIVERY Identification of bacterial samples using the validated MicroSEQ® system (PB-304) DNA-isolation, PCR, sequencing and reporting will be performed using MicroSEQ validated protocols, kits and database. Approximately 500 base pairs of the 16S rRNA gene will be amplified and sequenced on both strands. A full report including the homology search to the MicroSEQ validated database and sequence data will be mailed to the client within 5 working days. The reported result is the most likely sample identification. However, the client has to make the final conclusion to the identity of the sample. FAST Bacterial identification using the validated MicroSEQ® system (PB-304F) DNA-isolation, PCR, sequencing and reporting will be performed using MicroSEQ validated protocols, kits and database. Approximately 500 base pairs of the 16S rRNA gene will be amplified and sequenced on both strands. A full report including the homology search to the MicroSEQ validated database and sequence data will be mailed to the client within 1 working days (when samples arrive before 15.00h). The reported result is the most likely sample identification. However, the client has to make the final conclusion to the identity of the sample. Identification of fungal samples using the validated MicroSEQ® system (PB-306) DNA-isolation, PCR, sequencing and reporting will be performed using MicroSEQ validated protocols, kits and database. For fungal samples, the D2-LSU gene is amplified and sequenced on both strands using validated MicroSEQ® kits and protocols. The length of the consensus sequence is approximately 200-300 bp long. A full report including the homology search to the validated MicroSEQ database and sequence data will be mailed to the client within 5 working days. The reported result is the most likely sample identification. However, the client has to make the final conclusion to the identity of the sample. FAST Fungal identification using the validated MicroSEQ® system (PB-306F) DNA-isolation, PCR, sequencing and reporting will be performed using MicroSEQ validated protocols, kits and database. For fungal samples, the D2-LSU gene is amplified and sequenced on both strands using validated MicroSEQ® kits and protocols. The length of the consensus sequence is approximately 200-300 bp long. A full report including the homology search to the validated MicroSEQ database and sequence data will be mailed to the client within 1 working days(when samples arrive before 15.00h). The reported result is the most likely sample identification. However, the client has to make the final conclusion to the identity of the sample. Pure culturing (PB-315) When visually more than one type of colony is present on the sample plate the client will be contacted to discuss the different options. - Option 1: Continue with the original plate and use the clones that are the most common on the plate for analysis - Option 2: re-culture all the different colonies to get several plates with (different) pure single colonies. - Option 3: re-culture only the unique contaminants - Option 4: re-culture only the most common colonies (major contributor) Version: 3 PBF004-001 Page 2 of 3 Microbial Identification Order Form Transport and Storage (To be filled in by client) Transport: liquid nitrogen Frozen (-25C and -15°C) Other, Dry ice Cooled (2-8C) Temperature logger present yes Storage: liquid nitrogen Frozen (-25C and -15°C) Other, Deep frozen(<-60C) Cooled (2-8C) Bacterial identification No. Room temp. (15-25C) (please specify) no Room temp. (15-25C) (please specify) Fungal identification Sample name 1. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU 2. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU 3. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU 4. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU 5. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU 6. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU 7. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU 8. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU 9. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU 10. MicroSEQ® 500bp FAST MicroSEQ® 500bp MicroSEQ® D2-LSU FAST MicroSEQ® D2-LSU Please leave this column empty Remarks: Version: 3 PBF004-001 Page 3 of 3