Meredith Town Board

Meredith Town Board
Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2014
Bd. Members:
Town Clerk:
Hwy. Super.:
Jim Ellis
Dan Birnbaum
John Janiszewski
Ron Bailey
Rachel Polens
Penny King
Jason Noble
six residents, a reporter, a representative of County Farm
Bureau (Duane Martin), Court Clerk, Dog Control
CALL TO ORDER: 6:59 pm
Privilege of the Floor:
Ed Roache did not come to the meeting.
Planning Board: Michele Lechanteur told the Board of her
resignation as secretary to the Planning Board, but would help out the
new person as much as she could. Her full-time work makes doing
the job too time consuming. She handed in a letter of resignation.
Jim read the letter.
Penny read a letter to the Board from Sue Dapkins, PB Chair, praising
Michele’s work and acknowledging her resignation. A motion was made by
R Bailey to express the Board’s great appreciation to Michele for her work
as Planning Board secretary. R. Polens seconded and the motion passed
The Highway Work Report for July and August, 2014 was approved
unanimously on a motion by J. Janiszewski, seconded by D. Birnbaum.
The yearly inventory of Highway equipment was distributed and a short
discussion ensued about how long some equipment will last and replacement
Jason asked the Board to consider buying a used rubber-tired roller from
Peckham Industries for $5500.00. Peckham has 6 of them right now. Jason
feels that even though the machine will only be used for paving, it would
pay for itself in a couple of years since renting one each year costs $1500.00
per day with an operator. After discussion about costs, uses and the $400.00
it would cost to get the machine here, the Board made a resolution:
WHEREAS, the Town needs a roller for paving, and
WHEREAS, a used rubber-tired roller is available right now that will fill
holes as it goes along, and
WHEREAS there is no guarantee that used rubber-tire rollers will always be
available, and
WHEREAS the cost would be reduced by not having to rent one each year,
THEREFORE, the Town of Meredith Board authorizes the Highway
Superintendent to purchase this equipment for $5500.00, not to exceed
$6000.00. The motion by resolution was made by D. Birnbaum and was
seconded by R. Bailey. The vote follows:
J. Ellis
J. Janiszewski
R. Polens
R. Bailey
D. Birnbaum
Jason brought up the possibility of opening our own gravel pit in order to
save on costs and travel time. It would be developed on the Bost farm on
Col Rte. 33 past Doonan’s Corners. He handed out a sheet with statistics on
costs and a Mined Land Reclamation Program Applicant’s Guide for the
Board to study. After some discussion about how having our own gravel
bank would cuts costs for gravel in half, the Board decided to study the issue
and address it at the next Board meeting in October.
The Minutes for August 2014 with Rachel’s statement on the Constitution
Pipeline grant and two sheets on Standard Workday attached were approved
unanimously as amended on a motion by D. Birnbaum and seconded by J.
The Minutes for the 8-26-14 Special meeting that compared the old and
proposed new Junk Yard Laws were approved unanimously as amended on a
motion by J. Janiszewski and seconded by R. Polens.
There was a short discussion on the hiring of a new Planning Board
secretary. D. Birnbaum moved to authorize S. Dapkins to advertise (or not)
as she sees fit, and if she finds a qualified candidate for PB secretary the
Town Board approves the hire, if required. J. Janiszewski seconded the
motion which passed unanimously. Penny will consult with Sue Dapkins,
Chair, about how to proceed.
Michele stated that if there is no new hire by the next PB meeting, Chris Van
Maaren will act as secretary. Michele will make sure that all is in order by
that time.
--Jim noted the existence of the latest Time Warner letters.
--Jim noted the handout of Preliminary Decisions by the CWC for
September 3, 2014.
--Both letters about Michele Lechanteur’s resignation were noted.
--Jim noted a letter from John Eberhart of Delaware Opportunities
asking for funds for the Senior Meals Program. Penny will
research past decisions.
--Jim noted a letter from Crown Castle stating they will pay $5.07
more to the Town as we have been underpaid.
--Jim noted a letter from Smith Cooperstown, Inc. thanking us for
buying the new pickup from them.
Moving the safe to the Historical Society: Jason said they can get it on a
truck using a front-loader. Getting it off is another question. Penny will
coordinate with Frank Waterman and Jason.
Jim then asked to move the EPA Navigable Water issue up from New
Business and the Board agreed. Duane Martin from the Delaware County
Farm Bureau spoke about the Bureau’s reasons for opposing this proposed
ruling. He gave many examples of how the new rule would create more
bureaucracy and cost much more to use. Rachel had looked at the EPA
website and had printed their response. Jim read a statement from Delaware
County Planning also in opposition to the proposed ruling and said that the
Supervisors also were against the change.
The Board will study the issue and discuss it at the October Town Board
Julia Van Steenburg presented her plan for dog enumeration in Meredith and
why it will eventually save us money and ensure more dogs are licensed and
vaccinated against rabies. She suggested that we send out a postcard to all
residents asking for their compliance. She gave a sample card (used in
Masonville) to Penny. She suggested a $5.00 fee to be added to the
licensing (which she would be paid), and another $5.00 fine if a residents
with a dog did not license that animal after receiving the postcard. Julia told
the Board that even if a dog is licensed elsewhere, the owners must license
here, as well, if the dog is in the Town for more than 15 days. There was
some discussion about the issue. The Board will consider the proposal and
bring it up at the October Town Board meeting. Julia is doing an
enumeration in Masonville now and will give us the cost results when it is
She also spoke about how the Delaware County Public Health Office is
attempting to make DCO’s do follow-up on rabies quarantines though it is
not their job but that of Public Health to do so.
Jim noted that Roberta (from the Teamsters) is meeting now with the
Highway workers and will have their requests for our October meeting.
The Board moved to add work on the Tentative Budget for 2015 to the
agenda for the Special Board meeting on September 23, 2014. D. Birnbaum
made the motion, R. Polens seconded and it was passed unanimously. The
Board was issued a copy of the proposed budget to study in advance of the
Penny noted some grants workshops coming up.. No discussion.
Penny noted that the NYS Archives requires that we have an Archive
Advisory Committee. It would have 3 members: the Clerk the Town
Historian and a Board member. The issue will be addressed at the
Organizational Meeting in January of 2015.
Dispositons from the Records Room: after discussion, D. Birnbaum moved
that the last three items on the list (old Clerk check registers, Employer
Guides, Management Guides) be disposed of. R. Bailey seconded and the
motion passed unanimously. Frank Waterman will be asked to look at the
other items for historical value.
The Town Clerk’s Financial Reports for July and August of 2014 were
approved unanimously on a motion by D. Birnbaum and seconded by R.
The Supervisor’s Financial Report for August 2014 was approved
unanimously on a motion by J. Janiszewski and seconded by R. Polens.
--The EPA issue was addressed by the Board of Supervisors.
--The County is having budget meetings.
Both General Vouchers #139-#154 and Highway Vouchers #158-#177 were
approved unanimously on a motion by D. Birnbaum and seconded by R.
Bailey. Jim noted that the bill from the Town Attorney was slightly higher
than expected because of his work on the purchase and loan agreements for
the new pickup truck.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 pm on a motion by D. Birnbaum,
seconded by J. Janiszewski and approved by all.
Respectfully submitted,
Penelope R. King
Town Clerk