Touch Discrimination Lab Background

Mapping the Homunculus
Peggy Walker
Secondary school students often question how the human brain functions in interpreting
environmental stimuli. Students will map the region of the cortex which receives tactile
input from the body. This can give them a concrete representation of the topography of
the somatosensory cortex. In addition they will have a relative idea of the importance of
touch in survival behaviors of several mammalian species. This activity can also be used
to reinforce the concept of localization of function in the brain.
This laboratory exercise was modified from an activity in the 1991 Woodrow Wilson
Biology Module. To be published in the Laboratory Module fromNABT/Society for
Neuroscience Workshop, Wake Forest University 1992
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------TARGET AUDIENCE
Secondary school students, grades 9-12
Using two point discrimination on the skin, students will determine the relative number
of nerve endings located in the skin. By calculating the reciprocal of these measurements,
the students will have the appropriate data for predicting the relative size and drawing the
homunculus found on the cerebral cortex. Comparisons will be made among the
homunculi of other mammals. Additional activities will show the correlation between
behavior and the shape of the homunculus.
Suggestions for Implementation
Human Nervous System
Animal Behavior
Some background information in the structure and function of the nervous system is
History of phrenology as a pseudoscience.
Located on the cerebral cortex is a representation of the human body called the
homunculus or " little man". It is found on the somatosensory cortex or primary sensory
cortex , immediately behind the primary motor cortex. The central sulcus, a deep groove
running across the cerebrum, is located just in front of the somatosensory cortex. Neurons
in this location can identify the area of the body being stimulated by the information they
receive from somatic receptors in the skin and from proprioceptors in skeletal muscles.
The muscle receptors transmit information about locomotion and position.
A particular body region is represented on the cortex with an area that is proportional to
the number of touch receptors in the body part, not by its size. Therefore, the neurons
form a geometrically distorted projection of the body surface. It should be noted that the
neurons on the primary cortex are not laid down in the shape of a human, but the relative
size of the areas is indicative of how sensitive the skin of that area is to touch. It can be
useful for students to be able to put these parts together in a way that would represent a
human. The sensory homunculus in humans has a very large face, tongue and fingertips,
therefore the student drawings will have large faces, tongues and fingertips. Each
hemisphere of the cortex receives information from the opposite side of the body.
The maps in animals and humans have been made by tactile stimulation of the skin and
recording of the resultant electrical activity in the neurons of the sensory cortex.
Facsimiles of these maps can be made in the classroom by using two point-discrimination
to find the relative density of touch receptors in the skin. Maps are available for a number
of mammals, including humans, rats, rabbits and cats.
Any items with which to produce two fine points of touch
Tooth picks
Large paper clip bent into a horseshoe shape
Straight pins
Student compass (clip off the sharp point used as the pivot for the compass)
Graph paper-Large squares can help guide students inestimating sizes in their drawings
Metric rulers
Alcohol or other disinfectant
The materials used in two-point discrimination are normal school materials but students
should always be aware that everyday materials must be used carefully for personal
safety. Points should be discarded or disinfected before using on another person.
In a prelab situation, demonstrate to the students a method of two-point discrimination on
the skin. Gently touch two slightly pointed objects to the skin of your forearm. It is
important to apply these at the same time and to have the subject looking away from the
test site.
Pick up the points, move them closer together and gently touch the skin of the same area
again. The objects should be moved closer together until the test subject can no longer
distinguish two separate points.
Measure the distance between the points. Have students make the measurements for one
side of the body and use as much area as is feasible for your classroom setting. For
example, your class may map just face, neck, arm and hand. In other settings students
may volunteer to change into shorts or swim suits and a more extensive map can be
made. Suggest that students randomly test the reliability of subject responses by touching
with only one point.
The students will need to take the reciprocal of the two-point discrimination
measurements before making their drawings. The areas of the skin that have many touch
receptors will have a small discrimination value. To demonstrate that the skin area would
be represented by a proportionally larger area on the cortex, the reciprocal must be taken.
The reciprocal can be calculated by dividing the measurements into 1. If the two-point
discrimination on the knee is 2.0 mm, the reciprocal would be 0.5.
After all calculations are made, the students should use the reciprocals as estimates to
predict the relative size of the body part representations and to draw the homunculus. The
smaller the distance of the two-point discrimination, the larger the reciprocal and thus the
larger the body part on the homunculus will be. Have the students use the large squares
on the graph paper as a guide for the approximate sizes of body parts. If the calculated
reciprocals for the index finger and the thumb are 1.0 and 2.0, the thumb should be drawn
twice as large as the index finger. Since each hemisphere of the cortex receives
information from only one side of the body, the student drawings should be in profile.
When student drawings are complete, have the students compare their maps with those of
students of different sex or ethnic background. If the maps have been made with care,
they should be very similar.
Display the homunculi of other mammalian species on the overhead projector or with
individual hand-outs and have the students discuss the differences among the species'
representations. Representative mammalian homunculi can be found in Kandel, 1991
( see bibliography).
Introduce the anatomical and physiological terms for the nervous system which may be
appropriate for the level of students in your class. A brain model could be used by the
students to locate the somatosensory cortex.
In the application phase of the activity, divide the students into cooperative learning
groups of three or four to research the answers to the focus questions. The groups should
report back to the class as a whole and they should be aware that their answers may vary.
Lab preparation time-- 20 to 25 minutes
Some students may not wish to be the subjects to be mapped. They can record and help
their group analyze data.
Time constraints
Time is not a problem as the activity can be stopped at any point and resumed the
following class period.
How is the "pseudoscience" of phrenology similar to the idea of localized function in the
brain? How is it different?
Compare the size and shape of the rat homunculus with a typical rat body. (Kandel, 1991)
Why does the cat have more touch receptors around its mouth and lips than in other parts
of its body? Suggest some adaptive behaviors in which this characteristic would be
Using the principles of natural selection, explain why the areas of the somatosensory
cortex might be different for different species of mammals.
Consider the changes that modern technology might bring to the life styles of humans and
predict how the shape of the human homunculus might change in the next 10,000 years.
Compare convergent and divergent circuits patterns in the nervous system. Suggest a
mechanism to show how these patterns accomplish neural integration.
Research the concept of plasticity of the brain.Design an experiment to find if increased
activation of receptors will change the representation on the cortex.
Students with disabilities should be assigned to activity groups in which there are
students to assist them with the tasks. The teacher may how much of the body to map
with different levels of students.
Crosby, E.C., Humphrey, T. and Lauer, E.W. ( 1962). Correlative Anatomy of the
Nervous System. New York: The Macmillan Company.
Kandel, E.R., Schwartz, J.H. and Jessell, T.M. (1991). Principles of Neural Science. 3rd
Edition. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Company. Inc.
Marieb, E.N. Human Anatomy and Physiology. (1989). Redwood City, California: The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company Inc.
Tortora,G.J. and Anagnostakos, N.P.(1989). Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 5th
Edition. New York: Harper and Row Publishers.
Woodrow Wilson 1991 Biology Module. (1992). Princeton, New Jersey: Woodrow
Wilson Foundation.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAPPING THE HOMUNCULUS: STUDENT FORMAT
Humans learn a great deal about their immediate environment from the sense of touch.
The brain is able to determined where the body has been touched and often can identify
what the object is. Some areas of the skin have more touch receptors in a given area than
Metric ruler
Graph paper
Student compass
Gently place the two points of the compass on your lab partner's skin and determine if
they can feel one or two points.
Pick up the compass and close the gap slightly and repeat the activity. Continue in the
same area of skin until your partner can n longer identify two separate points. Record this
distance on the data table.
Pick either the left or the right side of the body to test and make sure that your partner is
not looking as the skin is touched. Test only those areas indicated by your teacher. Check
the reliability of the responses by randomly touching with only one point.
Gently apply the pointed objects to the skin. You may be instructed by your teacher to
use a compass, tooth picks or pins. Common household items or school supplies must be
use with care to ensure personal safety. Disinfect the compass points as directed by your
teacher before using on another individual.
Calculate the reciprocal value of each measurement and use these values to estimate the
relative number of touch receptors in the skin of that area. For example, the thumb may
have twice as many touch receptors as the index finger. This would mean that the area on
the sensory cortex which receives signals for the thumb would be -- twice as large as the
index finger. On your drawing, make the thumb -- twice as large as the index finger.
Draw the homunculus in profile. Make the area of the body large if it has more receptors
or smaller if it has fewer receptors. Use the graph paper with large squares only as a
guide to the relative sizes of the body structures. It is not necessary to measure exactly on
the graph paper.
Compare your homunculus with those of other students in your class. Determine if there
are more similarities or more differences.
Compare your homunculus with the diagrams from other mammalian species provided by
your teacher. Discuss with your class how the shape of the animal representation
indicates some of the behavioral adaptations in that animal.
Use a model brain or your textbook to find the somatosenory cortex where the
homunculus is located.
Working with your small group, answer the Focus Questions and be prepared to report
your ideas to the class. Be aware that there may be more than one right answer as you
analyze and predict future outcomes. The answers will vary from group to group.
Focus Questions
How is the "pseudo science" of phrenology similar to the idea of localized function in the
brain? How is it different?
Compare the size and shape of the rat homunculus with a typical rat body.
Which part of the cats body has the most touch receptors? Suggest some adaptive
behaviors in which this characteristic would be important.
Using the principles of natural selection, explain why the areas of the somatosensory
cortex might be different for different species of mammals.
Consider the changes that modern technology might bring to the life styles of humans and
predict how the shape of the human homunculus might change in the next 10,000 years.
Design an animal of your choice. Include a description of its physical characteristics and
behaviors. Draw its homunculus.
Compare convergent and divergent circuits patterns in the nervous system. Suggest a
mechanism to show how these patterns accomplish neural integration.
Research the concept of plasticity of the brain. Design an experiment to determine if
changes in activation of receptors will change the representation on the cortex.
Select 5 of the following body regions for your Team DATA TABLE:
Two-Point Discrimination: Reciprocal( 1/ measurement)
Measure to total square area in cm squared.
Table and plot Plot several discriminations from large to indeterminable ( Single Point)
Upper Lip*
Lower Lip*
Front of Neck
Back of Neck
Upper Back
Upper Arm
Back of Hand Palm of Hand
Tip of Thumb
Tip of Index Finger
Tip of Third Finger
Tip of Fourth Finger
Tip of Fifth Finger
Front of Thigh
Back of Thigh
Front of Knee
Back of Knee
Lower Leg
Back of Lower Leg
Top of Foot
Bottom of Foot
Big Toe
Second Toe
Third Toe
Fourth Toe
Fifth Toe
*change point or sterilize
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