from A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF LITERARY THEORY, CRITICISM AND PHILOLOGY by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA (University of Zaragoza, Spain) MICHAEL TOMASELLO (Cognitive evolutionary theorists, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) Works Tomasello, Michael. First Verbs. Cambridge UP, 1992. _____. The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 1999. _____. The Cultural Origins of Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 1999.* _____. "1. A Puzzle and a Hypothesis." In Tomasello, The Cultural Origins of Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 1999. 1-12.* _____. "2. Biological and Cultural Inheritance." In Tomasello, The Cultural Origins of Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 1999. 13-55.* _____. "3. Joint Attention and Cultural Learning." In Tomasello, The Cultural Origins of Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 1999. 56-93.* _____. "4. Linguistic Communication adn Symbolic Representation." In Tomasello, The Cultural Origins of Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 1999. 94-133.* _____. "5. Linguistic Constructions and Event Cognition." In Tomasello, The Cultural Origins of Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 1999. 134-60.* _____. "6. Discourse and Representational Redescription." In Tomasello, The Cultural Origins of Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 1999. 161-200.* _____. "7. Cultural Cognition." In Tomasello, The Cultural Origins of Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: Harvard UP, 1999. 201-18.* _____. "Bruner on Language Acquisition." In Jerome Bruner: Language, Culture, Self. Ed. D. Makhurst and S. Shanker. London: Sage, 2001. 31-49. _____. "On the Different Origins of Symbols and grammar" (in Christiansen-Kirby, eds. 2003. _____. Constructing a Language: A Usage-Based Approach. Cambridge (MA): Harvard UP, 2003. _____. Origins of Human Communication. (The Jean Nicod Lectures). Cambridge (MA) and London: MIT Press- Bradford Books, 2008.* _____. "1. A Focus on Infrastructure." In Tomasello, Origins of Human Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: MIT Press- Bradford Books, 2008. 1-12.* _____. "2. Primate Intentional Communication." In Tomasello, Origins of Human Communications. Cambridge (MA) and London: MIT Press- Bradford Books, 2008. 13-56.* _____. "3. Human Cooperative Communication." In Tomasello, Origins of Human Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: MIT Press- Bradford Books, 2008. 57-108.* _____. "4. Ontogenetic Origins."· In Tomasello, Origins of Human Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: MIT PressBradford Books, 2008. 109-68.* (Child language). _____. "5. Phylogenetic Origins." In Tomasello, Origins of Human Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: MIT PressBradford Books, 2008. 169-242.* (Cooperation, human origins). _____. "6. The Grammatical Dimension." In Tomasello, Origins of Human Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: MIT Press- Bradford Books, 2008. 243-318.* _____. "7. From Ape Gestures to Human Language." In Tomasello, Origins of Human Communication. Cambridge (MA) and London: MIT Press- Bradford Books, 2008.* _____. Why We Cooperate. Based on the 2008 Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Stanford. Cambridge (MA) and London: MIT Press-Boston Review Books, 2009.* Tomasello, Michael, and Elizabeth Bates, eds. Language Development: The Essential Readings. (Essential Readings in Developmental Psychology). Oxford: Blackwell, 2001. Tomasello, Michael, Joseph Call, and Brian Hare. "Chimpanzees Understand Psychological States – The Question is Which Ones and to What Extent." Trends in Cognitive Science 7.4 (2003): 153-156. Tomasello, Michael, Malinda Carpenter, Josep Call, Tanya Behne, and Henrike Moll. "Understanding and Sharing Intentions: The Origins of Cultural Cognition." Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 28 (2005): 675–735. Tomasello M, and M. Carpenter. "Shared intentionality." Developmental Science 10 (2007):121-125. 2007-01-15 Tomasello, M., E. Herrmann, J. Call, M.V. Hernandez-Lloreda, and B. Hare. "Humans Have Evolved Specialized Skills of Social Cognition: The Cultural Intelligence Hypothesis." Science 317 (2007):1360-66. Call, J., and M. Tomasello. "Does the Chimpanzee Have a Theory of Mind? 30 Years Later." Trends in Cognitive Science 12 (2008): 187-192. Hare, B., and M. Tomasello. "Human-like Social Skills in Dogs?" Trends in Cognitive Science 9 (2005): 439-444. Criticism García Landa, José Ángel. "Con quién cooperamos." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 7 May 2010.* (Tomasello, cooperation). 2010 _____. "Con quién cooperamos." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 14 June 2010.* 2010 _____. "Con quién cooperamos (Who We Cooperate With)." Social Science Research Network 7 Feb. 2015.* 2015 Psychological Anthropology eJournal 7 Feb. 2015.* 2015 Biological Anthropology eJournal 7 Feb. 2015.* 2015 Social & Political Philosophy eJournal 7 Feb. 2015.* 2015 _____. "Con quién cooperamos." In García Landa, Vanity Fea 9 Feb. 2015.* 2015