Plate Tectonics Project and Presentation Essential Question 3: How does technology allow us to predict or locate plate tectonic events around the world? Enduring Understanding: What big understandings will I need to demonstrate? Technology: ___/24 With a partner, select one of the articles on technology and design a visually appealing powerpoint presentation with the following components: ___ Describe the technology and its component parts ___ Include photos and/or animations of the technology ___ Describe how the technology is used to predict and/or locate a plate tectonic event ___ What organization is associated with this technology (Example: NASA, NOAA) and describe the purpose of this organization? ___ What current research is being done related to this technology? ___ Give an example of a specific plate tectonic event and how the technology was used successfully or unsuccessfully in that event TECHNOLOGIES TO CHOOSE FROM: 3-4 per technology only GEOWARN & Early Volcano Warnings: FLIR & Volcanic Eruptions: Global Differential GPS (GDGPS) & Tsunami Size: Sound Waves & Tsunami Forecasting: Seismographs, Dynamic Triggering & Earthquake Prediction: Extreme Sensor Technology for Volcanic Predictions: Tsunamis--D.A.R.T. (Deep-ocean Assessment & Reporting of Tsunamis): Technology to make Buildings EQ & Tsunami Resistant: Tsunami Modeling: Volcanic Hot-Spot Satellite Monitoring: Good info for Volcano topics: Signs a volcano might erupt, and why they are hard to predict: How we monitor volcanoes (USGS): & How is Technology used to predict or understand plate tectonic events? My Technology Topic for this Project:__________________________________ My partner: ____________ Describe how/what the technology works and “does its job”: What organization is “in-charge of” this technology? What does this organization do? Do you have a picture of what it looks like? YES / NO Have you found pictures and/or animations of the technology? YES/NO What current research is being done related to this technology? What are they trying to find out and how are they trying to find out? An example of a specific event (volcano, spot on Earth, earthquake, fault or tsunami) that this technology is/will be used on. How was the technology successful or unsuccessful? Keep track of the SPECIFIC URLs you use here (or on the last slide of your presentation): BTW, “, Google Images, and are NOT SPECIFIC URLs (addresses). An example of a specific URL would be: or _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________