SYLLABUS Fall 2007 SS 326 AH 405 Conversation as Muse (CAM) and Exhibition Development Seminar (EDS) Instructors: CAM = Jann Rosen-Queralt and EDS = George Ciscle August 28 2:00 – 3:30 CAM: Meet Marianne Laino, Resource Librarian, for a presentation exploring the myriad of research resources for an artist. 4:00 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: Will Noel, curator of WAM ‘s Mapping: Finding Our Place in the World, presents exhibit overview and themes Guests: Mentors / Marianne Laino Teams of students explore the Mt.Vernon Parks making observations between people, places, and things. Class reassembles in the museum to discuss potential visions. CAM/EDS Assignment : Read Intro Chapter/ Theme Research #1(Sept. 4) August 29 (Weds) 2:30-3:30 EDS: Meet Marianne Laino, Resource Librarian, for a presentation exploring the myriad of research resources /Bring laptops September 4 2:00 – 3:45 CAM: Students make 15-minute presentation introducing their work and its relationship to the themes in the exhibition Note: EDS invited to attend 4:00 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: Theme Research Assignment #1 presentations – one theme from the WAM exhibition (Wayfinding, Mapping the World, Mapping Parts of the World, Visualizing Nature and Society, Mapping Imaginary Worlds, Consuming Maps) CAM/EDS Assignment :Artist Research #2 (Sept. 11) September 11 2:00 – 3:45 CAM: Students make 15-minute presentation introducing their work and its relationship to the themes in the exhibition Note: EDS invited to attend 4:00 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: Artist Research Assignment #2 presentationsContinue with same theme, change completely or begin a sub-theme September 18 2:00 – 6:45 CAM: Explore ideas about the exhibitions vision statement through cinema. Show clips from films and discuss the manner in which they reflect a cultural perspective of the creator and the culture at large. (Some of the issues to consider are scale, selection, generalization, sign language, authority, and power.) How will you reference them in the development of a vision statement for the exhibition as well as the site-specific works in the parks of Mt. Vernon Square, community collaborations, performances, tours, or related types of interventions? 4:00-6:45 EDS: Form team structure. Discuss exhibit Title and Theme CAM/EDS Assignment: Artist and Team Vision Statements Session V September 25 2:00 – 3:45 CAM: Means and methods to create draft proposal from the vision statement. Topics may reflect or include history, cross-cultural viewpoints, broad chronological perspectives, beauty, themes - distribution of phenomena, geographic features, geopolitical mapping, use or function. 4:00 – 6:45 teams) CAM/EDS: Visions Statements (13 students & 5 Guests: Mentors Written feedback forms will be available CAM Assignment: Artist Draft Proposals (Oct. 2) EDS Assignment: Team Draft Proposals (Oct 30) October 2 2:00 – 3:45 CAM: Meet with instructor to go over draft proposal presentations. 4:00 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: CAM Artists present Draft Proposals Guests: Parks & Rec representatives, Will Noel, Eve Andre Laramee Presentations will be 10 minutes and feedback forms will be available. Discussion of grant for Festival of Maps EDS Assignment: Education and public program ideas (Oct. 9) Team Draft Proposals (Oct 30) October 9 2:00 – 5:00 CAM: Studio visits with Lilla LoCurto and Bill Outcault 4:00-5:15 EDS: Present graphic Identity /explore education ideas 5:30 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: Lecture by Lilla LoCurto and Bill Outcault on their work EDS Assignment: Team Draft Proposals (Oct 30) 7:00 CAM/EDS: Dinner at Kramer House with visiting artists October 10 (Weds.) 9:00 – noon CAM: Studio visits with Lilla and Bill October 16 FALL BREAK – No official class scheduled 4:00 – 6:00 EDS: Teams present updates Open Discussion October 23 2:00 – 5:00 (TBA) 4:00-5:15 CAM: Studio visits with Visiting Artist EDS: Discuss exhibit design concept Discuss title & description 5:30 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: Discussion – title & description; use of Mt. Vernon Square EDS Assignment: Team Draft Proposals (Oct. 30) October 24 (Weds.) 9:00 – noon CAM: Studio visits with Visiting Artist (TBA) October 30 2:00 – 3:45 CAM: Lecture by Eve Andre Laramee on her work Group Discussion: Students share progress of their proposals. 4:00 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: EDS Teams present Draft Proposals Guests: Will Noel/Mentors CAM Assignment: Artist Final Proposals (Nov. 13) EDS Assignment: Team Final Proposals(Nov 27) November 6 2:00 – 6:45 CAM: Work session and individual meetings with instructor 4:00 - 5:30 EDS: Team work session Meeting with Jennifer Morgan 5:30 – 6:45 EDS: Team update presentations CAM Assignment: Artist Final Proposals (Nov. 13) EDS Assignment: Team Final Proposals(Nov 27) November 13 2:00 – 3:45 CAM: Work session and individual meetings with instructor 4:00 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: Artists present Final Proposals Guests: Will Noel/Eve Andre Laramee CAM Assignment: Artists present full-scale mock ups (Dec 4 & 12) EDS Assignment: Project Timeline and team Budgets (Nov. 20) Team Final Proposals(Nov 27) November 20 2:00 – 6:45 CAM: Work session and individual meetings with instructor 4:00-6:45 EDS: Project Timeline and team Budgets Team update presentations Open discussion EDS Assignment: Team Final Proposals (Nov. 27) November 27 2:00 – 3:45 CAM: 2:00 – 3:00 Janet Mathias – Grant Writing 3:00 – 3:45 Group Discussion on individual proposals Mackenzie, Emma and Rachel presenting 4:00 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: EDS Teams present Final Proposals Guests: Will Noel, Mentors, Kim Carlin Representatives from: MICA, WAM, UMBC, MSU EDS Assignment: Team follow-ups and updates December 4 2:00 – 5:30 and Lee Boot CAM: Individual meetings with Stacy Arnold Sign up on Blackboard for specific time 4:00 – 5:30 EDS: Review calendar, open discussion 5:30 – 6:45 CAM/EDS: Visiting artists, Stacy Arnold & Lee Boot, presentation EDS Assignment: Team Casebooks (Dec. 11) December 11 2:00 – 6:45 project 4:00 – 6:45 calendar CAM: Artists present mock ups for each EDS: Team follow-ups/updates and review Team Casebooks handed in Complete fall semester evaluations & grading forms SYLLABUS Spring 2008 SS 326.01 EX 405 Conversation as Muse (CAM) and Exhibition Development Seminar (EDS) Instructors: CAM = Jann Rosen-Queralt and EDS = George Ciscle January 22 2:00 – 6: 45 CAM – Spring Syllabus Meet with Exhibit Design, 2 p.m., to discuss signage Accomplishments over break Discuss Colophone Installation guidelines, coordinate needs,timelines, Communication with EDS = Trust, Confidence and group dynamics/collaboration 6 weeks to installation (March 1) 4:00 – 6:45 EDS – Spring Syllabus Review Project Timeline Management – synopsis of break Discuss Colophone Team updates: Graphic DesignCatalog and Map of Maps Education – sign-up sheets for events; Family Guide illustrations Curatorial- WAM, MVBA, CHAP and Friends of .. Website- soft launch Exhibit DesignInstallation/Maintenance Schedules January 29 2:00 – 4:00 CAM- Weekly update Rebecca Nagle workshop 5 weeks to installation 4:00 – 6:45 CAM/EDS – Joint Class updates Trust, Confidence and group dynamics/collaboration February 1 Education:Deadline for specifics on art and graphics with Curatorial and Graphic Design Curatorial:Phone extensions in place and ready for recording February 2 WAM: Mapping the Cosmos opens February 4 – 11 Graphic Design: to printer February 5 2:00 – 6:45 Jann All materials sent CAM-- Weekly individual update with Studio session 4 weeks to installation 4:00 – 6:45 EDS- Curatorial-Catalog Intro Exhibit Design- Banners,Kiosks Education-Family Guide mock-up Graphic DesignMap of Maps mock-up Team Work Session February 8 Education:College Nights (WAM) due (Karl Jones , Kim Carlin) February 11 Graphic Design:All Exhibit Design work sent out for print and production (kiosk graphics, step graphics, flags/banners, artist labeling system) February 12 commission February 12 2:00 – 6:45 with Jann EDS: Presentation to CHAP full CAM-- Weekly individual update Studio session 3 weeks to installation 4:00 – 6:45 scripts EDS- Curatorial-Cell phone audio Exhibit Design- park bench design Education-Family Guide mock-up Graphic DesignWalters banner Team Work Session February 14 meeting,3:00 February 19 2:00 – 6:45 with Jann WAM :exhibit final update CAM-- Weekly individual update Studio session Meet with Website to review artists pages Meet with Exhibit Design to discuss installation 2 weeks to installation 4:00 – 6:45 EDS- Curatorial Studies Concentration Exhibit Designlabel text Team Work Session February 26 2:00 – 6:45 with Jann CAM-- Weekly individual update 4:00 – 6:45 EDSand Family Guide Studio session Proof Catalog, “map of maps” Team updates and Work Session March 1 March 4 2:00 – 6:45 Jann WAM: Maps on Purpose opens CAM- Weekly individual update with Studio session 4:00 – 6:45 CAM/EDS- Discuss alternate Installation/Exhibit dates March 7 outside of March 10 Preview Exhibit Design: Banner installed WAM 10:00-12:00 a.m. - WAM/MICAPress March 11 2:00-4:00 CAM- Individual updates 4:00 –5:00 EDS/CAM –CAM/EDS Updates / I nstallation Schedule 5:00-6:45 Catalog Wrapping Pizza Party March 13 Private Artists and Friends Preview party , 5:00-7:00 March 14 , 6:00-9:00 WAM Members and Donors Preview Party March 15 WAM Members Preview, 11:00-5:00 March 16 WAM’s Maps: Finding Our Place in the World opens to public March 16-28 up) CAM./EDS – Installation (EDS sign- March 17 – 21 SPRING BREAK March 25 2:00-4:00 CAM/EDS- Installation 4:00 Exhibit Design plans deinstallation with Lee of fence for 3/29 5:00-6:45 CAM/EDS- discuss press &public response to fence ,BCBS Final coordination for 3/2730 events March 27 EDS/CAM Sign-Up- College Night at WAM, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. March 29 CAM/EDS -Required Opening and Community Celebration of Beyond the Compass, Beyond the Square, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Baltimore Sweep Action, arrives at Square at noon. March 30 EDS/CAM Sign-Up-CAM Panel at MICA, Falvey Hall, 3:00 April 1 2:00-3:30 CAM- No Class 4:00 – 6:45 EDS- No Class April 1 Education: lesson plans due April 3 Teacher Tea Time EDS/CAM Sign-Up- “First Thursday” April 8 2:00-6:45 4:00 – 6:45 CAM- No Class EDS- No Class April 10 Teacher Tea Time, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. April 12 11:00-4:0 EDS/CAM Sign-Up- Family Festival, April 15 2:00-6:45 4:00-6:45 April 19 CAM- No Class EDSNo Class EDS Required -Block Party, 1:00-4:00 April 22 2:00-6:45 April 26 CAM-/EDS- joint crits of artworks EDS/CAM Sign-Up- Film Night, 7:00 April 27 EDS Required/CAM Sign-UpScavenger Hunt, 1:00 – 4:00 April 29 2:00-4:00 CAM- No Class 4:00-6:45 CAM/EDS- crit of exhibition: products, relationship between artworks and design, programming, goals of each class and how they support one another May 1 Thursday” May 2 – 3 EDS /CAMSign-Up- “First EDS/CAM Sign-Up -FLOWERMART May 6 2:00-6:45 CAM- Evolution of proposals, critique the next steps 4:00 – 6:45 EDS- crit of EDS process and production Evaluations and Grades May 9 classes May 16 – 19 Last day of Spring Semester Commencement Exhibition at MICA May 17 – 18 Celebration EDS Sign-Up/AM Requirement Closing May 19 MICA Commencement May 20 Square closes May 21 – 23 up) Beyond the Compass, Beyond the CAM/EDS - De-installation (EDS Sign- Office hours by appointment George Ciscle Jann Rosen-Queralt ADA Compliance Statement In order to provide the highest quality educational experience for every student, MICA is committed to compliance with the ADA and Section 504. Any student who has (or suspects he or she may have) a physical, cognitive, or psychological disability and who wants to request accommodations must immediately schedule an appointment to meet with the Director of the Learning Resource Center, by calling the LRC at 410-225-2416. The LRC is MICA’s designated department for determining reasonable accommodations based on legal requirements and will provide the eligible student with an official Accommodation Verification letter to the instructor. Each semester the student must formally request accommodations from the LRC each semester, and format of the Verification letters change each semester to ensure currency. NOTE: Students with disabilities who want assistance during emergency evacuations must register with the LRC within the first week of each semester. Health and Safety Compliance MICA has developed policies and practices to ensure a healthful environment and safe approaches to the use of equipment, materials, and processes. It is the mutual responsibility of faculty and students to review health and safety standards relevant to each class at the beginning of each semester. Students should be aware of general fire, health, and safety regulations posted in each area and course specific polices, practices, and cautions. Students who have concerns related to health and safety should contact the Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator.