The Culture Club: Cultural Studies Scholars` Association Constitution

The Culture Club: Cultural Studies Scholars’ Association Constitution
The Culture Club: Cultural Studies Scholars’ Association BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY
CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE: We, the members of The Culture Club: Cultural Studies Scholars’
Association, in order to effectively represent our needs, interests, and goals of our members establish this
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be The Culture Club: Cultural Studies Scholars’ Association
hereafter referred to as The Culture Club.
Section 2: The purpose of this organization shall be: To organize and promote cultural studies through
various fundraisers, events, and activities that includes, but is not limited to, the organization and
promotion of the Battleground States Conference.
Section 3: The Culture Club will be led by an executive board made up of at least a President and Treasurer
with the option to vote for a Vice President, a Secretary, and an Executive at Large if candidates choose to
run for these positions. A candidate may be any member of The Culture Club.
Section 4: A member is considered any person interested in cultural studies who attends at least one event
sponsored by The Culture Club.
Section 5: Membership in Culture Club shall be open to students of BGSU without regard to sex, gender
identity, genetic information, gender expression, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, ancestry, national
origin, marital status, disability, pregnancy, military status, age, or status as a Special Disabled or Vietnamera veteran
Section 1: President
A. Serves as the primary public face of The Culture Club; and
B. Attends all meetings related to her or his position; and
C. Completes the annual organization registration packet on behalf of The Culture Club and submits it to
the Office of Campus Involvement; and
D. Will ensure that The Culture Club holds at least one fundraiser in order to help sustain the organization
for the incoming executive board; and
E. Performs other duties as may be required; and fulfills reasonable and sound requests from the
organization; and
F. Attends Graduate Student Senate Meetings as The Culture Club representative.
Section 2: Vice President
A. Performs duties as may be required in assisting the president; and fulfills reasonable and sound requests
from the organization.
Section 3: Treasurer
A. Maintains all records related to finances; and
B. Attends all monthly financial meetings and financial training meetings; and
C. Manages budget and ensures that at the end of the academic year, at least 50% of the organization’s
financial budget rolls over into the next year; and
D. Serves as contact person with the University in all matters related to money; and
E. Acts as the contact person with all vendors providing services to the organization.
Section 4: Secretary
A. Maintains all other records for the organization; and
B. Maintains all correspondences; and
C. Takes minutes at general meetings.
Section 5: Term Limits
A. No person may serve on the executive board for more than two years consecutively and serve no more
than a total of five years as a member of the executive board.
A. Elections will be held in April. Nominations for executive positions will be open to all members for two
weeks prior to the election. Candidates are encouraged to announce their candidacy and campaign as they
see fit. Voting will take place during a general meeting. Ten members must be present for all votes.
Absentee ballots will be counted toward electing executive board members, but will not count toward
fulfilling quorum.
B. The incoming executive board will take over the organization at the beginning of the new fiscal year.
Any member of the organization may make proposals for Amendments during a general meeting. Voting
will take place the following general meeting with ten or more members present. Any Amendment needs a
two-thirds majority in order to pass.
If at any point the group cannot define itself through membership, as defined by the requirements of the
SBC, the sitting Executive Board must make provisions to disperse all remaining organization funds to
programs, groups, and departments on campus interested in cultural studies. This can be through donation
or co-sponsorship. If necessary, a sitting executive board may remain seated into the following year for the
facilitation of the allocation of funds only.