Reading List for PHI 336

PHI 336 Kant
Reading List for PHI 336
Texts Recommended for Purchase:
Kant, Immanuel (1998): Critique of Pure Reason translated by Paul Guyer and Allen
Wood (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Primary Texts:
Kant, Immanuel (1998): Critique of Pure Reason translated by P.Guyer and A. Wood
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Kant, Immanuel (1983): Critique of Pure Reason translated by N.Kemp Smith
(London, McMillan)
Kant, Immanuel (1992) Lectures on Logic, ed. M.Young, (Cambridge, Cambridge UP)
Kant, Immanuel (1992) Theoretical Philosophy 1755-1770, ed. D.Walford,
(Cambridge, Cambridge University Press)
Kant, Immanuel (1992) Correspondence, ed. A.Zweig, (Cambridge, Cambridge
University Press)
Kant, Immanuel (2000) Critique of the Power of Judgement, ed. P.Guyer, (Cambridge,
Cambridge University Press)
Kant, Immanuel (1977) Prolegomena to any future metaphysics that will be able to
come forward as science translated by P.Carus and J.Ellington (Indianapolis, Hackett
Publishing Company)
Introductory Works / Background Reading and Abbreviations:
Allison, Henry (1983): Kant’s Transcendental Idealism: An Interpretation and Defence
(New Haven, Yale University Press) KTI (recommended)
Bennett, Jonathan (1966): Kant’s Analytic (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
Bird, Graham (1962): Kant’s Theory of Knowledge (London: Routledge)
Ewing, A. C. (1950): A Short Commentary on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (London:
Gardner, Sebastian (1999): Kant and the „Critique of Pure Reason“ (London:
Routledge) KCP (recommended)
Gerhardt, Volker/Horstmann, Rolf/Schumacher, Ralph (eds): Kant und die Berliner
Aufklaerung, Proceedings of the IX. International Kant Congress (Berlin/New York: De
Gruyter) P
Guyer, Paul (1987): Kant and the Claims of Knowledge (New York: Cambridge
University Press) (recommended)
Guyer, Paul (1992): The Cambridge Companion to Kant (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press) CC
Hanna, Robert (2001): Kant and the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy (Oxford,
Longuenesse, Béatrice (1998): Kant and the Capacity to Judge, (Princeton, Princeton
University Press)
Paton, Herbert, James (1936): Kant’s Metaphysics of Experience (London: Allen
Rosenberg, Jay (2005): Accessing Kant (Oxford, Oxford UP)
Schaper, Eva and Vossenkuhl, Wilhelm: Reading Kant (Oxford: Basil Blackwell)
Strawson, Peter (1989): The Bounds of Sense. An Essay on Kant’s Critique of Pure
Reason (London: Routledge) BS (recommended)
Vance Buroker, Jill (2006): Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason (Cambridge, Cambridge
Walker, Ralph (1982): Kant on Pure Reason (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
Walker, Ralph: Kant. The Arguments of the Philosophers (London: Routledge, 1978)
Reading List by Topic
How to use this list:
For each topic, you are expected to read all the set passages from the Critique (reading the
set passage for the seminars particularly carefully). However, as there is a lot of secondary
literature on Kant’s Critique, and most commentaries will cover most topics, you are not
expected to read all of the secondary sources listed for each topic. Ideally, you should read at
least two secondary sources each week for each topic. You may find it useful to look at
different commentators in different weeks, so that you are in a position to consult those that
you find the most accessible, stimulating, controversial etc. by the time you write your essays
and prepare for your exams. You may also use secondary literature not listed here in
preparation for your essays and exams, which you may come across in footnotes
Notes on some secondary sources: Strawson’s The Bounds of Sense is a classic commentary
and has been very influential. You should definitely read some of it at some point during the
course. Allison’s Kant’s Transcendental Idealism has been very influential as a book that tries
to defend Kant’s transcendental idealism and it is also recommended that you read some of it
during the course. Gardner’s Kant and the „Critique of Pure Reason“ is a more recent
commentary that is very accessible and explains Kant’s arguments very clearly. If you want to
buy a commentary on the Critique of Pure Reason, Gardner’s book is highly recommended.
Paul Guyer’s Kant and the Claims of Knowledge can be a bit lengthy and hard to read, but is
worth the effort, especially if you intend to write on a topic in your essay or exam.
Introduction (Lectures 1 - 3)
Critique of Pure Reason (CPR), Introduction, B1-B29; The Table of Contents,
Sensibility and Understanding B74/A50 - B76/A52
The Letter to Marcus Herz, 21.2.1772, Correspondence, pp. 132-139
H. Allison
KTI, Chapters 1 and 2, pp. 1-34
S. Gardner
KCP, pp. 51-64 and pp. 87-114
R. Walker
Kant, Chapter One, pp. 1-13
„Kant on the Spontaneity of the Mind“, Canadian Journal of
Philosophy, 17 (1987), 449-475.
The Transcendental Aesthetics: Kant’s Theory of Space and Time (Lectures 4 - 7)
CPR, Transcendental Aesthetics, B 33/A19 - B58/A41
Theoretical Philosophy 1755-1770:„ Concerning the Ultimate Ground of the
Differentiation of Directions in Space“, pp. 373-417
H. Allison
KTI, Chapter 5, pp. 81-114
„Incongruent Counterparts: Kant’s 1768 Argument against
Relationism“, in P, volume 2, 11-18
S. Gardner
KCP, pp. 65-86
P. Guyer
Kant and the Claims of Knowledge, Chapters 15 and 16, pp. 333-370
R. P. Horstmann
„Transcendental Idealism and the Representation of Space“, in E.
Schaper and W. Vossenkuhl (eds.) Reading Kant, pp. 168-176
„The Trendelenburg Objection: A Century of Misunderstanding Kant’s
Rejection of Metaphysics“, in: P, volume 2, pp.599-609
C. Parsons
„The Transcendental Aesthetic“, in P. Guyer (ed.) CC, pp. 101-122
P. F. Strawson
BS, Part II, Section I, pp. 47-71
R. Walker
Kant, Chapters Three and Four, pp. 28-59
Kant’s Philosophy of Geometry (Lecture 8)
CPR, Transcendental Aesthetic, B40 - 41, The Discipline of Pure Reason in Dogmatic
Use, B740/A712 - B747/A719; Axioms of Intuition, B202/A162 - B207/A166
J. Hintikka:
„Kant on the Mathematical Method“, in: C.Posy: Kant’s Philosophy of
Mathematics, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1992, pp.21-42
„Kant and the Foundation s of Mathematics“, in: C.Posy: Kant’s Philosophy of
Mathematics, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1992, pp 109 - 133
BS, Chapters 1 (Section 4) and 5, pp.62 - 68, 277 - 292
„Geometrie und Erfahrung“, in: P, volume 1, pp 209-233 (Cf. My short english
summary of the article in the European Journal of Philosophy 2005)
Idealism, Realism and Things-in-themselves (Lectures 9-10)
CPR, The Fourth Paralogism, A 366 - A 380, Transcendental Idealism as the
Key to Solving the Cosmological Dialectic, B518/A490 - B524/A497; Phaenomena
and Noumena, A 248 - 256; B306-312
KTI, 14-35
Supplement to: David Hume or Idealim and Realism, in: F.H. Jacobi: Main
Philosophical writings and the Novel Allwill, translated and edited by George
di Giovanni, McGill-Queen’s University Press 1995, pp tba
KCP, 87-114, 269-303
„The Argument for Transcendental Realism“, in: P, volume 2, pp. 549-557
BS, Chapter 4 pp 235 - 275
Concepts, Judgement and Logic (Lecture 11)
The Jaesche Logic §6, §§ 17 - 19; CPR, On the Logical Use of the
Understanding, B92/A67 - B94/A69; On Logic in General/On Transcendental Logic
B74/A50 - B82/A57
Ginsborg, H. „Thinking the Particular as Contained under the Universal“ in: Kukla, R. (ed):
Aesthetics and Cognition in Kant’s Critical Philosophy, Cambridge, CUP,
2006, pp.35 - 60
Longuenesse, B: Kant and the Capacity to Judge, Princeton, Princeton University Press 1998
pp. 82 - 166
The Transcendental Deduction ( Introduction: Lecture 12, A-Edition: Lectures 13 - 16;
B-Edition: Lectures 17 - 18)
CPR, Of the Principles of a Transcendental Deduction in General B116/A84 B119/A87, The Table of Judgements B95/A70, The Table of Categories B106/A80,
The Deduction in the A-Edition A95- A129; The Deduction in the B-Edition B129 B168
KTI, pp 115-172
„Kant’s Transcendental Deduction as a Regressive Argument“ in
K.Ameriks: Interpreting Kant’s Critiques, Oxford, Clarendon Press 2001, 5163
A.B. Dickerson: Kant on representation and Objectivity, Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 2004 (B-Deduction)
KCP, pp 115-165
Kant and the Claims to Knowledge, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
1987, pp 73-154
„The Transcendental Deduction of the Categories“, in: P.Guyer (ed.) CC,
„Identity and Objectivitiy: An Inquiry into Kant’s Transcendental Deduction“,
in D.Henrich: The Unity of reason, (ed.Velkley), Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 1994, 123 - 208 (recommended)
„The Identity of the Subject in the Transcendental Deduction“, in E.Schaper,
W.Vossenkuhl (eds): Reading Kant, Oxford: Blackwell, 1989, 250-280
„Kant’s Notion of a Deduction and the Methodological Background of the First
Critique“, in E.Förster (ed): Kant’s Transcendental Deductions, Stanford
University Press 1989, 29-46
R. Howell
Kant’s Transcendental Deduction, Dordrecht, Kluwer 1992
BS, pp 85-117
Kant’s Theory of Mental Activity, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1963
pp.63-150 (A-Deduction)
Objectivity and Communicability (Lecture 19)
Critique of the Power of Judgement, §§ 9, 21, 39, 40 (pp 102-104, 122-123, 171-176)
Letter to Beck, July 1, 1794, Correspondence , pp. 481-482
Kant’s Aesthetics and Teleology, Sec 1&2, Stanford Emcyclopedia of
Kant and the Claims of Taste, Cambridge, CUP 1997 (2nd. Edition), Chapters 4
and 8 (pp 106-141, 248-273)
The Transcendental Dialectic (Lectures 20-22)
CPR, On the Impossibility of an Ontological Proof of God’s Existence B620/A592 B630/A602, The Second Paralogism A351 - A360
KTI, Chapter 13, pp.272-293
Kant’s Theory of the Mind, Chapters 1-4, pp.1 - 176
Kant’s Dialectic, London 1974, pp tba
KCP, pp.209 - 268
„Kant’s Critique of Metaphysics“, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
„Empirical, Rational and Transcendental Psychology“, inP.Guyer (ed.)
CC, pp.200-227
„Kant’s Paralogisms“, in: Philosophical Review 91, 1982 p.515-547
J.Rosenberg „„I think“: Some Reflections on Kant’s Paralogisms“, in: Midwest
Studies in Philosophy 10, 1986, p.503-530
„Kant’s Paralogisms: Self-Conciousness and the ‘Outside Observer’“ in:
P.F.Strawson: Entity, Identity and other Essays, pp 244-251
A. Wood
Kant’s Rational Theology, Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press
1978/88, pp 95 - 147