PROJECT INFORMATION DOCUMENT (PID) CONCEPT STAGE Report No.: AB3306 Project Name Region Sector Project ID Borrower(s) Implementing Agency Environment Category Date PID Prepared Estimated Date of Appraisal Authorization Estimated Date of Board Approval CN Qinghai Xining Flood Control EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC Flood protection (70%);Irrigation and drainage (30%) P101829 MINISTRY OF FINANCE, CHINA [X] A [ ] B [ ] C [ ] FI [ ] TBD (to be determined) September 6, 2007 June 16, 2008 October 30, 2008 1. Key development issues and rationale for Bank involvement 1.1 The Xining Municipal Government has made considerable investment to-date on flood control works on the main courses of Huangshu, Nan Chuan and Beichuan Rivers, covering about 24.5km of river courses. However, the investment has not been able to keep pace with the rapidly developing city and surrounding rural counties, which continue to face serious adverse impacts from flooding. Works remaining to be modernized suffer from low flood protection design standards (1:30 year return period) relative to the current planned or actual level of development in the urban and peri-urban areas of the Municipality. The ageing infrastructure has had inadequate maintenance over time, resulting in the infrastructure functioning below capacity. Previous investment has had a strong emphasis on infrastructure for flood control and little on the management of flood events, (e.g. forecasting, flood warning systems) thus lessening the mitigation impact of the infrastructure investment). The 11th five-year plan for water resources development (WRD) for Xining Municipality states that "the changes should be made from controlling flood events to managing flood events by the integration of structural and nonstructural measures……”. The Xining Municipal Flood Control Plan (1999) identifies that nonstructural measures are very important for the development of an integrated flood control and management system. However, the efforts by the Municipality so far still focus on structural level investment only. 1.2 There is also a profound issue surrounding the ineffective “top down” approach to the sustainable management of the watersheds draining through the Municipality. The soil erosion in gullies/watersheds of the three upstream counties in the proposed project area is severe with about 70% of the total land eroded to at least a moderate degree (erosion modulus varying from 5000–8000 ton/km2//annum). The soil erosion and watershed degradation are being caused by many factors, including high intensity seasonal rains, steep slopes, errodible soils, semi-arid climate, geological instability, and other factors, such as unsuitable land uses and inappropriate land management practices (farming on steep grades, free grazing and over stocking etc). This situation: (i) contributes to higher flood peaks, significant silt loads and the associated deterioration of water quality; (ii) increases damages caused by soil erosion and silt deposition in rivers and areas flooded; and (iii) results in negative social, economic and ecologic consequences. 1.3 A third issue is that domestic and industrial pollution entering the river systems, which also contributes to serious water quality deterioration within the Municipality, is causing risks to both public health when rivers flood and to the riverine aesthetics, particularly in urban areas. Like flood protection, the rapid expansion and industrialization of the Municipality, including the three surrounding rural counties has meant that effort by the XMG to control water quality, as part of an integrated approach to managing its water resources has fallen short. Existing treat capacity has been or is planned to be built by others as it the provision of reticulation systems. What is missing is the construction of the collector systems to link the reticulation systems and the industries to the treatment facilities in order to complete the sewerage systems and have an impact on water quality. 1.4 Therefore, the Qinghai Provincial government plans to utilize a World Bank loan to address the above three core issues and to speed up the completion of a fully integrated flood control and management system to deliver a higher level of protection of life and property. 1.5 The proposed project is also well aligned with the Bank’s overall poverty reduction goals. The project area is within one of the poorest Provinces in China and would encompass two nationally designated poverty Counties (Huangzhong and Datong) and a designated Provincial Poverty county (Huangyuan). 1.6 The identification mission (September 2007) found that flood control and protection works completed to date focused on infrastructure construction only. In addition, government funded programs for sustained watershed management have been only partially successful because the current “top down” approach results in virtually no participatory involvement of communities in the watersheds. Bank involvement in this project for the flood control and management investment would allow a more balanced approach that would focus on both structural as well as non-structural measures to maximize the benefit of the engineering works to be constructed. For the proposed sustainable Watershed management component, a new participatory approach, involving the affected communities would be developed using the Bank’s knowledge and expertise from similar successful interventions in China. The project also provides an excellent opportunity to bring the lessons of experience from other parts of the China and the world to a province where there has been virtually no Bank engagement so far. 1.7 To this end, the Bank has been or is currently involved in a number of relevant projects, both within China1 and internationally, which provide excellent lessons of experience that could support this initiative. The Bank’s involvement would allow the use of experience, particularly in development of nonstructural measures, as well as introduction of international technical The on-going Yangtze Dikes Strengthening Project – P064730 and the Huai Basin Flood Control and Drainage Improvement Project – P098078, Programs and projects in support of river basin management and provincial agencies and approaches for water resources and watershed/catchment management - GEF Hai Basin Integrated Water and Environment Management Project – P075035, the completed Second Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Project – P056216, the on-going DfID funded Watershed Management Program – P056216, and the Changjiang/Pearl River Watershed Project –P081255. 1 assistance, new technology, materials and construction methods. The project would also ensure that adequate attention is given to sustainability issues at the project design stage, including institutional reform involving both top-down infrastructure management and a bottom-up, participatory approach to enhance O&M of the investments made. 1.8 The proposal project is very much aligned with the Bank’s current Country Partnership Strategy (CPS 2006-2010) in that it will, if successful address poverty reduction, inequality and social exclusion as well as the sustainable management of natural resources and the environmental challenges within the project area. In addition, the Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy (CWRAS-2002) identifies flood protection and watershed management as critical areas for the Bank to support through both structural measures (infrastructure construction) and nonstructural measures (institutional capacity building, river basin management, flood warning and disaster assessment systems, participatory approaches, and O&M The added value of a Bank funded intervention will be to include those non- structural activities in the project such as a flood warning system, community management of small watersheds, and sustainable O&M of flood assets created. This integrated approach is consistent with the existing Municipal strategies, objectives and policies. The NDRC has given its support to the Project and it has been included in the World Bank lending program with a tentative Board delivery date in Q2 FY09. A Bank Loan of US$100 million is proposed, with a planned implementation period of 5 years. 1.9 Borrower Commitment to the Project. The identification mission found a very high level of commitment by the Qinghai Provincial government and the Xining Municipal and County level governments. The mission was also very impressed with the high level of preparedness by the Xining Municipal and County staff involved in project preparation. The Province has had little or no experience with the World Bank, but conveyed to the mission a strong willingness to cooperate with the Bank. The Xining Municipal officials and staff have given a commitment to engage, or have already engaged, qualified consultants satisfactory to the Bank to prepare an Environmental Impact Assessment, a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and a separate Social Assessment. Because of general inexperience of the project staff with Bank processes and requirements, however, the Bank team will need to invest more time and effort in training and capacity building during project preparation. However, enhanced Bank involvement would be a good investment and provide added value, keeping in mind future opportunities for Bank engagement in the Province. 2. Proposed objective(s) The Project Development Objectives (PDOs) would be to reduce the impact of flooding and enhance the management of critical watersheds, thus protecting human life and property within Xining Municipality2. 2 Notes: (i) (ii) (iii) Watersheds by definition include rivers and gullies both big and small. Xining Municipality includes Xining City itself and three surrounding rural counties Enhanced management will be delivered through institutional capacity building and establishment of community-based participatory management. The expected outcomes are: 3. Preliminary description 3.1 The Project would deliver the PDOs through a combination of both structural (flood control infrastructure) and non-structural (software) investments. The structural investment would (i) fund the rehabilitation/modernization and strengthening of works for flood protection and control systems (dikes, waterway improvements, pumping stations, bridges, water control structures and access roads), in selected watersheds in the project area; and (ii) fund the completion/extension of the waste water collection systems in key areas, as an important environmental initiative aimed at improving the water quality in the rivers within the Xining Municipality including the counties. 3.2 The non-structural activities: (i) would bring about a bottom-up, participatory approach to sustainable watershed management, through an initiative that would see the establishment of a new partnership between the governments (City, District and County) and local communities. Based on the successful experience in similar operations in China, the initiative would see the establishment of watershed based community associations that would partner with government to prepare and implement sustainable watershed management plans. Greater community involvement would be developed through the establishment of a new partnership between governments and the community and the creation of Water and Soil Conservation Associations (WSCA). The concept is that these new community organizations would assume responsibility for the planning and implementation of a sustainable watershed conservation plan for their particular area and based on principle of the community leading the planning and implementation process with the relevant government agencies, supplemented by technical assistance were necessary. The project would typically fund the external technical assistance, all small works (e.g. silt control structures, waterway improvements and erosion control, catchment treatment activities, access culverts, fencing, livelihoods activities to off set land use restrictions -e.g. animal husbandry). (ii) top down measures would seek to enhance the flood management of the main river systems, through capacity building of the Xining Flood Control and Drought Relief Office (FC&DRO), thus establishing continuity of flood operations under the well performing FC&DR offices at Provincial and Central levels; (iii) bring about further reductions to the impact of flooding on human life and property, through the development of flood forecasting and warning systems, as well as emergency preparedness plans. The development of these systems for the Municipality would provide the continuity link to the flood forecasting and warning systems at the provincial level and in turn be linked to the flood forecasting and warning system at the River Basin Level through the Yellow River Basin Commission (YRBC) and at national level, through Ministry of Water (i) (ii) (iii) Protection of life and property for an estimated XXX million people Strengthening of municipal, county and community institutions to operate, maintain and manage the flood-control and watershed management responsibilities assigned; Improved water quality of receiving rivers Resources and the national FC&DRO; and (iv) the non-structural measures would also include activities to strengthen operations and maintenance (O&M) of the flood control assets through capacity building and training. 3.3 Options. The options considered for the project were: (i) a traditional approach involving only a top-down approach using government institutions funding only structural activities; or (ii) in addition to (i) above, the inclusion of non-structural activities such as flood management, forecasting, mitigation and for the management of operations and maintenance (O&M) of flood control assets and a focus on the sustainability aspects of the investments; (iii) a community driven, participatory approach that would focus on watershed management only, involving greater community participation in the management of lower level works and the land use of the watersheds. 3.4 Therefore the traditional or piece meal options (i)-(iii) above have been rejected in favor of a more integrated approach, involving a balance of both structural and non-structural measures and a combination of top down, bottom up, participatory approaches to flood and watershed management. 4. Safeguard policies that might apply The initial assessment is that Environmental Assessment (OP4.01), Involuntary Resettlement (OP4.12) and Safety of Dams (OP4.37) will apply. The applicability of Indigenous Peoples (OP 4.10) and Physical Cultural Resources (OP4.11) remains to be determined. 5. Tentative financing Source: Borrower International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Total 6. Contact point Contact: Geoffrey Spencer Title: Sr Irrigation Engineer Tel: (202) 458-2642 Fax: Email: ($m.) 88 100 188