Quality Measure: Nausea Management Quality Indicator Data Collection, Recording and Calculation Protocol Name of the Quality Indicator Brief description or definition: For patients who were assessed positive for nausea and/or vomiting, the percent of patients who received treatment and self-reported improvement within 1 day of initial hospice assessment. Percentages of patients that had improvement of their nausea/vomiting status within one day after initial hospice assessment. Quality Area: Patient/Family Outcomes Quality Domain: Physical Aspects of Care How often collected: To be collected on all new admissions, to be abstracted by the QAPI department on a monthly basis How often reported: Quarterly Data Elements: Benchmark or Target: Numerator: All patients with nausea and/or vomiting on initial hospice assessment who received treatment and self-reported improvement within 1 day of initial hospice assessment. Denominator: Total number of patients who assessed positive for nausea or vomiting at the first nausea assessment Formula: Numerator/Denominator x 100% See below for individual calculations No benchmarks available Target to be determined based on first year data Population included in the measure: Inclusions: Patients on service who are 18 years of age or older with nausea present on the initial hospice assessment. Exclusions: All pediatric patients and adults without nausea on initial hospice assessment. Data collection and recording procedures: 1. All admitting RN’s are responsible for obtaining the date on their admission documentation. 2. All admitting RN’s are to report the positive screenings for Nausea/vomiting to the (each hospice agency to determine) to ensure follow-up within one day of initial hospice assessment. Data Variables – Categorical Variable Name 1. Assessed for nausea (1) Allowable values: Variable Question Was patient assessed for nausea on admission? Y N Not documented 2. Date of first assessment MM/DD/YYYY 3. Was patient nauseous? Allowable values: Did the assessment indicate the patient had nausea? Y No, the patient did not have nausea Not documented 4. Nausea Treatment Allowable values: Was nausea treatment initiated? Y N Not documented 5. Date nausea treatment initiated MM/DD/YYYY 6. Reassessed for nausea (2) Was a second assessment of nausea done if the first assessment was positive? Y N Not documented Allowable values: 7. Date of second assessment MM/DD/YYYY 8. Nausea improved Allowable values: Was nausea improved at the second assessment? Y No, the nausea was not improved Not documented—indicate reason; i.e. Discharged due to death Discharged alive Can no longer speak due to disease process Calculation of the quality indicators Numerator: All patients who self-report nausea on the initial hospice assessment whose nausea was documented as improved at the second nausea assessment; the time interval between the first and second nausea assessment was one day. Denominator: Total number of patients who had nausea at rest at the first assessment. Formula: Numerator/Denominator x 100% Notes for abstraction: Treatment can be with pharmacological or with nonpharmacological interventions. Medications can be scheduled or PRN/as needed. www.VNAA.org NauseaMeasure.Aug.29, 2012