Indicator Description Template

Quality Measure: Nausea Management
Quality Indicator Data Collection, Recording and Calculation Protocol
Name of the Quality Indicator
Brief description or definition:
For patients who were assessed positive for nausea
and/or vomiting, the percent of patients who received
treatment and self-reported improvement within 1 day
of initial hospice assessment.
Percentages of patients that had improvement of their
nausea/vomiting status within one day after initial
hospice assessment.
Quality Area:
Patient/Family Outcomes
Quality Domain:
Physical Aspects of Care
How often collected:
To be collected on all new admissions, to be abstracted
by the QAPI department on a monthly basis
How often reported:
Data Elements:
Benchmark or Target:
Numerator: All patients with nausea and/or vomiting
on initial hospice assessment who received
treatment and self-reported improvement within 1
day of initial hospice assessment.
 Denominator: Total number of patients who
assessed positive for nausea or vomiting at the first
nausea assessment
 Formula: Numerator/Denominator x 100%
 See below for individual calculations
No benchmarks available
Target to be determined based on first year data
Population included in the measure:
Patients on service who are 18 years of age or older with nausea present on the
initial hospice assessment.
All pediatric patients and adults without nausea on initial hospice assessment.
Data collection and recording procedures:
All admitting RN’s are responsible for obtaining the date on their admission
All admitting RN’s are to report the positive screenings for Nausea/vomiting to the
(each hospice agency to determine) to ensure follow-up within one day of initial
hospice assessment.
Data Variables – Categorical
Variable Name
1. Assessed for nausea (1)
Allowable values:
Variable Question
Was patient assessed for nausea on admission?
Not documented
2. Date of first assessment
3. Was patient nauseous?
Allowable values:
Did the assessment indicate the patient had nausea?
No, the patient did not have nausea
Not documented
4. Nausea Treatment
Allowable values:
Was nausea treatment initiated?
Not documented
5. Date nausea
treatment initiated
6. Reassessed for nausea (2)
Was a second assessment of nausea done if the first
assessment was positive?
Not documented
Allowable values:
7. Date of second assessment
8. Nausea improved
Allowable values:
Was nausea improved at the second assessment?
No, the nausea was not improved
Not documented—indicate reason; i.e.
 Discharged due to death
 Discharged alive
 Can no longer speak due to disease process
Calculation of the quality indicators
Numerator: All patients who self-report nausea on the initial hospice assessment whose
nausea was documented as improved at the second nausea assessment; the time interval
between the first and second nausea assessment was one day.
Denominator: Total number of patients who had nausea at rest at the first assessment.
Formula: Numerator/Denominator x 100%
Notes for abstraction: Treatment can be with pharmacological or with nonpharmacological
interventions. Medications can be scheduled or PRN/as needed.
NauseaMeasure.Aug.29, 2012