LACCD REDESIGNED CREDIT ESL WRITING SEQUENCE | FINAL SUMMARY C O U R S E D E S C R I P T I O N 6 Levels Below Transfer Students in this highbeginning ESL course learn reading, writing, and grammar skills to prepare them for academic work. The course content emphasizes vocabulary, grammar, and writing through guided and free writing of multi-sentence compositions on common subjects. Reading, speaking, and listening activities reinforce writing and grammar development. Required: Eight to ten writing assignments, including at least four compositions of 100-150 words. 5 Levels Below Transfer Students in this lowintermediate ESL course learn written composition, grammar, and critical reading skills to prepare them for college work. The emphasis is on writing based on critical reading and personal experience. Grammar skills and mechanics are emphasized throughout each lesson. Required: Eight to ten writing assignments, including at least four paragraphs of 150-250 words. Rev. 05/14, Lane Igoudin, LACCD ESL Discipline Committee 4 Levels Below Transfer Students in this intermediate ESL course learn written composition, grammar, and critical reading skills to prepare them for college work. The emphasis is on writing based on critical reading and personal experience. Students will be introduced to summarizing skills. Grammar skills and mechanics are emphasized throughout each lesson. Required: Eight to ten writing assignments, including at least four paragraphs of 200-300 words. 3 Levels Below Transfer Students in this highintermediate ESL course learn written composition, grammar, and critical reading skills to prepare them for college work. The emphasis is on writing based on critical reading, interpretation/analysis, and personal experience. Students will develop paraphrasing and summarizing skills. Grammar skills and mechanics are emphasized throughout each lesson. Required: Eight to ten writing assignments, including at least four compositions of 300-500 words. 2 Levels Below Transfer Students in this advanced ESL course learn written composition, grammar, and critical reading skills to prepare them for college work. The emphasis is on writing based primarily on critical reading and interpretation/analysis. Students will be introduced to appropriate citation and basic bibliographic conventions in their writing. Advanced grammar skills and mechanics are emphasized throughout each lesson. Required: Eight to ten writing assignments, including at least four essays of 400-600 words. 1 Level Below Transfer Students in this highadvanced ESL course leading to English 101 learn written composition, grammar, and critical reading skills to prepare for college work. The emphasis is on writing based primarily on critical reading and interpretation/analysis. Students will practice using MLA and/or APA citation and bibliographic conventions in their research. Advanced grammar skills and mechanics are emphasized throughout each lesson. Required: Eight to ten writing assignments, including at least four essays of 600-800 words, and one research paper. 1 LACCD REDESIGNED CREDIT ESL WRITING SEQUENCE | FINAL SUMMARY 6 Levels Below Transfer W 1. Compose multiR sentence compositions I with the minimum of T 100 words such as I personal narratives, N simple persuasive G compositions, as well as formal letters or emails. 2. Study pre-writing strategies such as brainstorming and outlining. 3. Support ideas with relevant and specific details such as examples, facts, and personal experiences. 4. Practice using an English learner dictionary to write and edit course assignments. 5. Revise writing through review of one's own work as well as through instructor and peer feedback. 6. Practice using computer for academic work to complete potential writing or grammar assignments. 5 Levels Below Transfer 1. Write expository paragraphs, such as description, comparison and contrast, problem and solution, and process, with the minimum of 150 words that respond to readings and discussion materials. 2. Practice useful prewriting techniques for choosing and narrowing a topic and consider purpose, audience, and point of view. 3. Produce a paragraph structure that includes a main idea contained in the topic sentence, supporting details about a given topic, and an effective concluding sentence. 4. Support the topic sentence with specific details such as examples, facts, and personal experiences. 5. Revise writing assignments through re-examination of one's own work as well as through instructor and peer feedback. 6. Write, revise, and edit writing assignments on the computer and/or in Rev. 05/14, Lane Igoudin, LACCD ESL Discipline Committee 4 Levels Below Transfer 1. Write formal paragraph compositions with the minimum of 200 words that respond to readings and discussion materials. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of development strategies for paragraph writing such as cause and effect, comparison and contrast, classification, definition, description, exposition, narration, persuasion/argumentati on, and process. 3. Practice useful prewriting techniques for choosing and narrowing a topic and consider purpose, audience, and point of view. 4. Master the basic paragraph structure including writing a wellfocused topic sentence and an effective conclusion. 5. Support the topic sentence by specific details such as examples, facts, and personal experiences. Connect ideas within the paragraph with appropriate transitions. 6. Revise writing 3 Levels Below Transfer 1. Write formal multiparagraph compositions with the minimum of 300 words that summarize and analyze reading and discussion materials. 2. Practice useful prewriting techniques for choosing and narrowing a topic, and consider purpose, audience, and point of view. 3. Develop ideas through the use of wellfocused topic sentences, specific details, supporting evidence, and transitions that connect ideas within the paragraph and between body paragraphs; and writing an effective conclusion. 4. Employ appropriate development strategies such as cause and effect, classification, comparison and contrast, definition, description, exposition, persuasion/ argumentation, and process. 5. Develop knowledge of the basic essay structure including writing of a thesis 2 Levels Below Transfer 1. Write formal papers and essays with the minimum of 400 words that summarize and analyze reading and discussion materials. 2. Practice useful prewriting techniques for choosing and narrowing a topic, and consider purpose, audience, and point of view. 3. Demonstrate mastery of the essay structure which includes clear and focused thesis statements, welldeveloped body paragraphs, as well as effective introductions and conclusions. 4. Learn patterns of essay development, such as argumentation, cause and effect, classification, comparison and contrast, definition, and/or process, and utilize a variety in writing assignments. 5. Develop ideas through employing appropriate organizational 1 Level Below Transfer 1. Employ useful prewriting techniques for choosing and narrowing a topic and consider purpose, audience, and point of view. 2. Demonstrate their knowledge of the structure of an essay through writing strong introductions; developing effective thesis statements; choosing an appropriate organizational method for body paragraphs; writing solid body paragraphs which include well-focused topic sentences, unified and specific details, appropriate supporting evidence, and transitions that connect ideas within the paragraph and between body paragraphs; and writing an effective conclusion. 3. Revise their writing assignments based on re-examination of their own work as well as teacher and peer feedback. 4. Recognize 2 LACCD REDESIGNED CREDIT ESL WRITING SEQUENCE | FINAL SUMMARY class. Rev. 05/14, Lane Igoudin, LACCD ESL Discipline Committee assignments through re-examination of one's own work as well as through instructor and peer feedback. 7. Use the Internet and other sources for research. Paraphrase, summarize, and synthesize outside sources while avoiding plagiarism. 8. Write, revise, and edit writing assignments on the computer and/or in class. statement. 6. Revise writing assignments through re-examination of one's own work as well as through teacher and peer feedback. 7. Use the Internet for research based on credible sources. Paraphrase, summarize, and synthesize outside sources while avoiding plagiarism. 8. Write, revise, and edit writing assignments on the computer. methods in body paragraphs and ensuring that body paragraphs include well-focused topic sentences, specific details, appropriate supporting evidence, and transitions that connect ideas within and between body paragraphs. 6. Revise writing assignments through re-examination of one's own work as well as through instructor and peer feedback. 7. Use the Internet for research based on credible sources. Paraphrase, summarize, and synthesize outside sources while avoiding plagiarism. 8. Write, revise, and edit writing assignments on the computer. patterns of development, including cause and effect, comparison and contrast, classification, definition, process, and/or argumentation and utilize a variety in their essay assignments. 5. Effectively paraphrase and summarize outside sources while avoiding plagiarism. 6. Write, revise, and edit a research paper and other writing assignments on the computer. 7. Use the Internet for research. 8. Use in-text citations of outside sources and a works cited page in an essay using MLAstyle formatting. 3 LACCD REDESIGNED CREDIT ESL WRITING SEQUENCE | FINAL SUMMARY R E A D I N G 6 Levels Below Transfer 1. Demonstrate understanding of expository text and fiction at the highbeginning level, including simplified personal, academic and narrative texts on familiar and concrete topics. 2. Practice using prereading strategies to activate schema such as analysis of titles images accompanying the text and review of post-reading questions. 3. Learn reading strategies to identify main ideas and supporting details. 4. Practice guessing word meaning from context. 5. Build vocabulary by learning all forms of new vocabulary words (as appropriate) and practice using them in sentences they write. 5 Levels Below Transfer 1. Demonstrate understanding of expository text and fiction at the lowintermediate level, including simplified personal, academic and narrative texts on familiar and concrete topics, by responding to them in a written form. 2. Employ reading strategies to identify main ideas and supporting details. 3. Correctly interpret the inferences in the text. 4. Apply word analysis and vocabulary-incontext strategies to determine meanings of new words while expanding vocabulary. 5. Demonstrate increasing control of word forms. Rev. 05/14, Lane Igoudin, LACCD ESL Discipline Committee 4 Levels Below Transfer 1. Demonstrate understanding of expository text and fiction at the intermediate level, including simplified personal, academic and narrative texts on familiar and concrete topics, by responding to them in a written form. 2. Apply reading strategies to identify main ideas and supporting details and summarize main points of text. 3. Correctly interpret the inferences in the text. 4. Apply word analysis and vocabulary-incontext strategies to determine meanings of new words while expanding vocabulary. 5. Exhibit increasing control of word forms. 3 Levels Below Transfer 1. Demonstrate understanding of expository text and fiction at the highintermediate level, including whole, unabridged books, media articles, and/or textbooks by responding to them in a written form. 2. Apply reading strategies to identify main ideas and supporting details and summarize, analyze, and synthesize main points of text. 3. Correctly interpret the inferences in the text. 4. Apply word analysis and vocabulary-incontext strategies to determine meanings of new words while expanding vocabulary. 5. Exhibit increasing control of word forms. 2 Levels Below Transfer 1. Demonstrate understanding of expository text and fiction at the lowadvanced level, including whole, unabridged books, media articles, and/or textbooks written at this level by responding to them in a written form. 2. Summarize, analyze, and synthesize main points of text. 3. Correctly interpret the inferences in the text. 4. Attempt a wide range of vocabulary. 5. Exhibit progressive mastery of word forms. 1 Level Below Transfer 1. Understand and respond to works of expository text and fiction at the 11th12th grade level, including whole, unabridged books, media articles, and/or textbooks written at this level. 2. Summarize, analyze, and synthesize main points of text. 3. Employ a wide range of vocabulary. 4. Analyze word tone, level of diction, and specificity. 4 LACCD REDESIGNED CREDIT ESL WRITING SEQUENCE | FINAL SUMMARY 6 Levels Below Transfer G 1. Review and practice R simple sentences with A emphasis on word M order and subject/verb M agreement. A 2. Get introduced to R basic compound sentences. 3. Review and practice the use of the "be" and "have" verbs, simple present, present progressive, and there is/are constructions. 4. Learn simple past, different ways to express future time, as well as basic modals. 5. Practice using question/answer techniques, including yes/no and whquestions. 6. Study subject, object, and reflexive pronouns as well as possessive forms. 7. Learn count/noncount classes of nouns and will use singular/plural forms where appropriate. 8. Study definite and indefinite articles and use them in their writing. 9. Learn the common adverbs of frequency and their placement in 5 Levels Below Transfer 1. Exhibit mastery of simple sentence structure with correct word order. 2. Develop basic knowledge of compound and complex sentences and appropriate punctuation. 3. Learn the general use of the simple present, past, and future, as well as present and past progressive tenses. 4. Learn the basic use of present modal verbs. Rev. 05/14, Lane Igoudin, LACCD ESL Discipline Committee 4 Levels Below Transfer 1. Review compound sentences and study complex sentences with adverbial clauses 2. Develop basic knowledge of adjective clauses. 3. Focus on correct word order within a sentence. 4. Review and practice the use of simple present and past, present and past progressive tenses, as well as different ways of expressing future. 5. Study present perfect, present perfect progressive, and past perfect tenses. 6. Review present modals with an emphasis on the distinctions in their meaning and usage. 7. Develop basic knowledge of passive voice. 8. Study gerunds and infinitives. 9. Review the use of articles. 3 Levels Below Transfer 1. Use correctly a variety of sentence structures and different types of clauses. 2. Review adverbial clauses, including real conditionals, and study adjective and noun clauses. 3. Demonstrate emerging control over verb tenses, especially, the perfect tenses. 4. Review active voice and study passive voice. 5. Develop basic knowledge of presenttime unreal conditionals. 6. Review the use of gerunds and infinitives, as well as adjectives derived from present and past participles. 2 Levels Below Transfer 1. Demonstrate significant control of English sentences and different forms of clauses. 2. Review complex sentence structures. 3. Study sentence structures with indirect (reported) speech. 4. Use most verb tenses, including perfect tenses, consistently, with occasional errors. 5. Study perfect modal verbs. 6. Review passive voice. 7. Review present unreal conditionals and learn past unreal conditionals. 1 Level Below Transfer 1. Solidify their knowledge of English grammar through formal instruction and activities and demonstrate correct grammar usage in their writing assignments. 2. Analyze sentence conciseness, variety and parallelism. 5 LACCD REDESIGNED CREDIT ESL WRITING SEQUENCE | FINAL SUMMARY the sentence. 6 Levels Below Transfer M 1. Review rules for E capitalization and end C punctuation. H 2. Practice the use of A commas in compound N sentences. I C S 5 Levels Below Transfer 1. Exhibit emerging spelling competency in context of course reading. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of basic conventions (e.g., punctuation, capitalization, and text formatting). Rev. 05/14, Lane Igoudin, LACCD ESL Discipline Committee 4 Levels Below Transfer 1. Exhibit emerging spelling competency. 2. Demonstrate control of most basic punctuation conventions. 3 Levels Below Transfer 1. Exhibit spelling competency. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of most basic punctuation conventions. 2 Levels Below Transfer 1. Demonstrate knowledge of spelling rules. 2. Demonstrate control of most basic punctuation conventions. 3. Develop knowledge of appropriate citation and basic bibliographic conventions in academic writing. 1 Level Below Transfer 1. Demonstrate knowledge of MLA conventions as well as other forms of punctuation and mechanics in writing assignments. 6