Roseway Neighborhood Association Board meeting

Roseway Neighborhood Association Board Meeting
February 10, 2009
Board Members Present: Kathleen Blevins, Katherine Cosgrove, David
Druin, Nathan Farney, Denise Gorrell, Melinda Palmer, Dorothea Van Duyn, Tyler
Volunteer Present: Bonnie LaDoe.
Nate called meeting to order at 7:05pm.
Minutes from January read; Dorothea moved to approve, Tyler 2nd,
motion approved.
Treasurer’s report: $5675.56
Additions to the Agenda: Volunteer appreciation & county
commissioner letter received.
Current Business
a. Guest Speaker: Abandoned Auto Program. Brenda, Sherri &
Barbara from AAP outlined scope of program and made request
for letter of support to Mayor & City Council to retain program.
Budget constraints are threatening program’s existence. Time
is of the essence.
Tyler moved to write letter of support for AAP budget. Nate
2nd. Motion approved.
Kathleen Blevins volunteered to write letter on behalf of Board.
b. CNN update: No report.
c. Land Use Update: Denise reported traffic at Pdx is down so
there is no more talk of building 3rd runway. Info can be found
at Bike Master Plan has Cully to
Killingsworth on Prescott as priority. Info can be found at Also, plans for reworking
intersection of 72nd/Sandy are on track to follow 57th/Sandy.
d. International District Update: Tyler gave update. Payment for
newsletter is coming soon ($400 balance). No date has been
chosen for International Day Festival yet; looking to avoid
conflict with Mississippi Street Fair.
e. Postcard Update: Nate updated. Info not readily forthcoming
from CNN or Cully rep. Tyler informed that Express Copies
can format/print postcards & to use a Realtor for addresses.
Time has passed for effectiveness of postcard this year so we
will prepare for card next year.
f. 100-Day Letter Approval: Nate is still working on draft of letter
in support of Mayor’s 100 Day Action Plan with focus on items
affecting our neighborhood.
Tyler moved that Nate finish letter w/ additions & editing from
Board members and send before next meeting. Melinda 2nd.
Motion was approved.
g. Neighborhood Cleanup: David is moving forward with
education & planning. He attended CNN meeting regarding
neighborhood cleanup; awaiting final approval on date change
from Rhonda at CNN. Potential to move event to Church of
Nazarene; it has much better access & flow than Roseway
Heights School. Meeting with Jane R. every 2 weeks to gain
insight from her experiences leading this effort. Electronics are
no longer acceptable. David will compose plan & create list of
positions needing to be filled by volunteers.
h. Mural Project/Spring Fling: no report
Bylaws: Denise pointed out that bylaws specify 4 general
meetings a year, the one we missed was January. Much
discussion to understand wording. Changes must be announced
in newsletter for vote on said changes during April General
Tyler moved that everyone post questions or requests for
changes by email before March meeting. Nate 2nd. Motion
i. April Newsletter: Nate reminded us that articles are due March
1st, layout ready for proofreading by March 10th, newsletter to
printer by March 13th. Articles include: cleanup, kiosk,
neighborhood fair, spring fling, Pdx Festival & survey.
Additional articles will be needed; please submit via email.
j. Volunteer Appreciation: Melinda reported the response has not
been good; the timing may be bad for many people.
Tyler moved for Melinda to cancel dinner if less than 25
respondents and reschedule for a more convenient date in
summer. Dorothea 2nd. Motion approved.
k. County Commissioner letter received. Nate shared a letter of
introduction from Deborah Kafoury, Multnomah County
Commissioner District 1.
Nate moved that we respond with letter thanking her for
introducing herself. Katherine 2nd. Motion approved.
New Business
a. Neighborhood School News: Nate reported that modular
buildings are being put up at Harvey Scott School to deal with
over crowding of students.
b. Metropolitan Family Service News: Nate shared letter received
from Heather Pruiss, Met. Family Services with list of
volunteer opportunities.
c. Kiosk Project: Dave will research project after Clean up.
VII. Old Business
a. Website Calendar: Nate asked how people felt about website
Dorothea moved that Board goes back to more user friendly
Google Calendar and provide link to CNN calendar on website.
Dave 2nd. Motion approved.
b. Sign Repair : Chad has collected pieces & will repair.
VIII. Nate adjourned meeting at 8:34pm.
Repsctfully submitted by Dorothea Van Duyn.