A CATHEDRAL DIRECTORY The Dean: The Very Revd. Christopher Armstrong Residentiary Canons: The Revd. Canon Andrew Hindley (Canon Sacrist) The Revd. Canon Chris Chivers (Canon Chancellor) The Revd. Canon Dr. Susan Penfold (Diocesan Director of Ministry) The Revd. Canon Michael Wedgeworth (Cathedral Administrator) Honorary Canon: Dean’s Secretary: Cathedral Secretary: Bursar: Assistant Bursar: Events Assistant: exChange Dialogue Development Officer Asylum Project Worker: Cathedral Under 18’s Co-ordinator: Mrs. Pauline Rowe Mrs. Lynne Trudgill Mrs. Janine Brown Mrs. Alison Feeney Mr. Philip Hunwick Ms. Anjum Anwar MBE Mr. John East Mrs. Val Edge Cathedral Shop Supervisor: Mrs. Julie Grimshaw Dean’s Virger: Canons’ Virger: Assistant Virger: Hon. Assistant Virger: Housekeeper: Mr. Mark Pickering Mr. Jeffrey Robinson Mr. Alex Barnes Mr. Brian Newton Mrs. Ann Frankland Cathedral Churchwardens: Mr. Jim Holden, Mr. Gary Wignall, Mr. Stuart Rothwell and Mr. Philip Carr Deputy Churchwarden: Mrs. Barbara Robb Stewardship: Mr. Michael Emery (Chairman) Mr. Roger Brickell (Recorder) Director of Music: Assistant Director of Music: Music Administrator: Mr. Richard Tanner Mr. James Davy Mrs. Linda Bruce Head Server: Mr. Richard Robb Ringing Master: Mr. Ian Smith Cathedral Chapter: Membership includes: Mr. Gordon Shaw, Mrs. Jean Duerden and the Residentiary Canons Cathedral Council: Membership includes: Mr. Gary Wignall & Mr. Brian Whittle Deanery Synod: Mr. Jim Holden, Ms. Jane Horsfall, Mr. Ray Duckworth, Mr. Dudley Green Friends of Blackburn Cathedral: Judge Jeremy Duerden (Chairman) Friends of Blackburn Cathedral Music: Mr. Rodney Swarbrick (Chairman) ALL THE ABOVE OFFICERS MAY BE CONTACTED VIA THE CATHEDRAL OFFICES (01254) 503090 N.B. THERE IS AN ‘OUT OF HOURS’ CATHEDRAL TELEPHONE NUMBER 01254 265915 BLACKBURN CATHEDRAL JANUARY 2009 CATHEDRAL DIARY MISSION STATEMENT The Cathedral Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Blackburn – Mother Church of the Diocese – exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through regular daily worship and a commitment to welcome and serve all God’s people. The Dean’s Post Script 1. A Cathedral “Ofsted”. The Cathedral is to have an Episcopal Visitation from 19 January to 2 February 2009. Provision was made in ‘The Cathedrals Measure 1999’ for the visitor (in our case the Bishop) to hold a formal visitation of the cathedral when he considers it desirable or necessary to do so. Our Bishop has – from the very beginning of his Episcopate – considered this desirable and now the time has come. The Visitation Team will consist of Bishop Geoffrey Turner, the retired Bishop of Stockport, Dr Sheila Hunter, an educationalist and Canon Bob Reiss, currently serving at Westminster Abbey. They will be interviewing various members of staff, congregation members and significant people in the region. Should you wish to speak to any of the visitors please contact the Dean’s Secretary, Mrs Pauline Rowe. 4. Stewardship: “more than half of regular worshippers subscribe to tax efficient schemes such as Gift Aid, accounting for half the voluntary income of parish churches”. Source: “The Church of England Today” 2. The Biblical Principal of Tithing, is not shared by many individuals, I suspect, within the congregation but the cathedral as an institution does tithe its stewardship income. I have just concluded the disbursements for 2007, which include payments locally to Hyndburn Christian Stable, the Salvation Army, our Asylum Seekers work, the exChange Project, the THOMAS organisation, St Wilfrid’s School, St Christopher’s School and Blackburn Churches Action. National projects supported this year includes St Luke’s Hospital, Emmaus UK and recipients for work abroad include: Bloemfontein Cathedral, USPG, the Anglican Centre in Rome, “Practical Action” (intermediate technology) the Bishop’s Simeon Trust, Fr Luiz Coehlo and young Luvo. The disbursements for 2007 amount to £9,800. Cathedral Sunday School: (for 5yrs and over) - During the Cathedral Eucharist – Mrs Amanda Snape, Mrs Janet Haworth & Mrs Julie Daley Have you still to join? Please contact Roger Brickell, Michael Emery or the Dean so that you can join the majority of the congregation in this very efficient form of giving to and through the Cathedral. Mothers’ Union: Monthly Thursday afternoons Enrolling Member: Mrs. Parnal Rothwell Cathedral Ringers: Thursday from 8.00pm Ringing Master: Mr. Ian Smith Cathedral Choir: Friday evenings & Sundays (Men) Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays (Boys) Director of Music: Mr. Richard Tanner The concept of tithing is an honourable one and I’m delighted that the Cathedral feels it can still maintain that level of 10% giving of its charitable income. It is an example to us all as we move towards a major Stewardship Campaign in April and May this year. Cathedral Girls’ Choir: Tuesday and Thursday evenings Director of Music: Mr. Richard Tanner Young People’s Choir: Thursday evenings & Sundays Assistant Director of Music: Mr. James Davy 3. Christmas Cacti. As many of you will know these delightful plants burst into flower (with luck) just before Christmas. There is another variety that bursts into flower just before Easter. Sadly, the Deanery Christmas cacti – because of ill treatment-are rather confused and need some tender loving care for a little while! If there are any plants lovers out there who have space and time to nurse some vigorous cacti back into their rightful routine please contact the Dean. The Renaissance Singers: Thursday evenings Director of Music: Mr. Richard Tanner Children’s’ Choir: NB. ‘Lantern Voices’: Thursday afternoons: Joy Fielding and Jeff Borradaile Canon Hindley writes: Dear Friends On the 6th January just 2 days after the publication of this letter we shall keep the Feast of the Epiphany. On 11th January we shall celebrate in style with our annual Epiphany Carol Service - as if we haven't had enough of carols already! I don't know about you but, given that we are not immune from the forces of this world, with the gloomy predictions about the economy, job losses and a worrying financial year ahead for the Cathedral, there is a temptation to say 'Stop the world, I want to get off'. When we feel like that we can do one of three things: 1. Run away. 2. Alter our world, our environment to suit us better. 3. Hope for some alteration in ourselves to suit it better. The first option is not really an option at all. One recalls the famous advice of Old Bill in the World War One shell hole: 'If you know a better 'ole go jump in it!' The second is a healthier reaction: if we don't like our environment then we can try to change it. That, for me, is what the Cathedral Development plan is about. Taking a lead in the regeneration of our town centre, in order to make a positive contribution to the quality of our, and other people’s, lives. If you think about it, from this concept has come all civilisation. However, the more completely we change our environment to suit us, the more obvious it is that a changed environment is not enough. The third option: 'The fault dear Brutus, is not in the stars but in ourselves'. The trouble is not out there, but in here, in our hearts. If we are at odds with our neighbours, with our surroundings, with our world, the only adequate way of dealing with our situation is to deal with ourselves. Of course that is the hardest thing of all to do. We can put up a new calendar changing from a 2008 to a 2009 one, but every morning we wake up to face the same you and me, the same fears, the same greeds, the same ego, the same jealousies and selfishness. If we cannot achieve the change alone, then we must turn to the Good News of the Gospel. This contains news of a power greater not ourselves, that can change us. Running away is not the answer, living closer to Christ is, if we let him in and have his way with our restless hearts. It was for this reason that the Son of Man came into this world. That mighty act of condescension was not designed to do some superficial cosmetic work on an unchanged and unchanging wicked world. The Epiphany of Christ reveals to us, as fully as God has ever revealed himself to us, that the transforming and transfiguring love of God is here and now, coming to change us at the centre of our lives, making all things new. Yours in Christ Andrew Hindley Canon Sacrist January Sunday Services Wednesday 14th 8.00am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer) 9.00am Parish Communion (Young People’s Choir) 10.30am THE CATHEDRAL EUCHARIST 4.00pm Choral Evensong Weekday Services Daily Morning Prayer 8.40am (Saturdays 9am) Daily Holy Communion 12.30pm (except Wednesdays 11.00am & Saturdays 9.30am) Daily Evensong 5.15pm (3.30pm Saturday) (Sung on Wednesdays; some Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) 1.00pm Thursday 15th 12.30pm Saturday 17th Room 10.30am 3.30pm Sunday 18th Lunchtime Organ Recital by Robert Fielding, Organist & Master of the Choristers at Romsey Abbey Holy Communion attended by Asylum Seekers & Refugees - St. Martin’s Chapel Prayer Book Society Committee Meeting – Chesters Choral Evensong with the Presentation of Bishop’s & Dean’s Choristers’ Awards THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EPIPHANY 8.00am 9.00am 10.30am Holy Communion (BCP): Canon Andrew Hindley Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Sue Penfold Cathedral Eucharist with the Baptism of Grace Frances Slater Celebrant: The Dean Preacher: Rev’d. Steven Harvey Each Tuesday Each Wednesday 9.00am Coffee 9.00am Coffee 5.15pm 12 noon – 2pm Lunches in the Crypt 12noon - 2pm Lunches in the Crypt Choral Evensong (Boys’ Voices) Each Thursday 9.00am Coffee 5.15pm 12noon – 2pm Lunches in the Crypt Evensong (Last Thursday of month Choral Evensong Girls’ Voices) Wednesday 21st 9.00am Coffee 12noon - 2pm Lunches in the Crypt. Thursday 22nd 12.00pm Sunday 25th THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL * Each Friday Sunday 4th THE SECOND SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS 8.00am 9.00am 10.30am 4.00pm Wednesday 7th 1.00pm Lunchtime Organ Recital by Michael Haynes, Director of Music at Hexham Abbey FoBCM Council Meeting in the Chesters Room “Time out with God” – Jesus Chapel Chapter Meeting in the Chesters Room Thursday 8th Sunday 11th THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST Tuesday 13th 8.00am 9.00am 10.30am 6.30pm Holy Communion (BCP): Rev’d. Steven Harvey Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Michael Wedgeworth Celebrant: Canon Andrew Hindley The Epiphany Civic Carol Service 1.00pm 6.30pm 7.30pm MU Epiphany Party in the Crypt Banks Theatre Trip to Royal Exchange, Manchester Renaissance Singers Committee Meeting in the Chesters Room 1.00pm 8.00am 9.00am 10.30am 4.00pm Holy Communion (BCP): Canon Andrew Hindley Celebrant & Preacher: Canon Andrew Hindley Celebrant: Canon Sue Penfold Preacher: Canon Andrew Hindley 6.30pm 12.00pm 2.00pm Monday 12th 4.00pm Wednesday 28th 1.00pm 2.30pm 7.30pm Thursday 29th 12.00pm Saturday 31st 2.30pm 7.00pm Lunchtime Recital by Catherine Groom (Renaissance Recorder) & Philippa Hyde (Soprano) “Time out with God” in the Jesus Chapel Holy Communion (BCP): Canon Chris Chivers Celebrant & Preacher: The Dean Celebrant: Rev’d. Steven Harvey Choral Evensong attended by the Welcomers Preacher: The Dean Lunchtime Recital by Jennie Marsden & Jane Wilkinson (Sopranos) William Temple Lecture by Canon Chivers: “Doing Faith Like Jazz” in the South Transept A repeat of the 2.30pm lecture by Canon Chivers “Time out with God” in the Jesus Chapel “God Our Rock” Service Ceilidh organised by the Social Committee in the Crypt