Breaking down The Wizard of Oz – 1939 In the Movie the Real Players Dorothy the One-Self of the People Toto (the dog) One who Wholly Understands Ruby slippers (originally silver) Constitutional Exchanges (red for registered mail) Good Witch of the North the Declaration of Independence Wicked Witch of the EAST Feudal ENGLAND Corp. Wicked Witch of the WEST Feudal UNITED STATES Corp. The Curtain the Deception of needing a Court (green for certified mail) The Wizard the Clerk of the Court Straw-man [no brain of understanding] the present Legislative Branch Tin-man [no heart for the people] the present Executive Branch Lion [no courage to do what is Right] the present Judicial Courts Flying Monkeys Feudal Corp. BAR Attorneys The Witches Guards Feudal Corp. Rent-a-Cops The other people American Non-Believers Judgment Delivered by Certificate of Mailing # 7011 2970 0000 4485 8574 United States of America Self-Executing Judgment. To: The United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of ___ . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I, _______; of the family _______, by my Oneself WILL and my Sui Juris Constitutional Rights and Powers; I have been the Cautioner "Surety" for my Ancestral person and I am the Lawful Vested "Sui Haeredes" Heir of Age. Therefore, per the Self-Executing Provisions of the Constitution: I am issuing this Self-Executing Judgment by Operation of Law as a Right of Relief to the Self-Inflicted Suit of "Oneself, as the Cautioner (Surety) suing Oneself, as the Principal Debtor"; (demanding Relief reimbursement or to pay the debt to Settle-Up the attached Bills) assigned to my Deceased Ancestral Oneself blood person: ___________ (aka; __________), as the Guarantor/Principal Debtor. Let it be known, that per the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; Rule 65.1: as I am the Oneself Cautioner "Surety", I am irrevocably appointing you, as the U.S. District Bankruptcy Clerk of the Court, my Surety Agent to bring about the enforcement of this Judgment using my given Security; my (Certificate of Live Birth, US Military DD 214 Honorable Service or Other Certfficaie/License/Mortgage/etc. as the Security), as the Surety Bond Instrument. For Relief of or the attached Bills totaling $ ________: to be Settled Up from the Surety Bond. Any just processing fees are also authorized to be deducted from the Surety Bond Instrument. You are now to IMMEDIATELY file this Judgment and Issue the Orders to the District U.S. Trustee to Settle-Up the Estates per the United States of American Republic Laws using my Estate EIN # _________. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WITNESS my hand and official seal on this Executed Date: _____________ Judgment Issued by: ________________________ _____: of the family ____ Vested Holder in Due Course and Cautioner Deliver $ by check or Cash to: _________: of the family ___________ ________ ________ ________ Phone ____ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Clerk of the Court is to issue the following Orders: 1. To the U.S. Trustee for the District _______________: You are ordered to Settle Up the attached Bills by check with the above listed Corporations by drawing the Fees required from the attached Surety Bond Instrument Any just processing fees are also authorized to be deducted from the Surety Bond Instrument. Conformation of Settle Up is also to be sent to: ___________. or You are ordered to obtain the required Relief in Cash from the attached Surety Bond Instrument. Any just processing fees are also authorized to be deducted from the Surety Bond Instrument. 2. To the U.S. Marshal for the District _____________: (if needed to deliver the cash) You are ordered to obtain the required Relief in Cash from the attached Surety Bond Instrument and make the Delivery. Any just delivery fees are also authorized to be deducted from the Surety Bond Instrument. Date Orders issued:___________ __________________________ Clerk of U.S. Bankruptcy Court (under Clerk's Seal) Page 2 of 2 ONESELF: one's own; a person's self SELF: One's own self, as where a note is made payable to "self." "Belonging to the One." SELF-INFLICTED: Upon oneself by oneself. SELF-INFLICTED INJURY SELF-DEALING: Basically relates to transactions wherein a trustee, acting for himself and also as "trustee," a relation which demands strict fidelity to others, seeks to consummate a deal wherein self-interest is opposed to duty. Cestui que trust has in such case the election to affirm or disaffirm, unless countervailing equities have intervened. First Nat. Bank v. Bashara, 238 Ala. 500,191 So. 873,876, 877, 878,125 A.L.R. 656; In re Binder's Estate, 137 Ohio St. 26,27 N.E.2d 939,947, 129 A.L.R. 130. SUI: L, Of one's self suggest — himself, herself, itself, themselves. Other forms are, se, sese, one's self: suus, one's own. SUI JURIS: Of full capacity, hi his own right; capable of entering into a contract. See I Bl Comm 443. SUI GENERIS: Lat Of its own kind or class; e., the only one of its own kind; peculiar. SUI HAEREDES: Lat. In the civil law. One's own heirs; proper heirs. Inst. 2, 19, 2. SUI JURIS: Lat. Of his own right; possessing full social and civil rights; not under any legal disability, or the power of another, or guardian-ship. Having capacity to manage one's own affairs; not under legal disability to act for one's self. Story, Ag. § 2. COUNTERVAILING EQUITY: A contrary and balancing equity; an equity or right opposed to that which is sought to be enforced or recognized, and which ought not to be sacrificed or subordinated to the latter, because it is of equal strength and justice, and equally deserving of consideration. COUNTERVAIL LIVERY: At common law, a release was a form of transfer of real estate where some right to it existed in one person but the actual possession was in another; and the possession in such case was said to "countervail livery," that is, it supplied the place of and rendered unnecessary the open and notorious delivery of possession required in other cases. Miller V. Emans, 19 ».Y. 387.