CH/S4CIT(A)/Oct. 2005. PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING Problem Solving Procedures Problem Identification. Clearly explain and present a problem. Problem Analysis. Find out the type of input data, and the processing and output requirement. Break the large problems into a set of smaller tasks separated from each other. Algorithm Design. Design a set of steps which can be used to handle the required tasks. (May be written in flowchart or pseudocode.) ** Algorithm. A finite number of steps with a set of well defined rules solving a problem. Solution Development. Write down the steps in the algorithm in a computer programming language. Debugging and Testing. Locate and correct any errors (bugs) and ensuring that all data are processed properly. Documentation. Orderly present of the complete purpose, function and history of a program. Problem Identification Usually, the user should be asked more and more questions to define the problem more precisely. One of the best ways of problem definition is to formulate a problem using clear and concise statements. The statement(s) may usually start with “The problem is to …”. e.g. “The problem is to calculate the wages of employees based on their weekly working hours. Problem Analysis For a large system, we can split into a series of sub-problems and tackle each of these separately. Top-down approach. i. In case a particular sub-problem is still too difficult to tackle as a whole, we may further split it into several sub-problems. ii. Stepwise Refinement. The process of breaking down a problem into its separated parts; these parts may be further broken down into even smaller parts, and so on. iii. Example, 0. Travel from the Hong Kong University to the Chinese University of Hong Kong PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING page 1 CH/S4CIT(A)/Oct. 2005. 1. Walk to Sheung Wan Station 2.1 Take the MTR from Sheung Wan Station to Central Station 2. Take the MTR to Kowloon Tong Station 2.2 Change at Central Station 3. Take a train to Chinese University Station 2.3 Take the MTR from Central Station to Mongkok Station 4. Walk to the Chinese University 2.4 Change at Mongkok Station 2.5 Take the MTR from Mongkok Station to Kowloon Tong Station figure 1 ). It indicates that the whole process is described else where. ** Pre-defined process symbol ( Here is another example for stepwise refinement, Find the volume V of a right pyramid whose base is an equilateral triangle of side s and whose height is h. i. The result of refinement is shown in fig. 2 ii. If any step still cannot be managed, it may be further refined. For example step 2.1 may be refined as shown in fig. 3. 0 1 Input the side s of the triangular base and the height of the pyramid 2.1 Calculate the altitude a of the triangular base Find the volume of a volume of a pyramid. 2 Calculate the area A of the triangular base 2.2 Substitute the altitude a and the base s in the formula for finding the area of a triangle 3 Calculate the volume V of the pyramid 2.3 Perform multiplication and division to obtain the area of the triangle 3.1 Derive the formula for finding the volume of a pyramid 3.1.1 Dissect of triangular prism into three pyramids 4 Output the volume V of the pyramid 3.2 Substitute the area A of the base and the height h in the formula 3.1.2 Show that the three pyramids are equal in volume 3.3 Perform multiplication and division 3.1.3 Write down the formula for finding the volume of a pyramid figure 2 2.1 2.1.1 Draw the altitude Calculate the altitude a of the triangular base 2.1.2 Show that the altitude bisects the base of the triangle 2.1.3 Apply the Pythagoras theorem figure 3 PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING page 2 CH/S4CIT(A)/Oct. 2005. Bottom-up approach. i. A solution is made up of existing component solutions. ii. Software developers will select those useful existing solution and combine them to form a whole new solution. Trial-and-error approach. i. There is no obvious way of systematically developing a solution. ii. A proposed solution is made and a trial of it is performed to see is it is successful. If not a the proposed solution is modified and another trial is performed. Algorithm Design Algorithm An algorithm is a procedure in problem solving. It involves a series of steps. Computer can only solve problems step by step. So before a computer can operate on a problem, an algorithm must be developed. Pseudocode Pseudocode is a sequence of English-like statements that represent an algorithm. Features of pseudocode: i. There are no formal syntax rules and guidelines. ii. It is written in plain English. iii. It does not depend on the programming language which is to be used in program coding. iv. A pseudocode program can be easily encoded to a procedure-oriented language such as Pascal,. It is easy to change the pseudocode if there is any logical error in the solution. Here is an example using pseudocode applying the stepwise refinement to solve the payroll problem, Initial algorithm First level refinement 1 Get data 2 Calculate wages 3 Output total wages 1 Get data 1.1 Get number of hours worked 1.2 Get hourly rate 2 Calculate wages 2.1 Calculate regular wages 2.2 Calculate overtime allowance 2.3 Calculate total wages 3 Output total wages PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING page 3 CH/S4CIT(A)/Oct. 2005. Second level refinement 1 Get data 1.1 Get number of hours worked 1.2 Get hourly rate 2 Calculate wages 2.1 Calculate regular wages 2.2 Calculate overtime allowance 2.2.1 Calculate number of overtime hours 2.2.2 if overtime hours > 0 then calculate allowance else set allowance to 0 2.3 Calculate total wages 3 Output total wages So the resulting pseudo program for the calculation of tax may be as follows: INPUT h as the number of hours worked INPUT r as the hourly rate regular_wage <- h * r overtime_hours <- h – 40 if overtime hours > 0 then allowance <- overtime_hour * r else allowance <- 0 total_wage <- regular_wage + allowance OUTPUT total_wage Here is a more practical example. A small supermarket sells 10 types of items: A to J which can be grouped into 3 different categories. A, B, C and D belong to category 1. E, F, G, H and I belongs to category 2, and J belongs to category 3. When a customer checks out at the counter, a program in the cashier’s computer is executed to calculate the total number of purchased items for a customer as well as the subtotals for the 3 categories. The algorithm in pseudocode of the computer program is shown below. Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Step 8: Step 9: Step 10: Declare TOTALSUM, I, QTY to be integer variables, DITEM to be a character variable, COMPLETE to be a Boolean variable, and SUBTOTAL to be an one-dimensional integer array of size 3. Initialize the SUBTOTAL array to 0; and TOTALSUM to be 0; and COMPLETE to be FALSE. As long as COMPLETE is FALSE, do steps 4 – 9 again. Read an item type into PITEM. If PITEM equals ‘Q’, then assign TRUE to COMPLETE; otherwise Read in the quantity of the item type purchased into QTY. Do Step 6 again when the input value of QTY is not between 1 and 10 inclusively. Increase the corresponding element in SUBTOTAL by QTY according to the category of PITEM. Increase the value of TOTALSUM by QTY. Display TOTALSUM and the SUBTOTAL array. PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING page 4 CH/S4CIT(A)/Oct. 2005. Flowchart A pictorial representation of an algorithm. Flowcharts use standard symbols (specially shaped boxes) to indicate the type of operating to be performed. Specific details are written in each box. The boxes are connected by lines and arrows which indicate the ‘direction of flow’. ** Symbols and boxes Terminal symbol. This indicates the beginning or the end of the whole algorithm. Process box. The details of any form of action which must be taken are written inside. Decision box. Input or output box. Here, the algorithm requires that data is inputted or outputted (e.g. the value of a variable). This is used to decide which of two actions to follow. A question or condition is written inside the box. Two lines leave the box. One for the answer ‘Yes’ or ‘True’; the other for the answer ‘No’ or ‘False’. Connector symbol. It indicates the flow of a branch out of the chart at one point and back at another. *** Three Basic Control Structures Sequence. (fig. 4) one thing happens after the other. Selection or branching decision (fig. 5). choice of actions made between ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ START START READ A, B, C READ A, B, C Yes Is B=C ? D = BC Y = A/D No PRINT Y PRINT ERROR MESSAGE DIVISOR IS ZERO D = BC Y = A/D STOP Figure 4. A flowchart for evaluation Y = a / (b – c) PRINT Y STOP PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING Figure 5. An amended flowchart for evaluation y = a / (b – c) page 5 CH/S4CIT(A)/Oct. 2005. Iteration. A process which repeats the same series of steps until the limit is reached. Two ways to set the limit, i. rogue value (see fig. 6). A number which, when it is reached in the program, causes the loop to be quit. ii. counter (see fig. 7). A variable which keeps track of the number of the times of a loop performed so as to terminate the iteration after the required number. START START READ F I=1 Yes F = -999? READ F No 5 C = ─ (F ─ 32) 9 STOP PRINT C Figure 6. A flowchart showing the use of a Rogue value to terminate looping (the shaded part shows the use of of the rogue) 5 C = ─ (F ─ 32) 9 PRINT C I=I+1 I 50? STOP Figrue 7. A flowchart showing the use of a counter to terminate looping (the shaded part shows the use of the counter) Solution Development We use a programming language or a suitable software developing tool to communicate with the computer. If the algorithm developed in the previous stage is sound and the representation of the algorithm is complete, the process in coding is simple and straight forward. PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING page 6 CH/S4CIT(A)/Oct. 2005. Program Debugging and Testing Program Debugging There are three main types of errors to be debugged. Syntax Errors i. Every language has its own rules of grammar, syntax. ii. Syntax errors occur when the program statement violates one or more rules of syntax. iii. e.g. a = a+7; (* use '=' instead of ':=' *); int1 := num1 + num2; (* It will be wrong if num1 or num2 are declared to be real type but int1 to be integer types *) Run-time Errors i. When a program is run and producing results that the computer cannot handle and cannot continue execution, run-time occur. ii. e.g. division by zero, accessing file not on disk, writing to a write-protected disk. Logical Errors i. These are errors made in the process of devising the algorithm or in translating the algorithm into a computer language. ii. Unlike the other two types of errors, the computer cannot detect and provide clues for correcting logical chosen test data with unknown results. iii. Another way is to “trace” program, using the automatic trace feature in the system using. Program Testing Purpose. To guarantee that the program produces correct and meaningful results under all circumstances. The testing should include the following items, i. Typical valid data. ii. Boundary valid data. iii. Special and unusual valid data, which are exceptional cases and need special processing. iv. Invalid, incomplete or meaningless data, which are used to test the error handling abilities of the program. PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING page 7 CH/S4CIT(A)/Oct. 2005. Program Documentation Program Documentation The need of documentation i. To help memory. ii. To inform others, i.e. to communicate with other people who maintain the program. iii. Full details, especially details of the program’s relation to other program. Guidelines for program documentation i. Title page. General information such as, the program’s title, the programmer’s name and the date. ii. Program description / specification. It should be, a. not using technical terms (jargon) b. a detail specification of the task c. a guideline to user about the work done by the program iii. Algorithm / flowchart iv. Variable dictionary. The following table is an example of variable dictionary, v. Variable A B C D X1, X2 Program listing. vi. Description Coefficient of x in the quadratic equation Coefficient of x The constant term The discriminant The two roots of the equation 2 Test data and sample output. a. Appropriate test data should be prepared for different situations. b. The expected results are determined before the program is run. ** The six phases of problem solving are not necessarily performed in the order we have described. It also should be reminded that the phases are in a cycle. PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING page 8