Grade 6 Late French Immersion Speaking & Listening Speaking & Listening Comprehension of Oral Texts (Écouter/Compréhension orale) 4-Exceeding *Consistently understands directions, stories, media (tv, internet, video), and is able to identify changes in the topic of discussion when people speak. 3-Meeting * Generally understands directions, stories, media(tv, internet, video), and is able to identify changes in the topic of discussion when people speak clearly. *Regularly listens to others to try to understand what they mean and how they feel; adjusts responses to reflect this interpretation. *Often listens to others to try to interpret what they mean and how they feel; usually adjusts responses to reflect this interpretation. *Consistently responds accurately to a variety of questions and instructions. *Generally responds to a variety of questions and instructions. *With support, responds to a variety of questions and instructions. *Offers limited response to questions and instructions. *Regularly understands the apparent intent of the message, seeks clarification or explanation with a goal of solid understanding. *Generally understands the apparent intent of the message, readily seeks clarification or explanation when intent is lost. *At times, has a vague understanding of the message, needs prompting to go beyond the literal meaning and to seek clarification or explanation. *Rarely offers a response to the message that goes beyond the literal meaning even with extensive prompting, Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 2-Approaching * Sometimes understands directions, stories, media (tv, internet, video), and is able to identify changes in the topic of discussion when people speak slowly and clearly. *At times listens to others to try to interpret what they mean and how they feel; with support may respond to reflect this understanding. 1-Working Below * Rarely understands directions, stories, media (tv, internet, video), and is seldom able to identify changes in the topic of discussion when people speak slowly and clearly. *Seldom listens to others to understand what they mean and how they feel; rarely responds to what the speaker is trying to communicate. Page 1 does not seek clarification or explanation. Oral Communication (Prendre part à une conversation) *Asks for and gives opinions and agrees or disagrees in a precise structured sentence. *Asks for and gives opinions and agrees or disagrees in an appropriate structured sentence. *Asks for and gives opinions and agrees or disagrees with some difficulty in the construction of sentence structure. *Unable to construct sentence structures to ask for and give opinions or to agree or disagree. *Always asks the person who is speaking to repeat or explain what they were saying if something is not clear in an everyday conversation. *Generally asks the person who is speaking to repeat or explain what they were saying if something is not clear in an everyday conversation. *Occasionally asks the person who is speaking to repeat or explain what they were saying if something is not clear in an everyday conversation. *Rarely asks the person who is speaking to repeat or explain what they were saying if something is not clear in an everyday conversation. *Regularly has conversations with people, and asks/answers questions about familiar topics using the present, the past and the future. *Usually has conversations with people, and asks/answers simple questions about familiar topics using the present, the past and the future tenses. *At times, has short conversations with people, and asks/answers simple questions about familiar topics using the present, the past and the future. *Rarely has short conversations with people, and asks/answers very simple questions about familiar topics using the present, the past and the future. *Always speaks with confidence while handling everyday situations. *Often speaks with confidence while handling most everyday situations. *At times, speaks with some confidence while handling certain everyday situations. *Seldom speaks while handling basic everyday situations. Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 Page 2 Oral Communication (S’exprimer oralement en continu) *Skillfully uses grammatical accuracy in basic constructions, i.e., subject-verb agreement, noun-adjective and gender agreement for familiar vocabulary, present tense of regular and common irregular verbs. *Proficiently uses grammatical accuracy in basic constructions, i.e., subject-verb agreement, noun-adjective and gender agreement for familiar vocabulary, present tense of regular and common irregular verbs. *Regularly uses simple and complex words to describe topics or events (present, past, and future tenses) during different forms of presentation. *Often uses simple words to describe topics or events (present, past, and future tenses) during different forms of presentation. *Consistently summarizes stories read, relying on the language used in the story as well as using own words. *Generally summarizes stories read, relying on the language used in the story. *With support, sometimes summarizes simple stories read, relying on the language used in the story. *Seldom summarizes simple stories read, and only relies on simple language used in the story. *Precisely tells a short story in the form of a simple and complex sequence of events. *Effectively tells a short story in the form of a simple sequence of events. *With some difficulty, tells a short story in the form of a simple sequence of events. *Limited ability to tell a short story in the form of a simple sequence of events. Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 *With support, uses grammatical accuracy in basic constructions, i.e., subject-verb agreement, noun-adjective and gender agreement for familiar vocabulary, present tense of regular and common irregular verbs. *With a great degree of difficulty, uses some grammatical accuracy in basic constructions, i.e., subject-verb agreement, noun-adjective and gender agreement for familiar vocabulary, present tense of regular and common irregular verbs. *Occasionally uses *Rarely uses simple simple words to describe words to describe an an everyday topic or everyday topic or event event (present, past, (present, past, and and future tenses) future tenses) during during different forms of different forms of presentation. presentation. Page 3 Grade 6 Late French Immersion Reading & Viewing Reading & Viewing Level of Text Complexity/Genres (Lire/Compréhension écrite) Strategies & Behaviours (Lire/Compréhension écrite) 4-Exceeding 3-Meeting *Efficiently understands the main points in different genres of texts: -narrative texts -informative texts *Generally understands the main points in different genres of texts: -narrative texts -informative texts *With support, understands the main points in different genres of texts: -short narrative texts -informative texts *Rarely understands the main points in different genres of texts: -short, simple narrative texts -informative texts *Accurately answers most literal questions, and thoughtfully interprets and analyses grade level texts. Demonstrates precision and insight in responses. *Generally answers most literal questions, and accurately interprets and analyses grade level texts. Demonstrates logic and care in responses. *Sometimes answers literal questions. Responses are often inconsistent, vague or incomplete. Demonstrates appropriate comprehension when reading texts below grade level. *May answer straightforward questions, but rarely reads beyond the surface of the text. May demonstrates appropriate comprehension when reading texts well-below grade level. *Skillfully interprets, responds to and makes thoughtful connections within, between and beyond grade-level media and print texts. *Accurately interprets, responds to and makes effective connections within, between and beyond grade-level media and print texts. *With support, interprets, responds to and makes connections within, between and occasionally beyond grade-level media and print texts. *Rarely interprets, responds to and makes connections pertaining to grade-level media and print texts. Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 2-Approaching 1-Working Below Page 4 *Regularly uses a reading comprehension strategy. *Frequently uses a reading comprehension strategy. *Sometimes uses a reading comprehension strategy. *Rarely uses a reading comprehension strategy. *Consistently recognizes new and older sound patterns with precision. *Usually recognizes new and older sound patterns with a certain amount of precision. *Partially recognizes new and older sound patterns. *Rarely recognizes new and older sound patterns. *Consistently selects, decodes, uses strategies and selfmonitors to construct meaning from media and print considered appropriate for or beyond grade level. *Effectively selects, decodes, uses strategies and selfmonitors to construct meaning from media and print considered appropriate for end of grade level. *With some support selects, decodes, uses strategies and selfmonitors to construct meaning from media and print considered appropriate for grade level. *Selects, decodes, uses strategies and selfmonitor to construct meaning from texts considered below grade level. *Consistently reflects on and discuss using familiar vocabulary as well as in their own words their own processes and strategies in reading and viewing *Appropriately reflects on and discuss, using familiar vocabulary used in class their own processes and strategies in reading and viewing *With some difficulty, discuss, using familiar vocabulary used in class their own processes and strategies in reading and viewing *Rarely able to discuss their own processes and strategies in reading and viewing. Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 Page 5 Grade 6 Late French Immersion Writing & Representing Writing & Representing Process (Écrire/Expression écrite) Forms (Écrire/Expression écrite) 4-Exceeding 3-Meeting *Efficiently uses tools for support when writing a piece of literature. *Appropriately uses tools for support when writing a piece of literature. *Requires support when using tools to write a piece of literature. *Rarely demonstrates the ability to use tools to support the writing of a piece of literature. *Efficiently employs strategies including revising to strengthen content and embedding text features appropriate to form. *Usually employs strategies including revising to strengthen content and embedding text features appropriate to form. *With some support, uses strategies to generate drafts and pieces of drafts. *Requires a great deal of direction to use strategies and behaviours. *Able to generate a collection of drafts and pieces of drafts. *Able to generate a collection of drafts and pieces of drafts. *Needs support with content revisions and to complete a piece of writing. *Lacks independence to complete a piece of writing. *With some prompting selects forms and presentation mode (written, visual, and multimedia) based on audience and purpose. *Rarely selects forms based on audience and purpose. *Tries out new techniques\ideas independently. *Independently selects forms and presentation mode (written, visual, and multimedia) based on audience and purpose. Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 *Generally selects forms and presentation mode (written, visual, and multimedia) based on audience and purpose. 2-Approaching 1-Working Below Page 6 Traits (Écrire/Expression écrite) *Thoughtfully includes structures and features outlined in the text forms of the grade-level standards; may selfselect or create graphic organizers to as part of the writing process. *Often includes structures and features outlined in the text forms of the grade-level standards; needs minimal support to select appropriate graphic organizers. *Occasionally includes structures and features of the text forms outlined in the grade-level standards; needs support to use graphic organizers. *May include structures and features that are inappropriate and\or omit those that are expected. Rarely uses graphic organizers or uses them ineffectively. *Always demonstrates all aspects (content, organization, word choice, voice, sentence structure, and conventions) of strong writing as evidenced overtime in multiple pieces (narrative, informative, etc.) *Generally demonstrates all aspects (content, organization, word choice, voice, sentence structure, and conventions) of appropriate writing as evidenced overtime in multiple pieces (narrative, informative, etc.) *Sometimes demonstrates all aspects (content, organization, word choice, voice, sentence structure, and conventions) of appropriate writing with support as evidenced overtime in multiple pieces (narrative, informative, etc.) *Seldom demonstrates all aspects (content, organization, word choice, voice, sentence structure, and conventions) of writing as evidenced overtime in multiple pieces (narrative, informative, etc.) *Writing pieces are easy to understand, with few errors. Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 *Writing pieces are clear enough to understand, with errors that do not interfere with the meaning. *Writing pieces may be vague in places, but communicate the purpose. *Writing pieces are difficult to understand, with errors that interfere with the meaning. Page 7 Draft Version for Pilot Year 2015 Page 8