Number 4 - St. Croix River Education District

Number 4
St. Croix River Education District Policy
Supervision and Evaluation of SCRED Staff,
Shared Staff and
Special Education Reimbursed Staff
Definition of Terms
SCRED Services - Those services shared by districts or agencies and implemented under an
approved SCRED service description.
Designated Supervisor - The person assigned responsibility to supervise SCRED or shared
Evaluation - The formal, periodic and systematic review and reporting of staff job performance.
SCRED Staff - Those persons, certified and non certified, who implement an approved SCRED
service description. The service may be vendored through the SCRED Fiscal Host or a district
acting as a service host. Service contract staff typically serve more than one district or are cofunded with another agency.
Shared Staff - Those persons who are employed by two or more districts.
Special Education Reimbursed Staff – Those persons who are employed by SCRED districts
and who provide special education services in the districts.
Job Performance Supervision - An intensive supervisory process designed to improve job
performance by observing, monitoring and conferring with a staff member on such things as
lesson planning, analyzing observational data, measuring student achievement, managing
student behavior, etc. and providing feedback to the supervised staff.
Master Contract Supervision - The administration of the provisions and conditions of the
contract or agreement which describes staff's contract responsibilities.
Job Description Supervision - The supervision of the provisions and conditions of the job
description which describes staff job responsibilities.
Technical Assistance - The process by which St. Croix River Education District program
staff assist in the supervision and evaluation of staff.
Supervision and Evaluation
Adopted by SCRED Governing Board on: March 18, 1993
Page 1
Revised: August 2009
Delineation of Responsibility and Authority
The employing district is responsible for all matters relating to the supervision and evaluation of
staff hired as SCRED staff, special education reimbursed staff or shared staff.
Each staff member hired will have a designated supervisor. SCRED staff will be supervised by a
SCRED administrator. Shared staff and special education reimbursed staff will be supervised by
an administrator of the district which employs the staff.
The district’s master contract and the staff member’s job description are the basis for
supervision, evaluation, monitoring/observation, technical assistance and staff development.
The designated supervisor is responsible for master contract supervision, job description
supervision, job performance supervision, and evaluation of staff which includes the written
documentation of the process. This responsibility is not limited to the contracting district's work
site but is also applicable to all sharing districts' work sites. The designated supervisor is
responsible for establishing procedures with other districts' administrators for collaborating on
supervision and evaluation of shared and service contract staff.
The appropriate St. Croix River Education District’s program manager may provide technical
assistance to the designated supervisor by:
(1) implementing a program to develop and annually revise the description of each service
contract staff person's job including qualifications, performance responsibilities and other
details of the job;
(2) providing opportunities for each service contract staff person to participate in the
development, review and revision of his/her job description;
(3) providing opportunities for designated supervisors and district administrators to be trained to
use the job description for evaluation purposes;
(4) initiating a continuing program to determine criterion level for acceptable performance in
each area of job responsibility; and
(5) utilizing the results as the basis for planning staff development activities.
A designated supervisor may delegate job description supervision to another staff member.
Authorization to Discuss and Exchange Data for Purposes of Supervision and
Supervision and Evaluation
Adopted by SCRED Governing Board on: March 18, 1993
Page 2
Revised: August 2009