LDS Task Descriptions General Location Drainage Map Description: This task involves the preparation of the General Location Drainage Map to show the project with respect to the overall drainage features. The base map for the General Location Drainage Map is a color copy of the USGS Hydrologic Atlas (HA). If the HA is not available use the USGS Quadrangle map. The scale of the base map should be maintained. Draw or sketch any missing pertinent highways on the HA Atlas. Refer to Section 2-201 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Specific Tasks: Show the project limits and label the project route and crossroads. The drainage divides shown on the HA map and the contours should be legible. Additional subdrainage divides will be shown on the Existing Drainage Plan, if available, otherwise show on the General Location Drainage Map for each Major Culvert Crossing. All significant offsite areas tributary to the highway should be shown. Show the location of the identified drainage problems (non-maintenance type), label the receiving streams, and major drainage features (include sizes) on the General Location Drainage Map. A key should be used to distinguish locations of identified drainage problem areas and should reference those listed in Section 1-01 of the Location Drainage Study. Add north arrow, title, and scale. Deliverable: 1. Exhibit 1-00a, General Location Drainage Map. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 1 LDS Task Descriptions Existing Drainage Plan Description: This task describes the requirements of a detailed Existing Drainage Plan (EDP). Section 2-202 of the IDOT Drainage Manual provides additional detail on requirements for the EDP. The purpose of the EDP is to illustrate the current drainage features to the extent necessary to define: External areas which drain to the proposed highway right of way; Sheet and concentrated flow entering the highway drainage system; Drainage summits along and adjacent to the highway, including the centerline of the roadway. Drainage divides as indicated by the Hydrologic Atlases (HA's) must be shown; interpreted sub-divides (summits) as determined by the Drainage Engineer should also be shown; Existing closed drainage systems, which include local drainage facilities located within the proposed highway right of way (local facilities are to be appropriately labeled); Low flow and flood flow (overflow); Highway outlets with interpreted tributary areas; Floodplain and floodway boundaries. Contour mapping and aerial imagery is available to the Department from all counties in District/Region One. IDOT will provide 1-ft or 2-ft contour mapping and aerial imagery in digital format. Both aerial imagery and contour mapping should be used as the EDP base map, along with existing CADD topography. Screening, gray-scaling, and/or weight adjustments may be needed to ensure clarity of all critical information. The EDP should be prepared in digital format. Specific Tasks: Verify that the project limits, project route, crossroads, and streams have been identified. The existing right of way and centerline must also be shown on the base map. Coordinate any missing geometric information or mapping deficiencies with the Project and Environmental Studies Section before the EDP is prepared. All deficiencies must be documented by the Drainage Engineer. Obtain and review available contour mapping, highway plans/microfilm highway plans, and drainage plans from adjacent municipalities, townships, and county agencies. Identify those drainage features (i.e. storm sewers, culverts etc.) which may not be shown on the existing CADD topography. Coordinate the need for supplemental survey with the Project and Environmental Studies Section (i.e. sewer location, inverts, sizes, etc.) and review survey data as it is obtained. Use the attached drainage legend for preparing the EDP's. This legend is consistent with IDOT CADD standards. Refer to and use the drainage survey notes to develop the EDP. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 2 LDS Task Descriptions Use the HA as a guide to interpret the location of the drainage divides on the EDP. Review all available information (contour mapping, cross sections, HA maps, municipal sewer maps and field review) to interpret sub-divides and delineate the tributary drainage areas per outlet. Number all outlets (low flow outlets may not be at the same location as the flood flow outlets) for reference in Location Drainage Study Section 2-02. In cases where the HA or USGS Quadrangle map must be used to complete the tributary drainage area, a separate exhibit showing this drainage area shall be included in the calculations. Use the appropriate FIS FIRM maps and transfer the floodplain and floodway boundaries to the EDP. The floodplain boundaries should be based on the profile data supplied by FEMA. Transfer of the floodway can be accomplished by scaling. The limits of the floodplain and floodway boundaries must be shown within the proposed right of way. Identify all sewers (types), label sizes, and show direction of flow. Identify all culverts and label types and sizes. Inverts for crossroad culverts and sewer outfalls should also be shown. The major drainage features should be numbered for reference in Location Drainage Study Section 1-03. Add north arrow, title, and scale to all plan sheets. The drainage legend should appear on the first plan sheet at a minimum. Show the location of all field tile within the proposed right of way. Follow procedures provided in Section 2-202.01 in the Drainage Manual. Conduct "plan in hand" field review to verify interpreted drainage divides per outlet and resolve identified inconsistencies per review of EDP’s by other agencies. Deliverables: 1. Exhibit 1-00b, Existing Drainage Plan to be folded and provided within pockets inside the Location Drainage Study. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 3 LDS Task Descriptions Identified Drainage Problems Description: This task involves the documentation of identified drainage problems throughout the project limits. Identified drainage problems are generally categorized as routine maintenance or highway related. Highway related problems occur on or off the highway right of way. The Drainage Engineer should also determine if IDOT, or other entities, are responsible for corrective measures. Refer to Section 2-203 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Specific Tasks: IDOT personnel will research IDOT records and provide, if available, the Drainage Engineer with the location and description of any identified drainage problem. The Drainage Engineer will also be responsible to document those drainage problems not identified by IDOT personnel, but discovered through site investigations, local coordination, and/or local testimony. Screen out all identified drainage problems that are due to maintenance issues and inform IDOT, Hydraulics. Hydraulics will provide written notification to IDOT, Bureau of Maintenance. Review the documentation for the identified drainage problems not related to maintenance issues and request any additional information, if available, that may be needed to define the problem, identify the cause, and develop a solution. This information may include additional IDOT records, topographic mapping, survey data, local testimony or records. Define the factors leading to the drainage problem and determine who is responsible for corrective measures. Depending on the complexity of the identified drainage problem, it may be necessary to evaluate alternatives and determine the most cost-effective solution. This evaluation would be completed as part of the Drainage Alternatives and documented in Section 2-05 of the Location Drainage Study. Any recommended solution would be documented in Section 2-07 of the Location Drainage Study, and on the Proposed Drainage Plan, Exhibit 2-00a. Deliverables: 1. 2. Location Drainage Study text, Section 1-01. A specific, recommendation/solution noted in Section 2-07 and/or Section 2-05. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 4 LDS Task Descriptions Identified Base Floodplains Description: This task involves the identification and documentation of existing floodplains and floodways within the project limits. An exhibit will be prepared to show the project with respect to the existing floodplains and floodways. The base map for the exhibit will be copies of the National Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). Specific Tasks: Use the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for each county and community crossed by the project limits. The FIRM is available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Map Service Center website. A separate exhibit should be developed for each community and county crossed by the project limits. The base map for each exhibit should be the FIRM. The exhibits should show the project limits, with the project route and crossroads labeled. The north arrow, scale, map key and map cover page should all be included on the exhibit. The map cover page will include the community and panel numbers and the effective date. Deliverables: 1. Exhibit 1-02a Flood Boundary and Floodway Map or Flood Insurance Rate Map. 2. Location Drainage Study text, Section 1-02. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 5 LDS Task Descriptions Major Drainage Features Description: This task involves the compilation of data to enable the Hydraulic Analysis to be developed for the existing and proposed conditions for the following Major Drainage Features: Bridges Major Culvert Crossings Pump Stations Reservoirs/Detention Facilities Depressed Roadways (Subways) Channels and/or Zone A Floodplains The results of the Hydraulic Analysis for existing conditions will be included in Section 1-03 of the Location Drainage Study. The results of the Hydraulic Analysis proposed conditions will be included in Section 207.2 of the Location Drainage Study. The level of Hydraulic Analysis will depend on the scope of work and project specific conditions of the Major Drainage Feature. Refer to Sections 2-204 and 2-309 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Bridges Specific Tasks: If required, a separate Hydraulic Report (HR) will be prepared in accordance with “Content of Hydraulic Report”. From the HR, include the Waterway Information Table (WIT) in the Location Drainage Study. If no HR and other data available such as FIS, prepare WIT. Provide input regarding clearance, freeboard, roadway and bridge deck profile requirements, overtopping (if any), high water elevations, and flooding under existing conditions. Identify and define constraints that substantiate the hydraulic design variations to be evaluated. Deliverables: 1. Exhibit 1-03.1a WIT ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 6 LDS Task Descriptions 2. Section 1-03 Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance (limited to one or two paragraphs) under existing conditions. Discuss waterway opening, overtopping, freeboard, clearance, flooding, scour, etc. 3. Section 2-07.2.1 Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance (limited to one or two paragraphs) for proposed conditions. Discuss waterway opening, overtopping, freeboard, clearance, flooding, scour, etc. Major Culvert Crossings Definition of Major Culver Crossing Single or multi barrel culverts with a combined end area opening greater than 7.5 square feet (0.7 square meters), or, Single or multi barrel culverts regardless of the combined end area opening when the Major Culvert crossing drains 20 acres or more (8.1 hectares or more) in an urban area and 200 acres or more (81 hectares or more) in a rural area when the scope of the roadway work is new construction, or, Single or multi barrel culverts regardless of combined end are opening located within an identified base floodplain or flood of record as shown on the General Location Drainage Map. Any culvert associated with an identified drainage problem. Specific Tasks: Determine tributary area, land type and cover, time of concentration, etc. on an exhibit and include supporting calculations. Determine discharges based upon Drainage Manual Procedures. Prepare WIT for existing conditions. Review results of analysis for consistency with pertinent data (i.e. Flood Insurance Study data, known flood elevations, etc.) Hydraulic Analysis for proposed conditions. Provide a plan and profile exhibit showing existing and proposed conditions for the major culvert crossing. Provide input to Project and Environmental Studies Section for evaluation of the geometrics meeting freeboard criteria, if it applies and if overtopping condition exists. Complete WIT for proposed conditions Deliverables: 1. Exhibit 1-03.1a WIT 2. Section 1-03 Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance (limited to one or two paragraphs) under existing conditions. Discuss waterway opening, overtopping, freeboard, clearance, flooding, scour, etc. 3. Section 2-07.2.2 Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance (limited to one or two paragraphs) for proposed conditions. Discuss waterway opening, overtopping, freeboard, clearance, flooding, scour, etc. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 7 LDS Task Descriptions 4. Major culvert crossing Hydraulic Package which includes a narrative, location exhibit showing drainage area, exhibit showing Major Culvert Crossing on plan and profile, hard copy of hydrology and hydraulics backup calculations, electronic copies (on CD) of hydrology and hydraulics backup calculations, and WIT. Pump Stations Specific Tasks: If required, a separate Pump Station Hydraulic Report (PSHR) will be prepared in accordance with Chapter 13-Pumping Stations contained in the Drainage Manual. Deliverables: 1. Section 1-03 Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance under existing conditions. 2. Section Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance for proposed conditions. Reservoirs/Detention Facilities Description: Reservoirs/Detention Facilities basically refer to existing, man-made, open detention basins which may be impacted by the proposed actions of the highway improvement. Refer to Storm Water Detention Task for the specific work tasks for those cases where a detention facility is proposed when there is no existing one. Specific Tasks: Consider alternatives to avoid or minimize any impacts to the existing facility and provide the recommended alternative. Review all available hydraulic information regarding the design of the existing facility, such as size, volume of storage, normal and high water surface elevations, release rates and flood flow (overflow) route. If there is no information available regarding the design of the facility, determine (under existing conditions) the storage volume, water surface elevation, and release rate in accordance with the methods described in the Drainage Manual for the 2, 10, 50, and 100 year events. Determine the flood flow (overflow route). Determine the storage volume, water surface elevation and release rate in accordance with the methods described in the Drainage Manual for the 2, 10, 50, and 100 year events when the proposed highway improvement impacts the existing facility. Verify if the flood flow (overflow) route is maintained. Determine significant impacts, if any, to the upstream and/or downstream properties regarding increased flood flows and/or increased flood stages (water surface elevations) if the proposed highway improvement impacts the facility. Coordinate with the Project and Environmental Studies Section, the significant impacts, for the purpose of reconsidering the proposed scope of work to the highway. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 8 LDS Task Descriptions Deliverables: 1. Section 1-03 Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance under existing conditions. 2. Section Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance for proposed conditions. 3. Calculations Depressed Roadways (Subways) Description: A subway condition is defined for depressed roadways and depressed underpasses where ponded water can be removed only through the use of a storm sewer gravity flow system or a pump station. The storm sewer system is evaluated and/or designed for a 50 year storm frequency and checked for a 100 year storm frequency. If the storm sewer system draining the subway leads to a Pump Station, refer to Major Drainage Features – Pump Stations for the appropriate drainage tasks. Specific Tasks: Depending on the history of flooding (if any) and/or scope of roadway work at the subway, an evaluation may be necessary to determine the following: Review all available pavement flooding information such as the number of occurrences and depth of flooding. Determine the drainage area to the subway. Evaluate limiting the area draining to the subway through the use of berms or other structural measures. Determine the hydraulic grade line (HGL) for the outlet storm sewer system draining the subway for existing conditions and for proposed conditions. Evaluate the roadway profile with respect to the HGL. 2’ freeboard for 50-yr storm should be provided. Determine the most cost effective solution such as maintain the existing subway system, provide revisions for new outlet storm sewer design, provisions for storm water detention, and/or roadway profile modifications to achieve a higher level of design frequency protection for the subway. Deliverables: 1. Section 1-03 Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance (limited to one or two paragraphs) under existing conditions. 2. Section Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance (limited to one or two paragraphs) for proposed conditions. 3. Calculations ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 9 LDS Task Descriptions Channels and/or Zone A Floodplains Definition: Natural or manmade (such as a chute, flume, spillway, etc.) channels apply to any conveyance in which flowing water has a free surface subjected only to atmospheric pressure. The flow in a channel is produced under the influence of gravity. The energy available is due to the elevation difference from one section to another section of the channel. Channels may be either lined or unlined. When the highway parallels or crosses the channel the waters carried by the channel mush be conveyed in a manner which will minimize the effects of any highway encroachments or highway restriction. Specific Tasks Show the location of the existing channel on the EDP. On the EDP, plot the existing channel bottom slope, and provide cross sections at appropriate locations to describe the existing channels size and type. Show the proposed scope of drainage work the existing channel on the PDP. On the PDP, plot the proposed channel bottom slope and provide cross sections at appropriate locations to describe the proposed channel, size, type, lining, etc. Based on the hydrologic and hydraulic methods described in the Drainage Manual, provide calculations showing velocity, discharge, and water surface profiles for the 2, 10, 50 and 100 year events for existing and proposed conditions. If the average channel velocity and/or downstream discharge rate for the 10, 50 and up to the 100 year event is increased by ten (10) percent or more, revise the proposed channel improvements to meet these described criteria. Zone A Floodplains are unstudied and require similar techniques to define 10, 50, 100, and 500 or over-topping events. Deliverables: 1. Section 1-03 Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance under existing conditions. 2. Section 2-07.2.6 Narrative summary of the hydraulic performance for proposed conditions. 3. Calculations. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 10 LDS Task Descriptions Design Criteria Description: This task involves documentation that the highway system meets certain design criteria as specified in Section 2-01 of the Location Drainage Study and providing justification for those cases in which it does not. Refer to Section 2-301 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Specific Tasks: Review design criteria and complete Section 2-01 of the Location Drainage Study. For those cases where design criteria is not met, the Drainage Engineer should coordinate those cases with the Project and Environmental Studies Section. The Project and Environmental Studies Section should provide written documentation for non-compliance of the design criteria to IDOT/Hydraulics Section for concurrence The Drainage Engineer shall present non-compliance of freeboard and clearance design criteria at the FHWA meeting. Provide meeting minutes. IDOT/Hydraulics Section will process design exemptions as required. Deliverables: 1. Section 2-01 Design Criteria with justification for non-compliance of design criteria for those cases not meeting design criteria. 2. FHWA meeting minutes included in Appendix C. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 11 LDS Task Descriptions Outlet Evaluation Description: This task involves the evaluation of existing outlets to determine their suitability for continued use and sensitivity to increases in rate and volume of runoff. The outlets to be evaluated are identified in Existing Drainage System, Section 1-00 of the Location Drainage Study. Outlets are typically defined as locations where runoff exits the right of way as concentrated flow (i.e., sewers, ditches, streams, etc.). Some cases involving reinstatement of sheet flow, especially in urbanizing areas, may also require an outlet evaluation to determine the potential impact to downstream properties. Refer to Section 2-302 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Sensitivity of an existing outlet involves determining if the outlet can accept increases in rate, volume of runoff and changes in water quality, without impacts to downstream properties. Generally, all storm sewers, combined sewers and field tiles are considered sensitive. Specific Tasks: Use data obtained during the development and coordination of the Existing Drainage Plans and Identified Drainage Problems to qualitatively evaluate whether each outlet is suitable for continued use, sensitive, or unsuitable. This data may include written or verbal input on the design capacity of the outlet, type of outlet, downstream sensitivity, drainage or flooding problems, field observations, and the location of wetlands or other environmentally sensitive areas. Other data to be reviewed includes local ordinances, survey data, highway plans or sewer atlases. Suitable and nonsensitive outlets require no further evaluation. Document the location and source of unsuitable and sensitive outlets in Section 2-04 of the Location Drainage Study. The source can be derived from review of the available data. Perform further quantitative evaluation of unsuitable and sensitive outlets, if necessary. The evaluation may include but is not limited to: 1. Determination if there is a measurable increase in runoff as a result of the proposed improvement. 2. Analysis of the existing outlet with proposed flow rate to determine potential impacts. 3. Analysis of the capacity of the existing drainage system. 4. Analysis of depressional storage areas, ponds or wetlands to determine potential increases in water surface elevations or impacts of increased volume of runoff. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 12 LDS Task Descriptions Based on results of the evaluation, develop feasible, cost effective recommendations in accordance with IDOT policies, practices and procedures. The recommendations should consider cost, cost participation (if any), right of way requirements, and consistency with scope of the improvement. The recommendations may include but are not limited to: 1. Maintaining the existing outlet 2. Providing storm water detention. Detailed analysis is included in Storm Water Detention, Section 2-03 and Proposed Drainage Plans, Section 2-07 of the Location Drainage Study. 3. Developing concept plans for an outlet improvement or utilization of an alternate outlet which may entail rerouting or diversions. Detailed analysis is included in Proposed Drainage Plans, Section 2-07 of the Location Drainage Study. Document the evaluation and preferred recommendation for the unsuitable or sensitive outlets in Section 2-02 of the Location Drainage Study. Deliverables: 1. Supporting calculations for the evaluation of outlet capacities and improvements (if necessary). These calculations shall be included in Appendix D of the Location Drainage Study. 2. Section 2-02 of the Location Drainage Study. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 13 LDS Task Descriptions Storm Water Detention Analysis Description: This task involves the evaluation of detention requirements in accordance with Section 1304.03 of the Drainage Manual Storm Water Storage. Justification should be included to support the findings of either providing detention or omitting it. Refer to Section 2-303 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Specific Tasks: Determine storage volume required based on IDOT policy for those outlets for which storm water detention is recommended in Outlet Evaluation task. This is performed on an outlet-by-outlet basis. Consider local ordinance requirements for storm water detention. Develop a concept plan for providing the required storage volumes for those reaches draining to outlets as determined in the Outlet Evaluation task. Consider the potential storage volume incidental to proposed drainage structures, new laterals and extensions. Also determine if a “closed” or “open” storage facility is required. If detention cannot be provided cost effectively within the highway right-of-way, then off-site detention should be considered Refine concept plan and develop concept size and location drawings for storage facilities. Storage pipes and oversized sewers should be shown on both plan and profile views of the Proposed Drainage Plan. Plot the HGL for the design storm frequency (usually the 10 or 50 year event). Check the 100 year event by plotting the HGL for the 100 year event. Where open detention is proposed, templated cross sections should be revised to show locations of oversized ditches or storm water detention basins. These cross sections shall be included in Appendix D. Oversized ditches for detention should be shown on the PDP with the size, limits, design high water and design release rate. Check the 100 year event. Control structure schematics should be developed and the design data included in Appendix D. The control structure schematics should be shown on the Proposed Drainage Plan or on a separate exhibit if necessary. Low and overflow elevations are to be shown as is proposed freeboard if applicable. Deliverables: 1. 2. 3 4. Section 2-03 Storm Water Detention Analysis. Detailed calculations for the storage required and storage provided should be included in the Location Drainage Study Appendix D. Site concept plan and control structure schematics (shown on PDP). Plot of HGL (shown on PDP). ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 14 LDS Task Descriptions Right of Way Analysis Description: This task involves a determination of the drainage right of way and easement requirements. The proposed drainage improvements should be evaluated to see if additional right of way or drainage easements are needed. Refer to Section 2-304 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Specific Tasks: Review the proposed roadway plan and templated cross sections and how they relate to the existing right of way. Review the right of way and easement needs for outlet pipes, pump stations, ditch drainage, culvert extensions, and detention ponds, and floodplain compensatory storage. Tabulate the right of way and easement requirements including stations and offsets. Coordinate the right of way and easement requirements with the Project and Environmental Studies Section. Deliverables: 1. Section 2-04 of the Location Drainage Study. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 15 LDS Task Descriptions Drainage Alternatives Description: This task involves the qualitative analysis of feasible alternative drainage concepts and recommendation of a preferred drainage alternative. The drainage alternatives are identified during the development of the proposed drainage plans. The level of evaluation required is dependent on the scope and complexity of the project. Refer to Section 2-305 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Specific Tasks: Develop drainage alternatives (if any) and determine the level of evaluation required. Perform a qualitative evaluation of the drainage alternatives consistent with IDOT policies, practices and procedures. Items to consider include reinstatement of existing drainage patterns, right of way requirements, best management practices (bmp), consistency with scope of improvement, and cost. For all diversions proposed it is mandatory to discuss alternatives to reinstate the existing drainage patterns. Document the evaluation of drainage alternatives and the preferred recommendation in Section 2-05 of the Location Drainage Study. Deliverables: 1. Section 2-05 of the Location Drainage Study. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 16 LDS Task Descriptions Local and other Agency Coordination Description: The purpose of this task is to encourage involvement by the local and other agency(ies) to document comments, drainage concerns, and concurrence with the EDP and PDP. Refer to Sections 2-205 and 2-307 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Specific Tasks: IDOT makes initial contact with local and other agency(ies) regarding available drainage data, ordinances, and any identified drainage problems. Follow-up letter will be sent out by IDOT. Any follow-up phone calls can be made by the Drainage Engineer at his/her discretion. IDOT will send out the EDP and PDP to the agency(ies) for review and comments. The Drainage Engineer will make arrangements for a coordination meeting with the agency(ies). A meeting agenda should be prepared and distributed prior to the meeting. At the coordination meeting, the Drainage Engineer will present the EDP, the PDP (if not completed, a conceptual plan is required), preliminary drainage alternatives (if any), and drainage issues (if any) for discussion. The Drainage Engineer shall prepare a meeting summary and document all relevant comments, concerns and drainage issues in a concise manner. Documentation of concurrence with the EDP and PDP is desired. The Drainage Engineer should prepare a follow-up disposition to the comments, and/or update the EDP and/or PDP as required in a timely manner. Notify participants of action taken. If additional meetings are required, repeat the process. Deliverables: 1. 2. Location Drainage Study text, Section 2-06. Copy of all pertinent correspondence such as telephone logs, letters and meeting minutes inserted in Location Drainage Study Appendix C. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 17 LDS Task Descriptions Proposed Drainage Plan Description: This task involves the preparation of a Proposed Drainage Plan (PDP), with drainage symbols and notes on exhibit(s), and appropriate wording in the Location Drainage Study text, which fully describes the proposed drainage concept. Both aerial imagery and contour mapping should be used as the PDP base map, along with existing CADD topography and proposed geometric plan superimposed. The PDP should be prepared in a digital format. Refer to Section 2-308 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. The purpose of the PDP is to illustrate the proposed drainage features and overall concept to the extent necessary to identify: Reinstatement of the existing drainage patterns; Sub areas to each outlet; Low and overflow (flood) flows; Diversions (shown as cross hatched); Potential utility conflicts; Maintain, replace or construct storm sewers, crossroad and appurtenant culverts, and special drainage structures; Maintain, re-grade, or construct ditches and/or swales; Location for proposed storm water detention. Specific Tasks: The Drainage Engineer should use the EDP, proposed geometric plan, existing and proposed roadway profiles, templated roadway cross sections, and any available contour mapping to develop the PDP Exhibit 2-00a. The PDP should be developed utilizing the drainage symbols attached with the EDP tasks. These drainage symbols are consistent with the EDP Tasks. Verify that the project limits, project route, crossroads, and streams have been identified. The existing right of way and centerline along with the anticipated proposed right of way or drainage easements must also be shown on the base map. Coordinate any missing geometric information or mapping deficiencies with the Project and Environmental Studies Section before the PDP is prepared. All deficiencies must be documented by the Drainage Engineer. The Drainage Engineer should utilize the EDP and the templated cross sections to define the proposed tributary areas (sub divides) to each outlet, and to identify diversions. All outlets, including new outlets, if any, (low flow outlets may not be at the same location as the flood flow outlets) should be identified and numbered for reference in Location Drainage Study Section 2-02. Identify regraded ditch locations. For regraded ditches, provide beginning and ending stations. Identify proposed ditch and proposed swale locations. For proposed ditches, identify beginning and ending stations and proposed ditch slope. Proposed ditches should be standard ditches, especially when additional right of way is ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 18 LDS Task Descriptions requested for drainage purposes. Ditches required for storm water detention are described in Storm Water Detention Analysis. All technical data utilized in the design of the ditches/swales shall be included in the Location Drainage Study, Appendix D. Identify all locations where sheet flow is to be reinstated or proposed. Existing storm sewers to be maintained must be identified with beginning and ending stations. Existing storm sewers to be abandoned must be identified with beginning and ending stations. Proposed storm sewers are to be designed (sized) based on the IDOT Drainage Manual methods. The size, inverts, and slopes of the proposed storm sewer systems are to be provided on the PDP exhibit(s). Plan and profile of the proposed storm sewer runs (not lateral extensions) are required. The Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL) for the design storm frequency must be plotted on the storm sewer profile. Storm sewers required for detention are described in Storm Water Detention Analysis. A detailed sketch of any special drainage structure must be provided on the PDP or on a separate exhibit. All technical data utilized in the design of the storm sewers shall be included in the Location Drainage Study, Appendix D. The Drainage Engineer is to indicate the proposed concept (i.e. maintain, replace, extend, etc.) for cross road and appurtenant culverts that do not qualify as Major Culvert Crossings. The proposed sizing (if any) of Non-Major Culvert Crossing are performed in Phase II. The Drainage Engineer shall ensure the proposed culvert concept is compatible with the existing and/or proposed right of way Add north arrow, title, and scale to all plan sheets. The drainage legend should appear on the first sheet at a minimum. The roadway scope of work (construction, reconstruction, and/or rehabilitation) must be shown on the plan sheets. Prepare Location Drainage Study Text, Section 2-07.1 which fully describes the proposed drainage plan. Deliverables: 1. 2. 3. Location Drainage Study text Section 2-07. Calculations and technical data used in the design/sizing of the proposed drainage system to be included in Appendix D of Location Drainage Study. Proposed Drainage Plan, Exhibit 2-00a, to be folded and provided within pockets inside the Location Drainage Study. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 19 LDS Task Descriptions Water Quality Best Management Practices (BMPs) Permanent Measures Description: This task involves documentation that the designer has considered options for water quality Best Management Practices (BMPs) and incorporated these practices into the Proposed Drainage Plans as specified in Section 2-08 of the Location Drainage Study. The section also provides opportunity to provide justification for those cases in which the incorporation of BMPs is limited. Specific Tasks: Identify regulatory BMP requirements. Coordinate with regulatory agencies and other involved agencies. Coordinate with IDOT departments as needed. Identify opportunities for green infrastructure BMPs in the project area, including improving existing facilities and establishing new BMP measures. Identify opportunities for grey infrastructure BMPs where green infrastructure is not an option. This can also include improving existing facilities and establishing new BMP measures. Identify the need for additional Right-of-Way (ROW) or permanent easements to allow for implementation of the selected BMPs. Identify the locations of the proposed BMPs on the Proposed Drainage Plans. Identify the locations of the necessary additional ROW and permanent easements on the Proposed Drainage Plans. Provide adequate guidelines for the Phase II designer to comply with USACE and NPDES requirements and incorporate the proposed BMPs into the Phase II plans. Complete Section 2-08 of the Location Drainage Study. Deliverables: 1. Section 2-08 Water Quality Best Management Practices (BMP) Permanent Measures. 2. Inclusion of proposed BMPs on Proposed Drainage Plans. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 20 LDS Task Descriptions Floodplain Encroachment Evaluation Description: This task involves the evaluation of encroachments on Regulatory Floodways and unstudied Zone A floodplains. Regulatory Floodplains are those 100 year frequency floodplains which are mapped by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources – Office of Water Resources (IDNR-OWR) and/or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Additional guidelines for conducting this evaluation and assessment are contained in Chapter 3 of the Drainage Manual and in Section 26-7 of the Bureau of Design and Environment Manual (BDE). Refer to Section 2-306 of the IDOT Drainage Manual for additional information. Specific Tasks: Obtain and review data. This data includes the roadway plan and profile, cross sections, and the Flood Insurance Study data, if available. Determine the appropriateness of the proposed action or work and provide recommendations for plan revisions or alternatives to avoid a significant encroachment. IDOT policy is to avoid longitudinal encroachments when practical and minimize the extent of encroachment if it is unavoidable. Review and consider IDNR-OWR permit requirements and local ordinances. Perform a qualitative evaluation of the extent and degree of encroachment in accordance with Executive Order 2006-05. If the proposed work does not cause significant impacts, then complete the evaluation by documenting the location in Section 3-00 of the Location Drainage Study. If there are potentially significant impacts, proceed with the additional tasks described below: Perform hydraulic analysis for the proposed conditions to determine the magnitude of changes in water surface elevations for the 10 year and 100 year flood frequencies. Inspect the floodplain and determine if there are any buildings or structures located in the floodplain subjected to the proposed action or work. Inspect the floodplain to determine if increases in flood heights could result in significant damage not expected under current conditions. Prepare a horizontal plan of the floodplain encroachment. Show the floodplain boundaries (on contour mapping if available), adjacent to and including the roadway within the limits of the floodplain encroachment. Prepare cross sections of the floodplain. Using the roadway cross sections show the layout of the floodplain boundaries adjacent to and including the roadway within the limits of the floodplain encroachment. These cross sections should include: normal water surface elevation, 10 year flood elevation, 100 year flood ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 21 LDS Task Descriptions elevation, floodplain and floodway boundaries, and areas of fill/cut within the floodplain and floodway. Compute encroachment volumes between the normal and 10 year flood elevation, and between the 10 year and 100 year flood elevations within both the floodway and floodplain. Note that it is IDOT policy to provide compensatory storage for fill anywhere in the floodplain associated with a longitudinal encroachment and fill in any floodway outside the City of Chicago. Determine a suitable means to provide compensatory storage. This includes the evaluation of alternate sites, the development of a plan schematic and site cross sections, and determination of compensatory storage volume provided. If the qualitative evaluation shows that there are minimal or insignificant changes in the flood heights or flood limits, complete the evaluation by documenting the location in Section 3-00 of the Location Drainage Study. For most cases the evaluation does not extend beyond this step. However, if the evaluation shows that there is still a potentially significant impact proceed below: Coordinate with IDNR-OWR and local agencies to determine degree of significance of the potential impact on the floodplain. Perform a Risk Assessment in accordance with Section 3-004.02 of the IDOT Drainage Manual. This may lead to the reiteration of the activities described above for design alternates. If the results of the evaluation show that the impact is significant, proceed below, otherwise, document the location in Section 3-00 of the Location Drainage Study and complete the Permit Summary Form and Attachment A, if required. If a significant impact remains and the proposed action is the only practicable alternative, a Risk Analysis must be performed in accordance with Section 3004.03 of the Drainage Manual. Present the findings at the FHWA monthly coordination and obtain concurrence of the proposal. Document the location is Section 3-00 of the Location Drainage Study and complete the Permit Summary Form and Attachment A, if required. Provide support to the Project and Environmental Studies Section to document the floodplain encroachments in the Environmental Assessment Report or EIS if one is being prepared for the project. Deliverables: 1. 2. 3. Section 3-00 of the Location Drainage Study. Supporting calculations for the hydraulic analysis, evaluation of encroachment and determination of compensatory storage volumes. These calculations should be included in Appendix D of the Location Drainage Study. Permit Summary Form and Attachment A (included in the Hydraulic Report, if it is required). ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 22 LDS Task Descriptions Illinois Department of Natural Resources Office of Water Resources (IDNR-OWR) Permit Description: This task identifies any permit requirements of the IDNR-0WR for construction activity within designated floodways, floodplains, and Public Bodies of Waters of rivers, streams and lakes within the State of Illinois. Refer to Section 1-404 of the Drainage Manual for additional information. Specific Tasks: If the affected river, stream or lake is a Public Body of Water, then an Individual Permit from IDNR-OWR is required. If the affected river, stream or lake is not a designated floodway and is a regulatory floodplain that has a drainage area greater than one square mile, identify the appropriate Individual or Statewide Permit required. If the affected river, stream or lake is a designated floodway that has a drainage area greater than one square mile, identify the appropriate Floodway Permit required. A completed Permit Summary Form (and its Attachment “A”) is required for each location involving a floodway. This form and attachment are prepared under the Floodplain Encroachment Evaluation task or Hydraulic Report task and they must be included in Appendix C. Document any coordination with IDNR-OWR regarding permits and include in Appendix C of the Location Drainage Study. Deliverables: 1. Location Drainage Study text, Section 4-00. 2. Correspondence with IDNR-OWR, included in Appendix C of the Location Drainage Study. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 23 LDS Task Descriptions Study Assembly Description: This task involves the organization, preparation and assembly of the completed Location Drainage Study. This task follows completion of all previous tasks. Location Drainage Study revisions should be anticipated and the time required to implement those revisions are included in the individual tasks. Only the organizational time for those revisions is included in this task. Specific Tasks: A report cover should be prepared. A draft date on the cover to facilitates identification of initial and subsequent revisions. The table of contents should be prepared, with page numbers included. The necessary appendices should be compiled and separator pages prepared. The use of contrasting color page for the appendices eases rapid location and identification of those appendices. Only drainage related documents should be included in Appendix C and Appendix D. Supporting calculations are included in Appendix D and should be bound separately if appropriate. Every supporting calculation page must contain “calculated by” and “checked by” initials. A draft and Pre-final copy of the Location Drainage Study should be presented to IDOT. IDOT will advise on the number of final copies of the Location Drainage Study. Copy, collate and bind the appropriate number of documents. Deliverables: 1. Draft, Pre-final, and Final copies of the Location Drainage Study. 2. A CD with PDF prints and live electronic files of the Location Drainage Study and all supporting calculations, documents, exhibits, etc. ACEC-Illinois / IDOT Drainage Seminar 2014 24