Press Release - Blanton Museum of Art

MEDIA CONTACT: Kathleen Brady (512-475-6784),
Brady Dyer (512-232-5171),
Pieces from Veronese’s altarpiece to be reunited and exhibited for the
first time since the 1780s
October 4, 2009 - February 7, 2010
AUSTIN, TX: The Blanton Museum of Art at the University of
Texas at Austin announces an important discovery regarding a
work by Venetian master Paolo Veronese (1528 – 1588). Head of
an Angel, a painting in the Blanton’s permanent collection, was
recently identified as a fragment of a long-lost masterpiece by
Veronese. The identification was made by Dr. Xavier Salomon, a
Veronese expert and curator of the Dulwich Picture Gallery outside
London. While conducting research for an upcoming exhibition,
Salomon began to suspect that the Blanton painting was in fact the
head of Saint Michael, the central figure in the so-called Petrobelli
altarpiece, created around 1565, at the height of the artist’s career.
Recent X-rays and other tests performed by Stephen Gritt,
conservator at the National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, confirmed
this hypothesis. Three other fragments from the altarpiece had been
previously identified in the collections of Dulwich, Ottawa, and the
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh. These works, along with
the Blanton’s newly identified Saint Michael, are currently
undergoing treatment and will be reunited for the first time in more
than two centuries. The reconstructed altarpiece will be exhibited, along with corresponding x-rays, first in
Dulwich in February 2009, and then in the exhibition, Paolo Veronese: The Petrobelli Altarpiece,
Reconstructing a Renaissance Masterpiece in Austin from October 4, 2009- February 7, 2010.
While the Blanton’s painting had always been recognized as a fragment from a larger work of Veronese’s
mature activity, Salomon suspected that it might correspond to the figure of Saint Michael that once stood
at the center of the altarpiece. One of three paintings by Veronese at the Blanton, the work was acquired in
1998 as part of the Suida-Manning Collection, which had been one of the finest collections of Old Master
paintings and drawings in private hands, including important works by Correggio, Parmigianino, Rubens,
Vouet, Lorrain, Ricci and Tiepolo. The acquisition not only transformed the museum’s holdings but
connected the Blanton with major American and European institutions and their projects. This discovery
and the painting’s role in an international exhibition are only the latest examples. Jonathan Bober, the
Blanton’s curator of prints, drawings and European paintings states, "We are elated by this discovery and
struck by its implications. Thanks to Salomon's wonderful intuition and diligent investigation, we now
understand the specific context, function, and quality of the work. The identification of the visual and
iconographic core of a major project by one of the greatest painters of the sixteenth century is no small
Around 1565 Veronese was commissioned to do the altarpiece by the cousins Antonio and Girolamo
Petrobelli for the church of San Francisco at Lendinara, a small town near Padua. The resulting painting
depicted each cousin with his patron saint at the sides of the composition, Saint Michael at the center, and
the Dead Christ supported by angels above. One of the largest altarpieces in the sixteenth-century Italy,
measuring over five meters high, it was cut down and sold in pieces when, following the suppression of the
Franciscan Order, the church was closed in 1788. Writing in 1795 about the altarpiece and its
dismemberment, the local historian Giovanni Battista Sasso noted that, “It was sold in quarters, as one does
with butcher’s meat.” Dulwich acquired its piece in 1811. After passing through various English hands,
the pieces at Edinburgh and Ottawa arrived in the early twentieth century. The intervening history of the
Blanton’s fragment is unknown before 1938, when William Suida published it.
For the Dulwich exhibition, which will the travel to Ottawa, the altarpiece will be reconstructed and
exhibited alongside X-rays and blown up details of the work. Salomon has recently presented his research
and this discovery at the National Gallery of Art, London, and in a recent issue of The Burlington
Magazine. This important discovery reinforces the treasures within the Suida-Manning collection and
provides an excellent opportunity to re-evaluate
this important work.
This exhibition is a collaboration between Dulwich Picture Gallery, London, and the National Gallery of
Canada, Ottawa, in association with the Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austin.
Presentation at the Blanton is funded in part by Cathy and Giorgio Borlenghi and Jessica and Jimmy
Younger. Additional support is provided by Alessandra and Kurt Dolnier and Patricia and Dee Osborne.
Travel for the exhibition is provided by a grant from the Still Water Foundation and by Continental
Airlines, the Official Airline of the Blanton Museum.
The Blanton Museum of Art
The Blanton Museum of Art at The University of Texas at Austin is one of the foremost university art
museums in the country, and has the largest and most comprehensive collection of art in Central Texas. The
museum welcomes and engages all visitors by offering personal, extraordinary experiences that connect art
and ideas, reaching within and beyond the university to stimulate the thriving, creative community that is
Austin, Texas. The Blanton's permanent collection of more than 17,000 works is recognized for its
European paintings, an encyclopedic collection of prints and drawings, and modern and contemporary
American and Latin American art.
Located at the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Congress Avenue, the museum is
across the street from the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum and is adjacent to downtown Austin.
The museum is open Tuesday - Friday 10-5, Thursday 10-8 (free admission day), Saturday 11- 5, and
Sunday from 1-5. Admission is free to members, all current UT ID-holders, and children under 12, $7 for
adults, $5 for seniors, $3 for college student with valid ID, and $3 for youth (ages 13–21). For information
call (512) 471-7324 or visit
For further information or images please contact:
Kathleen Brady/ Brady Dyer
Blanton Museum of Art, The University of Texas at Austin
(512) 475-6784 / (512) 232-5171
Image caption:
Paolo Veronese, Head of St. Michael (detail from the Petrobelli Altarpiece), c. 1565
Collection of the Blanton Museum of Art, Suida Manning Collection