Read 180 Syllabus Mrs. Nace - Room 239 Email: Overview: Read 180 is an intensive reading intervention program designed to meet the needs of students whose reading achievement is below the proficient level. The program directly addresses individual needs through adaptive and instructional software, high-interest literature, and direct instruction in reading and writing skills. The program starts with whole-group instruction; then breaks into three small groups that rotate from small-group instruction, to instructional software, to modeled and independent reading; and ends in a whole-group wrap-up instruction. Read 180 includes SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory), the computer-based reading comprehension test for grades k-12 that assesses reading level and provides a Lexile® score for every student. With SRI, you can easily measure reading progress throughout the year and guide students to books that will stimulate reading growth. Read 180 system includes a Scholastic Achievement Manager which will allow for detailed tracking of student progress and will continually inform teachers of the needs and growth of each student. Goals/Purposes: SRI Test for Placement: First students take the SRI test (Scholastic Reading Inventory), the computer-based reading comprehension test for grades k12 that assesses reading level and provides a Lexile® score for every student. This can help a reader choose a book at an appropriate level of difficulty. The Lexile measure also can be used to monitor a reader’s growth in reading ability over time. The result from the SRI test is how the students are placed in the Instructional Topic Software and choose their independent books during Modeled and Independent Reading time. 1. Measure of Reading Comprehension 2. Developmental Scale Score 3. Matches Students to Text Whole-Group Instruction: takes place during the first 20 minutes of a lesson. During this time, students use their rBooks along with direct instruction to learn reading skills and strategies, vocabulary and work study, and writing and grammar skills. Whole-Group Instruction is to help students become better readers through: 1. lessons in grammar, usage, and mechanic that focus on common errors 2. instruction in key writing types that directly relate to students’ reading 3. structured engagement routines that actively involve students in their learning 4. explicit instruction of important academic vocabulary words and word study elements 5. teaching and modeling of reading skills and strategies 6. many opportunities to hear models of fluent reading 7. anchor videos and discussions to build background knowledge before reading. Small-Group Instruction: is one of the three rotation groups. During this rotation the students use their rBooks and direct instruction with the teacher to teach, reinforce, and practice skills. Also reviewing and re-teaching of a specific skill based on individual students’ needs are preformed. Small-Group Instruction is to help students become better readers through: 1. teaching and modeling of reading skills and strategies 2. explicit instruction of important academic vocabulary words and word study elements 3. instruction in key writing types that directly relate to students’ reading 4. lessons in grammar, usage, and mechanics that focus on common errors 5. differentiated instruction in phonics, fluency, vocabulary and word study, spelling, comprehension, writing and grammar, and Englishlanguage development 6. fluency assessment and practice 7. structured engagement routines that actively involve students in their learning 8. practice using academic language in discussions and writing 9. teachers conferences to set goals, check reports, reflect on books, and review rBook The Instructional Topic Software: provides readers with customized instruction, immediate feedback, and individualized practice to address their unique reading needs. It collects data based on individual responses and adjusts instruction to meet each student’s needs in the areas of decoding and phonics, automatic word recognition, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling. The system also provides background knowledge and increases motivation. Modeled and Independent Reading: builds reading success using leveled paperbacks and grade-leveled audiobooks. During modeled reading, an experienced reader demonstrates good reading practices and strategies to a developing reader. The paperbacks build fluency, expand vocabulary, and provide practice readers lack. Modeled and Independent Reading is to help students become better readers through: 1. leveled reading practice 2. access to grade-level texts 3. think alouds that demonstrate reading skills and selfmonitoring strategies 4. modeled fluent reading 5. opportunities to respond to reading in writing Whole-Group Wrap-Up: end of the lesson – during this time, students summarize and review skills from Whole-Group and Small- Group Instruction. Also lead discussions about Topic Software videos, facilitate books talks, and review procedures. Whole-Group Wrap-Up is to help students become better readers through 1. reviewing skills 2. discussing books and videos 3. recognizing success 4. reflecting on the day through writing Course Requirements and Scoring: Actively participate in all aspects of the Read 180 Program without interfering in other students’ learning environment. Meet all individual requirements for each rotation along with the skills for each group (whole-group instruction, small-group instruction, instructional software, independent/modeled reading, and whole-group wrap-up): reading, phonology, word study, vocabulary, writing, listening, spelling, fluency, and comprehension skills. Placement test (SRI), rBooks tests for Whole/Small Group Instruction, master each zone in the Instructional Software, and fill-out worksheets for each paperback and audio book along with book tests to assess comprehension. 3 Groups Rotating Every 20 Minutes Middle 60 min First 20 min Whole-Group Instruction (workbook: rBook) 20 minutes Last 5 min Small Group Instruction Instructional software 60 minutes Modeled and Independent Reading Whole-Group Wrap-Up (review/summarize) 5 minutes