
Course outline Taihu International School
Name of the teacher: Cordelia Kouevi
Subject: German Language B SL
The aim of this course is to enable students to communicate effectively in German, in a
wide range of authentic situations and to a range of audiences, in both spoken and written
form. They will also be able to understand a wide range of written texts and spoken
material and respond accordingly. It is hoped that their experience and efficiency in using
the target language will provide them with the confidence and enjoyment to further their
language studies or use in work or leisure throughout their future life.
The cultural context of Germany and German speaking countries within which this
Language B is studied will provide exposure to the ideas and attitudes of these nations by
means of texts and recorded material, creating an appreciation of cultural and
international diversity.
The three areas of Language, Cultural Interaction and Message, linked to the assessment
criteria, will be explored across the four main language-learning skills of Listening,
Speaking, Reading and Writing. The Language objective will demand a degree of depth,
precision and range. In order to fulfill the Cultural interaction, students will be exposed to
a wide range of authentic material encompassing different perspectives, and encouraged
to practice their language skills in different social situations.
Working on the Message objective will require attention to presentation, and evaluation
of their organization of ideas in order to communicate appropriately and clearly. Such a
thorough, eclectic and culturally aware approach to language learning should provide
students with the desire to communicate, the tools to do so, and an appreciation of both
the way languages work and their cultural background.
It is intended that students taking the SL will have achieved a Grade 5 and above for SL
based on MYP grade descriptors.
Course description
The course below provides a means of fulfilling the aims and objectives as presented in
the course description. It is not intended to be finite, but rather a base from which to
explore and develop the students’ and teachers’ interests, the cultural identity of German
speaking countries and the international-mindedness running through the IB programme,
whilst at the same time empowering the student with the appropriate language tools for
efficient communication.
Internal formative assessments will form the ongoing routine of the course, with
summative, IB and non-IB assessments at pertinent points throughout the course,
coinciding with whole school examination sessions. Both sections of the IB externally
moderated oral assessment will be scheduled in DP two year.
Topics have been chosen in the order below in order to fit in with the rhythm of the
school year, thematic cohesion and also the students’ emotional, intellectual and
linguistic development.
There are no plans to teach towards other curriculums.
DP 1
Unit 1 : Core Topic : Communication and media ( The Internet) (August – September)
Use and abuse of internet, compare internet and TV, Reliability of online resources, pros
and cons of social networks such as facebook, compare social attitudes at different times,
Argumentative writing, Grammar: The cases, Komma rules
Unit 2 Core Topic : Communication and media ( Press) (September- October)
Predict and identify differences in German newspapers, Identify the features which typify
tabloid newspapers and serious newspapers, Recognize the difference between neutral
and emotional language, transforming articles in different registers ,Grammar: Use of
the subjunctive for indirect speech
Unit 3 Option Topic: Health ( Healthy food) (November-December)
Discuss vegetarian food, Spread of Mc Donalds, Change of nutrition in China, fast food
marketing, Video: Krank vom Essen ( food additives and chemicals) Grammar:
conjunctions, parts of a sentence
Practice for Individual Oral
Unit 4 Option Topic: Health ( drug abuse/alcohol) (January – February)
Reading and writing a diary entry, discuss the reasons and consequences of alcohol abuse
by young people in Germany, interview with binge drinkers Grammar: Modal verbs and
sentence structure using wenn,
1st Interactive oral activity: Role play(debate about interdiction of alcohol during a
school trip)
Unit 5 Core Topic: Global issues ( racism, prejudice and discrimination: Turks in
Germany) ( March- April)
Read a text about double nationality, learn about the history of the Turkish immigrants in
Germany, Interpreting a comic about discrimination, oral comprehension :video Fremd
im eigenen Land, discuss advantages and disadvantages being bilingual Grammar:
Dative clause
Unit 6 Core Topic: Global issues (pollution in cities) (April – May)
Collecting arguments to ban cars from city centers, discuss other reasons of pollution,
compare Chinese and German cities, link arguments logically, discuss different European
traffic concepts Grammar: Adjectives in superlative, prepositions
2nd Interactive oral activity: a speech to inform people about pollution consequences
Unit 7 Core topic : Social relationships ( German division 1963-1989) (May – June)
Read a diary entry about the fall of the Berlin Wall, bring the events in chronological
order, focusing on emotional expressions, analyze Kennedy`s speech in Berlin 1963, read
interviews with refugees and analyze the reasons, read a short story about escape from
East to West, write a diary about the reunification events Grammar: Tenses
Practice for Written Assignment
DP 2
Unit 8 Core topic : Social relationships ( Family) August – September)
Read and write an agony aunt letter and reply, think about teenage problems, role of the
women between family and job, interview with the family minister, divorce and the
impact on children Grammar: Perfect and imperfect tense, use of um…zu, relative
3rd Interactive oral activity: : role play between husband and wife
Unit 9 Option topic : Leisure ( travelling) ( October - November)
Read and write a letter from holidays, adjectives and their associations, influence of
tourism on nature and people, compare different types of holidays, Grammar: adjective
comparison, passive
Unit 10 Option topic: Leisure ( sports) ( November- December)
Pro and cons of professional sports, writing an argumentation, sport and business, fitness
and fashion
Assessment: Written Assignment
Revision ( January – March)
Reviewing unit topics through past papers and Grammar exercises, individual oral
Assessment: Individual Oral
Main Resources: (To be added: online resources)
Advance materials:
 Gut lesen, besser schreiben
 Aspekte Deutscher Gegenwart (Band 1 und 2)
Hueber: Sag`s besser Teil 1
Langenscheidt: Grammatiktraining Deutsch
 Klipp und Klar (Uebungsgrammatik Grundstufe Deutsch)
 Unterwegs Lesebuch Klasse 10
 Geradeaus Sprachbuch Klasse 10
 Deutschbuch Grundausgabe Arbeitsheft Klasse 10
 Das Hirschgraben Lesebuch Klasse 10
Schroedel: wortstark Klasse 10