G89.4457 Spring 2013 Marsha Levy

G89.4457 Spring 2013
Marsha Levy-Warren, Ph.D.
415 Central Park West, Suite 1EL
New York, New York 10025-4855
(212) 873-2997
Adolescence: Psychoanalytic Theory, Developmental Experience, and Treatment Issues
Week 1: Introduction (January 30)
A Psychoanalytic Theory of Development
2. (February 6) What does it mean to think developmentally in doing psychoanalytic
Levy-Warren, M.H. (2008), Wherefore the Oedipus Complex in Adolescence? Its
Relevance, Evolution, and Appearance in Treatment. Studies in Gender and Sexuality,
vol. 9, no. 4: 322-348.
Ehrensaft, D. (2008) It Ain’t Over Until the Fat Lady Sings: Commentary on Wherefore
the Oedipus Complex in Adolescence? By Marsha H Levy-Warren. op.cit.:349-364.
Levy-Warren, M.H. (2008) The Oedipal Position and the Sociocultural Moment,
Therapeutic Motion, and Developmental Bedrock. op. cit.: 365-369.
Tyson, P. & R, (1990), The history of the developmental perspective in psychoanalysis
[chapter 1] and The theory of the developmental process [chapter 2], pp 7-37 in
Psychoanalytic Theories of Development. New Haven: Yale University Press.
3. (February 13) How is the advent of puberty a transformational experience from a
developmental standpoint?
Levy-Warren, M. (1996) Adolescent development (Chapter1:3-29), Early adolescent
genitality (Chapter 2:35-65). In The Adolescent Journey: Development, Identity
Formation, and Psychotherapy.
Loewald, H. (1980) The waning of the Oedipus Complex. (chapter 23-384-404) in Papers
on Psychoanalysis. New Haven: Yale University Press.
What is the significance of masturbation and bodily ownership in development?
Blos, P. (1962) Masturbation. On Adolescence. chapter 4: 159-169.
Laufer, M. (1968) The body-image, the function of masturbation, and adolescence:
Problems of Ownership of the Body. PSC .vol. 23:114-137.
4. (February 20) What distinguishes female pubertal development?
Garrod et. al. (1992) Courting danger, in Adolescent Portraits, pp 19-47.
Hillman, A. On being thirteen.
Shopper, M. (1979) The (re)discovery of the vagina and the importance of the menstrual
tampon. In M. Sugar, (ed.) Female Adolescent Development: 214-233.
5. (February 27) What distinguishes male pubertal development?
Bell, A. (1964) The significance of the scrotal sac and testicles for the prepuberty male.
Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 34: 182-206.
Moravia, A. (1950) Agostino. Two Adolescents, 3-110.
6. (March 6) What do we mean by the advent of adolescent sexuality in adolescents and
in their families?
Katan, A (1951) The role of “displacement” in agoraphobia. IJPsa:32:41-50.
Levy-Warren, MH (2001) A contemporary look: adolescents and the incest taboo. JICAP,
Vol 1, no. 4: 123-140.
Levy-Warren, M (1996) Middle adolescent genitality: gender and sexuality in the world
of peers (chapter 3: 69-100). The Adolescent Journey: Development, Identity Formation,
and Psychotherapy.
7. (March 13) What is the nature of the adolescent separation/individuation process?
Blos, P. (1967) The second individuation process of adolescence. PSC. 22:162-186.
Levy-Warren, M.H. (1999) I am, you are, and so are we: a current perspective on
adolescent separation/individuation theory," Adolescent Psychiatry, volume 24: 3-24.
8. (March 27) What are some of the lasting psychic structural transformations of
Freud, A. (1958) Adolescence. PSC. 13: 255-278.
Jacobson, E. (1961). Adolescent moods and the remodeling of the psychic structures in
adolescence. PSC. 16: 164-183.
Kaplan, L.J. (1996). The stepchild of psychoanalysis, adolescence. American Imago.
9. (April 3) What is the importance of the ego ideal in development [and in life]?
Blos, P. (1974) The genealogy of the ego-ideal. PSC, vol. 29: 43-88.
Levy-Warren, M. H. (1996) Late adolescent genitality: adult identifications and the
mature ego ideal (chapter 4: pp. 103-130), op. cit.
10. (April 10) How does culture enter into a schema for development and in orientations
toward treatment?
De Vito, E., Novick, J., Novick, K, K. (2000) Cultural Interferences with Listening to
Adolescents. Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, vol. 2: 77-100 (with
Levy-Warren commentary).
Levy-Warren, M. (1996) Mature ethnocultural identity: Leaving home, belonging,
finding a place (chapter 5: pp. 131-149). op. cit.
Marans, S. (2008) Fear and Trauma: Challenges to Listening and Hearing. Journal of
Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, vol. 7. no.s 3-4:165-175.
Levy-Warren, MH (1994) Child‘s play amidst chaos, vol. 51:3: 359-368.
11. (April 17) How do we conceptualize the superego in light of contemporary
developmental and cultural considerations?
Settlage, C.S. (1972) Cultural values and the superego in late adolescence. PSC, vol. 27:
Schafer, R. (1960). The loving and beloved superego in Freud’s structural theory. PSC.
vol V: 163-188.
12. (April 24) What are some of the basic principles for doing developmentally-informed
treatment with adolescents?
Levy-Warren (1996) Adolescent psychotherapy: beginning, middle, and end (chapter 6:
pp. 155-187); Frozen at the brink: An early adolescent’s wish not to see (chapter 8: pp.
205-228); A middle adolescent’s wish to stay at home (chapter 9: pp. 229-252), op. cit.
Meeks, J.E. & Bernet, W. (1970) The therapeutic alliance with the adolescent, in The
Fragile Alliance. pp. 68- 97.
13. (May 1) What is the nature of the treatment relationship with adolescents?
Levy-Warren, MH (2005) To weep, to laugh, to mourn, to dance: Key factors for
therapeutic change in the clinical exchange with an adolescent girl. Journal of Infant,
Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy: 4(4):351-372.
Siegler,A. et al. (1995) Searching for Common Ground: The New Pluralism,
Psychoanalytic Review, 82 (4): pp. 497-533.
Winnicott, D.W. (1971) The Use of an Object and Relating through Identifications, in
Playing and Reality, pp. 86-94.
14. (May 8) What are some of the current diagnostic/ historical issues that we need to
consider in treating adolescents?
Fonagy, P, Gergely, G, Jurist, E.L, and Target, M. (2002) Developmental issues in
normal adolescence and adolescent breakdown. In Affect Regulation, Mentalization, and
the Deevelopment of the Self, New York: Other Press.
Levy-Warren, M H (2008) In a Fast-Moving Thicket: Treating Adolescents Today. , op.
cit: 192-198.
Levy-Warren, MH and Levy-Warren, A (2005) I am/might be/am not my diagnosis: a
look at the use and misuse of diagnoses in adolescence. Journal of Infant, Child, and
Adolescent Psychotherapy: 4(3): 282-29
[optional] What are some of the typical pathological issues that arise in adolescence?
Director, L. (2000) Understanding and treating substance abuse: systems, families, and
individual meaning. The Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent, Psychotherapy .
volume 1: 97-113.
Mogul, S. L (1980) Asceticism in adolescence and anorexia nervosa, in The
Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, vol 35: pp. 155-175.
15. (May 15) How is adolescence represented in adult treatment?
Blos, P., Jr. (1990) Adolescent fixation in adult psychopathology, in Child and
Adolescent Analysis: Its Significance for Clinical Work with Adults,, edited by Scott
Dowling, APA Association, pp. 67-79.
Jacobs, T.J. (2000) Early adolescence and its consequences, in Journal of Infant, child,
and Adolescent Psychotherapy, pp. 135-157.
Novick, J. (1990) The Significance of adolescent analysis for clinical work with adults, in
Dowling, op. cit., pp. 81-94.
Tyson, P. (1990) The adolescent process and adult treatment, in Dowling, op. cit., pp. 95105.