Momocon Costume contest rules

Momocon 2015 Craftsmanship Costume Contest Rules & Guidelines (See page 2 for Entry Form)
Contestants can only enter in one of the following categories:
a. Individual Masters Level (3 or more craftsmanship awards in the contestant’s career)
b. Individual Journeyman Level (1 or more craftsmanship awards in the contestant’s career)
c. Individual Novice Level (0 craftsmanship awards in the contestant’s career)
d. Kids-Individual (age 12 or under, exempt from the 60% rule)
e. Kids-Duo (both entrants must be from the same series and be of age 12 or under. Entrants are exempt from the 60% rule)
f. *Kids-Group (½ the members or more of the group must be age 12 or under, kids in the group are exempt from the 60% rule)
g. Best Duo (must be from the same series)
h. *Best Group (must be from the same series)
i. Walk-On Only (non-judged and will only be walking at the Catwalk. See separate Walk-On entry form)
*Due to the unpredictable size of groups, a prize for each member cannot be guaranteed. We will try our best to ensure that everyone gets something.
The judging is only guaranteed for the first 100 entrants signed-up before 3pm Saturday of the convention. Groups count as 1 entrant
and only need to fill out one form. Stand-by entrants will only be judged if time permits.
All entry forms must be submitted physically to the pre-judging room A-304(3rd Level) no earlier than 2:00 pm Friday of con.
Look for the signage. Entry forms may be obtained from or from the contest registration table (beginning on Friday
at 2:30pm room A-304(3rd Level). Judging occurs in the same room, room A-304(3rd Level) starting 10:00am Sat of convention.
Catwalk line-up begins in the Sidney Marcus Auditorium 6:30 pm Sat of convention. A sign-up receipt or walk-on entry form
will be required for entry.
Entrants may be disqualified for improperly, illegibly, or dishonestly filling out the contest entry form.
Contestants are expected to show up for judging no earlier than the time range indicated on their receipt. Due to the dynamic nature of
judging, actual judging time may be later than indicated. Contestants are not expected to stay in the waiting area if their number is not
close to being called due to delays. Each contestant is required to have their entry form’s receipt for judging and the catwalk
Costumes that have won Craftsmanship awards (including Group) at other conventions or past MomoCon’s are prohibited from
entering as anything other than Walk-On. Entrants that have won performance/skit based awards can still enter with those costumes.
Contestants must have made over 60% of their costume and props to be eligible to compete as anything other than walk-on.
Another party may model the costume, but said maker must be present during pre-judging. Entrants into the Kids category are
exempt from this rule.
All judging will be done before the Catwalk, off-stage, and focuses solely on craftsmanship. The detailed criteria and weighting of
scores are completely up to the judges. There is no skit/performance portion to judging or the catwalk.
The catwalk is optional for all judged entrants. In the event of running over time, Judged entrants will have priority over walk-on
entrants in regards to line order.
10. To be judged for accuracy a visual reference can be turned in with the application. Preferably a front-side-back color picture printed
on 8.5 x 11 paper. Bringing electronic media or video devices to judging will not be accepted. This is not required. You may not be
eligible for accuracy points if the judges are not familiar with your character. References submitted will not be returned.
11. All costumes and props must conform to MomoCon’s behavior, safety, and prop weapon policies.
12. Costumes must be self-contained. I.E. props and items not held or worn by the contestant will not count towards the costume.
13. No nudity. No costume is no costume.
14. No profane, political, disruptive, or religious statements during the catwalk. This includes messages on signs or clothes.
15. Do not use any sort of projectile at all! Nothing may leave your person while you are on the catwalk. No flashpots, explosive devices,
smoke generators, or similar special effects are to be used.
16. Entrants with large elaborate costumes may bring handlers to assist them onto, across, and off the stage. Momocon cannot guarantee
it will have enough staff to assist all entrants.
17. Contestants will have time to walk across the stage and strike three poses for the audience at the Catwalk.
18. Violation of the rules may result in disqualification and possible removal from the convention grounds if it is safety related.
19. MomoCon, unfortunately, cannot secure or hold any personal items for contestants who take part in the Catwalk. The staff
recommends you leave your bags, merchandise, ID’s, keys, and wallets with a trusted friend or family beforehand.
MomoCon 2015 Craftsmanship Costume Contest Registration Form
If you are only interested in walking at the Costume Catwalk, fill out the Walk-On only form instead. Otherwise, enter you or
your groups’ info on both the top and bottom sections of this form except the shaded-in areas marked “Staff Entry Only”. Print
clearly. Illegible entries may be rejected. Groups/Duos must share the same form. Read the contest’s rules and weapon
policy. E-mail addresses will only be used to contact winners if they are not at the (optional) costume catwalk. This form is to
be turned in at the contest pre-judging room, A-304(3rd Level), no earlier than 2:00pm Fri of con. Look for the signage.
Contestant(s) Info
First & Last Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________________
E-mail (optional): ______________________________________________________
I have read & understand the contest rules: (circle one):
CONTESTANT #: ________________
Category Info (circle one)
Best Duo
Judging Time: Saturday of Convention
Best Group Costume
Costume Info
Did you/your group make over 60% of your costume(s)? (circle one) YES
10:00 –10:59
11:00 –11:59
1:30 – 2:29
2:30 – 3:29
12:30 – 1:29
3:30 – 4:00 (non-guaranteed standby)
If NO, who are you modeling it for? (Maker must be present at judging or costume
is invalid for entry)___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Series Name (Which anime, movie, game, show is it from) or Original Design:__________________________________________________
Character Name(s):___________________________________________________________________________________________________
OPTIONAL: Tell us about your costume:_________________________________________________________________________________
CONTESTANT #__________
Judging Time (Sat of Convention):
10:00 –10:59
2:30 – 3:29
11:00 –11:59
12:30 – 1:29
1:30 – 2:29
3:30- 4:00 (non-guaranteed standby)
First & Last Name(s)_________________________________________________________________________________________________
Character Name(s)__________________________________________________________________________________________________
Series or Original Design Name(s)______________________________________________________________________________________
Pre-judging is located at room A-306(3rd level). Show up no earlier than the indicated time-slot on Saturday. Stand-bys will only be
judged time permitting.
Line-up for the optional Costume Catwalk begins at 6:30 pm in the Sidney Marcus Auditorium. Catwalk entries will only be accepted
until 7:30pm.