Queensland Health Emergency Personal Protective Equipment Stockpile Queensland Health (QH) has a reserve of personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used, where appropriate, in events of state and national significance e.g. pandemic. In addition to the QH Emergency PPE Stockpile, the Commonwealth is currently reviewing medical stockpile management arrangements and a decision has been made by the Australia Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) to pre-position frequently used PPE (surgical masks, eye-protection, gloves, and gowns) within each jurisdiction. P2/N95 masks will continue to be managed centrally due to low turnover rates within jurisdictions. Authority to release the stock The authority to release the QH emergency PPE stockpile to other Queensland Health distribution centres and Queensland Health Public Hospitals sits with the Chief Health Officer (CHO). This stock will not be released to Private facilities or other entities unless approved by the CHO. The authority to release the National Medical Stockpile sits with the Commonwealth. Oversight of the QH Emergency PPE stockpile Health Services Queensland (HSQ) has responsibility for managing the PPE stockpile in consultation with key stakeholders. To ensure that the PPE stockpile is managed effectively a PPE Stockpile Reference Group has been established. Membership of this group includes: Warehouse Manager, Richlands, HSQ Communicable Diseases Infection Management, Communicable Diseases Unit Nursing Director, Incident Management and Pandemic Planning, Communicable Diseases Unit Director, Counter Disaster and Major Events This group meets quarterly and their purpose is to: Ensure that the PPE stockpile is appropriate and agile to allow for changing/emerging/ or new threats Review stock management on a regular basis Ensure collaboration with Hospital and Health Services Ensure that deployment activities are planned and meet the needs of the Queensland Health Public Hospitals Achieve value for money Ensure that existing PPE contracts and Standing Offer Arrangements are current Make recommendations to the CHO, the Deputy Director General (DDG) and the National Medical Stockpile Advisory Committee Composition of QH Emergency PPE Stockpile Following consultation with Hospital and Health Service Infection Prevention and Control Practitioners and Disaster Managers, table 1 is a summary of additional PPE reserves: Table 1: Summary PPE reserves SUMMARY P2 MASKS SURGICAL MASKS LONG SLEEVED GOWNS GOGGLES Management of the Stockpile The stockpile is managed by the HSQ and the Richlands warehouse by adding the above quantities of stock to the existing Min/Max levels for those items. The increase in the new minimum level against the current levels represents the stockpile, and becomes the new reorder point for each item. Stock is rotated as normal, on a First-In-First-Out basis, to ensure no stock becomes obsolete. The current levels allow for adequate rotation within the existing shelf-life for each of the products allowing for the proper and safe rotation within their expiry date. The cost of this additional PPE is incorporated within HSQ’s day-to-day management of stock within the Richlands Warehouse. Richlands Warehouse will only release these quantities of PPE upon specific request from the Chief Health Officer. HSQ will be alerted immediately of any situations where the use of the emergency PPE stockpile may be needed. Distribution centres and HHSs will then be notified and advised how to access the emergency PPE stockpile. Reimbursement of Costs Costs incurred with the procurement and delivery of PPE during an event of state or national significance will be met from within existing budgets until other financial provisions are made and implemented. HHSs and divisions should open or use an existing cost centre e.g. pandemic influenza cost centre and maintain an accurate and timely record of all expenditure throughout the event. This is especially important if there is a decision made to reimburse expenses. Additional information Please refer to the following documents for additional information in relation to PPE stockpiles: Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic influenza (AHMMPI): http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/ohp-ahmppi.htm Queensland Health Disaster Plan: http://www.health.qld.gov.au/publications/clinicalpractice/guidelines-procedures/diseases-infection/diseases/influenza/queensland-healthdisaster-plan.pdf Queensland Health Pandemic Influenza Plan: http://www.health.qld.gov.au/publications/clinical-practice/guidelines-procedures/diseasesinfection/diseases/influenza/influenza-pandemic-plan.pdf Pandemic influenza: Infection prevention and control: http://www.health.qld.gov.au/clinicalpractice/guidelines-procedures/diseases-infection/diseases/influenza/pandemic/default.asp Ebola virus disease (EVD) – Information for staff: http://qheps.health.qld.gov.au/cdu/diseases/ebola/home.htm Process for accessing Ebola virus disease PPE stockpile: http://qheps.health.qld.gov.au/cdu/docs/ebola-ppe-stockpile.pdf Contact us For further information email pandemic_cdu@health.qld.gov.au